A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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TIY—TOK [194] TOL—TRAToli-toli (bd). Name of a place in Ce-Tiyada-mdngapa. It matters not, nevermind.Tiyada-pdrna. Never.Tolak-bara (j).Tij'ada-sakali. Not in the least, not atall ; literally, " not once."lebes.Tij'ada-tarkera. Countless, innumerable.Tiyang (jav). A man, a human being.This word belongs to the ceremoniallanguage, and is, I have no doubt,derived from the next word, meaninga post or i^illar, a sense in which ita pike ; v. Tumbak.does not exist in Javanese.Tombong (jav). The fundament.Tiyang (j). A pole ; a post ; a shaft ; a Tombra (j). Name of a fish.pillar ; a mast.Tonda. To be led by a halter; to beTiyang-agung. The main mast, —a literal towed as a vessel; drifted, driven,translation.carried on involuntarily; to followTiyang-band'era. A flag-staflf.servilely ; v. Tunda.Tiyang-balah. The partial and incompleteTondong (bat). To dismiss, to discard ;discharge of a debt, a kind of to extrude, to drive out.bankruptcy ; literally, " split mast." Tonton (bat). To behold, to look at.Tiyang-paiiurung. The mizen mastliterally, " the shoving or pushing onmast."Tiyang-raat.A distaff.Tiyang-topang. The foremast. I have notbeen able to discover the dei-ivation ofthe last word.Tiyamiim (a). Rubbing with sand orTongkau. A fire-place consisting of threestones on which the cooking utensildust instead of the prescribed Mahomedanrests ; v. Tongku.ablutions when there is no Tongking. The kingdom of Tonquin.water.Tongkop. A canopy, a cupola.Tiyap. Every, each.Tongku, V. Tongkau.Tiyap-tiyap, v. Tiydp.Top. The designation of the smallerTiyap-ari. Daily.class of junks or vessels of ChineseTiyap-malam. Nightly, every night.build, whether Chinese, Cochinchinese,Tiydp-suwatu. Every one, each one. Siamese, or colonial.Tiyap-taiin. Yearly.Topekong. Name given by the JavaneseTiyung. Name of a bird, a starling. and Malays to the principal idol of aTiyung-batu. Name of a species of starling.Topeug (j). a mask, a visor, a vizardChinese temple.Tiyuug-blachan. Name of a species of a jplayer that acts in a mask, a masker,starling.a mummer.Tiyung-mas. Name of a species of starlingTopong (jav).or tiaraa kind of crown; literally, "the golden starling." worn by the princes of Java.Tliis is the hill minar of India, Graculareligiosa.Towak. To chip.Tiyup. To blow, to make a current ofair ; to sound as a musical wind instrument.Tiyupkan. To blow, to drive by wind ;and sense it is found in Javanese.to blow, to sound a musical wind Trah. To chip.instrument.Trah (jav). Source, root ; ancestry,Toh (jav). a stake ; a deposit at play. lineage, pedigree.Tohor. Lime, quicklime.Traju (j). A balance, scales.Tohor. Shallow, not deep; shallow, Tran. To make an effort to expel, as inintellectually superficial.the throes of parturition.Tohorkan. To run a vessel a-ground in Trang. Name of a place in the northernorder to repair her.Tohtohan (toh). Wager, bet; play, gambling.Tokak. To gnaw; ei-ysipelaa.Tokong. Shaving the head ; shaved (awoman).Tolak (j. tulak). To push, to shove ; torepel ; v. Tulak.Ballast.Tom (jav). The indigo plant, Indigoferatinctoria ; v. Tarum.Tomba (jav). Remedy, medicine, physic.Tombak (j. tumbak). A spear, a lance,Tontong. Name of a species of freshwater tortoise.Tong. A cask ; a tub.Tongkang. Name of a large kind ofboat.Tongkat. A staff, a walking-stick.Tra. Stamp, impression ; name of asmall tin coin. This is probably anabbreviation of the Sanskrit word yatra,"coin" or "monej'," in which formjiart of the Malay peninsula.Trang (j). Light ; the light ; light, notdark ; bright, cleai-, luminous ; clear,fair, serene ; clear, perspicuous, evident,plain, manifest; clear, clean, quite,entirely; v. TArang.

