A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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SAL—SAL [ 166 SAL—SAMthe iutermediate space ; interstice : alternate; alternately ; a bay, a bight.Salangkan. To place at intervals.Salang-salang. Alternately, by turns.Salanggnr. Salangore, a state on thewestern side of the Malay peninsula.Salangin. Name of an esculent fish.Salangkar. To rummage, to searchamong a heap of things.Salang-sali. Name of a mvisical measure.Salang-saling (j). Alternate; motley,chequered.Salap. Insensible, in a state of insensibility.Salapan (sdn). Nine ; v. Salapan.Sfilaput. An animal enveloping membrane,as the pei-icardium ; the cicatrixof a healing wound.Salara. To bi-and, to mark with a hotiron ; a brand.Salasi (s). Sweet basil, Ocymum lasilicum; V. Sulasi.Salompret (jav). A trumpet.flute.Sdlat. A strait, a frith, a narrow sea. Salsalah (a). A chain, a series ; succession,pedigree, genealogy.Salatan. The south ; south, southern.Salatan-daya. South-south-west.Sfllsjlmah. A cold, a rheum, a catarrh.Salatan-tanggara. South-south-east.Salayut. A scare-ci-ow; a contrivancefor frightening birds.Salampang. Timid, timorous, fearful.Salampiku. Name of a bird.Salap. To insert, to stick in, to interposeV. Salat.Salapa. A tobacco-box, generally metallic; V. Chalapa.SS,lasai. To .settle, to adjust, to arrange,to put in order ; to decide, to bring toa conclusion.Salasima. An obsti-uction of some ofthe secretions of the body.Saligi.Salimat (ben). A cold, a rheum.Salimbada. Name of an insect.Salimbar. Name of a large parasiticplant.Salimpai. A scarf; v. Salimpai.Salimpaikan. To cover the shoulderswith a scarf.Salimpat. To turn off, to turn aside, toturn out of the way.Salimut. A coverlet, a bed-cover.Salindung (lindung). Sheltered, shadedsheltered, protected.Salind'ang (j). A scarf, a veil ; v. Salendang.Salind'it (j). Name of a small species ofparrot ; Psittacus galgulus.Salir (jay). To choose, to select; aconcubine, or iis the Javanese dictionaryexplains the word, " a lower orsubordinate wife."Siiliran. An ornamental border.Sillisih (j). To differ, to varj^, to disagree;difiering, disagreeing.Salisih. To pass by another on theroad.To hunt head Salisik (bat). the forvermin.Salit. To insert, to stick in, to interpose; V. Salap and Salat.Saliyung. At once.Saloka (s). A stanza, a verse ; a saying,a proverb ; a saw, an axiom, an adagea trope, a figure.Salokan (bat). A canal, a water-course,probably a corruption of Sarokan.Salongkar (j. blokar). To institute anenquiry, to make a scrutiny, as forstolen goods.Salomprak (jav). Name of a kind ofSalubung. Hooded, having the headcovered.Saluk. To grope, to fumble in a holewith the hand, to poke.Salukong. A kind of long shield orbuckler.Sillumu. The cast-off skin or slough ofa snake.Salur (jav). To proceed in a continuousor unbroken line.Saluran (j. salur). A gutter, a watercourse,a canal, a brook, a streamletV. Suluran.Salusuh. A remedy to promote parturi-Salat, V. Saldp.tion.Salend'ang (j). A scarf, a sash ; a veil ;Salut (j). To coat or cover over, toV. Salindang.oyerlay with some material differentSaligi (j). A wooden dart or javelin ; v. from the substratum.Sdluwar (a). Drawers; trousers, pantaloons; V. Saluwar and Saliuvar.Sdmai. A seed-bed, a nursery ; v. Simai.Samaja. Only, simply, merely ; even,although, notwithstanding; assuredly,certainly, indubitably.Samaja. Name of an island in the Chinasea towards the straits of Malacca.Samak. Underwood, coppice, brushwood; foul from brushwood, over-runwith coppice.Sflmantara (s). Meanwhile ; while, whilst,during; v. Samantara.Samantra. The island of Sumatra; v.Sumatra and Sumantra.Samang. A name given by the Malaysto a diminutive race of negroes, inhabitingsome of the mountains of theMalay peninsula.

