A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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PAN—PAN [134 ]PAN—PAPPangera (kera). Thought, opinion, judgmentpon-proofPangliyas. Channed, invulnerable, wea-Pangeran (j). A prince; v. Pangeran Pangompat (ompat). A slanderer, aand Pangran.backbiter, a calumniator.Pilngrah (krah). Summons, call to armsPangeran-adipati (j and s). Heir-apparentV. Pangeran-adipati.Panggagahan (gagah). Force, violence,compulsion ; oppression, tyi'anny.Pclnggali (gali). A digger, a delver, anexcavator, a miner ; a spade ; any toolfor digging or excavating.Panggaris (garis). Any implement ortool with which a stroke or scoi'e ismade ; a scarifier ; a harrow.Panggaru (garu). A rake.Panggawa (j). A grandee, a noble ; v.Punggawa. In Javanese it is the titleof the five chief councillors of state,and seems to be derived from the rootgawa, " to bear or carry."Pilnggawa-pintu. Warder of the gate,title of an officer.Pdnggawan (j). An emissary, an envoy ;an advocate, a pleader, — probablyfrom the same root as the lastword but one.Panggayit (gayit). A hook, a crook.Panggalangan (galang). The wrist.Panggflrtak (gartak). A goad, a spm-.Panggerek (gerek). A borer, a piercer;any tool for boring ; a drill.Pauggiling (giling). A roller ; a quern ; amill.Pfinggugat (gugat). An accuser.Pangguling (guling). A roller ; thepangolin or ant-eater, Manis javanica ;V. Tanggiling and Trdnggiling.Panggulu (j). Second-born child.Pangiring (iiing). A follower, a retainerany object that follows or attends.Pangiringan. Accompaniments ; thingsfollowing in a train ; train, retinue.Pangiris (u-is). A whittle; a knife forslicing and shredding.Pilngirisan, v. Pangiris.Pangisar (kisar). A grinder, one thatgrinds ; a miller.Pangkal. The crown or part of the stemof a tree immediately above groundbutt, lai'gc cud ; origin, beginningfund, stock, capital.Pangkalan (pangkal). Funds, property ;a quay, a wharf.PAngkasan (j). A messenger ; v. Pangalasan.PAngkur (ben). A hoe.Pdnglasan (j). A messenger; v. P4ngalasan.Pangliat (liat). Sight, vision.PAngliatan. Sight, view, ken ; opinion,judgment, notion ; sight, spectacle.Pdnglima. Commander, leader; commanderor captain of a sliip.levy, muster.Pangrasa (rasa). Taste, the sense oftaste ; feeling, perception ; thought,opinion, judgment, notion.Pangi-asaan, v. Pangi-asa.Pangsa. Hollow ; a hollow, a cavity.Pilngsi. A flag, a streamer.Pangubung (ubung). Junction, union,connexion.Panguchap (uchap). A plaintiff, a prosecutor; literally, " a speaker." InJavanese its meaning is " speech, language."Pangudut (udut). A smokiug-pipe.Paugiiker (uker). A carver, an engraverV. Panuker.Pangulu (ulu). Headman, leader ; inJavanese " a head priest."Pangusahan (usaha). Application, diligence,laboriousness, assiduity.Pangusung (usung). A carrier or bearer ;a litter or sedan bearer.Panguwasa (kuwasa). Power; possessions,property.Paiiakit (sakit). Sickness, malady, disease,disorder ;pain.Pailamar (samar). One in a mask, onedisguised ; a masker ; a spy.Paiiamun (samun). A robber, a plunderer,a freebooter.Piliiapu (sapu). A sweeper, one whosebusiness it is to sweep.Paiiauk. A hand-net.Paiiabrang (sabrang).A ford, a ferry.PaG^ngat (Sclngat). The sting of aninsect ; name of a species of wasp orhornet.PAiiapit (sapit). Forceps, nippers.Pauariian (sru). A loud cry ; loudcalling, shouting.Paiiu (j). Name of the species of seatortoise yielding the shell of commerce.Panudah (sudah). Conclusion, termination.Paiiukur (chukur). A razor.PAiiulam (sulam). An embroiderer.Paiiulap (sulap). A juggler, a conjurer.Paiiulu (sulu). A scout, a spy.Panurat (a. surat). A wi-iter, a scribe.Paiiuruh (suruh). A messenger, an emissary,an envoy ; v. Pasuruli.Pcluurung (kurung). The poop or afterpartof a ship.Pauusu (susu). A wet-nurse.Papak. To chew, to masticate.Pilpat (j. pftpak, " complete, not defective";').Uniform, regular, equal, even.

