A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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PON—PRA [142] PRA—PRAPoud'okau. A stage-house; a pavilion,a temporary building.Ponokawau (j). A follower, a retainer.Poutianak (j). Name of a Malay townaud state on the south-westeru coa.stof Borneo ; v. Puutianak.Ponto. An armlet, an ornament wornon the arm.Pong (ben). Name of a bird, Gracula.Pongah. Trickish, deceitful, fraudulent.Ponggong. The buttocks, nates ; v. Puuggong.Pongsu. A hillock, a knoll ; an ant-hill.Pora-pora (j). To pretend, to feign, tomake a show of, to simulate ;pretence,feint, simulation ; v. Pura-pura.Porak-parek. Dispersed, scattered ;parted,divorced.Prabat (bat). A chisel.Prabu (s). A king.Prabu-anom (sandj). The crown prince,the heir presumptive ; literally, " theyoung or junior king."Prabungan. The ridge-pole of a house-Pradada (jav). A regal tribunal, a royalcourt of justice.Pradesa (desa). The country distinguishedfrom the town.Prad'a (for. prata, "silver"). Tinsel;leaf or thin plate of metal ; metalliccoating.Prad'a-pudiug. Name of a flower, Justiciapicta.Praga (jav).Name of a river of the provinceof Kadu, in Java, on the banksof which stands the great Hindu ruinof Boro-budor.Pragota (jav). Name of a mountain ofJava, in the province of Samarang.Prah. To squeeze out a fluid, to expressto milk.Prahara (s).A storm.Portugal. Portugal.Prai. To pursue a circuitous course, toPotoug. To cut ; to slaughter an animal go zigzag ; to sail by tacking ; v. Parai.for food.Praikan. To sail a ship by tacking.Poun. A tree ; a shrub ; trunk, stem, Praja (s. subject). The court, the residenceof the king ; a realm, a kingdom.stock ; origin, source, fountain ; cause ;basis, foundation ; stock, lineage, race ;Prajurit (j. pra, and jurit, "war"). Abeginning, commencement; principal, soldier, a warrior; v. Paujurit and Ptlrjurit.not accessory or auxiliary ; v. Pium.Pouu-kayu. A timber tree, a large tree. Prakara (s). Affair, matter, business,Poun (J. miiun). Leave, permission.transaction ; cause, ease, suit ; section,Pra. In composition is an abbreviation division, head, title; way, manner,of pai'a, " all," in Javanese. In words mode ; v. Parkara.borrowed from the same language it Prakasa (j). Power, strength ; valour,courage ; strong, powerful ; v. Parkasa.Prakat (rakat). Cement, glue; v. Pilrkat.seems also to be equivalent to the inseparableprefix, par, in Malay ; and inborrowed Sanskrit words it is equivalentPraku (bat). Weak, feeble.to the Latin prepositions 2^i'(e aud Prakutut (jav). Name of a species ofpiv; V. Para.l^igeon, Columha hantamcns'is.Praan. The upper plate of timber which Pramantri (mantri). The nobles, the nobilityconnects the wall with the roof of acollectively.building ; v. Prabatuu.Prauakan (anak). In a manuscript JavanesePrab. Pugnacious, inclined to show fightdictionary in my possession, ex-as a hen in defence of her chickens plained in Javanese, the definition ofto afi'right, to intimidate ; v. Prap.this word, literally translated, is " onePrabachoua-suta (s). A name of Hanuman,whose father aud mother are of dififer-in the Ramayana.ent countries ;" v. Paranakan.Prabatun. The wall-plate of a building Pranaraga (jav). Name of a pi'ovince inV. Priian.the eastern part of Java.Prabat (jav). Implements, tools, instruments,Prang (j). War ; battle, fight ; militaryutensils ; weapons, accoutre-array; forces; to war, to make war;ments ; furnitui-e, geai- ; materials, to fight, to engage.means.Prang-pijar. Name of a gj'mnastic sport.Praug-tiltar. Name of a gynniastic sport.Pi-angan. A battle, an engagement, anaction, a conflict.Pranganbuta (prang, and buta). Fu-I'ious battle, hot engagement ; literally," blind fight."roof.Prangai. Nature, projierty, quality ; disposition,temper.Prachaya (j). To believe, to credit ; totrust, to confide in, to rely iipon ; belief,faith ; trust, confidence, reliance ;Pranggu (j. prangkad). A Bet, a suit.Prangiiau ; v. Pranggu.V. Parchaya.Prangkap (tangkap 1). The body of aPrachik (j). A fowler ; a snare or gin to trap, or portion in which the prey iscatch birds; v. Rachik.caught.

