A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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TAN—TAB [184] TAR—TAUTauakan, v. TaCai.Taruk (j. taru). A shoot, a sprout, aTapa (s). Penauce, austerity, mortificationtwig.;religious retirement.Tarum (j. torn). The Asiatic indigoTapai (j). A kind of beer made from plant, Indignfcra tinctoria.boiled rice ; r. Tape.Tarum-akar. The climbing indigo plant,Tapak. To tap with the hand.Marsdenia parviflora.Tapak (j). The palm of the hand or Tai-um-kambang. The American indigosole of the foot ; a palm or handbreadthplant, Indigofera anil.; a foot-length.Taruua (s). Young; v. TAruna andTapak -kaki. The sole of the foot.Truna.Tapak-tangan. The palm of the hand; Tasik (j). The sea, the ocean ; a greatsignature, sign-manual.lake or inland sea. [u Javanese itTapakan-tangga. The landing-place of a means the sea, and also the strand orstair.Tapat (ben). A cliff.Tape (j), V. Tapai.Tapen-liiut. Name of a plant, a speciesof Mdiacea.Tapi (j). But, yet, however, nevertheless;V. Tatapi.Tapih (t). Name of a kind of Indiancloth.Tapih (jAv). A petticoat.Tapis. To strain, to filter.Tapis. To ward off, to repel.Tapis (bat). To withdraw the handwhen another offers his.Tapisan. A strainer, a filter.Tapok. The flower-cup or calyx of atool.Tari. To dance ; a dance, dancing.Tarik (j). To draw, to pull, to haul ; todrag ; to inhale ; to draw (a weapon)to veer, to draw round, as the wind.Tarik-layar. To hoist sail, to make sail.Tarima (j). To receive, to take ; to accept; V. Tarima.Taring. The tusk of a boar ; the prongtrust.Taruh-d'iri. To b^have oneself, to conductoneself properly.sea-shore.Tata (s). Order, disposition, arrangement,array.Tatab. To inquire attentively, to examine,to make diligent enquiry; v.Tatap.Tatabuhan (j. tabuh). Musical instrumentsthat are struck, as drums andgongs.Tatah (j). To chisel, to engrave ; to inlay; to stud, to enchase.Tatah. A throne.Tatak. To drive or force an object intothe gi'ound.Tatal (j). A chip of wood.Tatampan. A scarf or any part of dressthrown loosely over the shoulders.Tatanagara (s). Affairs of state, government,administration ; literally, " arrangementof the country."plant; v. Tampok.Tapuk. To clap, to slap with the openhand ; a slap.Tapus (bat). To press, to squeeze.Tara. Equal, neither superior nor inferior; level ; an equal, a peer.of the hands.Tatang. To bear an object on the palmsTarak. To stretch, to widen.Tatang. Name of the river of Palem-Tarak,1n (tara). To make level with abang, in Sumatra.Tatap, V. Tatab.Tatarup (j. tarub). A booth, a hut, atabernacle.Tatas (j). To cut off, to separate bycutting.Tatas. Name of a wild tribe on thenorthern side of Borneo.Tatasan. A breach made by cutting, aof a fork ; a claw.Ta-tiiu. Know not,—an abbreviation ofTarix (a). Date, epoch ; chronicle, annals.tadak-tiiu.Tate (jav). Accustomed, habituatedTarub (jav). Name of a district in the practised ; experienced ; skilled.eastern part of Java; literally, "the Tating. To support an object by holdingtabci-nacle."it with the hand above it.Taruh. To i)ut, to place, to lay, to set Tatkala (s). Time ; when, at the timeto lay by, to reserve ; to hoard, to that ; while, whilst, during tlie timestore ; to liave, to possess ; to deposit, that.to lay down ; to stake, to hazard ; to bet. Tatkala-itu. Then, at that time.Taruhan. A stoi-e, a repository ; a pledge, Tatrap (jav). Way, manner; conduct,a stake, a deposit.behaviour.TaruhkS,n. To surrender, to deliver up, Tatrap (jav). To inflict, to punish.to hand over; to commit, to give in Tatu (jav). a wovind ; to wound.cut.Tau (j. used to, habituated). To know,to understand, to comprehend ;knowing,skilful ;intelligent.

