A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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RAJ—RAM [152] RAM—RASRajang. Astrology, fortune-telling, divination.Rdjasa (j). Name of a tree, EUeocarpus.Rajasa (jav). Tin.Rajab (a). The seventh month of theMahomedan year.Riljdng. Costiveness, constipation of thebowels.Rajim (a). Stoned, pelted with stonesexecrable, accursed.Rajuna (s). The Hindu demi-god Arjun ;V. Arjuna.Rakat (a). A bowing of the head andbody in prayer.Raksa (s). To guard, to watch ; to lookafter, to take care of; v. Raksa.Rdlung. Name of a superficial landmeasureof 80 yards square ; v. Orlang.Ralla (a). Will, pleasure, desire ; consent,acquiescence.Rallwani (a). Paradisaical, suited toparadise.Ramaja. Bordering on the age of puberty,verging on puberty.Ramak. Let, allow, suffer, permit. Thisword is seldom, if at all, found in thewritten language.Ramal (a). A stratum of sand on whichfigures are drawn for fortune-tellinggeomancy.Rilmang (j). Darkness, gloom, cloudinessgloomy, cloudy.;Ramba. To walk abreast, to walk sideby side.Rambang. Directly in the midst, rightin the middle ; due, exactly.RAmbang. To spring, to rise out of theearth and grow ; to spring, to arise, toappear.Rdmbang (j). Name of a district on thenorthern side of Java.Rambas. To smite with a sword or similarweapon.Rambat (bat). To grow luxuriantly ; tospread out diffusively.Rambat. The bends, or substitute forthem, in boat-building.Rambaya (j). A state barge.Rambas (j). To ooze, to exude.Rainbiya. Name of the true sago palm,Metvoxylon sagun.Rampah-rampah. Si)iceries, condiments;V. Rampak.Rampak. Spreading out, extending, notcrowded or condensed.Rdmpauai (sun. kilampani). Name of agenus of plants, .ird/sia, of which thereare several species.Ramuk. To break to pieces, to shatter.Rana (jav). Joy, delight ;glad, happy.Ranang. To swim ; v. Bamang.Ranang (j). Gloomy, cloudy; gloom,darkness ; v. Ramang.R3,nchana (s). Sketch, draft, delineation,plan, contrivance ; copy, transcript.Rauchanakan. To draft, to sketch, todelineate ; to frame, to contrive, toplan ; to copy, to transcribe.Randall. Low, not high, not elevated ;modest, not proud.Randahkan (raudah). To make low ; tohumble, to abase.Randam. To steep, to soak.Randang. To fiy, to cook by frying.Rand-ang (jav). The wet or rainy season.Ranjang (bat). A bedstead.Rdntaka (j). Name of a long swivelcannon of small calibre.Rfin^ang. Straight, tense, tight.Rantangkan. To straighten ; to stretch,to make tense.Rantam (bat and ben), v. Rantang.Ranti. To cease, to stop ; v. Baranti.Rantung. To burn, to consume by fire ;a burn, an injury from burning ; burnt,over-roasted in cooking.Ranum. Mellow, fvdl-ripe ; 7\ Ranum.Rangas. Name of a tree yielding a resinits resin used as a varnish ; v. Rangas.Rangat. Flux, dysentery.Rangat (jav). A crack, a flaw, a fissure.Rangga. The panniers of a carriageelephant ; v. Rangga.Ranggang (j). Wide, disjoined, not close,not compact.Rangut. To twitch, to snatcli ; a twitch,a spasm.Rangkas. A twig, a spray.Rclngkiug. A hamper.Rangkung. The windpipe.Rilngkuugan. The throat, the windpipeand gullet.Raiiah (j). Brittle, fragile ; friable.Rariah. Laborious, assiduous.Raiiai. Drizzling, continuous rain.Rapang. To cut horizontally ; to file thecrown of the teeth even, one with theRambiya. A fringe, a flounce.Rambu, and Rfimbau. Name of aMalay state in the interior of theMalay peninsula, established directlyfrom Mauangkabau in Sumatra.Ramis. Name of a species of shellfish.Ramllan (a). The ninth month of theotlier.Rapen (jav). A song, a ballad.Mahomedan year ; the Ramadan or Rapuh. To tie or bind an animal forMahomedan Lent, usually called by the slaughter.islanders puwasa, or "the fast.''Raput. To rot, to decay.Rftmpaji. A kind of knife or razor.Rasaliit (a). A mission, a legation.

