A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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ANG—ANA [8] ANU—ARAber ; cypher, numei'al figure ; the signof duplication in writing in the Arabiccharacter, which is the numei-al 2.Angka (ben). Name of a species ofmonkey.Angka. To think, to imagine.Angkar (j). Enchanted, magical, haunted.Augkara (s). Wilful ; self-sufficient ;presumption,wilfulness.Angkaran. An enchanted object; a magicvehicle or carriage.Angkasa (s). Ether, the firmament, thesky ; V. Akasa.Angkat (j). To lift, to raise; to take up,to heave; to take away, to carry off,to remove ; to serve food or drink attable; to proceed, to go on; to journey; to voyage ; to adopt ; adoptedadoptive.Angkatan. A journey; a military ornaval expedition ; an army, a host.Angkatkan. To cause to lift or raise.Angkau. Thou ; v. Ang and Kau.Angkap. To alight as a bird.Angkapkan. To place, to lay down.Angkub. Forceps, nippers, pincers.Angkub-angkub. Name of a species ofwasp.Angkuh (j). Proud, arrogant ; impolite,rude.Augkut. To carry on the back.Auur. The coconut-tree ; r. Nur.Anut (j). To drift, to float with thestream.Apa (j). What, which ; something, somewhat; some, a little ; whether. Followinga verb in the imperative mood,it has the sense of entreating or beseeching,as nanti apa, " wait, prithee,"—the literal one, probabl}-, being " waitsomewhat, or wait a little."Apa-apa (j). Whatever; something, somewhat;anything; something.Apa-barang (j). Whatever, whatsoever.Apabila. When, at the time that ; whenever,whensoever, whatsoever time.Apai. Name of a dish, a kind of stew.Apakala (j and s). When, at the timethat, whenever ; when, at what timeV. Apabila.Apakarana (j and s). 'VVTiy, whereforefor what reason ]Apalah. What, which ; praj^, prithee, aprocative adverb.Apalah -kerana. "May," expressing desireor wish,— an idiom, the literalmeaning being, probably, " some guessof it."Apa-sabab (j and a). AMiy, wherefore ;for what reason.Apatah. What.Apatah-salahiia. Why not ] what harm 1Apak (j). Fetid, stinking.Apam (s). A loaf, a cake, a wafer.Fire.Api (j).Api-api. A firefly.Api-api (j). To affect, to feign, to sham.Angkut. A horse-fly, a gadfl}^Angling (jav). To speak ; speech.Anglingdarma (j and s). Name of a kingcelebrated in Javanese romance, whoreigned over a country called Malawapati.Api-api (j). Name of a species of mangrove,Angsa (s). The goose, Anser ; v. Gangsa.Rhizophora.Angsal (jav). To obtain, to get, to acquireApik (j). Neat, spruce, smart ; delicate,; can ; may ; shall.fastidious.Angsana (j. sana). The lingoa, a large Apil. To fence with a bulwark.forest tree, Pterocarpus indicus.Apilan. A bulwark ; the bulwarks ofAngsana-laut. Name of a species of Pterocarpus.a war prau, composed of beams orAngsang (j). The gills of a fish.spars placed one over the other to theheight of six or seven feet.Angsuka (s). Name of a tree, Pavetta Apit (s). Close, side bj' side;pressed orindica.squeezed between two bodies.Angsur (j), v. Ansur.Apitan. A press, a machine for pressingAngsuran, v. Ansuran.or crushing.Angur (j). Rather, preferably ; v. Angar. Apit-apitan. A di-aught or chess-board.Angus. To burn, to be consumed by Apitkan. To press, to squeeze in apress, to crush in a press.i^re.Anguskan. To burn, to consume by fire. Apu (jAV). Lime.Ana. Only, simply, alone; unless; except, Apung (lam),'a float, a buoy.excepted.Apura (jAV). Pardon, forgiveness.Afiah. _ Get out, get away, away, be off ! Apus. To flood, to cover with water.V. Nah.Apuskdn. To flood ; to wipe out, toAnahkiin. To drive away, to drive off. efface, to expunge, to blot out, toAnam (j. anam). To plait, to braid; to obliterate.make matting or basket-work. Apyun (a). Opium ; v. Afyun.Anar (jav). New, recent ; name of a Ara. A common term for some fig-treesplace in Java, situated on the straits yielding birdlime.of Sunda, called Anjier in the maps. Ara-ara (j). A plain, an open field.