PRA—PRE [143] PRE—PUCPrangpnis (sux). Stem, severe; frowning.Prangwatang (jav). A tilt, a tournamenta mock fight. The first part of thisword is obvious enough, prang, "war;"the second may be derived from watang," the shaft of a lance or spear,"or from a word with the same letters,meanmg, "the ceremony of the kingexhibiting himself publicly when thereare mock fights."Prap. Pugnacious, quarrelsome : v. Prab.Prapat (jav). A quarter, a fourth partthe place where two roads cross eachother.Prapatan (j. rapat). A neighbourhood;the nearest house or village.Pras (bat. -J. paras). To press or squeezeout a fluid, to express.Prast'a (s). Name of the minister of Rawana.Prat. Rancid.Pratala (s). The earth ; the land.Pratela (jav). Clear, evident ; explanation,interpretation, elucidation.Pratapiian (tapa). Place of religious penanceor retirement, hermitage.Pratond'a (jav. from tond'a). Mark,token ;proof.Prau (j). A boat or ship. It is the genericname for any kind of vessel ; thecastle at chess.Prawan (j). A maid, a virgin ; a womanthat has not been married.Prawata (s). A mountain.Prawira (s). A warrior, a hero; brave,valiant.Prayang (jAv). A ghost, manes, shade.In a manusci'ipt Javanese dictionary,the definition, literally translated, is," dead men wandei-ing."paunch ; the stomach ; the intestines,Prayaugan. The name of certain mountaindistricts in the countiy of the Sun-hold of a ship. In commercial lan-the guts ; viscera ; the womb ; thedas, in Java; literally, "place of ghosts." guage it is used to express the middlePrayayi (j). A chief, a noble, a grandee quality of an article, as distinguishedV. Priyayi.from the fir.st, kapala, "the head," andPrayoga (s). Fit, suitable, becoming. the inferior, kaki, " the foot."Praj'uga. Fortunate, happy, lucky. Prut-kra-s. Costiveness; literally, "hardPran. The second and final burning of belly."woodland for cultivation after the Prut-lingar. The small guts, the smallfelling and bui-ning of the lai'ge timber; V. Prun.intestines.Preksa (s). To examine, to inquire, tomake examination, to investigate ; tosearch out, to enquire for ; examination,enquiry, investigation, search ; inquest,inquisition. There is a curiousdiscrepancy in the difiercut senses givento thi.s Sanskrit word in Malay and Javanese,for in the latter it means " toknow or understand ;" v. Priksa.Preksaan. Search, enquiry, examination,investigation.PreksiiL T examine, to enquire into.Prentah (j). Order, command, mandate;order, rule, regulation ; to order, tocommand ; v. Parentah and Parentah.Pi-entahan. Dominion, authority; dominion,government.Pri. Mode, style, manner, fashion ;state, condition ; nature, property,quality; form, method, way; subject,matter, affair; event; how, by whatmeans. It is often equivalent to theArabic word Jial, which is joined to it,by a pleonasm common in the Malay.Prigi (j). A well, a spring, a fountain.Prikan (pri). To tell, to relate, to state.Priksa (j), V. Preksa.Priug (jAv). A bamboo, Bamlusa.Pringgat (ben). Name of a species ofwild grape, Vitis sylvestris.Pringgi (f arangi, " frank " ?). A pumpkin,Cucurbita pepo.Prisai (t). A shield, a buckler.Priya. Name of a culinary vegetableMomordica charantia.Priyaman. Name of a place on the westerncoast of Sumatra.Priyayi (j). A chief, a noble, a grandeeV. Prayayi.Priyuk. An earthen cooking-pot.Priyuk-api. A mortar, a howitzer ; literally," a fire pot."Proatin (re). Title of certain chiefsamong the Rejang nation of Sumatra.Prongos. Passionate, easily moved toanger, irritable.Prun. The final burning of woodlandfor cultivation ; v. Pran.Prusa (jAv). Force, compulsion, constraint;oppression.Prut. The belly, the abdomen, thePrut-sani, v. Prut-lingar.Prutak. Name of a plant, Myrmecodiaarmata.Piialam (t. poMm). Marble, alabasterV. Puwalam.Puchak (j). Summit, top; extremity,point ; end, crown, head ; v. Pochokand Puchuk.Puchang-babar (jav. puchang, " the arecapalm," and laabar, "to unroll or unfold"). Name of the country or kingdomLaksamana, brother of Rama, inthe Javanese romance of the Ramayana.