RAS-RIB [ 153 ]RIB—ROBRasam (a). Law, rule, regulation, injunction,precept.Rasdung. An ulcer.Rasdung-kochi. The venercixl disea.so •that is, the ulcer of Cochin.Rasi (s). A saint, a person of holy andretired life.Ra.sik (j). Clear, pure ; clean ;pure, uprightV. Barsik.;Rasik Kata3Ti (jav). Name of an ancientking of Koi'ipau, in Java, father ofPanji Dewa Kusuma, the hero of Javaneseromance.Rasvd (a), a ines.seDger, an apostleapplied eminently to Mahomed.Ratak. A crack ; cracked.Rateh. Name of a place on the northeasterncoast of Sumatra, betweenJarabi and Indragii-i, inhabited by acolony of the Lauuns of Mindano.Rati (s). Meaning, significance ; v. Arti.Ratna (.s). A jewel, a gem.Ratna-chdmpaka (s). The topaz.Rawayat (a). NaiTative, story, tale.Razafc (a). Riches, good fortune.Razaii (a). Food, victuals.Rayat (a). A subject, a va.ssal.Regol (jav). a gate, a gi-eat door.Reka (j). To pi-oject, to contrive, toplau, to scheme ;project, scheme, plan,design, contnvance ; cunning, craft.Rembas. Name of a kind of adze.Renchang (jav). A servant, a follower,a retainer.Reuda (for). Gold or silvet lace.Rendang. Leafy, abounding in foliage.Rendu. To long, to pine with desire ;a longing, a pining ; v. Rindu.Reujong. Tall, high iu stature.Repot (jav). Weak, feeble, impotent;poor, indigent, needy.Repus, To tie up or bind things together.Reta (s). A car, a cart ; v. KAreta.Rewana (s). Rawaua, king of Ceylon,the enemy of Rama.Rewasa (s). Time, age, period ; v. Dewasa.Re-ft-ang. To sail by tacking, to beat ona wind.Reyal (for. real). The ordinary Spanishdollar, or the Dutch Rix dollar of 48stivers.Ri (jav). a prickle, a thorn; a fishbone; V. Duri.Ria (a). Hypocrisy, deceit, dis.simulation.Riba. The lap or bosom ; to place onthe lap or bosom.Ribiian. The lap or bosom.Ribali (j). To fall down, to tumbleV. Rabah and Riibuli.Ribakan (riba). To place on the lap.Ribu (j. ewu). A thousand,Ribut. A .storm, a tempest; a gale, asquall.Ridi. A kind of sedan of matting.Rikat. Mud, puddle.Rimah. Crumbs, fragments; v. Raimah.Rimas ; v. Rimah.Rimau. A tiger ; v. Arimau.Rimba. A forest.Rimpah. To be overthrown, to be overwhelmed.Rina (s). Day ; v. Din a.Rinah. To trickle, to fall in drops.Rinchi. The title assumed by the leadersof the new religionists of Sumati-a,called the Padri.Riuchik. A chip ; a bit, a small piece.Rindi. A girdle.Rindu. To long, to pine, to languisli ;V. Rendu.Rinjani. The native name of the moimtaincalled by marinei's the peak ofLombok, 13,000 feet high.Riutek. Large distinct rain-drops ; spots,specks ; spotted, speckled.Rintik (bat). To moan or groan as a sickpei-son.Ringat (bat). The breast.Ringan. Light, not hea\'y ; light, unencumbei-ed.Ringankan. To lighten, to make light.Riuggit (jav). a representative, a deputy; a player, an actor ; a publicdancer and singer ; a scenic figure orpuppet ; a play or drama.Riuggit (jav). a name of Bima, one ofthe heroes of the Mahabarat.Ringgit (j). A Spanish dollar, probablyfrom the resemblance of the device tothose on the old coins of Java, whichwere scenic represent;xtions.Ringkas (jav). To compress, to forceinto a narrow compass ; to abridge.Risa. A wen, a steatome a bump.Risau.;A rogue, a rascal ; a profligate, alibertine.Risu (ben). To rumple.Riya. Playful, sportive, wanton, frolicsome;sport, play, frolic; joy, pleasure.Riyak (j). Phlegm ; to hawk, to forceup phlegm.Riyang. Name of a noisy gi-asshoppercalled by Europeans "the tnimpeter."Riyang (bat). A caterpillar.Riyau. The Dutch settlement of Rhioin the island of Bintang, at the ea.sternend of the straits of Malacca.Riyuh. Loud, noLsj^, boisterous ; noise,uproar.Riyuk. Inclining, bending, leaning, notvertical.Rob (jav). The flood tide ; full.Robek (bat). To tear, to rend.

