A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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SAB -SAB [ 15(J SAB—SAGSabaiiak-lagi. As many, or ass muchmore ; so many more.Sabar (j). Bitterly, severely.Sabarang (j. barang). Whatever, anything.Sabarang-barang. Anything soever; some,some one ; ordinary, of common i-ank.Sabawan. A playmate, a comrade.Sabaya (baya). Equal, alike, similar.Sabayik-bayik (bayik). Luckily, fortunately; correctly, truly.Sabtlcbara (bachara). Unanimous, of onemind.SabMum (balnm). Ere, before, soonerthan.Every, each one.Saban (jay).Sabanasa (b^nasa). Rogue, miscreant,profligate ; a tei-m of abuse.Sabanar (banar). Of a truth, in truth,,truly.Sabilnar-banar. Truly, veritably, mosttruly.SabAnaiTia. Indeed, in truth, in verity ;truly, justly.Sabaudrang. Over against, ojjposite.Sabantar. A moment, a minute, a shortwhile ; immediately, straightway.Sabautar-ini. Just now, this moment.Sabdntar-itu. That moment, that instant.Sabantar-lagi. Presently, in a short timehence, by-and-by.Sabarana. Entire, comiilete.Sab.lrmula (mula). First, at fir.>3t, at thebeginning. An adverb used to indicatethe commencement of a paragraph orsection.Sabatul (batul). Truly, rightly, correctly.Sabda (s). To say, to speak ; a word,speech ; to ordei-, to command ; order,command, mandate.Sabiji (biji). One of any small roundbodies literally, " one seed.";Sabit. A sickle.Sablah (blah, " to split ").• One of twosides; one of two objects; one half;side, quarter, direction ; close by, hardby ; apart, separate ; the sole fish.Sablah-kanan. Tlie right side.Sablah-ku-i. The left side.Sablah-sana. That side, thither, yonder.Sablah-sini. This side, hither.Sablas (j). Eleven.Sabi-ang (j). On the opposite side of thewater ; on the opposite shore of a sea,lake, or river ; foreign, outlandish ; anycountry beyond the sea, in reference tothe Archipelago, esi)ecially the countryof the Hindus ; v. Sabraug.Sabuk (j). A girdle, a waistband.Sabulih (bulih). Ability, power, capacity.Sabulih-bulih. T5y all possible means, byevery endeavour.Sabulih-bulihiia. Possibly, by po.ssibility.Sabun (POR. sabao). Soap.Sabung (j). To fight, to conflict ; a gamecock.Sabung. Name of an island in the sti-aitsof Malacca.Sabung-milnabung. To fight reciprocally,to engage in mutual conflict.Sabut. The fibrous husk of the cocouut.Sachakar (chakar). A scratch, a scrape;a line.Sachara (cliara). Having the same mannersor customs.Sachukup (chukup). Enough, a sufticiency.Sachurang. Name of a kind of nativemadecannon.Sadab. Eue, Rata graveoJens.Sadakala (s). Yore, oldeu time; longago ; usual, wonted ; constantly, continually;always; v. Sadiyakala.Sadaliiuggam (t). Minium, red lead,sulphuret of lead.Sadapat (dapat). Possible ;possibility.Sadapat-dapat. By all possibility, byevery efibrt, ^by every endeavour.Sadapatiia. Possibly.Sadaya (jav). All, the whole.Sadar (j). Sal ammoniac, muriate of ammonia.Sadewa (s). Name of one of the Paudus,in the Mahabarat.Sadikit (j. sad'id'ik). A little, a smallpart ; a few, a small number.Sadingin (dingin). Name of a plant. Cotyledonlacmiata.Sadiya. Genuine, real, natural, not counterfeit ; v. Sadiya.Sadiya. Former, past, ancient, oldeu.Sadiya. Ready, prepared.Sadiyakan. To prepare, to get ready,to make i-eady.Sadiyakala (s). Oldeu time, usual; always;V. Sadakala.Sadulur (jav). Brother or sister.Sadung. Name of a place on the northwestcoast of Borneo. >Sadup (ben), a sickle.Sad'atang (d-ataug). Arrival.Saga (j). The scarlet weighing bean, therutty of the Hindus, equal to grains3'33, Abrm jwcecalorim.Saga-kayu. Name of a large scarlet bean,Adenanthcra pavonina.Sagala (s). All, every one.Sagala-sasuwatu. Every one.Sagara (s). The sea, the ocean.Sagara-kindul (jav). The South sea, thesea south of Java.Sagantung. Name of a mountain in theterritory of Malacca.Saganap (ganap). The whole, the totalityeach, every one.Saganggdm (ganggam). A handful.

