A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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SUK—SUL [176] SUL—SUMSukar-kasakitau. Pain and difficultytrouble, affliction.Sukaran. Difficulty, pains, trouble.Sukarkan. To make difficult ; to embarrass,to perplex.Suklat (a). Woollen clotli ; v. Saitarlat.Sukma (s) Life ; spirit ; the soul.Sukonta (s). Name of one of the horsesof Krislina'.'? chariot.Suku (JAv). The leg, the foot ; bottom,base.Suku (j). One fourth, a quarter; asection or portion of a nation, generallydwelling separately from the parentstock ; a tribe ; separate, apart.Sukukan. To separate, to sunder.Suku-suku.Sukun (j).Sepai-ately, distinctly.The bread-fmit, Artocarpiislev is.Sumad'ang (sun).Sula (s). A spit, a pale, a stake.Java in the country of the Sundas.Sulakan. To spit ; to stick on the point Sumba (bu). Name of an island calledof a weapon ; to impale.in our maps Sandal-wood, in latitudeSulah (bat). Bold, intrepid.10° S., and lying directly south fromSulak. Bald, wanting hair.Sumbawa and Floris.Sulam (j). To embroider ; to darn ; to Suuibang. Incest.patch ; to repair by the substitution of Sumbawa. Name of the third of thenew for old materials.chain of islands east of Java.Sulang. To hand about the cup at a feast. Sumbar (jav). A spring, a fountain.Sulang-maiiulang. To hand about the Sumbat (j. sumpal, and sumpat). Tocup mutually at a feast.stop up, to close an aperture ; to bung,Sulap (j). Juggle, sleight of hand, legerdemain,conjuring ; to juggle, to play Sumbing (j). Notched, gapped ; a notch,to cork ; a stopper, a stopple.tricks by sleight of hand, to conjure. a gap; name of one of the highestSulasi (s). The plant sweet basil, Ocj/- mountains in Java, and with Sundaramum hasiUcum. The phrase " bunga forming the two which in the mapssulasi," or " the sulasi flower," means, are called " the brothers."to have drank freely, or to bo the Sumbu (j). A match, a fuse ; the wickworse for liquor, to be muddled.of a lamp or caudle.Sulastri (j). Name of a plant, Calophyl-Sumbu. The hoi-n of the rhinoceros.lum soelastri.Sulib (j. salib, "juggle").Secret, occult,clandestine.Suligi (j). A wooden spear ; v. Saligi andSaligi.Siiliman (a). Soloman.Suling (j). A flute, a musical pipe; toRound a wind instrument.Sulit (bat). Scarce, rare.Sulit (achin). Solitary, retired, unfrequented.SuUan (a). Monarch, sovereign, sultan.Sulu. A scout, a spy; to spy, to reconnoitre; V. Solo.Suluh (j). A torch, a link, a flambeau.Suluk. The island of Sooloo, lyingbetween Borneo and the Philippines,and from which is taken the name ofthe whole group of islets in thisquarter, as given in our maps. It issometimes written Sulu and Saiilu,and the Spaniards of the Philippinescall it Jolo or Yolo (iolo).Sulukong (bat). A shield, a buckler.Sulung. First or eldest born.Sulup (bat). To gild or plate, to coator overlay with metal.Sulur (j). To creep ; creeping, repenta scion, a sprout, a shoot ; name ofcei-tain cai-ved oi-naments on furniturea creeping plant.Sulur. An agent, a representative. Probablyderived from the last word.Suluran (sulur). A gutter, a watercourse,a canal.Sulur-suluran. A creeper, whatevercreeps.Sumangat. Ghost, manes, spirit; goodspirits ; health.Sumatra. The island of Sumatra; possiblyfrom Su-maha-rashtra, meaningin Sanskrit, " very great kingdom."Name of a district inSumbuli. The horn of the rhinoceros ;V. Sumbu.Sumpah (j). An oath; a vow; ordeal,trial by fire or water ; curse, imprecation,malediction ; to swear, to take anoath.Sumpahan. Eelics or other objects onwhich an oath is taken.Sumpahkan. To swear, to «administer anoath ; to curse, to imprecate, to bestowa malediction, to execrate.Sumpah-api. The ordeal by fire.Sumpah-aydr. The ordeal by water.Sumping (bat). Side, flank.Sumpit (j. supit). Narrow, straight, confined.Sumpit. To discharge any thing fromthe mouth by a forcible expiration, toperflate.Sumpitan. A pipe or tube for dischargingmissiles by blowing with themouth.Sumpitk&n. To shoot with a blow-pipe.Sumpit-sumpit. Name of a shell-fish.

