A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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PAR—PAR [138] PAR—PASParsilmbalikAn. To represent, to submit,to lay before.Parsih (j). Clean, pure ; v. Bansih.Parsilakan (silakan). To invite, to ask,to bid ; to welcome.Parsimpangan (simpang). A by-way;way, route.Pili-singgahan (singgali). A resting-placeon a -voyage or journey ; a stagehouse.Parsiyang (siyang). To clean or dressfood preparatory to cooking it.Parsiyapkan (siyap). To prepare, tomake ready.Parsudahkan (sudah). To finish, tocomplete.Parsukakan (suka).To gladden, to makeglad.Parsumpahan (sumpah). An oath ; acurse, a malediction.Pilrsundalan (sundal). "\Alioredoni.Parsunting (simting). To adorn the lieadwith flowers behind the cars.Partama (s). First, the ordinal of onebeginning, commencement.Partanak (tauak). A boiling, a seething.Partand'a (tand'a). The public crier,and in the same person the publicexecutioner; a collector of taxes. InJavanese the word means " seal orsignet."Pdi-tapa (tapa). An ascetic, an anchoret,college.Pasanggrahan (jav). A resting-place on aa recluse, a hermit.journey ; a stage-house.Partapiian. Penance, religious austerities Pasara (a). A market; v. Pasar.penance, a place where penances are Fasawat. Name of a particular kind ofperformed ; an anchorite's cave or cell. cordage ; memhrum virile.Partaguhkan (taguh). To strengthen Pasamah. Name of a country on theto confirm.south-western coast of Sumatra ; t\Partamiian (tamu). Meeting, encounter ;Pasamah.interview; junction.Pasaman. Name of a place on the southwesternPartangahan (tangah). Middle, midst,side of Sumatra ; nameof thecentre.adjacent high mountain, called bying, biding; delay.PAsAn. message, an errand ; a mandate,Partanggohan (tanggoh). Tarrying, wait-Europeans " mount Ophir."APurtatapkan (tatap). To assure, to confirmmissionan injunction ; a charge, a com-; to despatch ; to charge, toPdrtidoran (tidor). A bed, a sleepingplace.enjoin.Pasanan. Injunction, command.Partiga (tiga). Third ; a third.PAseban (jav). The waiting apartmentPartikaman (tikam). A warrior; literally, in which the chiefs attend before" a stabber."going into the presence ; a saloonPartinggi (tinggi). Name of the village a hall ; a pavilion ; v. Pasebau.head-man in some parts of Java. PAseyang. To clean or dress food pre-Partinggikan. To raise, to lift up, toelevate ; to enhance.Pilrtitah (titah). Order, command.PartukarkAn (tukar). To exchange, tobarter.Piirtunjukkan (tunjuk). To show, todisplay, to exhibit, to demonstrate.PArtuwan (tuwan). To serve, to have amaster ; rule, dominion, sway ; v. BArtuwan.Pai-tuwanan. Rule, dominion, sway ;lordship ; rulers, nobles.Partuwankan. To rule, to sway, togovern ; to lord.Parubungan (ubvmg). Connexion ; union ;junction ; binding.Parugal (i-vigal). Rape or attempt todeflower; to abduct, to carry off byforce.Pilrulih (ulih). To get, to find, toobtain, to acquire.Parulihan. Acquisition, acquirement.Paiiimiian (uma). Upland culture ; theharvest of upland corn.Parusah (s. usaha ?). To make, to build,to construct, to fabricate.Parusahan (s). Labour, toil, work ;diligence.Parusung (usung). A litter, a vehiclecarried by porters or carriers.Parwara (j). Handmaids, waiting women,female attendants of a prince; probablycomposed of the two Javanesewords para, " "all," and rara, " a maid ;V. Pararara, Parwara.Pasagi (j). An angle, a square; angular,square ; v. PArsagi.Pasan. A centipede, Scolopendra.Pasantren (jAV.,from santri, "a disciple").A school, a seminary ; an academy, aparatory to cooking it ; v. Parsiyang.PAsilau (bat). Extraneous, adventitious;alien, foreign ; v. Pasilan.PAsok. A hole, a perforation ; holed,perforated.PAstaka (j. book, writing). Divinationnecromancy ; enchantment, conjuration;a book of divination or necromancy;V. Pustaka.Pasfc'i (j). Certain, sure; indubitable.