PAP—PAR [ 135 ]PAR—PARPdpatah (patah). A fragment, a bit ; aword ; a rule, an order.PApatih (s. patih). Minister, deputy.Papat-el (j. pat'el). An adze.Papaya. The papaw fig, Carica papaja.PApalik. Name of a kind of ear ornament.Papalingan (j. pilingan). The temples.Pilpeda. Name of a plant, Dialium javanicum.Pilpeda-papuwah. Name of a plant, Panaxfruticosmn.Papilis. The temples ; v. Palipis.Paprangan (prang). Warfare, fight ; combat,battle.Papundi. A satchel, a scrip ; v. Pundipundi.PSpuyu. The womb ; v. Papuyu.Papuwah. Frizzled ; the island of NewGuinea; an inhabitant of that islandbeing of the uegrito race ; v. Puwahpuwah.Parabisau (abis). Completion; end, termination.Pilrabiskan. To terminate, to end, tofinish, to complete, to accomplish.Paradiian (adu).A regal bed; bed-place;bed-room, harem.Parai. To pursue a circuitous courseto sail by tacking ; v. Prai.Paraikan. To tack a ship, to navigateher by tacking.Parakat (rakat). Cement, glue ; v.Parkat.Paramati (amat). To gaze at, to lookearnestly on.Pai-ampas (rampas). A plmiderer, a pillager.Pilranak (anak). To beget, to generate,to procreate.Paranakan. The womb ; birth, act ofbeing born ; offspring, issue ; racenative, original inhabitant. The wordis most commonly used to express tliemixed races, that is, children of a foreignfixther; v. Parnakan and Prankan.Paranakkan. To beget, to generate, toprocreate.Parantaran (antara). Boundary, confinesof two countries.Pai-antuk (antuk). To clash, to knockone thing against another.PArang (j). War ; to war, to make war ;Parasa (rasa). The sense of taste ; v.Pangi-asa.Parasiian. Feeling, perception ; opinion,judgment; v. Pangi-asaan.Parasat. Opinion, judgment.Parasapan (asap). A censer, a pan forfumigation.Pflrasingan (asing). Alienation, state ofbeing alienated.Paraturan (atur). An-angement, array,order, disposition.Parawan (j). A maid, a virgin; v.Prawan.Paramba (amba). To serve, to be aservant or slave.Parambaan. Service, attendance of slaveor servant ; obedience, submission.Parambakan ; v. tr. To serve ; to submit,to present respectfully ; to I'cpi'esent,to submit.Pilrambatan (ambat). Pursuit, chase.Parambusan (^mbus). Bellows.Parampat (dmpat). A quarter, a fourthpart.Parampiian. A woman, a female of thehuman race ; a wife.Paranti'an (anti). Stop, cessation of motionor action, rest ;place of stoppingor resting.Paras (j). To squeeze out a fluid bypressure.Parastawa. Time, particular time ; v.Paristawa and Paristawa.Parbandingan (banding). Comparison,the act of comparing.Parbakal (bakal). Outline ; trace, mark.Pdrbani (s). Slack water, the period betweenebb and flow ; tide ; v. Purbani.Parbantahan (bantah). Contention, strife,wrangle, altercation, dispute.Parbauak (banak). To multiply, to growin number or quantity.Pai'baiiakkan. To multiply, to cause toincrease in number or quantitj'.Parbauaki, v. Parbauakkan.Parbaya. A noble, a grandee.Parbayiki (bayik). To advantage, tobenefit; to set right, to arrange, toprepare, to put in order.Parbakalan (b3,kal). Stores, provisionsfood.ParbS,rian (bli). Buying, purchase ; market; magazine, store where goods areV. Prang.Paranginan (angin). A pleasure-house,bought.PArbanasakan (b^nasa). To destroy, toa summer-house.lay waste.Parangkap-angkapan (angkap). A banquet,Parband'aharan (band'ahara). A trea-a carousal, a festival.sury ; treasure ; a royal wardrobeParapat (jav., from rapat, "close"). A royal warehouse.neighbourhood, the nearest house or Parbediian (beda). Difference, distinction.village ; vicinage.ParbidJian, v. Parbediian.Pararakan (arak). A procession ; a processionalParbujangan (bujang). Chamber or apart-or triumphal car.ment of theunmarried.

