A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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AX5—AXG [7] ANG—AXGreckoned by him as a set-<strong>of</strong>f against hisdebt.An.mf, insaf (a). Justice, equity ; moderation.An«if. imaf (a). To consider, to muse.An«af kan. To do justice, to execute justice; to rectify, to set right.Ansa-Allah, ins'a-Allah (a). By <strong>the</strong> blessing<strong>of</strong> God ; God willing.Anta (SDX). Brackish, somewhat salt.Antah. Perhaps, peradveuture, may be.Antahkan. Perhaps, possiblj'.Antak. To beat time with <strong>the</strong> heel withouttaking <strong>the</strong> toes <strong>of</strong>f <strong>the</strong> gi-ound.Antak (ben). To smart, to feel a prickingpain.Antakusuma (s). A garment <strong>of</strong> manycolours.Antang. A stamper, a pestle.Antara (s). Between, betwixt ; among,amongst ; within, not longer ago than ;interval, space between ; vacuity, interim;meantime, meanwhile; in <strong>the</strong>coui-se <strong>of</strong>Antariii. To place between; to introduce,to insinuate.Antarana. Meanwhile, meantime.Antaraja (s).Xame <strong>of</strong> a son <strong>of</strong> Bima in<strong>the</strong> 5lahabarat.Antar-antar, A rammer ; a ramrod.Antih (j). To .spin, to make thread.Antiha (a). End, termination ; finished,terminated.Antimun. The cucumber, Cucumis sativiis; V. Timun.Anting. To hang, to drop, to depend,to be pendent.Anting-anting. A plummet ; an ear-drop,a pendant.Antu (j). A goblin, a spectre.Antuk. To knock against, to clash, tocollide to stumble against.;Antuk (j). To nod, to decline <strong>the</strong> headto nod, to be di-owsy.Antun. A fop, a fribble, a coxcomb.Antup (jAv). The sting <strong>of</strong> an insect.Ant'ero (PoR. inteiro). Entirely, wholly.Aniala-s (a). Satin v. Adas.Anu (j).;Some, certain, such; as in '<strong>the</strong>English expressions, " some place,"" a certain person," " such a one."Anugrah (s). Gift, present, largess,bounty ; gi-ace, favoui-.Anugrah i. To bestow, to give largessesto favour, to bestow favours.Anugrahkan ; v. Anugrahi.Anuu ; v. Anu.Ang. Thou. This pronoun, in commonuse with <strong>the</strong> <strong>Malay</strong>s <strong>of</strong> Kadah <strong>and</strong> Perak,is probably an abbreviation <strong>of</strong> angkau,<strong>the</strong> first syllable only being used,while o<strong>the</strong>r <strong>Malay</strong>s use only <strong>the</strong> last.It belongs to <strong>the</strong> oral <strong>language</strong> only.Ang. A titular prefix to names <strong>of</strong> men.Ang-tuwah. The titular name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>celebrated laksamana <strong>of</strong> Malacca.Anga-anga. Name <strong>of</strong> a mountain chainon <strong>the</strong> sou<strong>the</strong>rn side <strong>of</strong> Borneo.Angan-angan (j). To think, to meditatethought, meditation.Angar (j. angm-). Ra<strong>the</strong>r, preferably ; v.Angur.Angat (j). Hot, warm ; heat, warmth,glow; heat, anger, passion.Angel (jAv). Difl&cult; intricate, pei-plexed.Angada (j). Xame <strong>of</strong> a country mentionedin Javanese lomance; v. Andongsari.Anggang. The rhinoceros bird, Buceros.Anggap. To challenge to sing <strong>and</strong> danceat a carousal.Anggap-anggapan. Challenging to sing<strong>and</strong> dance at a carou.sal.Anggau. To raise <strong>the</strong> h<strong>and</strong> as if to strike.Angdn. To refuse, to deny, not to assent.Anggar. To permit, to suffer.Anggrek (j). A common term for orchideousplants.Anggi-ek-batid. The scorpion flower,Cymbidium hicolor.Anggi-ek lama. Xame <strong>of</strong> an orchideousplant, Cymbidium cuspidntum.Anggris (jav). A Spanish dollar.Anggu. To nod, to decline <strong>the</strong> head ; topitch or toss by <strong>the</strong> head, as a vesselin a rough sea.Anggun. Shai-e, portion, allotment.Anggung (j). Uninterrupted, unbroken,continuous.Anggur-utan. Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong> wildvine, Vitis sylvestris. This word, half<strong>Malay</strong> <strong>and</strong> half Persian, cannot be <strong>the</strong>original name <strong>of</strong> an indigenous plant,which this is.Angguta (s). Limb, member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> body;joint.Angin (j). Air, <strong>the</strong> atmosphere ; <strong>the</strong>wind ; <strong>the</strong> wea<strong>the</strong>r.Angiukan. To air, to expose to <strong>the</strong> airto winnow.Angin-aliian. Wind a-head, a head wind.Angin-d-arat. A l<strong>and</strong> wind.Angin-putiug-baliyuug. A whirlwind.Angin-ruwaug. Wind on <strong>the</strong> beam ;literally, " wind <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ribs or timbers,"or ra<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> interstices between <strong>the</strong>ribs.Angin-surung-buritan.Wind aft; literally," wind pushing <strong>the</strong> stern."Angin -tambirang-aliian. Wind before<strong>the</strong> beam ; literally, " wind before <strong>the</strong>forestays."Angin-tamliirang-buritan. Wind on <strong>the</strong>quarter ; literally, " wind <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> afteror niizen stays."Angka (s). Figure, form, outline ; imni-

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