A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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SAW—SAB [164] SAB—SADSawau (JAV). Soot.Sawaiig (ben). T)ie shoal water near thecoast distinguished from the deep orblue sea.Sawara (s). Sound, noise ; report, repercrission; voice ; note, tune ; v. Swaraand Suwara.Sawarang (warang). A partner, an associate.Sawarga (s). Heaven, the abode of godsand spirits ; the abode of the blessed ;V. Surga, Swarga, and Suwarga.Sawat. To sling or throw somethingloosely over the bodj-.Sawat (bat). A rope or halter for leadinganimals.Sawat (bat). To appear small to theeye from a distance.Sawi (t). Mustard ; v. Sasawi.Sawiji (s. wiji). One, one only; lite-tion; love, affectionate regard; anxiety,solicitude ; compassionate ; anxious,solicitous ; pity, alas ! wo is !Sayangkfln. To pity, to compassionate,to commiserate ; to love.Sayangiia. Beseechingly, imploringly.Sayakti (jav. yakti). Truly, verily.Saydp. The wing of a bird or insect.Saying. To sail in company, to sail in afleet ; to travel in any way in company;V. Siiing.Sayir. To say, to speak.Sayirkan. To tell, to relate.Sayit. To slice, to slice off.Sayogyaua (s. yogya). Becomingly, fittingly,decently ; it behoveth, it ismeet.Sayoj ana (s. yojana). The distance thatthe eye can see ; the eye's reach.Sayu. Sorrowful, sad, gi'ieving.Sayub, or Sayup. Distant as to sight orhearing; barely visible; barely audible;indistinctly seen or heard ; tardy, late,long delayed ; cast down, dejected.Sayur. Greens, pot-herbs, esculent vege-Sababar. Name of the island called inthe maps Timur-laut.Sabak. Full, overflowing.Sdbal. Chagrin, vexation ; vexed, troubled, afflicted.Sabar (j). To strew, to scatter.SaV)awa. Handsome, beautiful.Sabaya. Name of a mountain in the interior of Sumatra.Sabab (a). Cause, reason, motive ; because,on this account, for.Sabab-apa. Why, wherefore.Sabab-ini. For this reason, on thisaccount.Sabab-itu. Therefore, for that, for thatreason.Sabak (j. kabak). Full, replete.Sabam. Soiled, sullied, stained ; havinga pensive and sorrowful look.Sabda (s). To speak, to say ; to order,to direct, to command ; order, command,mandate, commandment; decree.Sabeh. Name of a plant, Canna pulchra.Sabat. A sickle.Sabhau (a). Worthy of praises.Sabil (a). Way, road, path; mode,manner.Sabtii (a). The seventh day of the Jewishrally, " one corn or seed."and Mahomedan week, Saturday ; theSawindu (windu). A cycle of eight Sabbath.years.Sabut (j). To call, to name, to denominate; to mention ; to invoke, to callSawu. The island of Savu, near Timur.Sawuh. An anchoi*.upon ; to affirm, to declare.Saya. A slave ;personal pronoun of the Sacliang (jav). Sappan wood, Ccesalpiniafirst person.sappan ; v. Sapang.Sayang. Pity, compassion, commisera-Sadak. Titillation in the throat.Sadal (bat). Sharp, sour, acid.Sadar. To recollect, to call to mind ; tobe conscious ; to become conscious, tocome to one's senses ; to revive ; conscious,self-possessed.Sadarkan. To make conscious, to call tomind ; to inform.Sadayu (jav). Name of a district in theeastern part of Java.Sadarana (s). Moderate, temperate, notexcessive, of middle quality.Sadasada (bat). Near, close at handnearly, almost,Sadikit. A little, not much ; a few, notmany.Sadingin.Name of a plant. Cotyledon laciniata.Siidiya. Former, past ; original, pristineancient, old, not modern ; long, for along time ; real, true, genuine, notfictitious ; ready, prejjared.Sadiyakala (s). Former times, oldentimes, yore ; olden ; long established,customary; always, continually, constantly.Sadu. To hiccup ; hiccup ; to sob.Sildu (bat). To steep or infuse in warmwater.Sadang (j). Whilst, during the timethat; whilst, at the same time that;then, that time; since, seeing that;middling, of middle quality ; fitting,suitable ;ripe, mellow, in season.Sadangkan. Wliile, at the same time thateven, as well ; since, because that.