PAN—PAN [134 ]PAN—PAPPangera (kera). Thought, opinion, judgmentpon-pro<strong>of</strong>Pangliyas. Channed, invulnerable, wea-Pangeran (j). A prince; v. Pangeran Pangompat (ompat). A sl<strong>and</strong>erer, a<strong>and</strong> Pangran.backbiter, a calumniator.Pilngrah (krah). Summons, call to armsPangeran-adipati (j <strong>and</strong> s). Heir-apparentV. Pangeran-adipati.Panggagahan (gagah). Force, violence,compulsion ; oppression, tyi'anny.Pclnggali (gali). A digger, a delver, anexcavator, a miner ; a spade ; any toolfor digging or excavating.Panggaris (garis). Any implement ortool with which a stroke or scoi'e ismade ; a scarifier ; a harrow.Panggaru (garu). A rake.Panggawa (j). A gr<strong>and</strong>ee, a noble ; v.Punggawa. In Javanese it is <strong>the</strong> title<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> five chief councillors <strong>of</strong> state,<strong>and</strong> seems to be derived from <strong>the</strong> rootgawa, " to bear or carry."Pilnggawa-pintu. Warder <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> gate,title <strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>ficer.Pdnggawan (j). An emissary, an envoy ;an advocate, a pleader, — probablyfrom <strong>the</strong> same root as <strong>the</strong> lastword but one.Panggayit (gayit). A hook, a crook.Panggalangan (galang). The wrist.Panggflrtak (gartak). A goad, a spm-.Panggerek (gerek). A borer, a piercer;any tool for boring ; a drill.Pauggiling (giling). A roller ; a quern ; amill.Pfinggugat (gugat). An accuser.Pangguling (guling). A roller ; <strong>the</strong>pangolin or ant-eater, Manis javanica ;V. Tanggiling <strong>and</strong> Trdnggiling.Panggulu (j). Second-born child.Pangiring (iiing). A follower, a retainerany object that follows or attends.Pangiringan. Accompaniments ; thingsfollowing in a train ; train, retinue.Pangiris (u-is). A whittle; a knife forslicing <strong>and</strong> shredding.Pilngirisan, v. Pangiris.Pangisar (kisar). A grinder, one thatgrinds ; a miller.Pangkal. The crown or part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> stem<strong>of</strong> a tree immediately above groundbutt, lai'gc cud ; origin, beginningfund, stock, capital.Pangkalan (pangkal). Funds, property ;a quay, a wharf.PAngkasan (j). A messenger ; v. Pangalasan.PAngkur (ben). A hoe.Pdnglasan (j). A messenger; v. P4ngalasan.Pangliat (liat). Sight, vision.PAngliatan. Sight, view, ken ; opinion,judgment, notion ; sight, spectacle.Pdnglima. Comm<strong>and</strong>er, leader; comm<strong>and</strong>eror captain <strong>of</strong> a sliip.levy, muster.Pangrasa (rasa). Taste, <strong>the</strong> sense <strong>of</strong>taste ; feeling, perception ; thought,opinion, judgment, notion.Pangi-asaan, v. Pangi-asa.Pangsa. Hollow ; a hollow, a cavity.Pilngsi. A flag, a streamer.Pangubung (ubung). Junction, union,connexion.Panguchap (uchap). A plaintiff, a prosecutor; literally, " a speaker." InJavanese its meaning is " speech, <strong>language</strong>."Pangudut (udut). A smokiug-pipe.Paugiiker (uker). A carver, an engraverV. Panuker.Pangulu (ulu). Headman, leader ; inJavanese " a head priest."Pangusahan (usaha). Application, diligence,laboriousness, assiduity.Pangusung (usung). A carrier or bearer ;a litter or sedan bearer.Panguwasa (kuwasa). Power; possessions,property.Paiiakit (sakit). Sickness, malady, disease,disorder ;pain.Pailamar (samar). One in a mask, onedisguised ; a masker ; a spy.Paiiamun (samun). A robber, a plunderer,a freebooter.Piliiapu (sapu). A sweeper, one whosebusiness it is to sweep.Paiiauk. A h<strong>and</strong>-net.Paiiabrang (sabrang).A ford, a ferry.PaG^ngat (Sclngat). The sting <strong>of</strong> aninsect ; name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong> wasp orhornet.PAiiapit (sapit). Forceps, nippers.Pauariian (sru). A loud cry ; loudcalling, shouting.Paiiu (j). Name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> species <strong>of</strong> seatortoise yielding <strong>the</strong> shell <strong>of</strong> commerce.Panudah (sudah). Conclusion, termination.Paiiukur (chukur). A razor.PAiiulam (sulam). An embroiderer.Paiiulap (sulap). A juggler, a conjurer.Paiiulu (sulu). A scout, a spy.Panurat (a. surat). A wi-iter, a scribe.Paiiuruh (suruh). A messenger, an emissary,an envoy ; v. Pasuruli.Pcluurung (kurung). The poop or afterpart<strong>of</strong> a ship.Pauusu (susu). A wet-nurse.Papak. To chew, to masticate.Pilpat (j. pftpak, " complete, not defective";').Uniform, regular, equal, even.

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