A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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ULU-UMP [ 202 ]UMU—UNGUlu (j). The head ; liead, upper or forepartUmum (a). Common,Amum.general; uncertain,;interior <strong>of</strong> a country distinguisliedindefinite; v.from <strong>the</strong> sea-board ; a fountain; <strong>the</strong> source <strong>of</strong> a river; hilt, h<strong>and</strong>le, Uuam. A snail, Murcx.Unak. Name <strong>of</strong> a prickly plant.heft. It is rarely used in <strong>Malay</strong> to expressUnan (ben). A fair, a periodical market.<strong>the</strong> head <strong>of</strong> an animal, <strong>and</strong> neverin Javanese, but in Sunda it is <strong>the</strong> Unchang. A scrip, a little bag, a purse.usual word.Undan. The pelican, Pelicanv^ onocrotolos.Uluati. The pit <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> stomach ; literally," <strong>the</strong> fountain or source <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Undang (j). To call, to summon, toheart."Ulu-ayar. A water-head, a fountain, ainvite.Undangan. A call, a summons ; an invitation.spi-ing ; name <strong>of</strong> a river on <strong>the</strong> northwesterncoast <strong>of</strong> Borneo.Uhibalang. A chosen warrior, a championprobably derived from <strong>the</strong> words ulu,meaning " front," <strong>and</strong> balang, " tothrow, pitch, or cast."TJlubangsa (j <strong>and</strong> s). A tribe, a familyliterally, " source <strong>of</strong> family or race."Ulun. I, we. It is used by <strong>the</strong> people <strong>of</strong>Patani, on <strong>the</strong> eastern side <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>peninsula.Ulung (jAv). The ^fishing eagle, Falcopondierianus ; v. Alang.UnjamkAn. To stick in, to fix, toUlur. A legal fine or mulct; loss <strong>of</strong> plant.personal liberty in expiation <strong>of</strong> a Unjuk (j). To show, to exhibit; to represent,crime.Ulur (j). To veer, to let out ; to give to submit; to present, to <strong>of</strong>lfer ;to stretch out, to extend.rope, to pay rope.Unjur. To extend or stretch out <strong>the</strong>Ulurkan. To slacken, to make slack ; to limbs.cause to hang down ; to leng<strong>the</strong>n, to Unta (s). A camel. This quadruped isprolong by letting out ; to stretch out wholly unknown except by name, inas <strong>the</strong> h<strong>and</strong>.Uma. Dry arable l<strong>and</strong>, dry field distinguishedfrom watered or irrigated laud.Its correlative is sawah ; a cultivatedfield, arable l<strong>and</strong> ; to reap corn.Uma (s). The Hindu goddess Dewi, <strong>the</strong>consort <strong>of</strong> Mahadewa. The Javanesenative <strong>dictionary</strong> gives widyadari, or" a Hindu celestial nymph," as its synonyme.Umah (jAV). A house, a dwelling, aresidence. This is, no doubt, <strong>the</strong>same as <strong>the</strong> <strong>Malay</strong> rumah <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> samemeaning.Umar (a). The Caliph Omar, <strong>the</strong> thirdin succession to Mahomet; v. Am.a.r.Umat (a), a sect, people <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> samereligion; v. Amat.Umbang (bat). Distant, far away.Umbara (jay). Tiic firmament.Umbi. A tap, or spindle root.Umbi. Tassel, fringe ; v. Ombai.Umpak (jAV). Base, foundation, pedestal,st<strong>and</strong>.Umpan (j. ampan). A bait.Umpfit (jAV). To hide, to conooal ; tokeep secret.Ump.ltan. A secret.Umpuhan. Flood, inundation ; v. Anipuhan.Undang-balik. To call back, to recal.Unde. Lot, die ; v. Onde.Undur. To recede, to retreat, to fallback ; to retire, to withdraw.Undurkan. To cause to retreat, to repel,to repulse, to drive back.Und'ang (j). To comm<strong>and</strong>, to decree,to ordain.Und"ang-und"ang. Comm<strong>and</strong>s, decrees,ordinances, edicts, proclamations.UnjAm. Stuck in, fixed in, planted.every part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Archipelago.Untal (j). To swallow without mastication.Untang-anting. To swing, to wave to<strong>and</strong> fro hanging loosely, to waver.Until. A pellet ; small instalments inpayment <strong>of</strong> a debt.Unting. To throw, to pitch, to cast, totoss.Untung (j). Fortune, luck, chance, lotaccident ; destiny ;gain, pr<strong>of</strong>it, advantageprosperity.;Untungkan. To prosper, to make prosperous,to favour.Untung-bayik. Good fortune, good luck,prosperity.Untung-jahat. Ill-luck, adver.'iity.Untung-malang. Bad luck, that is, literally," cross fortune."Untut. Leprosy, elephantiasis.Unus (j). To draw, to pull out ; todraw a weapon ; to draw or manufacturewire.Unggas. Wild fowl, fowls <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> air,birds generally.Unggul (ben). To nod, to decline <strong>the</strong>licad ; to pitch as a ship.Unggul (bat). To run, to gallop.Ungu (j. wungu). Purple; it is alsoapplied to a reddish brown colour.

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