A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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PAN—PAN [132] pAn—pAnPanarakan (arak). A processional car. Pilndapat (dapat). Finding; apprehension,conception, opinion.Pauarek (tarek). Pulling, hauling ; drawing,draught.Pandapatan. Acquisition; goods, property; oj)inion, judgment.Panari (tari). A public dancer.Panariau. Dancing, dance. Pandikar. One skilled in the use of'Pdnaruh (taruh). Depository ; stakeholder;weapons ; one skilled in any art.pledge, deposit, pawn.Panding. The clasp or buckle of a girdle,one of the chief ornaments of MalayPanaruhan. A repository, a place ofdeposit ; stake, dejiosit.dress.Panat. Weary, fatigued, tired.Panduga (j. duga). Guess, conjectm-e.Pauawar (tawar). A charm against poison; Pandukung (dukung). The act of carryingon the hip.an antidote, a remedy.Panabahan (tdbah). A threshing-floor. Panduwa (duwa). Companion, match,Panabus (tabus). A ransom; the price fellow; a second kris worn with thepaid for a slave.principal one.Panaugahau (tangah). Middle, centre; Pand-ak (jav). A cycle, a revolution ofthe fire-place in a ship.time.Panangar (d-augar). Hearing, faculty of Pand-apa (j). A portico ; a pavilion.hearing; v. Pand'angar.Pand-arat (d-arat). A hawser or smallPandngaran. What is heard, i-eport.cable for mooring a ship to the shore.Pananggala (tanggala). A ploughman. Pand'am (jav). To commit to the earth;Pduiingkilan (j). The waiting apartment to plant ; to bury.or place where the chiefs meet beforegoing into the presence ; v. Paseban andPagalai-an.Panarka (s. tarka). Divination, conjuring;puzzle, enigma, riddle ; v. Panarka.Panatauiin (tiiu). Knowledge, information; cognizance, privity.Panchak. To wrestle ; to struggle, tocontend.Pancha-karna. A particular mode ofa teacher ; v. Pand'ita.Pand-ok (jav). The ornamental metallicsheathing of a kris scabbard.Paud-usta (d'usta). A liar.Panembak (tembak). A shooter, a marksman.wi-estling.Panikut (ikut). A follower.Pauchalang. Name of a kind of boat. Paniujau (tiujau). A watchman, a lookerout.Panchaug. To walk in a devious manner,not to walk straight on.Pdning. Giddy, dizzy ;giddiness, vertigo.Pauchdraiiin (charai). Separation, alienationPaninggal (tinggal). Quitting, departure.; V. Pclrcharaian.Paninggalan. Remains, relics ; remnant,Panchari'an (chahari). Livelihood, maintenance,means of living ; literally, " theresidue ; memorial, keepsake ; heritage,inheritance.thing sought for."Paninggawan (J. gawa, "to carry, to convey"i). A messenger or an emissaryPilnchil (j). A stray animal from a flockor herd, a straggler; a stranger; a an envoy.weft.Panipu (tipu). A deceiver, a cheat, anPanchindar. The powers or faculties of impostor ; a betrayer ; a traitoi-.the mind.P;tniti (por. alfinete). A pin.Panchuba (chuba). Trier ; tempter, enticer.Piinchuchuh (chuchuh). A bodkin ; askewer.Pilnchuk (j). Name of a kind ofsalad.Pancliukai (cliukai). A toll-gatherer; acollector of tolls or customs.Panchungkil (chungkil). A pricker, aPand-flmap (bat). A glutton.Pand-£lngar (d-augai-). Hearing, the facultyof hearing ; v. Panangdr.Paud-ita (s). A pundit, a doctor ; a sagePauitan. The island in the straits ofSunda called in the charts Prince'sisland ; v. Panitan.Paujabat (jabat). The touch, the senseof feeling.PAnjait (jait). A tailor ; a sempstress.Panjajab. Name of a kind of boat.Pdnjalang. Name of a kind of boat ; v.Panchalang.probe ; a tooth-pick.Panjalma (s). Metamorphosis, change ofPanchui-i (churl). A tliief, a robber.shape; transformation, ti-ansfigurationPilnchnrian. Tlieft, robbery.incarnation, or descent of a HinduPauchurit (churit). A thief, a robber. deity. The Sanskrit word janma,Panchyum (chyum). The smell, the "birth," is in Javanese janma andsense of smelling; smell, scent.jalma, and this appears to bo thePAndangan (pandang). Sight, view, ken; root.opinion, notion.Panjaparsada (s). A five-storied palace.

