A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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ALA-ALU [4] ALW—AMBSunda portion of Java, meaning literally," bad head or source."to scan, to scrutinise ;fine, or refine."literally, " toto make sport.Alan-alan. To jest,A sliug.AlwahAlya.(p). Aloes.Ginger, Zingiber nffirinalc.Ali-ali.Alifur (for. alforria). Enfranchisement. Ania (s). Mother, dam; v. Ma andThis is, no dovibt, the word which, inthe form of Alifura, and on the suppositionAma.Ama-inang. Foster-mother; literally,that it is a native term, has been " breastmother."vaguely and unmeaningly api)lied toall the wilder races of the easternportion of the Archipelago. It seemsto be equivalent to the Indies braves,or wild and independent AmericanIndians of the Spaniards.Alih (j). To shift, to change, to alter; tomove ; to migrate.Alihkan. To shift, to change, to alter;to transfer, te remove ; to ti'ansplantto translate, to render from one languageinto another.Alimun. Invisible, not to be seen.Alintah (j). A leech, Hirudo; v. Lintah.Alintar. Thunder; v. Lintar.Alipan. A centipede, Scoloj^enchu ; v.Lipan.Alir. To flew, to stream.Aliran. A streamlet, a watercourse.Alls (j). The eyebrows.AU'asah (a). On the whole, in a word,to sum up all.Allah (a). God.Alon (jAv). Slow, slowly, gently.Alor. A fui-row, a groove ; a trench, achannel.Alor. Name of an island, being thefourth lying in a chain east fromFloris.Alora (j). Surge, surf, breaker; disorder,disturbance, commotion ; v. Galoraand Glera.Alor -alor. Name of a fish.Alor-aloran (alor, "a furrow"). A brook,a streamlet ; a canal, a watercourse.Alpa (s). Negligent, careless ; to neglect,to be careless ; negligence, carelessness.Alu (j). A stamper, a pestle.AlUa. A kind of sweet cake.Name of a fish.Alu-alu.Aliian (ulu). Front, forepart; stem,prow, bow, forepart of a vessel ; sail,vessel. This, with the change of theinitial vowel, is evidently derived fromAmatiri. Step-mother; v. Tiri.Amam, imam (a). A Mahomedun highpriest.Aman (a). Security, safety, protection ;peace ; safe, secure.Aman at (a). Fidelity; trust, deposit;security, safety.Amang. To threaten, to menace.Auiarah. Angry, wroth ; enraged ; anger,wrath ; rage ; v. Marah.Amarah. Alas, pity !Amas (j). Gold ; v. Mas.Amas-masan. Golden.Amas-urai. Gold dust ; literally, " loosegold."Amat. Much, very, exceedingly.Amat. To forbid, to prohibit, to hinder.Amati. To regard attentively, to look atearnestly.Amat-amati. To give continued attentiveconsideration ; te gaze, to look earnestly.Amar (a). Thing, affair, business; a proceeding;an action; order, charge,mandate, injunction.Amat (jav). A quantity of rice in the sheaf,consisting of 25 ged'eug, or doublesheaves, and fixed by the Dutch at apicul, or 125 Amsterdam pounds, or136 avoirdupois. Rice is stored inthe sheaf, having about six inches ofstraw.Ambachang (j). The fetid mango, Mangiferafatida; v. Bachang and Machang.Ambalu (j. tambalu). Lac, the nidus,and dyeing material which it yields, ofthe lac insect.Ambang. The frame of a door.Ambang-diatils. The' lintel of a door.Ambang-dibawah. The threshold bar ofa door-frame.Ambar. Insipid, tasteless, flat, vapid.Ambara (a). To hover in the air; torove, to wander.Amban (jav). A girdle, a girth ; bound,ulu, " head, upper part."tied.Alun (j). A wave, a surge, a billow. Ambankan. To gird, to girdle ; te girthAlun-alun (j). Name of an open and to bind, to tie.walled-in square in front of a Javanese Ambil (j). To take, to receive ; to acceptpalace for parades, processions, and to seize, to lay hold of; to take possessionmilitary exorcises. Near the centreof.are invariably two Indian fig-trees Ambilan. The object taken or seized.r. Wringin, Bringin.Ambil-anak. A mode of marriage inAlus (j). Fine, not coarse ; subtle, delicate.Sumatra, where a daughter is given inwife to a man of inferior rank, in orderAlusi (alus). To try, to test, to examine to keep her under the paternal roof.

