A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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TUD-—TUK [ 106 ]TUK—TULTud'ung-priyuk. Name of a fish ; literally," pot-lid fish."Tud'ung-sala. Name of a large snake ;literally, "hooded snake of space orinterval."Tud'ung-sand'uk. The cobra, or hoodedsnake ; literally, " the snake with theladle-shaped hood."Tufii- (a). Help, aid ;giiidance, leading.Tugar (j). Tillage without irrigation,dry field culture.TugAl (JAV). To lop, to cut off.Tugor. To address, to accost ; v. Tdgor.Tugu (jAv). A column, a pillar; aboundary mark, terminus.Tuguk. A gulp ; to gulp.Tuhan. The lord, god, the creator. Theword in this sense is always writtenwith the aspirate, to distinguish itfrom ttian or tuwan, " lord " or " master,"which is obviously the primitivemeaning. There is no word in thenative languages for the deity, as mightbe expected, and this Malay wordwhich is now current throughout theArchipelago seems to have been adoptedby the apostles of Mahomedanism.Tuhu (jAv). True, sincere; just, upright.Tuju (j). To aim, to level at, to direct,to point against ; to regard, to looktowards ; to aim, to attempt, to endeavour; aim, direction ; course, progressaim, endeavour; towards, in a directionto.Tujlian. The object aimed at ; a mark,Tukang-chukor. A barber, a shaver.Tukang-dapur. A cook.Tukang-gambar. A painter, a delineator.Tukang-gurinda. A cutler.Tukang-jaib. A tailor.Tukang-kanan. First mate of a ship.Tukang-kapal. A shipwright.Tukang-kaj'u. A carpenter, a joiner.Tukang-kiri. Second mate of a ship.Tukang-kris. A kris-maker.Tukang-kumbah (jav). A washer; afuller.Tukang-larik. A turner.Tukang-mas. A goldsmith.Tukang-mariam. A cannonier, a gunner.Tukang-parampuan. A procuress; a pimp.Tukang-tanun. A weaver.Tukang-ubat. A doctor, a physician.Tukang-wayang. An actor, a player.Tukar (jav). To quarrel, to brawl, todispute, to wrangle.Tukaran. Quarrel, brawl, dispute, altercation.Tukar. To change, to shift, to alter;to barter; change, shift, alteration; exchange,barter.Tukarkan. To exchange, to barter.Tukar-manukar. Barter, bartering, makingexchanges.Tukar-chinchin. To betroth, to contractfor a marriage ; literally, " to exchangerings."Tukas. To accuse, to charge with anoffence ; accusation.Tukal (j). A hank, a skein.Tukal. Contradiction, incongruity; uncertainty.a butt, a target.Tujuh. Seven.Tuku (j. to buy?). A shop, a workshop.Tujuh-blas. Seventeen.Tujvih-puluh. Seventy.Tukuh. To pin do-wn, to make fastTujuh-ratus. Seven hundred.the contrivance for attaching a MalayanTujuh-ribu. Seven thousand.vessel's rudder.Tukak (bat). A soi-e, an ulcer; an imposthume.Tukul. To strike, to beat ; v. Pukul.Tukun. Rocks in the sea visible aboveTukal. To dibble, to plant by dibbling water ; a reef, a chain of rocks.or making holes for the seed.Tukung. Having the hair croi^ped ;Tukang (j). An artificer, an arti.st, a bare, naked, without wood.Wright, a craftsman, a manufacturer; Tula. Three days hence, the second dayan adopt ; master or mate of a ship. after to-morrow.In the native Javanese dictionary, the Tulad-an (j). Model ; exemplar, patternword "juru" is given as its syuonyme, for imitation ; v. Talad'an.which is gencrallj', but not always, Tulah. A judgment, a curse, a maledictiontrue in Malay also.for impiety or sacrilege.Tukangan. Art, trade, craft.Tulak (jav). The practice of certainTukang-agung. A master artificer, or ceremonies to avert evil. The word ismanufacturer.probably the same as the next.Tukang-basuh. A washer ; a fuller, Tulak (j). To shove, to push ;to propel,washerman; washerwoman.to push forward ; to push b}% to thrustTukang-bata. A bricklayer, a mason. aside ; to deduct or subtract ; to sail,Tukaug-batu. A stonemason.to put to sea ; that is, to push fromTukang-basi. A blacksmith.shore ; v. Tolak.Tukang-chat. A painter.Tnlakkfln. To repel, to drive back; toTukang-chahip. A dyer.avert, to turn off; to expel, to eject;

