A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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ALA—AMP [12] Amp—AsTAla. Towards, pointing to, in a direc-^ tion to.Anto approach.^to bring near to.Alai. idiomatic term used in the Ampirkan, r. Ampiri.counting of certain objects which are Ampu (jAv). A blacksmith.tliin and tenuous, or long and slender, Ampus. To wipe out, to efface, to exasa leaf, a sheet, a feather, a hair, &c.^ punge, to blot out ; v. Apus.V. Lai. The original meaning of the Auiput. To beat, to knock against ; to^ word has not been traced.copulate.Alai-balai. Neglectful, careless.Aucliok (bat). To stab, to pierce.Alang (j. ulang). The fishing eagle, An dab. To eavesdrop, to listen clandes-Fulco 'pondicerianus.Alba. Name of an aromatic seed.Aleja (t). Name of a kind of stripedsilk cloth ; v. Leja.Ama. Mother ; dam ; v. Ama and Ma.Ama. A weavel.Amas (j). Gold ; v. Amas and Mas.Amba. A slave ; a servant ; the pei--sonal pronoun of the fii-st person,addressing a superior.Amba-mu. A personal pronoun of thefirst person, addressing a superior;literally, " your slave, your servant."Amba-tuwan. A personal pronoun of thefirst person ; literally, " loi-d or master'sservant, or slave."Ambalang. To tumble, to fall downtumbling.Ambalu (j). Lac ; v. Ambalu.Ambat. To pursue, to chase.Ambat. To obstruct, to thwart.Ambat. To beat, to strike, to thrash.Ambok (j). Mother ; lady, mistress.Ambor. Shed, strewn, scattered.Amboran. Shedding, strewing, scattering.Amborkan. To shed, to strew, to scatter.Ambun (j). Dew; v. Bun.Ambus. To blow, to make a current of air.Ambusan. Bellows.Ambusi. To blow, to drive a current of air.Ampa. Hollow, void ; v. Ampa.Am pang. Across, athwart.Ampar. To spread, to be expanded so^ as to cover.Amparan. A covering that spreads outa carpet, a floor mat.Amparkan. To spread out so as to cover.Anipas. Refuse, dregs, dross.Anipas. To writhe, to struggle.Ampas-pulas. To writhe, to struggle.Ampat. Four; v. Ampat.Amp&du. Gall, bile ; the gall-bladder.Ampadu-bruwang. Name of a plant,Brucea sumatrana ; literally, "bear's. gall."Ampas. To dash down, to fling down.Araping. Name of a dish composed ofrice and fried coconut kernel.Ampir. Near, nigh ; well nigh, nearly,almost; to be near, to draw near, toapproach.Ampiran. Nearness, closeness.Auipir-ampir. Very near, very close.Ainpiri. To approach, to come neai- totinely.Andai. Companion, associate, friend,^ comrade.Andak. To desire, to wish; to intend,to mean, to design ; must ; ought,should ; to behove, to be meet, to be. fit.Aniug (j). Limpid, clear, not turbid.Anta (bat). Brackish, somewhat salt.Antam (s). To knock, to strike; to co-^ pulate.Antar. To lie about, to be dispersed.Autar. Sent, despatched ; couvej'ed,transported ; to send, to convey.Autarkan. To send, to despatch; toconvey, to transport ; to escort.Antar-Autai'an. A gift, a present; theobject sent ; a present from the bridegroomto his fatheriu-law.^Anti (j). To cease, to stop; to halt.^ This root, as such, is not in use.Antikan. To stop, to hinder from pro-^ ceeding ; to ai-rcst, to stop.Arimau. The royal tiger; a genericname for the larger animals of the^ feline family ; v. Rimau.Arimau-akar. Name of a small specieaof leopard ; literally, " the climber orBcandent plant tiger."Arimau-balar. Name of a small varietyof the royal tiger; literally, "the^ albino tiger."Arimau-dahan. Name of a small speciesof leopard; literally, "the branch ortwig tiger."Arimau-kumbang. The black leopard ;an occasional variety of the commonleopard ; literally, " the black-beecolouredtiger."Arimau-talap. The common leopard,Felis leopardus. Talap is a " perfume^ box."Arimau-trungkasau. The royal tiger.The sense of the epithet has not beenascertained.Arimau-tunggal. The royal tiger, Felistigris ; literally, the " one or unique^ tiger."AstS-miwa. Specially, especially, parti-^ cularly, above all, chiefly.AstAnji. Incense.

^ADAT (a). Custom, usage; mode,fashion ; rite, ceremony.-4 adat-aadat (a). Traditionary laws, customarylaws.^adatkan. To accustom, to habituate..4adTl (a). Just, equitable, upright;justice..

^ADAT (a). Custom, usage; mode,fashion ; rite, ceremony.-4 adat-aadat (a). Traditionary laws, customarylaws.^adatkan. To accustom, to habituate..4adTl (a). Just, equitable, upright;justice..

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