PAS—PAt- [ 139] PAT—PIJpositive; certainly, surely; assuredly,indubitably, positively ; v. Past'i.Past-ikan. To assure, to make certain.Pilst-ul (Eu). A pistol.Pasuna (p). Magic, spells, encliautment,sorcery, secret ai-ts ; v. Fasuua.Pasundalan (sundal). Harlotry, prostitution; whoredom.Pilsm-uli (suruh). A messenger, an emissary; an envoy ; an apostle.Pasuruhau, v. Pasuruh.Patai (j. pate). Name of an esculentbean with a fetid odour, the produceof an acacia-like tree, Parkiastature.Pentang. Consequence, moment, importance; emergency ; important, mo-speciosa.Patala (s). The Hindu infernal regions; mentous.Pengkar. Bandy-legged.V. Patala.PatanL Xame of the most northerly ofthe Malay states of the peninsula onits eastern coast.Kapek.Pataruh (taruh). A deposit, a pledge, a Perak. Silver.stake, a pawn.Patai-uhkau. To deposit, to pledge, tostake, to pawn.Patasan (sun). Tinder, touchwood ; a.squib.Patam. Name of a flower.Patam. Name of a frontlet or ornamentfor the forehead.Piltanuug (tanung). A soothsayer, a fortuue-teller; a sorcerer.Patdng (j. dark). Evening, dusk.Pater. A thimder-clap.Patinggi (jay). A head-man, commonlyapplied to the village chief.Patma (s). The lotus flower, Ntlumldumspeciosum ; v. Padma.Patra (s). Prince, son of a person ofi-ank; v. Putra.Pati-aua (j). A sofa, a couch, an ottoman,a royal seat, a throne ; v. Patarana.Patri (s). Princess ; daughter of a personof rank ; v. Putri.Piitri (j). Solder; to solder.Patuwanan (tuwan). Nobles, rulers ; v.Partuwanan.Pafa (j). Model, pattern, exampledraught, delineation, sketch; picture,representation ; map, chart.Pat-ak (j). An enclosed field.Pat'akau, v. Patak.Pat-ek. A fillip, a jerk \s-ith the fingerto fillip ; to touch or finger the chorcLsof a musical instrument.Pat-ek (JAV). To pick, to cull.Pat'ola-ulai'. Name of a species of cucumber.Pelad (jay). Inai-ticulate, indistinct inutterance.Pelak. Unlucky, luckless, unfortunate.Pelaug. A barge, a galley, a pinnace.Pelet (jay), a charm, a philtre.Peuchoug (bat). Crooked, zig-zag, notin a direct line.Peuchoug. Flap, loose part of a garment.Peuchong-talinga. Flap of the ear.Pend-ek (j, chend'ek). Short, low inPepe (jav). To dry, to exsiccate in the sun.Pepeh. Flat, level, not elevated; v.Ptrak. Name of a Malay .state on thewestern side of the peninsula.Peraug. Light bro%vn ; tawny ;pale ; v.Pirang.Peres. To strike, as in measiu-ing corn.Pesak. A goar, a gusset.Petak. Voluble, talkative.Petak (j). A plot of ground, a bed in agarden ; a compartment or subdivisionin the hold of a ship ; a bin, a chest,&c. ; an apartment, a chamber.Petam (t). Fits, convulsions.Petam-babi. Epilepsy.Pi'as. A breadth, the width of a webV. Piyas.Plat. A du-ect descendant in the fifthdegi-ee; v. Piyat.Pichak (ben). Narrow, confined, notwide.Pichat.To spur or goad an animal.Piche (ben). Mire, mud ; miry, muddy.Pichis (j). Small coiu, small changemoney of coppt- r, brass, or tin ; money,coin. It was the ancient coin of Java,and also the only one of the Malayswhen first seen by the Portuguese.Pichit (j). To nip, to pinch; v. Pijit.Pichu. The lock of a gun.Pichuwat (sun). A kind of crane bywhich water is raised from a well.Pidali. Name of a flower.Pidii'. Name of a Malay state on thenorth-eastern side of Sumatra.Pigu. The country of Pegu ; r. Paigu.Piit-eka. The water-melon, Citrullus PihaZ; (a). Side, quarter ; v. FiAai-.Cimex ; v. Findingand Kapinding.edulisj V. Samangka.Patikan (jav. patek). A select collectionPijad. The house bug,of written composition.Pijak (j). To tread, to trample ; v.Pat'i (j). box, a coffer.Pijar (j). Borax, or tiucal.Pat'el (j). An adze.AJijak.Pat'ola. Name of a species of bitter Pijdr. Intent, diligent.cucumlier.Pijar. Over-boiled oil.

