A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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PUC—PUL [ 144] PUL—PULPuchAt (j). Pale, wan.Pulali. To recover, to rally ; v. Pulih.Pucbat-ijuchat. Veiy pale, very wan. Pulai. Name of a tree, the buoyantPuchuk. Summit, top ; v. Puchak. wood of which is used as floats forPuchuk. A term used in the tale or fishing nets.enumeration of certain objects.Pulan. Such a one, such a person.Puchuk. Name of a plant, aloe.Pulang. To return, to go or come backPuchung (ben). Name of a sea-bird.to return, to revert ; to restore,;toPudi (t). To break in bits ; seed gems ;give back ; return, act of coming backV. Podi.restoration, act of giving back ; back,Puding. Name of a plant, Justicia picta; again, in return.V. Prad'a-puding.Pulangan. Return, act of sending backPud'ak (j). Name of a plant, Pandanus return, requital ; return, profit, advantage.hiermis.Pud'aksatdgal (jav). Name of a country Pulangkan. To cause to return, to sendof Baratmajwa or Hindustan, celebrated back ; to restore ; to remand.in Javanese romance ; literally, " the Pulas. Name of several species of nettlepaudan field."(Urtica), from the fibres of the stemsPugar (jav. a stake or post). Name of of which a cordage is manufactm-cda province in the eastei-n pai-t of Java. the cordage so prepared.Puja (s). Prayer, supplication ; petition, Pulasari (j). Name of a plant, Alyxiarequest ; adoration, worship.stellata.Puji (s). Praise, laud, commendation;compliment ; adoration, worship ; tojDraise, to laud, to commend ; to compliment.Puji-pujian (s). Commendation, laudation,praise ; compliments.Pujongga (jav). Unmarried, living incelibacy ; a bachelor ; a scholar, aman of learning; v. Bujangga.Pujud. To strangle with a coi-d ; v.Pujut.Pujuk. To coax, to flatter ; v. Bujuk.Pujut, V. Pujud.Pukang. The sloth, the slow-pacedlemur, Loris tardigradus.Pukang. A short wooden bar with aline attached to the middle andwhich is baited for catching the alligator.Pukas.Pukas.Name of a forest tree.A peculiar state of nervous excitabilityin women ; to amuse oneselfin wishing, to play at wishes.Pukat. A seine, a drag-net.I'ukau. Name of a narcotic drug preparedfrom the datura or thornapple.Puki. Pudendum muliebre.Puki-anjing. Name of a fruit, Cynometracaulijlora.Pukul (j). To beat, to strike, to knock,to smite, to hit ; to punish by striking;to beat or sound a musical instrument;to attack, to assault ; a blow, a stroke.Pukul-mamukul. To deal continuousblows ; to deal mutual blows.Pukulun (jAv). Lord, master; thou, toa superior.Pula. Also, likewise, too ; again, more ;in continuance.still,Pula-pula. Over and over again, witliiteration.Pulasari-laki. Name of a plant, Cldlocai-pussuaveolens.Pulau (j). An island ; v. Pulo.Pulas (j. pulir). To wring, to twist, tocontort ; to oppress.Pulas. To turn aside, to turn out of theway.Pulih (j). To recover, to be restoredfrom sickness ; to rally, to recoverfrom disorder or flight.Pulihkan. To repair, to mend, to restore; to rally, to restore to order.Pulir (bat). To turn, to turn round.Pulo (j). Island, isle, islet ; hill ormountain in an islet. It is prefixed tothe names of all the small islands, and,indeed, forms an integral part of theirnames, as in our own and other languages.It may be observed that manyof the annexed words are old or obsoleteMalay, and sevei'al, Javanese orBugis.Pulo-arau (arau, Cassuarina muricata).Name of several islands extending fromtlie straits of Malacca to New Guinea.Pulo-awai-. Literally, " bamboo island,"awar being the name of a particularspecies of large bamboo ; the name ofthe island in the China Sea called inthe charts Pulo Aor.Pulo-ay3,r. Litf'i-ally, " water island ;the name of several islands on thewestern coast of Sumatra, and otherl^arts of the Archipelago.Pulo-babi. Literally, " hog island ;" nameof at least four islands variously situatedfrom Sumatra to the Moluccas.Pilo-baiiak (j. banak, "a goose"). Nameof two adjacent islets on the westerncoast of Sumatra.Pulo-barahla, or brahla. Literally, " idolisland ;" name of four different islands,