;Sungkur.SUM—SUN [ 177] SUN—SUR1Sumiu' (j). A spring, a well, a fountain. Sungguhi. To verify, to confii-m; toSumutan (bat). Cramp of the hands or assure, to make certain.feet.Sunan (jav).Sungguhpun. Verily, truly.A title of the principal Sungguhkan, v. Sungguhi.sovereigns of Java. The word is an Sungguh-sungguh. Earnestly, seriously;abbreviation of Susimau, itself from assuredly, undoubtedly, indubitably.the root siiun, " to beseech, to entreat,"and the meaning, " the object besoughtSungkaninclined.(jav). Loth, imwilling, dis-or entreated " ; v. Susunan and Susiiunan.Sunapang (du. snappaan). A musket, afirelock; v. Sanapang.Sunat. Name of a small kind of boat.Sunat (a). Lawful, authorised, allowable.Sunat (a). Circumcision.Sungsum (j). Marrow.Sundara (jav). Name of one of thehighest mountains in Java, formingwith Sumbiug the two called in themaps " the brothers."Sundal (s). A strumpet, a harlot, a Sungu (j). a hom.whore.Sundalan. Whoredom, fornication, harlotry.Sundal-malam. Name of a flower, thetuberose, Polyanthes tuberosa; literally," the harlot of night."Sundol. To gi-ub, to turn the earth upwith the snout ; v. Sungkur.Sund-a (sun). The people and countryof Sunda in Java.Sund'a-kulou (jav). The western portionof the Sunda country.Sund-a-wetan (jav). The eastern portionof the Sunda countiy.Svmd'uk (j). A spoon, a ladle ; a shovela spud, or weeding tool ; to skim ; todeal with a ladle ; v. Sud'uk.Sunti (bat). Name of a hot aromaticplant.Sunting (j. sumping). To deck theears with flowers or other ornamentsflowers placed behind the ears forornament.Suntingmali. A term of endearment.Suntung (ben). Name of a marineanimal.Sungai. A river ; a ri\'ulet, a brook.Sungga.A crow's-foot, or caltrop.Simgging (jAv). To ornament, to decorate,to embellish with coloured figuresin painting or embroidery.Sunggorah. Name of a Siamese province,the next to the Malay states on theside of the gulf of Siam.Sungguh. True, not false ; veritable, noterroneous ; real, genuine ;veracious ;honest, not fraudulent ; certain, .«ure,indubitable ; earnest, serious, not ajest ; truly, really ; indeed, in truth;assuredly, certainly.Sungguh-ati. Truly, sincerely : earnestlytruth ; sincerity ; earnestness.To fall forwards from a sittingposture ; to fall prone.Sungkur. To grub, to turn up the earthwith the snout ; v. Sundol.Sungsang (j). Upside down, bottomupwards, heels over head; to invert,to turn upside down ; v. Songsang.Sungsung (jav). To go against thestream ; to ascend a river ; to present,to represent to a superior; v. Songsong.Sungul. To murmur, to gi-umble; v.Sungut.Sungut, V. Sungul.Sungut (j). Whiskers, mustachios ; hairof the upper lip of the feline tribe ; thefeelers of fishes and insects.Suiiasaki (s). Name of one of the horsesof Krishna's chariot.Suiii (s). Still, silent ; solitary, lonely,retired, sequestered.Supa (jav). Name of a renowned cutleror kris maker of Java.Supan. Shame ; ashamed ; modesty ;modest ; affable, courteous ; courtesy,civility, good breeding ; courteous,civil, well-bred.Supan (bat). Low, near the ground.Supana (j. a road, a route). An ascentby a flight of steps.Supata (jav). An oath ; a vow ; a curse,a malediction ; to swear; to vow; tocurse, to execrate.Supaya (j). For, for this reason that,in order that, to the end that, sothat.Supaya-jangan. So that not, in orderthat not.Supit (jav). Nan-ow, strait, confined ; v.Sumpit.Supraba (s). Name of a Hindu goddess,daughter of Indra.Sura (s). Bold, brave, valiant.Surabaya (jav). Name of a province andtown in the eastern part of Java, fromsui-a, " brave,'' and baya. " danger."Surabi (j. meat, food). A cake; a steak,a coUop.Surah. Narrative, story, tale.Sural. To disentangle, to disengage,to separate; broken up, separated,disbanded.Surak (j). A shout ; to shout.