RAJ—RAM [152] RAM—RASRajang. Astrology, fortune-telling, divination.Rdjasa (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a tree, EUeocarpus.Rajasa (jav). Tin.Rajab (a). The seventh month <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Mahomedan year.Riljdng. Costiveness, constipation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>bowels.Rajim (a). Stoned, pelted with stonesexecrable, accursed.Rajuna (s). The Hindu demi-god Arjun ;V. Arjuna.Rakat (a). A bowing <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> head <strong>and</strong>body in prayer.Raksa (s). To guard, to watch ; to lookafter, to take care <strong>of</strong>; v. Raksa.Rdlung. Name <strong>of</strong> a superficial l<strong>and</strong>measure<strong>of</strong> 80 yards square ; v. Orlang.Ralla (a). Will, pleasure, desire ; consent,acquiescence.Rallwani (a). Paradisaical, suited toparadise.Ramaja. Bordering on <strong>the</strong> age <strong>of</strong> puberty,verging on puberty.Ramak. Let, allow, suffer, permit. Thisword is seldom, if at all, found in <strong>the</strong>written <strong>language</strong>.Ramal (a). A stratum <strong>of</strong> s<strong>and</strong> on whichfigures are drawn for fortune-tellinggeomancy.Rilmang (j). Darkness, gloom, cloudinessgloomy, cloudy.;Ramba. To walk abreast, to walk sideby side.Rambang. Directly in <strong>the</strong> midst, rightin <strong>the</strong> middle ; due, exactly.RAmbang. To spring, to rise out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>earth <strong>and</strong> grow ; to spring, to arise, toappear.Rdmbang (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a district on <strong>the</strong>nor<strong>the</strong>rn side <strong>of</strong> Java.Rambas. To smite with a sword or similarweapon.Rambat (bat). To grow luxuriantly ; tospread out diffusively.Rambat. The bends, or substitute for<strong>the</strong>m, in boat-building.Rambaya (j). A state barge.Rambas (j). To ooze, to exude.Rainbiya. Name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> true sago palm,Metvoxylon sagun.Rampah-rampah. Si)iceries, condiments;V. Rampak.Rampak. Spreading out, extending, notcrowded or condensed.Rdmpauai (sun. kilampani). Name <strong>of</strong> agenus <strong>of</strong> plants, .ird/sia, <strong>of</strong> which <strong>the</strong>reare several species.Ramuk. To break to pieces, to shatter.Rana (jav). Joy, delight ;glad, happy.Ranang. To swim ; v. Bamang.Ranang (j). Gloomy, cloudy; gloom,darkness ; v. Ramang.R3,nchana (s). Sketch, draft, delineation,plan, contrivance ; copy, transcript.Rauchanakan. To draft, to sketch, todelineate ; to frame, to contrive, toplan ; to copy, to transcribe.R<strong>and</strong>all. Low, not high, not elevated ;modest, not proud.R<strong>and</strong>ahkan (raudah). To make low ; tohumble, to abase.R<strong>and</strong>am. To steep, to soak.R<strong>and</strong>ang. To fiy, to cook by frying.R<strong>and</strong>-ang (jav). The wet or rainy season.Ranjang (bat). A bedstead.Rdntaka (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a long swivelcannon <strong>of</strong> small calibre.Rfin^ang. Straight, tense, tight.Rantangkan. To straighten ; to stretch,to make tense.Rantam (bat <strong>and</strong> ben), v. Rantang.Ranti. To cease, to stop ; v. Baranti.Rantung. To burn, to consume by fire ;a burn, an injury from burning ; burnt,over-roasted in cooking.Ranum. Mellow, fvdl-ripe ; 7\ Ranum.Rangas. Name <strong>of</strong> a tree yielding a resinits resin used as a varnish ; v. Rangas.Rangat. Flux, dysentery.Rangat (jav). A crack, a flaw, a fissure.Rangga. The panniers <strong>of</strong> a carriageelephant ; v. Rangga.Ranggang (j). Wide, disjoined, not close,not compact.Rangut. To twitch, to snatcli ; a twitch,a spasm.Rangkas. A twig, a spray.Rclngkiug. A hamper.Rangkung. The windpipe.Rilngkuugan. The throat, <strong>the</strong> windpipe<strong>and</strong> gullet.Raiiah (j). Brittle, fragile ; friable.Rariah. Laborious, assiduous.Raiiai. Drizzling, continuous rain.Rapang. To cut horizontally ; to file <strong>the</strong>crown <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> teeth even, one with <strong>the</strong>Rambiya. A fringe, a flounce.Rambu, <strong>and</strong> Rfimbau. Name <strong>of</strong> a<strong>Malay</strong> state in <strong>the</strong> interior <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>Malay</strong> peninsula, established directlyfrom Mauangkabau in Sumatra.Ramis. Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong> shellfish.Ramllan (a). The ninth month <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>otlier.Rapen (jav). A song, a ballad.Mahomedan year ; <strong>the</strong> Ramadan or Rapuh. To tie or bind an animal forMahomedan Lent, usually called by <strong>the</strong> slaughter.isl<strong>and</strong>ers puwasa, or "<strong>the</strong> fast.''Raput. To rot, to decay.Rftmpaji. A kind <strong>of</strong> knife or razor.Rasaliit (a). A mission, a legation.

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