SAD—sAK [ 165 ]SAK—SAlSad-anglagi. Yet, still ; while, as longas ;whilst, while j'et.S^dvap (j). Pleasant, gi-ateful, agreeable;pleasing, of agi-eeable manners ;pleased, gratified, delighted.Sad'apau. Delicacies, dainties, thingsthat give pleasure.Sdd'ap-ati. Pleasure; content, satisfaction.Sad'apkan. To please, to gratify ; to content,to satisfy.Sad'eh. Irritated, provoked.Sdd'ih (j). Sad, sorrowful, grieved ; grief,sadness, sorrow.Sad'ut. Estrangement, alienation of afifection.Sad'ut (j). To smoke, to inhale smoke.Saga. Name of the common rattan ofcommerce, Calamus viminalis.Sagala (s). Each one; every one; all,the whole ; v. Sagala.Sagantung.Name of a mountain in theterritory of Malacca ; v. Sagantung.S4gara (s). The sea, the ocean ; v. Sagara.Sagara-kidul (s and j). The southernocean, the sea south of Java.Sagaran (sagara). A reservoir ; an artificiallake.S3,g4n. Lazy, slothful.Sagar (j). Fresh, new, not stale, not fadedor vapid ; refreshed ; refreshing.Saguk (bat). To sob ; v. Sad'u.Sftjarah (jav). A chronicle, a history,annals ; a book, a writing.Sajat. To dry by wiping up or shakingout moisture.Sajati (j. jati, "true"). Truly, veritably,really.Saja (a). Rhyme ; metre ;poetry.Sajehtra. Security, safety ;peace, rest,quiet; peaceable, not turbulent; perfect,free from defect.Sajud (a). Adoring; act of adoration byprostration to tlie ground ; to bow, tobend the body in token of respect.Sajuk. Cold, not hot ; cold, chill ; coolcooling, refreshing ; contented ;cold,coldness ; chill, chilliness ; cool, refreshing; coldly, without ardour.Sajukkfln. To cool, to make cold; tocontent, to make contented.Sajuk-ati. Content, contentment ;goodwill.Sajukkan-ati. To content, to please, tosatisfy.Sakadau. Name of a Malay state on thesouth-western side of Borneo.Sakal. Name of a dry measure, two ofwhich make a chupah (chupak), andequal, at Peuang, to three cubic inchesnearly.Sakam. Husks; chaff; bran.Sakana. Name of an island at the easternend of the straits of Malacca.Sakar (jav). A flower; metre, verse;a metrical measure poetry.Sakar-taji (jav).;Name of the wife ofPanji Inakarta-pati, king of Janggalala,in Java ; literally, " the flower withthorns."Sakarang. Now, at present; present,not past or future.Sakarang-ini.Sakarang-itu.Just now.Just then.Sakat. A bar ; a barrier, a barricadethe bar or bank causing an obstructionat the mouth of a river ; an obstruction,an obstacle.Sakatkan. To bar, to barricade ; to obstruct.Sakati. Name of a bird.Sakati (j). Name of a musical insti'ument,a kind of staccata.Sakarat (a). Agony ; fainting.Sakinat (a). Repose, ease of mind.Sakot. Charms or forms of incantationused by thieves.Saksi (s). a witness, an evidence; v.Saksi and S'^ksi.Saksian. Evidence, testimony, proof.Siikti (s). Powerful, mighty, potent;supernaturally gifted; potent fi'omcharms ;power, might ; supernaturalpower ; enchantment.Saktian. I'ower, might ; supernaturalpower, superhuman skill.Sakarlat (a). Woollen cloth; purpet.SaA-sama (a). Investigation, diligent enquiry.SJlla (j). Interval, space unoccupied.Salada (for). A salad.Saladang. Name of an undescribed kindof wild cattle of the forests of theMalay peninsula.Salaka (Jav). Silver.Salam (j. silam). To immerge, to plungeto dive.Salam (a). Peace; salutation, salute.Salamat (a). Peace ; safety.Salamat-jalan. Compliments of the journey,a happy journey.Salamat-pulang. A happy return.Salamat-tinggal. A happy parting, afarewell.Salampai. To wear a piece of dressloosely over the neck and shoulders.Sillampuri (s). Name of a kind of Indiancotton fabric.Salandap. Name of a liliaceous i^laut.Orilium asiaticum ; v. Bakung.Salantcng (j). Name of a supposed speciesof wild cattle.Salaug. Interval, space between ; within,not later than ; between, betwixt, in