PAN—PAN [ 133 ]PAN—PANPelujara (p. pinji-ah, "a cage"). A prison,a j)lace of confiuement often inthe form of a cage. This etymology,although on the authority of AVilkiusand Mai sden, may be doubtful, for theJavanese have the same word, as paujaraand paujaran, kunjara and kunjarau.Panjarakan. To imprison, to put in prison,to incarcerate.Panjud-i (judi). A player; a gamester;a gambler.Panjuuan. A potter.Panjurit (j. prajurit, from jurit, "war").A warrior, a soldier; v. Prajmit.Panjuru. Outward angle, outer comer.Paujuwal (juwal). Seller, vender.Panomah. The money and other giftsgiven to the parents for a wife. The rootmay be the Javanese word somah, " amarried pair," or " man and wife." an officer.Pautang (j). A cross, a gibbet ; to punish Panganten (j). A bride or bridegroomby exposing on a cross.a marriage festival.Pantas. A raised seat ; base, pedestal. Pangauten-laki. A bridegroom.Pantakok (takok). A hammer.Pangauteu-parampuan. A bride.Pautung (jAv). A club, a mace.Pangangkat (angkat). Elevation, raising,Pantuwah (tuwah). A senior, an elder. lifting.Pant'il (JAV). A little knob ; the nipj)le. Pdugapa (apa). An Lnqui-sitive person.Pant'ol (jAV). A lai'ge knob.Pangapit (apit). A shutter.Panud'uh (tuduh). An accuser.Pangapit (jav). A canine or eye-tooth.Panud-uug (tud'uug). A lid, a cover. Pangarap (arap). Wish, desire; longing;Pauuh (s). Full, replete; full, complete. hope, expectation ; trust, reliance.Pauuhi. To fill, to make full ; to fulfil Pangasih (kasih). A philtre, a lovecharm.to complete.Panuhkan, v. Panuhi.Pilngasihau (kasih). Favour, kindness ;Pitnuku- (ukir). A carver, an engraver. love, affection.Panulung (tuluug). Aid, assistance, help. Pangasoh (asoh). A nurse.Pclnunggu (tuuggu). A warder ; a guard, Pangawal (kawal), A watchman, a guard,a sentinel ; a porter.a sentinel.Pilnunggu-pintu. A door-keeper, a gatekeepertendmgPangawiuan (j). A class of ofiicers at-the king, ai-med with hal-Panurut (turut). A follower.berds.Panutup (tutup). A lid, a cover. Pangayun (ayun). A swmg ; a cradle.Pangabakti (jav., s. bakti). Duty; Pauganal (kanal). Acquaintance, knowledge;acquaintance, the person withhomage, respects; reverence, obeisance.whom one is acquainted.Pangabisan (abis). End, termination, Panganan (kauan). Things approved;conclusion.Pangad'aug (ad'aug). An obstructor; aagi-eeable things.Paugautar (antar). Gifts from the bridegroomwaylayer.to the father of the bx-ide ; lite-Pangad'augan. Obstruction, interceptionrally, " things sent.";waylaying ; stoppage, hindrance. Pilngar (ben). The thwart or thaft of aPangad'apan (ad'ap). Front, forepart; boat.the court, the royal presence; audiencehall, presence chamber.Pangatam (katam). A sickle.Pangarti (arti). Meaning, signification.Pdngagung (aguug). Great persons, personsPangataman. Reaping, harvest.of rank, gi-audees.Pangatawan (tau). Knowledge,informa-Pangiiil (kiiil). A fisherman that fishesnith hook and line.Pangajak (ajak). Excitement, provocation;challenge.Paugajar (ajai'). A teacher, an instructor;instruction.Pi,ngajaran. Instruction, teaching; learning,doctrine; advice, counsel; instruction,precepjts.Piiugajian (aji). Keligious instruction,learning.Pangajuk (ajuk). A mimic.Pangaku. A surety, a bondsman.Pangalasau (j). A messenger, an emissary.Pangalir (aUr). Fish-hooks baited andlaid in the stream from bank to bank.Paugampu (ampu). A tutor, a guardian,a governor.Pangamuk (amuk). One that runs a-muck.Panganan. Pastry; (in Javanese, food,victuals, fi-om mangan, " to eatPanganchiug (kanching).").A bar, a bolt,a latch.Pilnganjar (anjar). A mUitaiy leader,tion.Pangebor (ebox-). A comfortex', a consoler.Paugeboran. Comfort, consolation, solace.Pangompaug (jav).A fish-pond, a stew.