PUL—PUL [ 145 ]PUL—PULextending from Sumatra to- Camboja,and called in the charts Varela.Pulo-brambang(j.brambang, "an onion").Name of a small island off the coast ofCheribou, in Java ; v. Nusa-brambang.Pulo-buntuig. " Pregnant island ;" nameof one of three islets on the coast ofQueda, the nearest to it being calledSongsoug, which means "to escort,"and the furthest Bidan, which is " midwife."Pulo-bungoran. The island called in thecharts the Great Natura, between thepeninsula and Boi-neo.Pulo-datu or datuk. " ;"Chiefs' islandname of au island on the south-westerncoast of Borneo.Pulo-durian. " Durian island " {Du7-ioZibethiniis) ; name of an island lying inthe midst of the cluster between Sumatraand the extremity of the Malaypeninsula, called Dryon in the charts.Pulo-dewa. The Maldive islands ; literally," islands of the gods."Pulo-jarak. " Palma Christi island ;name of a small island in the straitsof Malacca, the Pulo-jan-a of the charts.Pulo-jarjak (jarjak, " the upright pofstsof a house"). Name of a small islandtowards the eastern end of the straits ofMalacca, the Pulo-jarajah of the charts.Pulo-kambaug or kambaugan (j. kambang," to float on the surface," and kambangan," a duck," or the object thatfloats on the surface). Name of an islandlying off the southern coast of Java.Pulo-kambing. " Goat island " ; nameof an island lying between Wether,Omby, and Timur.Pulo-labuhan. " Auchoi-age island ; " thesmall island on the north-eastern coastof Borneo, now a British settlement.Pulo-lada. " Pepper island ; " name of aconsiderable island towards the westernend of the straits of Malacca, belongingto the principality of Queda.Pulo-langkawi. Name of a large islandtowards the western end of the straitsof Malacca, belonging to the principalityof Queda; the Lancava of thecharts.Pulo-liiut. " Sea island ; " name of oneof the islands off the eastern coast ofthe Malay peninsula, and within theChina sea; the South Natuna of thecharts.Pulo-lombok (j. lombok, " the capsicum").The island of Lomboc, thesecond east of Java.Pulo-marak. " Peacock island " ;nameof au island on the western coast ofSumatra ; the Marra of the charts.Name of an island onPulo-nangka (uangka, "the jack," /4 r^ocarpusintegrifolia).the eastern coast of Borneo, and ofthree islets in the straits of Banca.Pulo-fiamuk. "Mosquito island;" nameof an island on the western coast ofSumatra.Pulo-pandan. "Pandanus islet;" nameof one of two islands in the straits ofMalacca, called The Brothers in thecharts.Pulo-panjang. " Long island ; " name ofnot fewer than eight islands in variousparts of the Archipelago, from Sumatrato Celebes.Pulo-paugkal (pangkal, "butt end,""stock"). Name of au island on thewestern coast of Sumatra.Pulo-paugkur. " Mattock island ; " nameof the two islands called in the chartsDinding, which means " a wall," and isitself the name of a place on the oppositeshore of the peninsula.Pulo-pamuja (s. puja, "prayer, worship,adoration"). Name of au islet on thenorth-eastern coast of Banca.Pulo-paranfian (parantian, " haltingplace").Name of an island in thegulf of Siam, and off the shore of thepeninsula.Pulo-pinang. " Areca palm island " ;the British settlement of Piuang, orPrince of Wales's island.Pulo-pisang. " Banana island " ; name ofsix different islands in various parts ofthe Archipelago, fi-om Sumatra to theMoluccas.Pvdo-raja. " King's island ; " name of anisland near Junk, Ceylon, and towardsthe western entrance of the straits ofMalacca.Pulo-rakat. " Close or Near island ;"name of an island on the western coastof Sumatra, near Natal.Pulo-i'akit. " Raft island ; " name of asmall island towards the western partof the north coast of Java.Pulo-rond'o (s. rand'a, " a widow"). Nameof an island off Achin head, Sumatra.Pulo-salah-nama. " "Miscalled island ;one of the two islands called in thecharts The Brothers.Pulo-sapatu (for. ^apato). " Shoe island ;name of an island in the China sea,lying off the coast of Cochin-China.Pulo-sasak. " Wattle or Hurdle Lsland ;name of a small island near Celebes,and sometimes given to Lomboc.Pulo-satu. " Islet One ; " one of a gi'oupof islands, seven in number, and namedaccordingly, on the coast of Sumatra,near Padang.Pulo-sayaug. " Compassion island " ; anisland between Gilolo and New Guinea.