. Taulan.TAU—TAB [ 185] TAB—tAGTau-malu. To be modest ; literally, " toknow shame."A companion, anconfederate, an ally ; a friend.Taulanan. Friendship ; league, alliance.Tiiun. A year.Ta-usah. Useless, needless ; never mind ;(an abbreviation of tadak usah).Tawan (j). Captive, made prisoner; acaptive, a prisoner.Tawanan. A captive, a prisoner; captivity,bondage.Tawankan. To capture, to take prisonerto imprison.Tawang (jay). The sky, the heavens,the firmament.Tawar (j). Fresh, not salt ; insipid,vapid, mawkish, flat.Tawar (j). To bid a price, to make anoffer to buy, to bargain or treat for apurchase ; to intrigue for the seductionof a woman—that is, to bid aprice for her.Tawar (j). To charm for the cure ofdiseases ; to practise incantations as anantidote.Tawas (j). Alum.Tawon (jav). A generic term for thebee tribe.Tayau. Name of a river and Malay stateon the western coast of Borneo.Tayang. To hold up in the hands, as abook in reading.Tayuli (t). Mean, base, vile ; usedonly as a term of abuse ; v. TaYoli.Tabadiil (a). Changing, transposinginterchange, transfer.Tabah (j). To beat out, to thrash out.Tabal. Thick, deep ; thick, dense, copious.Taban. Name of the forest tree which isthe chief source of the gutta percha.Tabang (j). To fell trees, to cut downlarge trees.Tabangan. A fall of large trees.Tabas. To clear the ground of underwoodand grass.Tabar (p). An axe, a hatchet.Tabdri (jav). Industrious, diligent, laborious.Tabeh (ben). An artificial lake, a reservoir.Tabing. The bank of a river ; the brinkof a well ; the margin of a lake or reservoir; the margin of the sea, abovehigh-water mark.Tabu (j). The sugar cane, Sacckarumofficinarum.Tabung. The opium pipe, the instrumentwith which prepared opium issmoked.TS,bur. Spread out, unfolded, as a netbefore being ca.st.TAburan. The object spread out, as theswell of a sail.Tabus (j). To ransom, to redeem ; toemancipate, to manumit ; to purchasea slave ; a ransom.Tabusan. The person or thing i-ansomedor redeemed ; a slave that has beenbought.Tabuwan (j. tawan ?) A hornet, a wasp.Tadbir (a). Order ; design ;government;deliberation, council.Tadori. The island of Tidore, one of tlieMoluccas.Tad-uh (j). Calm, serene, still ; to growcalm, to grow still ; to rest, to be stillto cease, to be at an end ; shady, umbrageous; shade, umbrage ; cloudy,obscured by clouds ; sheltered, coveredfrom external injury ; sheltered, protected,afforded refuge; shelter, securityfrom external injury ; shelter,refuge, protection.Tad-uhkan. To calm, to still, to quietto shelter, to protect.Tafa7i.us (aI.Tafkur (a)'.Investigation.To think, to reflect, to consider.Tafsir (a). Explanation, interpretationcommentary; paraphrase.Taga. To stand, to be on the feet ; erect,standing.Tagakan. To erect, to set up ; to build.Tagah (j. chagah). Hindered, stopped,prevented ; forbidden, prohibited.Tagahkan. To hinder, to prevent ; torestrain, to repress; to prohibit, toforbid.TS,gal. For, because of, by reason, onaccount of.Tagal (jav). A field ; a plain ; dry arableland distinguished from irrigated.Tagalarum (jav). Name of one of thescenes of the Mahabarat; literally," the scented field."Tagalkuru (j and s). The field of battlein the Mahabarat ; literally, " the fieldof the Kurawa."Tagar. Hard, not soft ; hard, fii-m, stronghard, stiff, rigid, indurated ; stubborn,obstinate, contumacious ; dull, slow ofcomprehension.Tagarkan. To harden, to indurate ; tostiffen, to make stiff.Tagar-ikur. Name of a fish; literally," stiff tail."Tagalichik. A slip, a slide, a false step.Tagaliyat. A sprain, a wrench; a dislocationof the joints.Tagap. Stout, strong-built, lusty.Tagas (jav). Signification, meaning, interpretation.Tagor. A draught of liquor, the quantityof drink taken at a breathing ; v. Taguk.B