SAM—SAM [ 167 ]sAm—sAmSflmaugat. Ghost, manes, spirit ; soulhigh spirits ; health ; v. Sumangat.Samangatkfln. To affright, to terrify.Sdmangka (j). The water-melon, C'Urullusedidis.S3,mar (s). A name of Bima, in theMahabarat ; v. Samar.Samarang (jav). The town and provinceof Samarang, in Java.Samayam. To sit in state as a king.Sdmdna-mana (ben). Without cause,causelessly.S^m§,nda (ke). A mode of marriagewhen the parties are of equal rank.Sdmandera. The bowsprit of a ship.Sdmarbak. To give out a sweet scentredolent.Sdmbada (jav). Becoming, decent,proper.Sambadra (s). The wife of Arjuna andsister of Krishna.Simbah (j). An obeisance ; a reverence;homage ; respectful declaration, representationsubmitted ; adoration, devotion; to make an obeisance, to bow ;to adore, to worship.Simbah-maiiambah. To make reciprocalobeisances, to give mutual compliments.Sdmbahyang (j). Prayer ; worship ; topray, to worship. Sfimbah, in itssense of adoration or devotion, andyang or ywang, "a god," in Javanese,may be the derivation of thisword.bless.Sampar. Plague, i^estilence.SAmbangan. Name of a bird.Samparna, v. Sampurna and Sflmpurna.S4mbar&p. Ready, made up, prepared Samparong (bat), v. Sdmprong.for use ; complete ; a made up dress, Sampit (j). A back-stroke with the handor suit of clothes.or with a weapon.Sambarit. A tray with feet ; v. SimbaritpipeSamprong (jav). An artificer's blow-; a bamboo tube used as a bellowsS4mbalih (j). To sacrifice ; to slaughter for kindling a fire.an animal with religious forms. Sampur. Name of a plant, ColbertiaSilmbaiihan. A victim ; a sacrifice.Sambilan. Nine ; v. Sambilan.fighting.Sambung. Name of a plant, Pluchcabalsamifera.Sdmbuiii. Hidden, concealed, secret;mysterious ; stealthy, clandestine.Sambuiiikan. To hide, to conceal, tosecrete.Sambur (j). To gush, to sj)0ut; toshoot, to emit.Samburan. The object shot or emittedsmall shot.Samburna. Gold-coloured.Sambut (j). To take, to lay hold of; totake, to receive ; to receive ceremoniously; V. Sambut.Sambutan. The act of receiving; thething received ; customs on importsV. Sambutan.Sambuyan. An alarum, a tocsin.Samedi (jav). Adoration, worship ; God,the Deity.Samigit (jav). A corruption of sa, " a "or " one," and masjid, " a mosque."Sampai (j. sampir). To hang up, tohang out.Sampai. A stopper, a stopple, a plug;to stop, to close up, to plug, to bung.Sampalkdn. To stop up, to plug, to cork.Sampana (j. sampona). Some fancifulbut prized quality in a kris.Sampat. To be able, to be equal orcompetent to.Sdrnpat. Opportunity, fit time.Sampana. A blessing, a benediction ; toobovata.Sampur-aydr. Names of two plants,Sambilan-blas. Nineteen.Dillenia macrophylla and Dillenia speciosa.Sambilan-puluh. Ninety.S4mbilan-i-atus. Nine hundred.Sampurna (s). Perfect, complete; faultless;Sambilan-ribu. Nine thousand.Sambilu. A cutting instrument made consummate, finished;purna and Samparna.v. Sam-of bamboo.Sampurniian. Perfection ; completionSamboja (j). Name of a tree, Plumiera fulfilment ; consummation.acutifolia.Silmpurnakan. To complete, to perfect.Sambrama (jav). Joke, jest, drollery ;Samsam. A name given by the Malays toto joke, to jest ; sportive, wanton.the mixed race between Malays andSambrana (jav). Heedless, inattentive, Siamese, and also to parties who havenegligent.adopted the language, manners, andSambrani. An imaginary race of horses, dress, although uot thereligion of thehorses of a pure breed.opposite party ; v. Samsam.Sambubur. Name of a fish.Samu (j. seeming, appearing ; secret,Sambuh. Cured, healed, well, whole. enigmatical). Guile, fraud, deceitS^mbung. The stroke of a cock inartifice, trick, machination.S4mu (jAv). Countenance, pliysiognomy,