PUC—PUL [ 144] PUL—PULPuchAt (j). Pale, wan.Pulali. To recover, to rally ; v. Pulih.Pucbat-ijuchat. Veiy pale, very wan. Pulai. Name <strong>of</strong> a tree, <strong>the</strong> buoyantPuchuk. Summit, top ; v. Puchak. wood <strong>of</strong> which is used as floats forPuchuk. A term used in <strong>the</strong> tale or fishing nets.enumeration <strong>of</strong> certain objects.Pulan. Such a one, such a person.Puchuk. Name <strong>of</strong> a plant, aloe.Pulang. To return, to go or come backPuchung (ben). Name <strong>of</strong> a sea-bird.to return, to revert ; to restore,;toPudi (t). To break in bits ; seed gems ;give back ; return, act <strong>of</strong> coming backV. Podi.restoration, act <strong>of</strong> giving back ; back,Puding. Name <strong>of</strong> a plant, Justicia picta; again, in return.V. Prad'a-puding.Pulangan. Return, act <strong>of</strong> sending backPud'ak (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a plant, P<strong>and</strong>anus return, requital ; return, pr<strong>of</strong>it, advantage.hiermis.Pud'aksatdgal (jav). Name <strong>of</strong> a country Pulangkan. To cause to return, to send<strong>of</strong> Baratmajwa or Hindustan, celebrated back ; to restore ; to rem<strong>and</strong>.in Javanese romance ; literally, " <strong>the</strong> Pulas. Name <strong>of</strong> several species <strong>of</strong> nettlepaudan field."(Urtica), from <strong>the</strong> fibres <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> stemsPugar (jav. a stake or post). Name <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> which a cordage is manufactm-cda province in <strong>the</strong> eastei-n pai-t <strong>of</strong> Java. <strong>the</strong> cordage so prepared.Puja (s). Prayer, supplication ; petition, Pulasari (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a plant, Alyxiarequest ; adoration, worship.stellata.Puji (s). Praise, laud, commendation;compliment ; adoration, worship ; tojDraise, to laud, to commend ; to compliment.Puji-pujian (s). Commendation, laudation,praise ; compliments.Pujongga (jav). Unmarried, living incelibacy ; a bachelor ; a scholar, aman <strong>of</strong> learning; v. Bujangga.Pujud. To strangle with a coi-d ; v.Pujut.Pujuk. To coax, to flatter ; v. Bujuk.Pujut, V. Pujud.Pukang. The sloth, <strong>the</strong> slow-pacedlemur, Loris tardigradus.Pukang. A short wooden bar with aline attached to <strong>the</strong> middle <strong>and</strong>which is baited for catching <strong>the</strong> alligator.Pukas.Pukas.Name <strong>of</strong> a forest tree.A peculiar state <strong>of</strong> nervous excitabilityin women ; to amuse oneselfin wishing, to play at wishes.Pukat. A seine, a drag-net.I'ukau. Name <strong>of</strong> a narcotic drug preparedfrom <strong>the</strong> datura or thornapple.Puki. Pudendum muliebre.Puki-anjing. Name <strong>of</strong> a fruit, Cynometracaulijlora.Pukul (j). To beat, to strike, to knock,to smite, to hit ; to punish by striking;to beat or sound a musical instrument;to attack, to assault ; a blow, a stroke.Pukul-mamukul. To deal continuousblows ; to deal mutual blows.Pukulun (jAv). Lord, master; thou, toa superior.Pula. Also, likewise, too ; again, more ;in continuance.still,Pula-pula. Over <strong>and</strong> over again, witliiteration.Pulasari-laki. Name <strong>of</strong> a plant, Cldlocai-pussuaveolens.Pulau (j). An isl<strong>and</strong> ; v. Pulo.Pulas (j. pulir). To wring, to twist, tocontort ; to oppress.Pulas. To turn aside, to turn out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>way.Pulih (j). To recover, to be restoredfrom sickness ; to rally, to recoverfrom disorder or flight.Pulihkan. To repair, to mend, to restore; to rally, to restore to order.Pulir (bat). To turn, to turn round.Pulo (j). Isl<strong>and</strong>, isle, islet ; hill ormountain in an islet. It is prefixed to<strong>the</strong> names <strong>of</strong> all <strong>the</strong> small isl<strong>and</strong>s, <strong>and</strong>,indeed, forms an integral part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>irnames, as in our own <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r <strong>language</strong>s.It may be observed that many<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> annexed words are old or obsolete<strong>Malay</strong>, <strong>and</strong> sevei'al, Javanese orBugis.Pulo-arau (arau, Cassuarina muricata).Name <strong>of</strong> several isl<strong>and</strong>s extending fromtlie straits <strong>of</strong> Malacca to New Guinea.Pulo-awai-. Literally, " bamboo isl<strong>and</strong>,"awar being <strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong> a particularspecies <strong>of</strong> large bamboo ; <strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> isl<strong>and</strong> in <strong>the</strong> China Sea called in<strong>the</strong> charts Pulo Aor.Pulo-ay3,r. Litf'i-ally, " water isl<strong>and</strong> ;<strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong> several isl<strong>and</strong>s on <strong>the</strong>western coast <strong>of</strong> Sumatra, <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rl^arts <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Archipelago.Pulo-babi. Literally, " hog isl<strong>and</strong> ;" name<strong>of</strong> at least four isl<strong>and</strong>s variously situatedfrom Sumatra to <strong>the</strong> Moluccas.Pilo-baiiak (j. banak, "a goose"). Name<strong>of</strong> two adjacent islets on <strong>the</strong> westerncoast <strong>of</strong> Sumatra.Pulo-barahla, or brahla. Literally, " idolisl<strong>and</strong> ;" name <strong>of</strong> four different isl<strong>and</strong>s,

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