. Taulan.TAU—TAB [ 185] TAB—tAGTau-malu. To be modest ; literally, " toknow shame."A companion, anconfederate, an ally ; a friend.Taulanan. Friendship ; league, alliance.Tiiun. A year.Ta-usah. Useless, needless ; never mind ;(an abbreviation <strong>of</strong> tadak usah).Tawan (j). Captive, made prisoner; acaptive, a prisoner.Tawanan. A captive, a prisoner; captivity,bondage.Tawankan. To capture, to take prisonerto imprison.Tawang (jay). The sky, <strong>the</strong> heavens,<strong>the</strong> firmament.Tawar (j). Fresh, not salt ; insipid,vapid, mawkish, flat.Tawar (j). To bid a price, to make an<strong>of</strong>fer to buy, to bargain or treat for apurchase ; to intrigue for <strong>the</strong> seduction<strong>of</strong> a woman—that is, to bid aprice for her.Tawar (j). To charm for <strong>the</strong> cure <strong>of</strong>diseases ; to practise incantations as anantidote.Tawas (j). Alum.Tawon (jav). A generic term for <strong>the</strong>bee tribe.Tayau. Name <strong>of</strong> a river <strong>and</strong> <strong>Malay</strong> stateon <strong>the</strong> western coast <strong>of</strong> Borneo.Tayang. To hold up in <strong>the</strong> h<strong>and</strong>s, as abook in reading.Tayuli (t). Mean, base, vile ; usedonly as a term <strong>of</strong> abuse ; v. TaYoli.Tabadiil (a). Changing, transposinginterchange, transfer.Tabah (j). To beat out, to thrash out.Tabal. Thick, deep ; thick, dense, copious.Taban. Name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> forest tree which is<strong>the</strong> chief source <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> gutta percha.Tabang (j). To fell trees, to cut downlarge trees.Tabangan. A fall <strong>of</strong> large trees.Tabas. To clear <strong>the</strong> ground <strong>of</strong> underwood<strong>and</strong> grass.Tabar (p). An axe, a hatchet.Tabdri (jav). Industrious, diligent, laborious.Tabeh (ben). An artificial lake, a reservoir.Tabing. The bank <strong>of</strong> a river ; <strong>the</strong> brink<strong>of</strong> a well ; <strong>the</strong> margin <strong>of</strong> a lake or reservoir; <strong>the</strong> margin <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> sea, abovehigh-water mark.Tabu (j). The sugar cane, Sacckarum<strong>of</strong>ficinarum.Tabung. The opium pipe, <strong>the</strong> instrumentwith which prepared opium issmoked.TS,bur. Spread out, unfolded, as a netbefore being ca.st.TAburan. The object spread out, as <strong>the</strong>swell <strong>of</strong> a sail.Tabus (j). To ransom, to redeem ; toemancipate, to manumit ; to purchasea slave ; a ransom.Tabusan. The person or thing i-ansomedor redeemed ; a slave that has beenbought.Tabuwan (j. tawan ?) A hornet, a wasp.Tadbir (a). Order ; design ;government;deliberation, council.Tadori. The isl<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> Tidore, one <strong>of</strong> tlieMoluccas.Tad-uh (j). Calm, serene, still ; to growcalm, to grow still ; to rest, to be stillto cease, to be at an end ; shady, umbrageous; shade, umbrage ; cloudy,obscured by clouds ; sheltered, coveredfrom external injury ; sheltered, protected,afforded refuge; shelter, securityfrom external injury ; shelter,refuge, protection.Tad-uhkan. To calm, to still, to quietto shelter, to protect.Tafa7i.us (aI.Tafkur (a)'.Investigation.To think, to reflect, to consider.Tafsir (a). Explanation, interpretationcommentary; paraphrase.Taga. To st<strong>and</strong>, to be on <strong>the</strong> feet ; erect,st<strong>and</strong>ing.Tagakan. To erect, to set up ; to build.Tagah (j. chagah). Hindered, stopped,prevented ; forbidden, prohibited.Tagahkan. To hinder, to prevent ; torestrain, to repress; to prohibit, t<strong>of</strong>orbid.TS,gal. For, because <strong>of</strong>, by reason, onaccount <strong>of</strong>.Tagal (jav). A field ; a plain ; dry arablel<strong>and</strong> distinguished from irrigated.Tagalarum (jav). Name <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>scenes <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Mahabarat; literally," <strong>the</strong> scented field."Tagalkuru (j <strong>and</strong> s). The field <strong>of</strong> battlein <strong>the</strong> Mahabarat ; literally, " <strong>the</strong> field<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Kurawa."Tagar. Hard, not s<strong>of</strong>t ; hard, fii-m, stronghard, stiff, rigid, indurated ; stubborn,obstinate, contumacious ; dull, slow <strong>of</strong>comprehension.Tagarkan. To harden, to indurate ; tostiffen, to make stiff.Tagar-ikur. Name <strong>of</strong> a fish; literally," stiff tail."Tagalichik. A slip, a slide, a false step.Tagaliyat. A sprain, a wrench; a dislocation<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> joints.Tagap. Stout, strong-built, lusty.Tagas (jav). Signification, meaning, interpretation.Tagor. A draught <strong>of</strong> liquor, <strong>the</strong> quantity<strong>of</strong> drink taken at a breathing ; v. Taguk.B

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