SUK—SUL [176] SUL—SUMSukar-kasakitau. Pain <strong>and</strong> difficultytrouble, affliction.Sukaran. Difficulty, pains, trouble.Sukarkan. To make difficult ; to embarrass,to perplex.Suklat (a). Woollen clotli ; v. Saitarlat.Sukma (s) Life ; spirit ; <strong>the</strong> soul.Sukonta (s). Name <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> horses<strong>of</strong> Krislina'.'? chariot.Suku (JAv). The leg, <strong>the</strong> foot ; bottom,base.Suku (j). One fourth, a quarter; asection or portion <strong>of</strong> a nation, generallydwelling separately from <strong>the</strong> parentstock ; a tribe ; separate, apart.Sukukan. To separate, to sunder.Suku-suku.Sukun (j).Sepai-ately, distinctly.The bread-fmit, Artocarpiislev is.Sumad'ang (sun).Sula (s). A spit, a pale, a stake.Java in <strong>the</strong> country <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sundas.Sulakan. To spit ; to stick on <strong>the</strong> point Sumba (bu). Name <strong>of</strong> an isl<strong>and</strong> called<strong>of</strong> a weapon ; to impale.in our maps S<strong>and</strong>al-wood, in latitudeSulah (bat). Bold, intrepid.10° S., <strong>and</strong> lying directly south fromSulak. Bald, wanting hair.Sumbawa <strong>and</strong> Floris.Sulam (j). To embroider ; to darn ; to Suuibang. Incest.patch ; to repair by <strong>the</strong> substitution <strong>of</strong> Sumbawa. Name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> third <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>new for old materials.chain <strong>of</strong> isl<strong>and</strong>s east <strong>of</strong> Java.Sulang. To h<strong>and</strong> about <strong>the</strong> cup at a feast. Sumbar (jav). A spring, a fountain.Sulang-maiiulang. To h<strong>and</strong> about <strong>the</strong> Sumbat (j. sumpal, <strong>and</strong> sumpat). Tocup mutually at a feast.stop up, to close an aperture ; to bung,Sulap (j). Juggle, sleight <strong>of</strong> h<strong>and</strong>, legerdemain,conjuring ; to juggle, to play Sumbing (j). Notched, gapped ; a notch,to cork ; a stopper, a stopple.tricks by sleight <strong>of</strong> h<strong>and</strong>, to conjure. a gap; name <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> highestSulasi (s). The plant sweet basil, Ocj/- mountains in Java, <strong>and</strong> with Sundaramum hasiUcum. The phrase " bunga forming <strong>the</strong> two which in <strong>the</strong> mapssulasi," or " <strong>the</strong> sulasi flower," means, are called " <strong>the</strong> bro<strong>the</strong>rs."to have drank freely, or to bo <strong>the</strong> Sumbu (j). A match, a fuse ; <strong>the</strong> wickworse for liquor, to be muddled.<strong>of</strong> a lamp or caudle.Sulastri (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a plant, Calophyl-Sumbu. The hoi-n <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> rhinoceros.lum soelastri.Sulib (j. salib, "juggle").Secret, occult,cl<strong>and</strong>estine.Suligi (j). A wooden spear ; v. Saligi <strong>and</strong>Saligi.Siiliman (a). Soloman.Suling (j). A flute, a musical pipe; toRound a wind instrument.Sulit (bat). Scarce, rare.Sulit (achin). Solitary, retired, unfrequented.SuUan (a). Monarch, sovereign, sultan.Sulu. A scout, a spy; to spy, to reconnoitre; V. Solo.Suluh (j). A torch, a link, a flambeau.Suluk. The isl<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> Sooloo, lyingbetween Borneo <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Philippines,<strong>and</strong> from which is taken <strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> whole group <strong>of</strong> islets in thisquarter, as given in our maps. It issometimes written Sulu <strong>and</strong> Saiilu,<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Spaniards <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Philippinescall it Jolo or Yolo (iolo).Sulukong (bat). A shield, a buckler.Sulung. First or eldest born.Sulup (bat). To gild or plate, to coator overlay with metal.Sulur (j). To creep ; creeping, repenta scion, a sprout, a shoot ; name <strong>of</strong>cei-tain cai-ved oi-naments on furniturea creeping plant.Sulur. An agent, a representative. Probablyderived from <strong>the</strong> last word.Suluran (sulur). A gutter, a watercourse,a canal.Sulur-suluran. A creeper, whatevercreeps.Sumangat. Ghost, manes, spirit; goodspirits ; health.Sumatra. The isl<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> Sumatra; possiblyfrom Su-maha-rashtra, meaningin Sanskrit, " very great kingdom."Name <strong>of</strong> a district inSumbuli. The horn <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> rhinoceros ;V. Sumbu.Sumpah (j). An oath; a vow; ordeal,trial by fire or water ; curse, imprecation,malediction ; to swear, to take anoath.Sumpahan. Eelics or o<strong>the</strong>r objects onwhich an oath is taken.Sumpahkan. To swear, to «administer anoath ; to curse, to imprecate, to bestowa malediction, to execrate.Sumpah-api. The ordeal by fire.Sumpah-aydr. The ordeal by water.Sumping (bat). Side, flank.Sumpit (j. supit). Narrow, straight, confined.Sumpit. To discharge any thing from<strong>the</strong> mouth by a forcible expiration, toperflate.Sumpitan. A pipe or tube for dischargingmissiles by blowing with <strong>the</strong>mouth.Sumpitk&n. To shoot with a blow-pipe.Sumpit-sumpit. Name <strong>of</strong> a shell-fish.

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