PON—PRA [142] PRA—PRAPoud'okau. A stage-house; a pavilion,a temporary building.Ponokawau (j). A follower, a retainer.Poutianak (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Malay</strong> townaud state on <strong>the</strong> south-westeru coa.st<strong>of</strong> Borneo ; v. Puutianak.Ponto. An armlet, an ornament wornon <strong>the</strong> arm.Pong (ben). Name <strong>of</strong> a bird, Gracula.Pongah. Trickish, deceitful, fraudulent.Ponggong. The buttocks, nates ; v. Puuggong.Pongsu. A hillock, a knoll ; an ant-hill.Pora-pora (j). To pretend, to feign, tomake a show <strong>of</strong>, to simulate ;pretence,feint, simulation ; v. Pura-pura.Porak-parek. Dispersed, scattered ;parted,divorced.Prabat (bat). A chisel.Prabu (s). A king.Prabu-anom (s<strong>and</strong>j). The crown prince,<strong>the</strong> heir presumptive ; literally, " <strong>the</strong>young or junior king."Prabungan. The ridge-pole <strong>of</strong> a house-Pradada (jav). A regal tribunal, a royalcourt <strong>of</strong> justice.Pradesa (desa). The country distinguishedfrom <strong>the</strong> town.Prad'a (for. prata, "silver"). Tinsel;leaf or thin plate <strong>of</strong> metal ; metalliccoating.Prad'a-pudiug. Name <strong>of</strong> a flower, Justiciapicta.Praga (jav).Name <strong>of</strong> a river <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> province<strong>of</strong> Kadu, in Java, on <strong>the</strong> banks<strong>of</strong> which st<strong>and</strong>s <strong>the</strong> great Hindu ruin<strong>of</strong> Boro-budor.Pragota (jav). Name <strong>of</strong> a mountain <strong>of</strong>Java, in <strong>the</strong> province <strong>of</strong> Samarang.Prah. To squeeze out a fluid, to expressto milk.Prahara (s).A storm.Portugal. Portugal.Prai. To pursue a circuitous course, toPotoug. To cut ; to slaughter an animal go zigzag ; to sail by tacking ; v. Parai.for food.Praikan. To sail a ship by tacking.Poun. A tree ; a shrub ; trunk, stem, Praja (s. subject). The court, <strong>the</strong> residence<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> king ; a realm, a kingdom.stock ; origin, source, fountain ; cause ;basis, foundation ; stock, lineage, race ;Prajurit (j. pra, <strong>and</strong> jurit, "war"). Abeginning, commencement; principal, soldier, a warrior; v. Paujurit <strong>and</strong> Ptlrjurit.not accessory or auxiliary ; v. Pium.Pouu-kayu. A timber tree, a large tree. Prakara (s). Affair, matter, business,Poun (J. miiun). Leave, permission.transaction ; cause, ease, suit ; section,Pra. In composition is an abbreviation division, head, title; way, manner,<strong>of</strong> pai'a, " all," in Javanese. In words mode ; v. Parkara.borrowed from <strong>the</strong> same <strong>language</strong> it Prakasa (j). Power, strength ; valour,courage ; strong, powerful ; v. Parkasa.Prakat (rakat). Cement, glue; v. Pilrkat.seems also to be equivalent to <strong>the</strong> inseparableprefix, par, in <strong>Malay</strong> ; <strong>and</strong> inborrowed Sanskrit words it is equivalentPraku (bat). Weak, feeble.to <strong>the</strong> Latin prepositions 2^i'(e aud Prakutut (jav). Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong>piv; V. Para.l^igeon, Columha hantamcns'is.Praan. The upper plate <strong>of</strong> timber which Pramantri (mantri). The nobles, <strong>the</strong> nobilityconnects <strong>the</strong> wall with <strong>the</strong> ro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> acollectively.building ; v. Prabatuu.Prauakan (anak). In a manuscript JavanesePrab. Pugnacious, inclined to show fight<strong>dictionary</strong> in my possession, ex-as a hen in defence <strong>of</strong> her chickens plained in Javanese, <strong>the</strong> definition <strong>of</strong>to afi'right, to intimidate ; v. Prap.this word, literally translated, is " onePrabachoua-suta (s). A name <strong>of</strong> Hanuman,whose fa<strong>the</strong>r aud mo<strong>the</strong>r are <strong>of</strong> dififer-in <strong>the</strong> Ramayana.ent countries ;" v. Paranakan.Prabatun. The wall-plate <strong>of</strong> a building Pranaraga (jav). Name <strong>of</strong> a pi'ovince inV. Priian.<strong>the</strong> eastern part <strong>of</strong> Java.Prabat (jav). Implements, tools, instruments,Prang (j). War ; battle, fight ; militaryutensils ; weapons, accoutre-array; forces; to war, to make war;ments ; furnitui-e, geai- ; materials, to fight, to engage.means.Prang-pijar. Name <strong>of</strong> a gj'mnastic sport.Praug-tiltar. Name <strong>of</strong> a gynniastic sport.Pi-angan. A battle, an engagement, anaction, a conflict.Pranganbuta (prang, <strong>and</strong> buta). Fu-I'ious battle, hot engagement ; literally," blind fight."ro<strong>of</strong>.Prangai. Nature, projierty, quality ; disposition,temper.Prachaya (j). To believe, to credit ; totrust, to confide in, to rely iipon ; belief,faith ; trust, confidence, reliance ;Pranggu (j. prangkad). A Bet, a suit.Prangiiau ; v. Pranggu.V. Parchaya.Prangkap (tangkap 1). The body <strong>of</strong> aPrachik (j). A fowler ; a snare or gin to trap, or portion in which <strong>the</strong> prey iscatch birds; v. Rachik.caught.

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