SAD—sAK [ 165 ]SAK—SAlSad-anglagi. Yet, still ; while, as longas ;whilst, while j'et.S^dvap (j). Pleasant, gi-ateful, agreeable;pleasing, <strong>of</strong> agi-eeable manners ;pleased, gratified, delighted.Sad'apau. Delicacies, dainties, thingsthat give pleasure.Sdd'ap-ati. Pleasure; content, satisfaction.Sad'apkan. To please, to gratify ; to content,to satisfy.Sad'eh. Irritated, provoked.Sdd'ih (j). Sad, sorrowful, grieved ; grief,sadness, sorrow.Sad'ut. Estrangement, alienation <strong>of</strong> afifection.Sad'ut (j). To smoke, to inhale smoke.Saga. Name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> common rattan <strong>of</strong>commerce, Calamus viminalis.Sagala (s). Each one; every one; all,<strong>the</strong> whole ; v. Sagala.Sagantung.Name <strong>of</strong> a mountain in <strong>the</strong>territory <strong>of</strong> Malacca ; v. Sagantung.S4gara (s). The sea, <strong>the</strong> ocean ; v. Sagara.Sagara-kidul (s <strong>and</strong> j). The sou<strong>the</strong>rnocean, <strong>the</strong> sea south <strong>of</strong> Java.Sagaran (sagara). A reservoir ; an artificiallake.S3,g4n. Lazy, slothful.Sagar (j). Fresh, new, not stale, not fadedor vapid ; refreshed ; refreshing.Saguk (bat). To sob ; v. Sad'u.Sftjarah (jav). A chronicle, a history,annals ; a book, a writing.Sajat. To dry by wiping up or shakingout moisture.Sajati (j. jati, "true"). Truly, veritably,really.Saja (a). Rhyme ; metre ;poetry.Sajehtra. Security, safety ;peace, rest,quiet; peaceable, not turbulent; perfect,free from defect.Sajud (a). Adoring; act <strong>of</strong> adoration byprostration to tlie ground ; to bow, tobend <strong>the</strong> body in token <strong>of</strong> respect.Sajuk. Cold, not hot ; cold, chill ; coolcooling, refreshing ; contented ;cold,coldness ; chill, chilliness ; cool, refreshing; coldly, without ardour.Sajukkfln. To cool, to make cold; tocontent, to make contented.Sajuk-ati. Content, contentment ;goodwill.Sajukkan-ati. To content, to please, tosatisfy.Sakadau. Name <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Malay</strong> state on <strong>the</strong>south-western side <strong>of</strong> Borneo.Sakal. Name <strong>of</strong> a dry measure, two <strong>of</strong>which make a chupah (chupak), <strong>and</strong>equal, at Peuang, to three cubic inchesnearly.Sakam. Husks; chaff; bran.Sakana. Name <strong>of</strong> an isl<strong>and</strong> at <strong>the</strong> easternend <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> straits <strong>of</strong> Malacca.Sakar (jav). A flower; metre, verse;a metrical measure poetry.Sakar-taji (jav).;Name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> wife <strong>of</strong>Panji Inakarta-pati, king <strong>of</strong> Janggalala,in Java ; literally, " <strong>the</strong> flower withthorns."Sakarang. Now, at present; present,not past or future.Sakarang-ini.Sakarang-itu.Just now.Just <strong>the</strong>n.Sakat. A bar ; a barrier, a barricade<strong>the</strong> bar or bank causing an obstructionat <strong>the</strong> mouth <strong>of</strong> a river ; an obstruction,an obstacle.Sakatkan. To bar, to barricade ; to obstruct.Sakati. Name <strong>of</strong> a bird.Sakati (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a musical insti'ument,a kind <strong>of</strong> staccata.Sakarat (a). Agony ; fainting.Sakinat (a). Repose, ease <strong>of</strong> mind.Sakot. Charms or forms <strong>of</strong> incantationused by thieves.Saksi (s). a witness, an evidence; v.Saksi <strong>and</strong> S'^ksi.Saksian. Evidence, testimony, pro<strong>of</strong>.Siikti (s). Powerful, mighty, potent;supernaturally gifted; potent fi'omcharms ;power, might ; supernaturalpower ; enchantment.Saktian. I'ower, might ; supernaturalpower, superhuman skill.Sakarlat (a). Woollen cloth; purpet.SaA-sama (a). Investigation, diligent enquiry.SJlla (j). Interval, space unoccupied.Salada (for). A salad.Saladang. Name <strong>of</strong> an undescribed kind<strong>of</strong> wild cattle <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> forests <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>Malay</strong> peninsula.Salaka (Jav). Silver.Salam (j. silam). To immerge, to plungeto dive.Salam (a). Peace; salutation, salute.Salamat (a). Peace ; safety.Salamat-jalan. Compliments <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> journey,a happy journey.Salamat-pulang. A happy return.Salamat-tinggal. A happy parting, afarewell.Salampai. To wear a piece <strong>of</strong> dressloosely over <strong>the</strong> neck <strong>and</strong> shoulders.Sillampuri (s). Name <strong>of</strong> a kind <strong>of</strong> Indiancotton fabric.Sal<strong>and</strong>ap. Name <strong>of</strong> a liliaceous i^laut.Orilium asiaticum ; v. Bakung.Salantcng (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a supposed species<strong>of</strong> wild cattle.Salaug. Interval, space between ; within,not later than ; between, betwixt, in

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