AMB—AMU [5] ANA—ANAAmbil-ati. To take the affections, to winthe heart.Ambil-di-ati. To take to heart.Ambil-layar. To take in sail, to shortensail.faithful, a title of the Caliphs.Anak-ayar. A rivulet, a brook.Amis (j). Fish-scented.Anakanda. One that is well born.Ampa. Empty, void; v. Ampa.Anak-bandrek (JAV). A bastard; literally,Ampa. Chaff." offspring of adultery."Ampai. Delicate, slender.Anak-baranak. In descent, from fatherAmpang. A float, a ch-ift.to son.Ampat (J. papat). Four.Anak-bai-lari-anak. To run with theAmpat-blas. Fourteen.unsteady movement of a child ; to runAmpat - parsagi. Quadrangular, four-so as to be out of breath.Anak-bongsu. The youngest child of afamily.Anak-buah. The retainer of a chieftain.sided.Ampat-puluh. Forty.Ampat-ratus. Four hundred.Ampat-ribu. Four thousand.Ampadal. The gizzard; the maw, thestomach ; v. Padal.Ampadas. The liver.Ampalam (x). The mango, MangiferaIiulk-a.Ampalas (j). Name of a fig-tree, Ficusuliii ifolia.Ampalas-lambut. Name of a fig, theleaves of which are used for polishingwood, Ficus poUtorta.Ampanan. Name of a place in the islandof Lomboc on the shore of the straitwhich divides tliat island from Bali.Ampu. To hold up with both handsto hold up ; to uphold, to sustain.Ampiian. Upholding, sustaining; government.Ampuh. To overflow.Ampulian. Flood, deluge.Ampukan (ampu). To hold up ; to uphold,to sustain; to govern, to administer.Ampun. Pardon, forgiveness.Ampuni. To pai-don, to forgive; toacquit, to clear.Ampung. Light, buoyant.Ampuiia. To own, to possess ; owner,proprietor; author; v. Puiia.Ampus (bat). To wipe out, to erase, toobliterate ; to abolish, to annul ; v.Ampus.Am9al (a). Proverbs ; examples, similes.Amuk (j). An a-muck ; to i-un a-muck ;to tilt, to run furiously and desperatelyat every one ; to make a furious onsetor charge in combat.Anai-anai. The white ant, Termes.Anak (j). Offspring, progeny; child;young of animals; seedling, sapling;Ambu-ambu. The bonito fish.native, original inhabitant.Ambiii. Oh !Auakan. Cliildren, progeny ; native, originalAmbun. The island of Ambojma.inhabitant.Ambung. To toss, to be tossed as by the Anakan (j). The interest of money; awaves.word expressing the diminutive of anyAmbimg. A kind of hamper.object.Ambung. The rigging of a ship.Anak-anakan. A puppet, an image.Amin (a). Amen, so be it.Anak-anjing (j). A puppy dog.Amir (a). A leader, a commander, an Anak-angkat (j). An adopted child;emir, an omrah." a child taken up."literally,Amir-al, mumanin. Commander of the Anak-ayam (j). A chick, a chicken.Anakda. An abbreviation of anakanda.Anak-chuchu. Descendants, posterityliterally, "children and grandchildren."Anak-d'ara. A maid, a vu-gin.Anak-dayung. A rower, a boatmanliterally, " child of the oar."Anak-estri. A daughter.Anak-galuh. A princess.Anakgampang. A bastard. Gampang,in Javanese, means "easy or facile."Anak-ganta. The tongue or clapper of abell literally, " child of the bell.";Anak-gugur. An abortive birth, a miscarriage.Gugur, "to fall or drop untimely."Anak-inang. Foster-child ; literally," child of the breasts."Anak-inu. A prince. Inu, in Javanese,means "nourished, cherished."Anak-itik. A duckling.Anak-kambing. A kid.Anak-kuching. A kitten.Auak-kuda. A foal.Anak-kunchi. A key ; literally, " childof the lock."Anak-laki. A male child, a boy, a son.Anak-lid-ah. The wrttZa ; literally, "childof the tongue."Anak-limpa. The spleen, the milt ; literally," child of the liver."Anak-mas. A slave born in the master'shouse; hterally, "child of gold."Anak-mud-a. Nephew or niece, being abrother's child ; literally, " a youngerchild."