SAG—SAK [157 ]SAK—SAKSagi. The side of a square or other angulardegree ; utterly, completely, entirely,figure.wholly.Sagu (j). The esculent pith of the sago Sakalian (kali). All, every one.palm, Meiroxylon sago ; v. Rambiya. Sakaliatan (liat). Sight, prospect, objectSagu (gu). A yoke of oxen ; a pair, a of view.couple.Sakali-kali. At all, by any means; atSah (j). Broken, interrupted.once ; ever.Sah (p). King ; v. S'ah.Sakali-kali tiyada. Never ; not at all, bySa/tir (a), a sorcerer, a magician ; sorcery,no means.magic.Sakali-lagi. Once more, again.Saidangan (idangan). Eating from the Sakali-pjlrastawa. Once on a time.same dish, eating at the same table. Sakali-puu. Even, although, notwithstanding; at all, once ; even ; entirely,Siiikat (ikat). A bunch, a cluster.Siiimbat. A back stroke with a weapon. wholly, ever so much.Sakalurga (kalurga). Of the same raceSiiing. To sail in company, to sail in afleet ; to travel any way in company or family, liaving relationship.V. Saymg.Sakampung. Of the same town, village,Satngan (siiing). A companion ship.or quarter; fellow-townsman or villager;neighbour.Saingga (ingga). Unto, until, as far as ;saving, excepting.Sakapur (kajjur, "lime"). A mouthfulTo say, to speak.of the betel ingredients limed andSiiir.Sairkan. To tell, to inform.ready for use; the time taken inSiiisah. To wash cloths by beating on astone or board.Siiisi (isi). The whole, all ; the wholecontents ; inhabitants, the population.Saja. Simply, merely ; v. Saaja.Sajati (j). General, not special.Sajamat (jamat). A week, a se'imight.Sajehtra. Peaceful, still, quiet; secure ;peace, quiet, tranquillity ; rest ; safety,security ; contentment.Saji (s). To pi-epare and lay out an entertainment.Sajian (saji). An entertainment.Sajumput (jumput). The quantity thatcan be taken up between the fingersand thumb, a pinch.Sajm'us. Throughout, right through.Saka. Hereditary, descending from ancestors.Saka (JAV). A post or pillai' in a building.Saka (s). The person alleged to haveintroduced the Hindu era of Salivahnainto Java, a.d. 79.Sakiiandak (andak). AVill, pleasure, dcsu'e,intention, wish.Sakadndakua. At will, at pleasure.Sakadau. Name of a Malay settlementon the western coast of Borneo.Sakaduwa (duwa). Both, the two.Sakai. A dependent, a retainer, a follower; an associate.Sakai. Name of a kind of boat.Sakai. To thrash, to thump.Sakakala (s). The era of Saka, or Salivahna;V. Sangkala.Sakai. A slight blow or stroke ; to slap.Sakai. An advei-se or head ^vind.Sakala (s). Once, on a time; always;whole.Sakali (kali). Once, a single time ; atonce, at the same time ; very, in a highchewing it.Sakai-ang. Now, at present.Sakai-ini. Name of a mountain in Java.Sakasih-kasihan (kasih). Compassionately; affectionately.Sakati. Name of a bird.Sakatika (katika). A moment, an instant,a short while ; immetliately, forthwith,at once ; while, whilst, during.Sakawan (kawan). A flock; a herd; acompany ; together, in company.Sakachap. The twinkling of the eye ; atwinkle, a moment, an instant.Sakajep (kajep), v. Sakicliap.Sakan (sa). To liken, to resemble ; literally,"to make one."Sakarba (s). Name of a Hindu goddess.Sakard'a (s). Name of the abode ofMahesasura.Sakarling (karling). A leer ; a glance.Sakat. To tease or plague a child.Sakatika. A moment ; v. Sakatika.Sakera (kera). According, agreeably to,conformably with.Sakera-kera. Nearly, about, by guess;according to, in a manner suitable to.Sakit (j). Sick, afflicted with disease;sore, painful ; hurt ; to be sick ; to bepained ; to be diseased ; sicknessdisease, malady, distemper; pain, ache;soreness ;pain, punishment, infliction.Sakitan. Pain ;punishment, infliction ;a convict, one that is subjected topunishment.Sakiti, V. Sakitkan.Sakitkau. To punish ; to pain ; tostraiten, to distress.Sakit-ati. Grief; irritation, provocationgrudge.Sakit-bulan. An eclipse of the moon ;literally, '' sickness of the moon."