TUL—TUM [ 197 ]TUM—TUNto discharge, to dismiss, to removefrom place or office.Tulak-bara. Ballast ; v. Tolak-bara.Tulak-sanjata. A ransom paid to averthostility; literally, "averting arms."Tulang. A hone ;bone ; a cubit, reckoningfrom the elbow to the wrist.Tulang-kring. The shin-bone; literally," the di-y bone," perhaps from beingless covered with flesh than any other.Tulang-muda. Gristle, cartilage j literally," young bone."Tulayan (s). A fisherman ; v. Nalayanand Nalayan.Tuli. Deaf, hard of hearing.Tulih. To look askance, to leer.Tulis (j). To draw, to delineate, topaint, to picture, to figure ; to write,to represent by letters ; drawing, delineation: writing.Tulisan. A drawing, a delineation ; awriting ; a picture.Tuluk. An esaminatiou of weights andmeasures by authority.Tulung (j). Help, aid, assistance, support,succour; to help, to aid, to assist, tosupport, to succour, to second.Tulus (j). Sincere, true ; trusty, loyal,faithful ; sincerity ; fidelity ; trust,reliance.Tulus (j). Prosperous, fortunate ;prosperity.Turn (dct. toom). A bridle.Tuma (j). A tick ; a louse.Tumandang (j). According to, agreeablyto.Tumandur. Name of a Malay principalityon the western coast of Borneo.Tumbung-bulu. Name of a plant. CanthiumCornelia.Tumbang-lichin. Name of a plant. Canthiumhorridum.Tumolok. The craw or crop of a bird.Tumis. To stew, to seeth ; a dish cookedby seething.Tumit. The heel.Tumpah. To spill, to shed, to pour out.Tumpang (j). To be accommodated withroom in a house for person or goods;to be accommodated with carriage ortransport by land; to be accommodatedwith passage or freight ; tolodge, to dwell in a lodging.Tumpangan. Accommodation ; lodgingstore-room ; carriage, transport ;passage,freight.Tumpat. Choked, stopped up ; crowded,filled with people.Tumpatkan. To shut up, to close; tochoke, to block up ; to suppress, toconceal.Tumpas (j). Exterminated, extirpated,rooted out, destroyed.Tumpaskan. To exterminate, to rootout, to destroy.Tumpu. Adjoining, adjacent, contiguous.Tumpu. To spring, to bound from theground with a spring.TumpUan. The foot-board of a bed, thebed-foot.Tumpuk (j). To heap, to pile, to stack.Tumpidian. A heap, a pile ; a stack, arick.Tumpul. Blunt, dull on the edge orpoint.Tumurun (j). To descend, to comeTumang. To forsake, to desert.down ; to alight.Tumang. A stake or post to which cattle Tun. A titular prefix to the names ofare bound.persons of inferior rank.Tumanggung (j), v. Tamanggung. Tuna (jAv). Loss; detriment.Tumbak (j). A spear, a lance, a pike Tunai. Ready money payment ;promptV. Tombak.payment ; coined money, specie ; cashTumbakkan. To spear ; to pierce or V. Tune.wound with a spear.Tunang. To betroth, to affiance, to contractTumbang. To fall, to tumble down.for a marriage.Tumbangi. To cause to fall, to throw Tunangan. The party betrothed in marriagedown ; to cast.; betrothing, marriage.Tumbeu (bat). First, earliest.Tunas. To shoot, to sprout, to vegetateTumbuh (j. tuwuh). To gi-ow, to germinate,to shoot, to vegetate ; to gi'ow, Tunam. A match, a light to kindle.a shoot, a sprout.to spring up ; to arise, to proceed, to Tunda. To be led by a halter, to bespi-ing from.towed as a vessel ; to be drifted orTumbuh an. Vegetation ; shoots, sproutsanything that spiings up ; a troop, acarried\alely ;involuntarily;v. Tonda.to follow serbandof retainers.Tunduk (j). To bow, to bend the body,Tumbuk (j). To pound, to stamp, to to stoop ; to yield, to submit. It isbray.Tumbung. Seed of plants.known in the last or figurative senseonly in Javanese.Tumbung. Prolapsiis uteri vel ani. Tundukkan. To bow, to cause to bend.Tumbung-aiiut. Name of a plant. Can- Tundukkan-d'iri. To humble oneselfIhium Rheedii.Ttmdun. Thepvhes; mons Veiieris.

