A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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TAM—TAM [182] TAM—TANTambako. Tobacco, Nicoftana. lu tbeHortus Bogorieusis, six species arestated to be cultivattd iu Java.Tambang (ben). A mine.Tanibang (jay). A rope, a string; tobind with a rope or string.Tambaug. To be conveyed or ti-ansportedby water.Tambangan. Conveyance or transportby water ; freight ;passage money ; acargo-boat ; a passage-boat ; a ferryboat; a ferry.falling.Tambangi. To transport by water, tocarry cargo or passengers.Tampuwi. Name of a wild fruit.Tamu (jav). A guest.Tambangi. To unfurl the sails preparatoryTanah (s. thana 1). Earth, land, gi'ound ;to making sail.soil, ground ; land, country, region,Tambangkan. To transport by water; territory ;ground, fundamental colourV. Tambangi.in a pattern.Tambang-bini (j. tambang, " to tie with acord"). To bind a wife not to mairyTanah-arab.Tauah-idup.The land of Arabia.Land under culture ; Hterally,after separation." live land."Tambar (j). Impotent, deprived of Tanah -iran. Persia.power.Tanah-jawa. The land of Java.Tambat (j). To bind, to fasten ; bound,fastened ; tethered ; a tether.Tambatan. Binding, fastening ; connexion.Tambiln. Name of a fish.Tambang (jav). Obstinate, headstrong.Tanibirang. The shrouds or standingrigging of a ship ; v. Tamirang.Tambol. Magic, sorceiy, secret arts ; topractise sorcery.Tambra. Name of an esculent fish.Tambul. Food, meat, victuals.Tambuni-basar. The umbilical cord.Tambuni-kachil. Tlie jjlacenta.Tambur (por. tambor). A war drum.Tameng (j). A .shield, a buckler.Tamiyang. Name of an island at theeastern entrance of the straits of Malacca.Tamirang. The shrouds or standingrigging of a ship ; v. Tambirang.Tampa (jAV). To receive, to get.Tampa. To forge, to form by the hammer; to mould ; v. Tampa.Tampak (bat). The measles.Tampal (j. tambal). A patch.Tampalkan. To patch.Tampalis. Name of a place on the northeasterncoast of Sumatra.Tampang. Becoming, fit, meet.TamiiHiig. A slab or ingot of tin.Tauipar (j. tampcl). A slap with thefiat of tlie hand ; to slap.Tamparan-iiamu. The shoulder-blade.Tampari. To slap.Tamparkan, v. Tampari.Tampar-tangan. The custom of strikinghands in token of the conclusion of abargain, said to have bccu borrowedfrom the Telinggas.Tampih (j. tampah, and tampeu). A fan,an implement for winnowing ; to fan,to winnow.Tampinis. Name of a timber tree.Tampok. The flower-cup or calyx of aplant ; v. Tapok.Tampoyak. Name of an esculent fruit.Tampu. Pressed, squeezed, crushed.Tampuk&n. To press, to squeeze, tocrush.Tampung (ben). To catch, to interceptTanah-kling. The country of Telinggana.Tanah-mati. Fallow land ; literally," dead land."Tanah-malayu. The country of theMalays, the Malayan peninsula.Tanah-manangkabau. The country ofMenangkabo, in Sumatra.Tanah-pilih. Name of the chief town ofthe Raja of Jambi, in Sumatra ; literally,'• chosen land."Tanah-putih. Name of a Malay settlementon the liver Rakan, eastern sideof Sumatra ; literallj', " white ground."Tanchap. To stab, leaving the weaponin the wound.Tani (jav). To till the gi-ound ; a husbandman; a rustic.Tanak (j). To cook food by boiling orseething.Tauau. Name of a place in Pegu.Tanau (j. tanu). The chameleon lizard.Tanam (j). To commit to the earth, toput in the ground ; to bury, to inter ;to plant ; to sow ; to set, to establish.Tauilmau. Cultivation ; a plantation;tillage.Taramkiln. To inter; to put in thegi'Ound ; to bury ; to plant ; to sowto establish.Taniim-tanaman. Plantage, cultivatedplants generally.Tandan. A bunch, a cluster.Tandang. To visit, to frequent.Tandup. A kind of litter or palanquin.Tandil. Name of a petty officer at aMalay court, a kind of messenger.Tanduk. A horn.