jjARA—AEI [9] ARI—ASAAradat (a). Desire, inclination, will;intention.Arab (j). Direction, course ; aim ; toaim at, to point ; to aim, to endeavour,to strive, to attempt ; to aim, to intend,Arapi.Reliance, trust.To trust, to confide, to rely on.Arapkan, v. Arapi.Araba (a). The fourth dayArabian week,—Wednesday.of theAren (j). Name of a palm, Saguerussacchariferus ; v. Anau.Arga (s). Price, value.Arga (j). A mountain.Argakan. To price, to set a priceon.Ari (a), a stall, a stable.Ari (s. the sun, the regent of the sun).Day, not night ; a day, twenty-fourhours.Ari-ari.Daily.Ari-ari. The lower region of the abdomenover the urinary bladder, thepubes.Ari-bayik. A lucky day ; literally, " agood day."'Ari-ba.sar. A holy-day ; literally, " agreat day."Arini (ari-ini). To-day; literally, "thisday."Ari-maldm. Night, not day.Aris.The sap of plants.Aris (a). a husbandman ; a princename of a well near Medina inArabia.Ariya (s). A Javanese title of personsjIto design.descended from princes.Arak. A procession, a train.Ariyabanga (s and j). Name of a princeArak-arakan. Processional, relating to of Pajajaran in Java, celebrated inprocessions.Javanese stor3'.Arakkan. To carry in proces.sion. Arjuna (s). Name of one of the sons ofAral. Busied, occupied, engaged.Pandu, and a principal hero of theAraiL Name of a littoral tree, Cassuarinamuricaia ; v. Chamai-a-laut. Arkaputra (s). Mal;abarat.A name of Kama in theAraA- (a). Ardent spirit ; an-ack.Mahabarat.ArlQg (j). Charcoal.Arkian. Moreover, furthermore ; afterwardArang, kayu-arang. Ebony ; literally,; then ; so, well." charcoal wood."Arkut. Ready, prepared.Arang-di-muka. Shame, disgrace ; literally,charcoal on tlie face."Aroi (sun), a plant.Armani (p). Armenian.Arang-para. Soot ; lamp-black.Arta (s). Goods, effects, property;Arab, or ai'ap (j). To will, to wish, to wealth ; mone^^desire ; to intend, to design ; to hope;Artal (s). Saffron ; orpiment, the nativeto rely, to confide, to trust ; wish, will, sulphuret of arsenic.desire ; hope ; reliance, confidence, Artawan (arta). Rich, wealthy ; wellborn,trust.noble.Arti (s). Meaning sense, signification,purport.Artiua, To wit, namely ; literally, " themeaning of it."Aru (j). To stir up, to agitate; totrouble, to disturb ; to perplex.Ariiau. Agitation; commotion; trouble,disturbance.Aru-ara (aru). Uproar, tiimult, turmoil,hurly-bui'ly, disturbance.Aru-arakan. To disturb, to confuse, todisorder.Aru-biru (aru), v. Aru-ara.Arrud'a (por). Common me, Ruta graveolens.Arum (j). Odorous, fragi-ant, sweetsmelling.Arung. To wade, to walk through thewater.Arungan (arung). The water, the sea,the deep.Arus. Proper, fit, suitable, becomingneedful, necessary.Arus. Current ; stream ; tide.ArwaA (a). Spirits ; soul.Arwa/;kan. To make a festival in honourAri-patang. Evening.of the souls of ancestors.Ari-raya. A holy-day.Asa (s). Hope.Ari-siyang. Day, not night.Asa (j). One ; single, not double ; single,Ari-tinggi. Late in the day.sole, alone, only ; v. Sa.Ariningsun (j). A term of affection in Asa (bex). To move away.addressing a younger person ;Asaan (asa, "one"). Unity,literally,"my younger brother or sister." Asah. To whet, to sharpen.Aring. Fetid.Asahan (x). Buftaes, a kind of cottonAringan. Light, not heavy, wanting cloth.gravity ; r. Ringan.Asahan. Name of a river on the northArip. To scream, to cry shrilly.eastern side of Sumatra.Arip (j). Drowsy, sleepy.Asak. To push into, to thrust in.