TUD-—TUK [ 106 ]TUK—TULTud'ung-priyuk. Name <strong>of</strong> a fish ; literally," pot-lid fish."Tud'ung-sala. Name <strong>of</strong> a large snake ;literally, "hooded snake <strong>of</strong> space orinterval."Tud'ung-s<strong>and</strong>'uk. The cobra, or hoodedsnake ; literally, " <strong>the</strong> snake with <strong>the</strong>ladle-shaped hood."Tufii- (a). Help, aid ;giiidance, leading.Tugar (j). Tillage without irrigation,dry field culture.TugAl (JAV). To lop, to cut <strong>of</strong>f.Tugor. To address, to accost ; v. Tdgor.Tugu (jAv). A column, a pillar; aboundary mark, terminus.Tuguk. A gulp ; to gulp.Tuhan. The lord, god, <strong>the</strong> creator. Theword in this sense is always writtenwith <strong>the</strong> aspirate, to distinguish itfrom ttian or tuwan, " lord " or " master,"which is obviously <strong>the</strong> primitivemeaning. There is no word in <strong>the</strong>native <strong>language</strong>s for <strong>the</strong> deity, as mightbe expected, <strong>and</strong> this <strong>Malay</strong> wordwhich is now current throughout <strong>the</strong>Archipelago seems to have been adoptedby <strong>the</strong> apostles <strong>of</strong> Mahomedanism.Tuhu (jAv). True, sincere; just, upright.Tuju (j). To aim, to level at, to direct,to point against ; to regard, to looktowards ; to aim, to attempt, to endeavour; aim, direction ; course, progressaim, endeavour; towards, in a directionto.Tujlian. The object aimed at ; a mark,Tukang-chukor. A barber, a shaver.Tukang-dapur. A cook.Tukang-gambar. A painter, a delineator.Tukang-gurinda. A cutler.Tukang-jaib. A tailor.Tukang-kanan. First mate <strong>of</strong> a ship.Tukang-kapal. A shipwright.Tukang-kaj'u. A carpenter, a joiner.Tukang-kiri. Second mate <strong>of</strong> a ship.Tukang-kris. A kris-maker.Tukang-kumbah (jav). A washer; afuller.Tukang-larik. A turner.Tukang-mas. A goldsmith.Tukang-mariam. A cannonier, a gunner.Tukang-parampuan. A procuress; a pimp.Tukang-tanun. A weaver.Tukang-ubat. A doctor, a physician.Tukang-wayang. An actor, a player.Tukar (jav). To quarrel, to brawl, todispute, to wrangle.Tukaran. Quarrel, brawl, dispute, altercation.Tukar. To change, to shift, to alter;to barter; change, shift, alteration; exchange,barter.Tukarkan. To exchange, to barter.Tukar-manukar. Barter, bartering, makingexchanges.Tukar-chinchin. To betroth, to contractfor a marriage ; literally, " to exchangerings."Tukas. To accuse, to charge with an<strong>of</strong>fence ; accusation.Tukal (j). A hank, a skein.Tukal. Contradiction, incongruity; uncertainty.a butt, a target.Tujuh. Seven.Tuku (j. to buy?). A shop, a workshop.Tujuh-blas. Seventeen.Tujvih-puluh. Seventy.Tukuh. To pin do-wn, to make fastTujuh-ratus. Seven hundred.<strong>the</strong> contrivance for attaching a <strong>Malay</strong>anTujuh-ribu. Seven thous<strong>and</strong>.vessel's rudder.Tukak (bat). A soi-e, an ulcer; an imposthume.Tukul. To strike, to beat ; v. Pukul.Tukun. Rocks in <strong>the</strong> sea visible aboveTukal. To dibble, to plant by dibbling water ; a reef, a chain <strong>of</strong> rocks.or making holes for <strong>the</strong> seed.Tukung. Having <strong>the</strong> hair croi^ped ;Tukang (j). An artificer, an arti.st, a bare, naked, without wood.Wright, a craftsman, a manufacturer; Tula. Three days hence, <strong>the</strong> second dayan adopt ; master or mate <strong>of</strong> a ship. after to-morrow.In <strong>the</strong> native Javanese <strong>dictionary</strong>, <strong>the</strong> Tulad-an (j). Model ; exemplar, patternword "juru" is given as its syuonyme, for imitation ; v. Talad'an.which is gencrallj', but not always, Tulah. A judgment, a curse, a maledictiontrue in <strong>Malay</strong> also.for impiety or sacrilege.Tukangan. Art, trade, craft.Tulak (jav). The practice <strong>of</strong> certainTukang-agung. A master artificer, or ceremonies to avert evil. The word ismanufacturer.probably <strong>the</strong> same as <strong>the</strong> next.Tukang-basuh. A washer ; a fuller, Tulak (j). To shove, to push ;to propel,washerman; washerwoman.to push forward ; to push b}% to thrustTukang-bata. A bricklayer, a mason. aside ; to deduct or subtract ; to sail,Tukaug-batu. A stonemason.to put to sea ; that is, to push fromTukang-basi. A blacksmith.shore ; v. Tolak.Tukang-chat. A painter.Tnlakkfln. To repel, to drive back; toTukang-chahip. A dyer.avert, to turn <strong>of</strong>f; to expel, to eject;

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