TAN—TAN [ 183 ]TAN—TANTandukkan. To butt or to gore withthe horns.Tand-a (j. tond'a). Mark, token, sign,memorial; stamp, impression; proof,evidence.Tand'akan. To mark, to impress with afish by groping in shallow water ; totoken ; to sign.fish with such a basket.Tand'a-asta. Written signature ; literally,Tanggung (j). To bear, to carry, to have" hand-mark."Tand'a-taiigan, v. Tand'a-asta.Tand-ak (j. a dancing gii'l). To danceabout one ; to bear, to support, to sustain;to bear, to endure; to bear, tosuffer ; to engage, to undertake ; to bedancing; a dance.incumbent, to be obligatory; to beTaud-ak-mandura. Dancing after the charged, to be entrusted.fashion of Siam.Tangguugan. Burthen, task, impositionTand-ing (j). To compare; to tally, to obligation ; duty ; charge, office ; undertaking,match.engagement ; bail, security.Tandingan. Comparison ; match, tally, Tanggungkjln. To keep, to guard, toequal.hold ; to experience, to know by practice.Tandingkan. To match, to equal ; tomatch, to oppose as an equal.Tangir. Name of a tree, the bark ofTand-u (j). A litter, a palanquin.which is used as a detergent.Tanjak. Name of a kind of oblique fore Tangis (j). To weep, to shed tears ; toand aft sail.cry, to utter lamentations ; to lament,Tanjang (ben). To branch out, to shoot to moum; to wail ; weejjing, lamentation,into branches.wailing, mourning.Tanjung. A point of land, a headland, Tangisan. Weeping; lamentation, wailinga tongue, a cape, a i)romontoiy.; mourning.Tanjung. Name of a flower, Mimusopselengi.Tantaka (s). Name of a son of Rawaua,in the Ramayana.Tantang (j). To challenge, to provoketo fight ; to encourage.Tang. To look directly at,—an abbreviationof tantang ; v. Tautang.Tangan (j). The hand.Tangan-kanan. The right hand.Tangan-kiri. The left hand.Tangas. A kind of steam bath.Tangga. A ladder, a stair ; a dwellinghouse,because every Malaj' dwellinghouseis furnished with a stair; afamily or household.Tangga. A wedge or ingot of the preciousmetals.Tanggal (jav). The moon; the day ofthe lunar month ; date.Tangguhkan. To stop, to delay, to stayto defer.Tangguh-bartangguh. Procrastination,delay.Tangguk. A basket for catching smallTangisi. To lament, to mourn ; v. Tangiskau.Tangiskan. To lament, to bewail, tomourn for.Tangkai. Stalk, stem of a plant ; haulmpedicel, foot-stalk.Taugkai-ati. A word of endearmentliterally, " stem or stalk of the heart."Taugkal. A charm, charms.Tangkalang. Name of a tree of Borneo,the nut of which is productive in oil.Tangkas. Fleet, swift of pace; to disappear,to vanish.Tangkab (j. to close, to shut in, to con-To catch, to seize, to apprehend,fine).to lay hold of; to apprehend, to conceive; V. Tangkap.Tangkaban. Seizure ; the object caughta snare, a trap.Tangkdb-manangkab. To grapple, toTanggal. To shed, to let fall, to drop, to seize reciprocally.fall.Tangkab-tangkaban. Grappling, contendingTanggal kan. To draw or pull off, toby seizing each other.strip, to divest ; to peel.Tangkap (j), V. Tangkab.Tanggalung (sun). Name of a species of Tangkapan, v. Tangkaban.Viverra, Paradoxurus musawja ; v. MusangTangkerung. Name of a fish.and Tanggalung.Tangking. To rebuke, to reprove.Tanggiling. Name of a plant, Tacca Tangkis (j). Warded, fenced oflF, drivennoontana.pushed away.off,Tanggiling (j). The Javanese ant-eater, Tangkiskan. To ward, to fence off; toManis javanica ; v. Taranggiling, Pfinggilingfend, to keep off; to parry, to pushand Tanggiling.away, to push aside ; to avert.Tangglung. A hanging lamp, or a lantern. Tangsi. Lank, not plump ; catgut.Tanggoh (bat). To roar.Tafia (j). To ask, to inquii-e ;question,Tangguh. To wait, to stay, to tarry ; to inquiry, interrogation.delay ; stay ; delay ; v. Tanggoh. Tanai. To question, to interrogate.