jjARA—AEI [9] ARI—ASAAradat (a). Desire, inclination, will;intention.Arab (j). Direction, course ; aim ; toaim at, to point ; to aim, to endeavour,to strive, to attempt ; to aim, to intend,Arapi.Reliance, trust.To trust, to confide, to rely on.Arapkan, v. Arapi.Araba (a). The fourth dayArabian week,—Wednesday.<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Aren (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a palm, Saguerussacchariferus ; v. Anau.Arga (s). Price, value.Arga (j). A mountain.Argakan. To price, to set a priceon.Ari (a), a stall, a stable.Ari (s. <strong>the</strong> sun, <strong>the</strong> regent <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> sun).Day, not night ; a day, twenty-fourhours.Ari-ari.Daily.Ari-ari. The lower region <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> abdomenover <strong>the</strong> urinary bladder, <strong>the</strong>pubes.Ari-bayik. A lucky day ; literally, " agood day."'Ari-ba.sar. A holy-day ; literally, " agreat day."Arini (ari-ini). To-day; literally, "thisday."Ari-maldm. Night, not day.Aris.The sap <strong>of</strong> plants.Aris (a). a husb<strong>and</strong>man ; a princename <strong>of</strong> a well near Medina inArabia.Ariya (s). A Javanese title <strong>of</strong> personsjIto design.descended from princes.Arak. A procession, a train.Ariyabanga (s <strong>and</strong> j). Name <strong>of</strong> a princeArak-arakan. Processional, relating to <strong>of</strong> Pajajaran in Java, celebrated inprocessions.Javanese stor3'.Arakkan. To carry in proces.sion. Arjuna (s). Name <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> sons <strong>of</strong>Aral. Busied, occupied, engaged.P<strong>and</strong>u, <strong>and</strong> a principal hero <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>AraiL Name <strong>of</strong> a littoral tree, Cassuarinamuricaia ; v. Chamai-a-laut. Arkaputra (s). Mal;abarat.A name <strong>of</strong> Kama in <strong>the</strong>AraA- (a). Ardent spirit ; an-ack.Mahabarat.ArlQg (j). Charcoal.Arkian. Moreover, fur<strong>the</strong>rmore ; afterwardArang, kayu-arang. Ebony ; literally,; <strong>the</strong>n ; so, well." charcoal wood."Arkut. Ready, prepared.Arang-di-muka. Shame, disgrace ; literally,charcoal on tlie face."Aroi (sun), a plant.Armani (p). Armenian.Arang-para. Soot ; lamp-black.Arta (s). Goods, effects, property;Arab, or ai'ap (j). To will, to wish, to wealth ; mone^^desire ; to intend, to design ; to hope;Artal (s). Saffron ; orpiment, <strong>the</strong> nativeto rely, to confide, to trust ; wish, will, sulphuret <strong>of</strong> arsenic.desire ; hope ; reliance, confidence, Artawan (arta). Rich, wealthy ; wellborn,trust.noble.Arti (s). Meaning sense, signification,purport.Artiua, To wit, namely ; literally, " <strong>the</strong>meaning <strong>of</strong> it."Aru (j). To stir up, to agitate; totrouble, to disturb ; to perplex.Ariiau. Agitation; commotion; trouble,disturbance.Aru-ara (aru). Uproar, tiimult, turmoil,hurly-bui'ly, disturbance.Aru-arakan. To disturb, to confuse, todisorder.Aru-biru (aru), v. Aru-ara.Arrud'a (por). Common me, Ruta graveolens.Arum (j). Odorous, fragi-ant, sweetsmelling.Arung. To wade, to walk through <strong>the</strong>water.Arungan (arung). The water, <strong>the</strong> sea,<strong>the</strong> deep.Arus. Proper, fit, suitable, becomingneedful, necessary.Arus. Current ; stream ; tide.ArwaA (a). Spirits ; soul.Arwa/;kan. To make a festival in honourAri-patang. Evening.<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> souls <strong>of</strong> ancestors.Ari-raya. A holy-day.Asa (s). Hope.Ari-siyang. Day, not night.Asa (j). One ; single, not double ; single,Ari-tinggi. Late in <strong>the</strong> day.sole, alone, only ; v. Sa.Ariningsun (j). A term <strong>of</strong> affection in Asa (bex). To move away.addressing a younger person ;Asaan (asa, "one"). Unity,literally,"my younger bro<strong>the</strong>r or sister." Asah. To whet, to sharpen.Aring. Fetid.Asahan (x). Buftaes, a kind <strong>of</strong> cottonAringan. Light, not heavy, wanting cloth.gravity ; r. Ringan.Asahan. Name <strong>of</strong> a river on <strong>the</strong> northArip. To scream, to cry shrilly.eastern side <strong>of</strong> Sumatra.Arip (j). Drowsy, sleepy.Asak. To push into, to thrust in.

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