AMB—AMU [5] ANA—ANAAmbil-ati. To take <strong>the</strong> affections, to win<strong>the</strong> heart.Ambil-di-ati. To take to heart.Ambil-layar. To take in sail, to shortensail.faithful, a title <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Caliphs.Anak-ayar. A rivulet, a brook.Amis (j). Fish-scented.Anak<strong>and</strong>a. One that is well born.Ampa. Empty, void; v. Ampa.Anak-b<strong>and</strong>rek (JAV). A bastard; literally,Ampa. Chaff." <strong>of</strong>fspring <strong>of</strong> adultery."Ampai. Delicate, slender.Anak-baranak. In descent, from fa<strong>the</strong>rAmpang. A float, a ch-ift.to son.Ampat (J. papat). Four.Anak-bai-lari-anak. To run with <strong>the</strong>Ampat-blas. Fourteen.unsteady movement <strong>of</strong> a child ; to runAmpat - parsagi. Quadrangular, four-so as to be out <strong>of</strong> breath.Anak-bongsu. The youngest child <strong>of</strong> afamily.Anak-buah. The retainer <strong>of</strong> a chieftain.sided.Ampat-puluh. Forty.Ampat-ratus. Four hundred.Ampat-ribu. Four thous<strong>and</strong>.Ampadal. The gizzard; <strong>the</strong> maw, <strong>the</strong>stomach ; v. Padal.Ampadas. The liver.Ampalam (x). The mango, MangiferaIiulk-a.Ampalas (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a fig-tree, Ficusuliii ifolia.Ampalas-lambut. Name <strong>of</strong> a fig, <strong>the</strong>leaves <strong>of</strong> which are used for polishingwood, Ficus poUtorta.Ampanan. Name <strong>of</strong> a place in <strong>the</strong> isl<strong>and</strong><strong>of</strong> Lomboc on <strong>the</strong> shore <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> straitwhich divides tliat isl<strong>and</strong> from Bali.Ampu. To hold up with both h<strong>and</strong>sto hold up ; to uphold, to sustain.Ampiian. Upholding, sustaining; government.Ampuh. To overflow.Ampulian. Flood, deluge.Ampukan (ampu). To hold up ; to uphold,to sustain; to govern, to administer.Ampun. Pardon, forgiveness.Ampuni. To pai-don, to forgive; toacquit, to clear.Ampung. Light, buoyant.Ampuiia. To own, to possess ; owner,proprietor; author; v. Puiia.Ampus (bat). To wipe out, to erase, toobliterate ; to abolish, to annul ; v.Ampus.Am9al (a). Proverbs ; examples, similes.Amuk (j). An a-muck ; to i-un a-muck ;to tilt, to run furiously <strong>and</strong> desperatelyat every one ; to make a furious onsetor charge in combat.Anai-anai. The white ant, Termes.Anak (j). Offspring, progeny; child;young <strong>of</strong> animals; seedling, sapling;Ambu-ambu. The bonito fish.native, original inhabitant.Ambiii. Oh !Auakan. Cliildren, progeny ; native, originalAmbun. The isl<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> Ambojma.inhabitant.Ambung. To toss, to be tossed as by <strong>the</strong> Anakan (j). The interest <strong>of</strong> money; awaves.word expressing <strong>the</strong> diminutive <strong>of</strong> anyAmbimg. A kind <strong>of</strong> hamper.object.Ambung. The rigging <strong>of</strong> a ship.Anak-anakan. A puppet, an image.Amin (a). Amen, so be it.Anak-anjing (j). A puppy dog.Amir (a). A leader, a comm<strong>and</strong>er, an Anak-angkat (j). An adopted child;emir, an omrah." a child taken up."literally,Amir-al, mumanin. Comm<strong>and</strong>er <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Anak-ayam (j). A chick, a chicken.Anakda. An abbreviation <strong>of</strong> anak<strong>and</strong>a.Anak-chuchu. Descendants, posterityliterally, "children <strong>and</strong> gr<strong>and</strong>children."Anak-d'ara. A maid, a vu-gin.Anak-dayung. A rower, a boatmanliterally, " child <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> oar."Anak-estri. A daughter.Anak-galuh. A princess.Anakgampang. A bastard. Gampang,in Javanese, means "easy or facile."Anak-ganta. The tongue or clapper <strong>of</strong> abell literally, " child <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> bell.";Anak-gugur. An abortive birth, a miscarriage.Gugur, "to fall or drop untimely."Anak-inang. Foster-child ; literally," child <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> breasts."Anak-inu. A prince. Inu, in Javanese,means "nourished, cherished."Anak-itik. A duckling.Anak-kambing. A kid.Anak-kuching. A kitten.Auak-kuda. A foal.Anak-kunchi. A key ; literally, " child<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> lock."Anak-laki. A male child, a boy, a son.Anak-lid-ah. The wrttZa ; literally, "child<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> tongue."Anak-limpa. The spleen, <strong>the</strong> milt ; literally," child <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> liver."Anak-mas. A slave born in <strong>the</strong> master'shouse; hterally, "child <strong>of</strong> gold."Anak-mud-a. Nephew or niece, being abro<strong>the</strong>r's child ; literally, " a youngerchild."

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