TRA—TEU [ 195] TRU—TUD-Trangkan. To enlighten, to illuminate ;to clear, to free from obscurity, tomake obvious or perspicuous.Trap. Name of a species of Artocarpusyielding a glutinous juice used asbirdlime.Trap (jAv). Way, manner; rule, order,precept.Tras. The heart of timber ; the choicepart of anything.Trasi (jav). A condiment of bruisedand pickled prawns and other smallfish, the blachan of the Malays.Trasub. Desire, inclination.Trate (j). The lotus flower, Nelumbiumspeciosum ; v. Tarate.Tranggalung (j), v. Tanggakmg.Trangganu. Name of a Malay state onthe eastern side of the peninsula ; v.Taranggauu.Tranggiling, v. Tarangiling.Tranggulung, v. Taranggulung.Trigata (s). Name of a personage of theRamayana, daughter of Wibisana andniece of Rawana.Trigo (for). Wheat, Triticum vulgare.Trihaya (s). Name of a son of Rawana,in the Ramayana.Trima (j), v. Tarima.Trinil (jav). A snipe, Scolopax.Tripang. The bech de mer, Holothurion ;V. Suwala.Trisirah (s). Name of a son of Rawana ;literally, "the three-beaded."Trisula (s). A trident, a three-prongedspear ; v. Tarsula.Triwaneh (s). Name of a son of Rawana,in the Ramayana.Triujung (s and j). Three-pointed; atrident.Triyak. To ciy, to roar; to make acomplaint ; v. Tariyak.Tropong (j). A blow-pipe, used chieflyas a bellows for kindling a fire ; atelescope. The name of the Europeaninstrument is obviously taken from therude native one. In Javanese the Tud-uh. To show, to point out ; toprimary meaning is not a blow-pipe, accuse, to charge, to impeach.but a weaver's shuttle.Tud-uhan. Indication ; charge, accusation.Tropong-abu. Blow-pipe for kindling a Tud'ung (j). A cover; a lid ; a hoodfire ; literally '' ashes blow-pipe."an umbrella hat, or a hat with a veryTrubuk. Name of a fish, the cured roes broad brim worn by some tribes; toof which are a large object of native cover ; to shut.trade. The chief seat of the fishery is Tud'ungan. A covering ; a hood.the river of Siak on the north-eastern Tud-ungkan. To cover, to conceal by aside of Sumatra, to which the fish covering ; to hood.resort for spawning.Tud-ung-liyar. Name of a small snake ;Ti-uk. The sound made by rending, tear-literally, " wild hooded-snake."ing, or similar disruption.Trum. To squat, to cower, to couch ; v.Tarum.Trumbu. A dangerous hidden rock inthe sea.Trumpah (j). A kind of sandals; v.Tarumpah.Truna (s). Young, youthful; a youth;V. Taruna.Truug (j. teroug). The egg plant; v.Tarung.Tiningku (jav). To imprison.Trus (j). Through, from one side to theother, right through; throughout, inevery part; thorough, complete; wholly,entirely, perfectly; to pass through,to pervade, to permeate.Trusan (j). Permeation ; a canal ; abranch stream from oue river toanother; a path leading from onevillage to another ; a thoroughfare.Trus-gunung. Name of a tree, Hartighseaexcelsa.Trus-mata. Prescience, foreknowledge,knowledge of future events ;prescient,prophetic, gifted with the power offoretelling ; foretelling.Ti-usi. Green vitriol, sulphate of iron.Trust-i. Name of a Hindu deity.Trutau.Name of an island towards thewestern end of the straits of Malacca.Tiian. Lord, master; v. Tuhan andTuwan.Tuba (j). Name of a plant the sap ofwhich stupefies fish, Dalbergia.Tuban (jav). Name of a maritime provincein the eastern part of Java.Tubat (a). Repentance, contrition ; mercyon us ! an expression of surprise.Tuber. Deep, having great depth, profound; depth, profundity ; an abyss ; aprecipice ; the precij)itous bank of ariver.Tubi-tubi.Tuboh.Successively, uninterruptedly.The body, the person.Tubok. To perforate, to bore.Tubu-tubu. A kind of kris hilt.Tucha (jav). Silk ; v. Sutra.Tud'ak. Name of a fish.Tud-ing (j). To point at with the fingerto indicate.Tud'ung-mata-ari. Name of a small yellowsnake ; literally, " hooded-snake ofthe sun."Tud'ung-panas. An awning; literally," heat-covering."