PAN—PAN [ 133 ]PAN—PANPelujara (p. pinji-ah, "a cage"). A prison,a j)lace <strong>of</strong> confiuement <strong>of</strong>ten in<strong>the</strong> form <strong>of</strong> a cage. This etymology,although on <strong>the</strong> authority <strong>of</strong> AVilkius<strong>and</strong> Mai sden, may be doubtful, for <strong>the</strong>Javanese have <strong>the</strong> same word, as paujara<strong>and</strong> paujaran, kunjara <strong>and</strong> kunjarau.Panjarakan. To imprison, to put in prison,to incarcerate.Panjud-i (judi). A player; a gamester;a gambler.Panjuuan. A potter.Panjurit (j. prajurit, from jurit, "war").A warrior, a soldier; v. Prajmit.Panjuru. Outward angle, outer comer.Paujuwal (juwal). Seller, vender.Panomah. The money <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r giftsgiven to <strong>the</strong> parents for a wife. The rootmay be <strong>the</strong> Javanese word somah, " amarried pair," or " man <strong>and</strong> wife." an <strong>of</strong>ficer.Pautang (j). A cross, a gibbet ; to punish Panganten (j). A bride or bridegroomby exposing on a cross.a marriage festival.Pantas. A raised seat ; base, pedestal. Pangauten-laki. A bridegroom.Pantakok (takok). A hammer.Pangauteu-parampuan. A bride.Pautung (jAv). A club, a mace.Pangangkat (angkat). Elevation, raising,Pantuwah (tuwah). A senior, an elder. lifting.Pant'il (JAV). A little knob ; <strong>the</strong> nipj)le. Pdugapa (apa). An Lnqui-sitive person.Pant'ol (jAV). A lai'ge knob.Pangapit (apit). A shutter.Panud'uh (tuduh). An accuser.Pangapit (jav). A canine or eye-tooth.Panud-uug (tud'uug). A lid, a cover. Pangarap (arap). Wish, desire; longing;Pauuh (s). Full, replete; full, complete. hope, expectation ; trust, reliance.Pauuhi. To fill, to make full ; to fulfil Pangasih (kasih). A philtre, a lovecharm.to complete.Panuhkan, v. Panuhi.Pilngasihau (kasih). Favour, kindness ;Pitnuku- (ukir). A carver, an engraver. love, affection.Panulung (tuluug). Aid, assistance, help. Pangasoh (asoh). A nurse.Pclnunggu (tuuggu). A warder ; a guard, Pangawal (kawal), A watchman, a guard,a sentinel ; a porter.a sentinel.Pilnunggu-pintu. A door-keeper, a gatekeepertendmgPangawiuan (j). A class <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>iicers at-<strong>the</strong> king, ai-med with hal-Panurut (turut). A follower.berds.Panutup (tutup). A lid, a cover. Pangayun (ayun). A swmg ; a cradle.Pangabakti (jav., s. bakti). Duty; Pauganal (kanal). Acquaintance, knowledge;acquaintance, <strong>the</strong> person withhomage, respects; reverence, obeisance.whom one is acquainted.Pangabisan (abis). End, termination, Panganan (kauan). Things approved;conclusion.Pangad'aug (ad'aug). An obstructor; aagi-eeable things.Paugautar (antar). Gifts from <strong>the</strong> bridegroomwaylayer.to <strong>the</strong> fa<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> bx-ide ; lite-Pangad'augan. Obstruction, interceptionrally, " things sent.";waylaying ; stoppage, hindrance. Pilngar (ben). The thwart or thaft <strong>of</strong> aPangad'apan (ad'ap). Front, forepart; boat.<strong>the</strong> court, <strong>the</strong> royal presence; audiencehall, presence chamber.Pangatam (katam). A sickle.Pangarti (arti). Meaning, signification.Pdngagung (aguug). Great persons, personsPangataman. Reaping, harvest.<strong>of</strong> rank, gi-audees.Pangatawan (tau). Knowledge,informa-Pangiiil (kiiil). A fisherman that fishesnith hook <strong>and</strong> line.Pangajak (ajak). Excitement, provocation;challenge.Paugajar (ajai'). A teacher, an instructor;instruction.Pi,ngajaran. Instruction, teaching; learning,doctrine; advice, counsel; instruction,precepjts.Piiugajian (aji). Keligious instruction,learning.Pangajuk (ajuk). A mimic.Pangaku. A surety, a bondsman.Pangalasau (j). A messenger, an emissary.Pangalir (aUr). Fish-hooks baited <strong>and</strong>laid in <strong>the</strong> stream from bank to bank.Paugampu (ampu). A tutor, a guardian,a governor.Pangamuk (amuk). One that runs a-muck.Panganan. Pastry; (in Javanese, food,victuals, fi-om mangan, " to eatPanganchiug (kanching).").A bar, a bolt,a latch.Pilnganjar (anjar). A mUitaiy leader,tion.Pangebor (ebox-). A comfortex', a consoler.Paugeboran. Comfort, consolation, solace.Pangompaug (jav).A fish-pond, a stew.

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