TAM—TAM [182] TAM—TANTambako. Tobacco, Nic<strong>of</strong>tana. lu tbeHortus Bogorieusis, six species arestated to be cultivattd iu Java.Tambang (ben). A mine.Tanibang (jay). A rope, a string; tobind with a rope or string.Tambaug. To be conveyed or ti-ansportedby water.Tambangan. Conveyance or transportby water ; freight ;passage money ; acargo-boat ; a passage-boat ; a ferryboat; a ferry.falling.Tambangi. To transport by water, tocarry cargo or passengers.Tampuwi. Name <strong>of</strong> a wild fruit.Tamu (jav). A guest.Tambangi. To unfurl <strong>the</strong> sails preparatoryTanah (s. thana 1). Earth, l<strong>and</strong>, gi'ound ;to making sail.soil, ground ; l<strong>and</strong>, country, region,Tambangkan. To transport by water; territory ;ground, fundamental colourV. Tambangi.in a pattern.Tambang-bini (j. tambang, " to tie with acord"). To bind a wife not to mairyTanah-arab.Tauah-idup.The l<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> Arabia.L<strong>and</strong> under culture ; Hterally,after separation." live l<strong>and</strong>."Tambar (j). Impotent, deprived <strong>of</strong> Tanah -iran. Persia.power.Tanah-jawa. The l<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> Java.Tambat (j). To bind, to fasten ; bound,fastened ; te<strong>the</strong>red ; a te<strong>the</strong>r.Tambatan. Binding, fastening ; connexion.Tambiln. Name <strong>of</strong> a fish.Tambang (jav). Obstinate, headstrong.Tanibirang. The shrouds or st<strong>and</strong>ingrigging <strong>of</strong> a ship ; v. Tamirang.Tambol. Magic, sorceiy, secret arts ; topractise sorcery.Tambra. Name <strong>of</strong> an esculent fish.Tambul. Food, meat, victuals.Tambuni-basar. The umbilical cord.Tambuni-kachil. Tlie jjlacenta.Tambur (por. tambor). A war drum.Tameng (j). A .shield, a buckler.Tamiyang. Name <strong>of</strong> an isl<strong>and</strong> at <strong>the</strong>eastern entrance <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> straits <strong>of</strong> Malacca.Tamirang. The shrouds or st<strong>and</strong>ingrigging <strong>of</strong> a ship ; v. Tambirang.Tampa (jAV). To receive, to get.Tampa. To forge, to form by <strong>the</strong> hammer; to mould ; v. Tampa.Tampak (bat). The measles.Tampal (j. tambal). A patch.Tampalkan. To patch.Tampalis. Name <strong>of</strong> a place on <strong>the</strong> nor<strong>the</strong>asterncoast <strong>of</strong> Sumatra.Tampang. Becoming, fit, meet.TamiiHiig. A slab or ingot <strong>of</strong> tin.Tauipar (j. tampcl). A slap with <strong>the</strong>fiat <strong>of</strong> tlie h<strong>and</strong> ; to slap.Tamparan-iiamu. The shoulder-blade.Tampari. To slap.Tamparkan, v. Tampari.Tampar-tangan. The custom <strong>of</strong> strikingh<strong>and</strong>s in token <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> conclusion <strong>of</strong> abargain, said to have bccu borrowedfrom <strong>the</strong> Telinggas.Tampih (j. tampah, <strong>and</strong> tampeu). A fan,an implement for winnowing ; to fan,to winnow.Tampinis. Name <strong>of</strong> a timber tree.Tampok. The flower-cup or calyx <strong>of</strong> aplant ; v. Tapok.Tampoyak. Name <strong>of</strong> an esculent fruit.Tampu. Pressed, squeezed, crushed.Tampuk&n. To press, to squeeze, tocrush.Tampung (ben). To catch, to interceptTanah-kling. The country <strong>of</strong> Telinggana.Tanah-mati. Fallow l<strong>and</strong> ; literally," dead l<strong>and</strong>."Tanah-malayu. The country <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>Malay</strong>s, <strong>the</strong> <strong>Malay</strong>an peninsula.Tanah-manangkabau. The country <strong>of</strong>Menangkabo, in Sumatra.Tanah-pilih. Name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> chief town <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Raja <strong>of</strong> Jambi, in Sumatra ; literally,'• chosen l<strong>and</strong>."Tanah-putih. Name <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Malay</strong> settlementon <strong>the</strong> liver Rakan, eastern side<strong>of</strong> Sumatra ; literallj', " white ground."Tanchap. To stab, leaving <strong>the</strong> weaponin <strong>the</strong> wound.Tani (jav). To till <strong>the</strong> gi-ound ; a husb<strong>and</strong>man; a rustic.Tanak (j). To cook food by boiling orseething.Tauau. Name <strong>of</strong> a place in Pegu.Tanau (j. tanu). The chameleon lizard.Tanam (j). To commit to <strong>the</strong> earth, toput in <strong>the</strong> ground ; to bury, to inter ;to plant ; to sow ; to set, to establish.Tauilmau. Cultivation ; a plantation;tillage.Taramkiln. To inter; to put in <strong>the</strong>gi'Ound ; to bury ; to plant ; to sowto establish.Taniim-tanaman. Plantage, cultivatedplants generally.T<strong>and</strong>an. A bunch, a cluster.T<strong>and</strong>ang. To visit, to frequent.T<strong>and</strong>up. A kind <strong>of</strong> litter or palanquin.T<strong>and</strong>il. Name <strong>of</strong> a petty <strong>of</strong>ficer at a<strong>Malay</strong> court, a kind <strong>of</strong> messenger.T<strong>and</strong>uk. A horn.

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