PAS—PAt- [ 139] PAT—PIJpositive; certainly, surely; assuredly,indubitably, positively ; v. Past'i.Past-ikan. To assure, to make certain.Pilst-ul (Eu). A pistol.Pasuna (p). Magic, spells, encliautment,sorcery, secret ai-ts ; v. Fasuua.Pasundalan (sundal). Harlotry, prostitution; whoredom.Pilsm-uli (suruh). A messenger, an emissary; an envoy ; an apostle.Pasuruhau, v. Pasuruh.Patai (j. pate). Name <strong>of</strong> an esculentbean with a fetid odour, <strong>the</strong> produce<strong>of</strong> an acacia-like tree, Parkiastature.Pentang. Consequence, moment, importance; emergency ; important, mo-speciosa.Patala (s). The Hindu infernal regions; mentous.Pengkar. B<strong>and</strong>y-legged.V. Patala.PatanL Xame <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> most nor<strong>the</strong>rly <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> <strong>Malay</strong> states <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> peninsula onits eastern coast.Kapek.Pataruh (taruh). A deposit, a pledge, a Perak. Silver.stake, a pawn.Patai-uhkau. To deposit, to pledge, tostake, to pawn.Patasan (sun). Tinder, touchwood ; a.squib.Patam. Name <strong>of</strong> a flower.Patam. Name <strong>of</strong> a frontlet or ornamentfor <strong>the</strong> forehead.Piltanuug (tanung). A soothsayer, a fortuue-teller; a sorcerer.Patdng (j. dark). Evening, dusk.Pater. A thimder-clap.Patinggi (jay). A head-man, commonlyapplied to <strong>the</strong> village chief.Patma (s). The lotus flower, Ntlumldumspeciosum ; v. Padma.Patra (s). Prince, son <strong>of</strong> a person <strong>of</strong>i-ank; v. Putra.Pati-aua (j). A s<strong>of</strong>a, a couch, an ottoman,a royal seat, a throne ; v. Patarana.Patri (s). Princess ; daughter <strong>of</strong> a person<strong>of</strong> rank ; v. Putri.Piitri (j). Solder; to solder.Patuwanan (tuwan). Nobles, rulers ; v.Partuwanan.Pafa (j). Model, pattern, exampledraught, delineation, sketch; picture,representation ; map, chart.Pat-ak (j). An enclosed field.Pat'akau, v. Patak.Pat-ek. A fillip, a jerk \s-ith <strong>the</strong> fingerto fillip ; to touch or finger <strong>the</strong> chorcLs<strong>of</strong> a musical instrument.Pat-ek (JAV). To pick, to cull.Pat'ola-ulai'. Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong> cucumber.Pelad (jay). Inai-ticulate, indistinct inutterance.Pelak. Unlucky, luckless, unfortunate.Pelaug. A barge, a galley, a pinnace.Pelet (jay), a charm, a philtre.Peuchoug (bat). Crooked, zig-zag, notin a direct line.Peuchoug. Flap, loose part <strong>of</strong> a garment.Peuchong-talinga. Flap <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ear.Pend-ek (j, chend'ek). Short, low inPepe (jav). To dry, to exsiccate in <strong>the</strong> sun.Pepeh. Flat, level, not elevated; v.Ptrak. Name <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Malay</strong> .state on <strong>the</strong>western side <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> peninsula.Peraug. Light bro%vn ; tawny ;pale ; v.Pirang.Peres. To strike, as in measiu-ing corn.Pesak. A goar, a gusset.Petak. Voluble, talkative.Petak (j). A plot <strong>of</strong> ground, a bed in agarden ; a compartment or subdivisionin <strong>the</strong> hold <strong>of</strong> a ship ; a bin, a chest,&c. ; an apartment, a chamber.Petam (t). Fits, convulsions.Petam-babi. Epilepsy.Pi'as. A breadth, <strong>the</strong> width <strong>of</strong> a webV. Piyas.Plat. A du-ect descendant in <strong>the</strong> fifthdegi-ee; v. Piyat.Pichak (ben). Narrow, confined, notwide.Pichat.To spur or goad an animal.Piche (ben). Mire, mud ; miry, muddy.Pichis (j). Small coiu, small changemoney <strong>of</strong> coppt- r, brass, or tin ; money,coin. It was <strong>the</strong> ancient coin <strong>of</strong> Java,<strong>and</strong> also <strong>the</strong> only one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Malay</strong>swhen first seen by <strong>the</strong> Portuguese.Pichit (j). To nip, to pinch; v. Pijit.Pichu. The lock <strong>of</strong> a gun.Pichuwat (sun). A kind <strong>of</strong> crane bywhich water is raised from a well.Pidali. Name <strong>of</strong> a flower.Pidii'. Name <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Malay</strong> state on <strong>the</strong>north-eastern side <strong>of</strong> Sumatra.Pigu. The country <strong>of</strong> Pegu ; r. Paigu.Piit-eka. The water-melon, Citrullus PihaZ; (a). Side, quarter ; v. FiAai-.Cimex ; v. Finding<strong>and</strong> Kapinding.edulisj V. Samangka.Patikan (jav. patek). A select collectionPijad. The house bug,<strong>of</strong> written composition.Pijak (j). To tread, to trample ; v.Pat'i (j). box, a c<strong>of</strong>fer.Pijar (j). Borax, or tiucal.Pat'el (j). An adze.AJijak.Pat'ola. Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong> bitter Pijdr. Intent, diligent.cucumlier.Pijar. Over-boiled oil.

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