SAB -SAB [ 15(J SAB—SAGSabaiiak-lagi. As many, or ass muchmore ; so many more.Sabar (j). Bitterly, severely.Sabarang (j. barang). Whatever, anything.Sabarang-barang. Anything soever; some,some one ; ordinary, <strong>of</strong> common i-ank.Sabawan. A playmate, a comrade.Sabaya (baya). Equal, alike, similar.Sabayik-bayik (bayik). Luckily, fortunately; correctly, truly.Sabtlcbara (bachara). Unanimous, <strong>of</strong> onemind.SabMum (balnm). Ere, before, soonerthan.Every, each one.Saban (jay).Sabanasa (b^nasa). Rogue, miscreant,pr<strong>of</strong>ligate ; a tei-m <strong>of</strong> abuse.Sabanar (banar). Of a truth, in truth,,truly.Sabilnar-banar. Truly, veritably, mosttruly.SabAnaiTia. Indeed, in truth, in verity ;truly, justly.Sabaudrang. Over against, ojjposite.Sabantar. A moment, a minute, a shortwhile ; immediately, straightway.Sabautar-ini. Just now, this moment.Sabdntar-itu. That moment, that instant.Sabantar-lagi. Presently, in a short timehence, by-<strong>and</strong>-by.Sabarana. Entire, comiilete.Sab.lrmula (mula). First, at fir.>3t, at <strong>the</strong>beginning. An adverb used to indicate<strong>the</strong> commencement <strong>of</strong> a paragraph orsection.Sabatul (batul). Truly, rightly, correctly.Sabda (s). To say, to speak ; a word,speech ; to ordei-, to comm<strong>and</strong> ; order,comm<strong>and</strong>, m<strong>and</strong>ate.Sabiji (biji). One <strong>of</strong> any small roundbodies literally, " one seed.";Sabit. A sickle.Sablah (blah, " to split ").• One <strong>of</strong> twosides; one <strong>of</strong> two objects; one half;side, quarter, direction ; close by, hardby ; apart, separate ; <strong>the</strong> sole fish.Sablah-kanan. Tlie right side.Sablah-ku-i. The left side.Sablah-sana. That side, thi<strong>the</strong>r, yonder.Sablah-sini. This side, hi<strong>the</strong>r.Sablas (j). Eleven.Sabi-ang (j). On <strong>the</strong> opposite side <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>water ; on <strong>the</strong> opposite shore <strong>of</strong> a sea,lake, or river ; foreign, outl<strong>and</strong>ish ; anycountry beyond <strong>the</strong> sea, in reference to<strong>the</strong> Archipelago, esi)ecially <strong>the</strong> country<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Hindus ; v. Sabraug.Sabuk (j). A girdle, a waistb<strong>and</strong>.Sabulih (bulih). Ability, power, capacity.Sabulih-bulih. T5y all possible means, byevery endeavour.Sabulih-bulihiia. Possibly, by po.ssibility.Sabun (POR. sabao). Soap.Sabung (j). To fight, to conflict ; a gamecock.Sabung. Name <strong>of</strong> an isl<strong>and</strong> in <strong>the</strong> sti-aits<strong>of</strong> Malacca.Sabung-milnabung. To fight reciprocally,to engage in mutual conflict.Sabut. The fibrous husk <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> cocouut.Sachakar (chakar). A scratch, a scrape;a line.Sachara (cliara). Having <strong>the</strong> same mannersor customs.Sachukup (chukup). Enough, a sufticiency.Sachurang. Name <strong>of</strong> a kind <strong>of</strong> nativemadecannon.Sadab. Eue, Rata graveoJens.Sadakala (s). Yore, oldeu time; longago ; usual, wonted ; constantly, continually;always; v. Sadiyakala.Sadaliiuggam (t). Minium, red lead,sulphuret <strong>of</strong> lead.Sadapat (dapat). Possible ;possibility.Sadapat-dapat. By all possibility, byevery efibrt, ^by every endeavour.Sadapatiia. Possibly.Sadaya (jav). All, <strong>the</strong> whole.Sadar (j). Sal ammoniac, muriate <strong>of</strong> ammonia.Sadewa (s). Name <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Paudus,in <strong>the</strong> Mahabarat.Sadikit (j. sad'id'ik). A little, a smallpart ; a few, a small number.Sadingin (dingin). Name <strong>of</strong> a plant. Cotyledonlacmiata.Sadiya. Genuine, real, natural, not counterfeit ; v. Sadiya.Sadiya. Former, past, ancient, oldeu.Sadiya. Ready, prepared.Sadiyakan. To prepare, to get ready,to make i-eady.Sadiyakala (s). Oldeu time, usual; always;V. Sadakala.Sadulur (jav). Bro<strong>the</strong>r or sister.Sadung. Name <strong>of</strong> a place on <strong>the</strong> northwestcoast <strong>of</strong> Borneo. >Sadup (ben), a sickle.Sad'atang (d-ataug). Arrival.Saga (j). The scarlet weighing bean, <strong>the</strong>rutty <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Hindus, equal to grains3'33, Abrm jwcecalorim.Saga-kayu. Name <strong>of</strong> a large scarlet bean,Adenanthcra pavonina.Sagala (s). All, every one.Sagala-sasuwatu. Every one.Sagara (s). The sea, <strong>the</strong> ocean.Sagara-kindul (jav). The South sea, <strong>the</strong>sea south <strong>of</strong> Java.Sagantung. Name <strong>of</strong> a mountain in <strong>the</strong>territory <strong>of</strong> Malacca.Saganap (ganap). The whole, <strong>the</strong> totalityeach, every one.Saganggdm (ganggam). A h<strong>and</strong>ful.

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