TIY—TOK [194] TOL—TRAToli-toli (bd). Name <strong>of</strong> a place in Ce-Tiyada-mdngapa. It matters not, nevermind.Tiyada-pdrna. Never.Tolak-bara (j).Tij'ada-sakali. Not in <strong>the</strong> least, not atall ; literally, " not once."lebes.Tij'ada-tarkera. Countless, innumerable.Tiyang (jav). A man, a human being.This word belongs to <strong>the</strong> ceremonial<strong>language</strong>, <strong>and</strong> is, I have no doubt,derived from <strong>the</strong> next word, meaninga post or i^illar, a sense in which ita pike ; v. Tumbak.does not exist in Javanese.Tombong (jav). The fundament.Tiyang (j). A pole ; a post ; a shaft ; a Tombra (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a fish.pillar ; a mast.Tonda. To be led by a halter; to beTiyang-agung. The main mast, —a literal towed as a vessel; drifted, driven,translation.carried on involuntarily; to followTiyang-b<strong>and</strong>'era. A flag-staflf.servilely ; v. Tunda.Tiyang-balah. The partial <strong>and</strong> incompleteTondong (bat). To dismiss, to discard ;discharge <strong>of</strong> a debt, a kind <strong>of</strong> to extrude, to drive out.bankruptcy ; literally, " split mast." Tonton (bat). To behold, to look at.Tiyang-paiiurung. The mizen mastliterally, " <strong>the</strong> shoving or pushing onmast."Tiyang-raat.A distaff.Tiyang-topang. The foremast. I have notbeen able to discover <strong>the</strong> dei-ivation <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> last word.Tiyamiim (a). Rubbing with s<strong>and</strong> orTongkau. A fire-place consisting <strong>of</strong> threestones on which <strong>the</strong> cooking utensildust instead <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> prescribed Mahomedanrests ; v. Tongku.ablutions when <strong>the</strong>re is no Tongking. The kingdom <strong>of</strong> Tonquin.water.Tongkop. A canopy, a cupola.Tiyap. Every, each.Tongku, V. Tongkau.Tiyap-tiyap, v. Tiydp.Top. The designation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> smallerTiyap-ari. Daily.class <strong>of</strong> junks or vessels <strong>of</strong> ChineseTiyap-malam. Nightly, every night.build, whe<strong>the</strong>r Chinese, Cochinchinese,Tiydp-suwatu. Every one, each one. Siamese, or colonial.Tiyap-taiin. Yearly.Topekong. Name given by <strong>the</strong> JavaneseTiyung. Name <strong>of</strong> a bird, a starling. <strong>and</strong> <strong>Malay</strong>s to <strong>the</strong> principal idol <strong>of</strong> aTiyung-batu. Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong> starling.Topeug (j). a mask, a visor, a vizardChinese temple.Tiyuug-blachan. Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong> a jplayer that acts in a mask, a masker,starling.a mummer.Tiyung-mas. Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong> starlingTopong (jav).or tiaraa kind <strong>of</strong> crown; literally, "<strong>the</strong> golden starling." worn by <strong>the</strong> princes <strong>of</strong> Java.Tliis is <strong>the</strong> hill minar <strong>of</strong> India, Graculareligiosa.Towak. To chip.Tiyup. To blow, to make a current <strong>of</strong>air ; to sound as a musical wind instrument.Tiyupkan. To blow, to drive by wind ;<strong>and</strong> sense it is found in Javanese.to blow, to sound a musical wind Trah. To chip.instrument.Trah (jav). Source, root ; ancestry,Toh (jav). a stake ; a deposit at play. lineage, pedigree.Tohor. Lime, quicklime.Traju (j). A balance, scales.Tohor. Shallow, not deep; shallow, Tran. To make an effort to expel, as inintellectually superficial.<strong>the</strong> throes <strong>of</strong> parturition.Tohorkan. To run a vessel a-ground in Trang. Name <strong>of</strong> a place in <strong>the</strong> nor<strong>the</strong>rnorder to repair her.Tohtohan (toh). Wager, bet; play, gambling.Tokak. To gnaw; ei-ysipelaa.Tokong. Shaving <strong>the</strong> head ; shaved (awoman).Tolak (j. tulak). To push, to shove ; torepel ; v. Tulak.Ballast.Tom (jav). The indigo plant, Indig<strong>of</strong>eratinctoria ; v. Tarum.Tomba (jav). Remedy, medicine, physic.Tombak (j. tumbak). A spear, a lance,Tontong. Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong> freshwater tortoise.Tong. A cask ; a tub.Tongkang. Name <strong>of</strong> a large kind <strong>of</strong>boat.Tongkat. A staff, a walking-stick.Tra. Stamp, impression ; name <strong>of</strong> asmall tin coin. This is probably anabbreviation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sanskrit word yatra,"coin" or "monej'," in which formjiart <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Malay</strong> peninsula.Trang (j). Light ; <strong>the</strong> light ; light, notdark ; bright, cleai-, luminous ; clear,fair, serene ; clear, perspicuous, evident,plain, manifest; clear, clean, quite,entirely; v. TArang.

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