A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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BIR—BLE [18] BLE—BLOBird <strong>of</strong> Paradise. Buruiig-supan, buningdewata,Blemish, scar. Parut.mauuk-dewata, paksi-dcwata, Blench, start. KAjut.eApali-raja.Blend, to mingle toge<strong>the</strong>r. Champur,Bird-lime. Pulut, gatah.bawur, cliampurkan, bawurkan, lakor,Bird's-nest (a). Sai-ung-bm-ung. This is padu.also <strong>the</strong> name given to <strong>the</strong> esculent Blended, commingled. Champur, bawur,swallow's nest.champur-bawar, ulam, lakor, padu.Bii-ma. Awak, Barma.Bless, to bestow a benediction. Dastuwi,Birmese. Banna.sampana.Birth. Pflranakan, paruakan, pranakau, Bless, to make happy. Barkati, mambSrkati,kajadian, I'ahir.Birth, rank by descent. Kajadian, bangsa, mambftrkatkan.Blessing, a benediction. Sampana.Blessing, happiness. Barkat.asal.Birth (abortive). Guguran.Blind. Buta.Birth (after). Urai.Blind (to). Butakan, mambutakan.Bishop at chess. Gajali.Blindness. Kabutiian.Bit, morsel. Suwab, suwap.Blink, to wink. Kaj ep, mangaj cp, lawang.Bit, small piece. Gumpal, krat, patah, Blink, glance. Kajep.papatah, rinchik, rapih.Barkat.Bliss, felicity.Bit <strong>of</strong> a bridle. Kakang, kang, k<strong>and</strong>'ali. Blister, pustule. Bintil.Bitch. Anjing-batina.Bli<strong>the</strong>, gay. Gdmbira, ramai.Bite (to). Gigigit, bargigit, mS,uggigit. Bloated, tm-gid. Bangkak, mongkil.Bite (a). Gigit.Block, shapeless mass <strong>of</strong> wood. Gembol,Bite (to make to). Bargigitkan, mauggigitkan.glend'ong, puntung.Block (an artificer's, to work on). L<strong>and</strong>'asan.Bite as a snake (to). Pagut, mamagut, Block, pulley. Kdri.patixk, mamatuk.Block, to shut up. M.inumpat, tumpatkau,Biting, pungent. Pad'as.maniunpatkiln.Bitter. Pait.Blocked, shut up. Tumpat.Bitter, astringent. Sapat.Blocadc, to shut up. Rabat, tumpatkan,B tumen. Miuak-tanah.manumpatkan.Blab, to let out secrets. Bochor, mAmbochor.Blockhead, dolt. Bod'oh, blilu.Blockhead, fool, aa a term <strong>of</strong> abuse.Blabbing. Bochor.Kaparat.Black. Itam.Blood. D;u-ah.Black cattle. Jawi, sapi, lAmbu.Blood, progeny. Anak, darali.Blacken (to). Itamkan, mangitamkan. Blood, lineage. Darah, tm-unan, katurunan,Blacksmith. P<strong>and</strong>-ai, p<strong>and</strong>'e, tukang-basi. turuu-manurun, saturunan.Bladder. TS,mpat-k!inching.Blood, extraction. Bangsa.Bladder (region <strong>of</strong>). ^ Ari-ari.Blood (to let). Buwang-darah, sanggi-ah.Blade, as <strong>of</strong> grass. Alai.Blood-red. Murab.Blade <strong>of</strong> a weapon. Bilah, mata.Bloodshed, murder. Bunohan, pambunohan,Blade-bone. Balikat.parbunolian.Blain, blotch. Bintil, bisul.Blood-vessel. Urat-darah.Blamablc, culpable. Salah, barsalah; Blood-wite, fine for blood. Tapung-bumi,barsalahan.Blame, to censure. Upat, maualahkrm, barsalahkAn,tflpung-tawar-bimii, diyat.Bloody, stained with blood. Bardarah.parsalahkan, manch

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