SAL—SAL [ 166 SAL—SAM<strong>the</strong> iutermediate space ; interstice : alternate; alternately ; a bay, a bight.Salangkan. To place at intervals.Salang-salang. Alternately, by turns.Salanggnr. Salangore, a state on <strong>the</strong>western side <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Malay</strong> peninsula.Salangin. Name <strong>of</strong> an esculent fish.Salangkar. To rummage, to searchamong a heap <strong>of</strong> things.Salang-sali. Name <strong>of</strong> a mvisical measure.Salang-saling (j). Alternate; motley,chequered.Salap. Insensible, in a state <strong>of</strong> insensibility.Salapan (sdn). Nine ; v. Salapan.Sfilaput. An animal enveloping membrane,as <strong>the</strong> pei-icardium ; <strong>the</strong> cicatrix<strong>of</strong> a healing wound.Salara. To bi-<strong>and</strong>, to mark with a hotiron ; a br<strong>and</strong>.Salasi (s). Sweet basil, Ocymum lasilicum; V. Sulasi.Salompret (jav). A trumpet.flute.Sdlat. A strait, a frith, a narrow sea. Salsalah (a). A chain, a series ; succession,pedigree, genealogy.Salatan. The south ; south, sou<strong>the</strong>rn.Salatan-daya. South-south-west.Sfllsjlmah. A cold, a rheum, a catarrh.Salatan-tanggara. South-south-east.Salayut. A scare-ci-ow; a contrivancefor frightening birds.Salampang. Timid, timorous, fearful.Salampiku. Name <strong>of</strong> a bird.Salap. To insert, to stick in, to interposeV. Salat.Salapa. A tobacco-box, generally metallic; V. Chalapa.SS,lasai. To .settle, to adjust, to arrange,to put in order ; to decide, to bring toa conclusion.Salasima. An obsti-uction <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> secretions <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> body.Saligi.Salimat (ben). A cold, a rheum.Salimbada. Name <strong>of</strong> an insect.Salimbar. Name <strong>of</strong> a large parasiticplant.Salimpai. A scarf; v. Salimpai.Salimpaikan. To cover <strong>the</strong> shoulderswith a scarf.Salimpat. To turn <strong>of</strong>f, to turn aside, toturn out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> way.Salimut. A coverlet, a bed-cover.Salindung (lindung). Sheltered, shadedsheltered, protected.Salind'ang (j). A scarf, a veil ; v. Salendang.Salind'it (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a small species <strong>of</strong>parrot ; Psittacus galgulus.Salir (jay). To choose, to select; aconcubine, or iis <strong>the</strong> Javanese <strong>dictionary</strong>explains <strong>the</strong> word, " a lower orsubordinate wife."Siiliran. An ornamental border.Sillisih (j). To differ, to varj^, to disagree;difiering, disagreeing.Salisih. To pass by ano<strong>the</strong>r on <strong>the</strong>road.To hunt head Salisik (bat). <strong>the</strong> forvermin.Salit. To insert, to stick in, to interpose; V. Salap <strong>and</strong> Salat.Saliyung. At once.Saloka (s). A stanza, a verse ; a saying,a proverb ; a saw, an axiom, an adagea trope, a figure.Salokan (bat). A canal, a water-course,probably a corruption <strong>of</strong> Sarokan.Salongkar (j. blokar). To institute anenquiry, to make a scrutiny, as forstolen goods.Salomprak (jav). Name <strong>of</strong> a kind <strong>of</strong>Salubung. Hooded, having <strong>the</strong> headcovered.Saluk. To grope, to fumble in a holewith <strong>the</strong> h<strong>and</strong>, to poke.Salukong. A kind <strong>of</strong> long shield orbuckler.Sillumu. The cast-<strong>of</strong>f skin or slough <strong>of</strong>a snake.Salur (jav). To proceed in a continuousor unbroken line.Saluran (j. salur). A gutter, a watercourse,a canal, a brook, a streamletV. Suluran.Salusuh. A remedy to promote parturi-Salat, V. Saldp.tion.Salend'ang (j). A scarf, a sash ; a veil ;Salut (j). To coat or cover over, toV. Salindang.oyerlay with some material differentSaligi (j). A wooden dart or javelin ; v. from <strong>the</strong> substratum.Sdluwar (a). Drawers; trousers, pantaloons; V. Saluwar <strong>and</strong> Saliuvar.Sdmai. A seed-bed, a nursery ; v. Simai.Samaja. Only, simply, merely ; even,although, notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing; assuredly,certainly, indubitably.Samaja. Name <strong>of</strong> an isl<strong>and</strong> in <strong>the</strong> Chinasea towards <strong>the</strong> straits <strong>of</strong> Malacca.Samak. Underwood, coppice, brushwood; foul from brushwood, over-runwith coppice.Sflmantara (s). Meanwhile ; while, whilst,during; v. Samantara.Samantra. The isl<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> Sumatra; v.Sumatra <strong>and</strong> Sumantra.Samang. A name given by <strong>the</strong> <strong>Malay</strong>sto a diminutive race <strong>of</strong> negroes, inhabitingsome <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> mountains <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>Malay</strong> peninsula.

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