A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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PAK—PAL [ 130] PAL—PAMbefore it, ia applied to the jasmine; sail, distance sailed; seafaring; v. PArlayaran." market flower."literally, Pakarjtian (s. karja). Work; business; Pfllakuh. To spring on prey as a tiger.act, deed ; affair, transaction ; office, Palai-a. The mango ; v. Mampalam.cliarge, trust.PaMpasan (lapas). Discharge, liberation.Pakarti (s). Nature, temper, disposition Palehra. To nourish, to cherish, to bringconduct, behaviour ; v. Pakriti.lip, toPakiriman (kirim). A messenger.Plehra.rear; to tend, to guard; v.Paksa (j). Force, compulsion, constraint, Palek. Strange, new, novel, out of theviolence ; to force, to compel, to con-way.Palembang (j). Palembang, in Sumatra ;strain.Paksa. Fortunate, lucky, auspicious,fiivourable ; fortune, luck.Paksakau. To constrain, to compel, toforce.Paksi. To prepare, to make ready for apurpose, to arrange.Paksi (JAv). A bird.Paksi-dewata (j and s). The bird ofparadise.Paksiua. The left hand ; the north.Paku. A string or file of the small coinscalled pichis.Pakulun (jay). Thou.Pakung. An ulcer on the legs.Pdlabagdi (bagai). Various, manifold,diverse.Pfllabaya. A public executioner, a hangman.Palabuhan (labuh). An anchorage, a harbour; V. Labuhan.Palabur. Food, provisions, rations.Palaga (j. laga, " war"). To fight animals,to make them contend.Pillajar (ajar). A scholar, a learner.Palajari. To teach, to instruct.Palambiln (ben). A slight biidge ; a footwayover a marsh.PAlamin (lamiu). A bridal bed ; a bridalchamber.Palana (r). A saddle.Palandok. Name of a diminutive speciesof doer, Moschus meminna.Palantak (lantak). A rammer, a ramrod.Palantar (j. lantar). A wharf, a platformat a landing-place ; v. Plantar.Palantaran, v. Palantar and Lantar.Palanting. Prostrate, lying on the ground.Pillanting (jav). The small-pox, variola.Palang (.t). Piebald, dappled.Palangi. Striped, in stripes.Palangka (jav). Piebald, dappled.Palangki (jav). A litter, a sedan.Pillari (lari). A runaway, a fugitive.Pillarian. Flight, running awaj'.Name of a fish.Pillata.Palatai'an (jav). A court, an area, alawn before a house ; v. Latar.PAlatuk (j). A woodpecker ; v. Balatuk.Palawan (p). A champion ; v. Pahalvvan.Pdlayau (ben). A hut, a booth, a temporaryhabitation.Pillayarau (layar). Sailing, navigationV. Palembang. The Javanese write theword Palambang.Paler (j. pdli and palir). Penis; pizzle.Paler-itik. A screw.Pales (du. flesh). A bottle, a flask.Paleset (j. plesed). To slide ;to trip, toslip ; V. Pleset.Paleset. A witch.Palikat. Pulicat, on the Coromandelcoast.Palimau. Name of a kind of bath.Palipah. The frond of a palm ; v. Pilpah.Palipis (j. pilis). The temples.Palipisan. The temples, the region ofthe temples.Palit (bat). Niggard, parsimonious.Palitah (p). A lamp ; the wick of a lamp.Pilliyas. Invulnerable, charmed againstwounds ; v. Panglij-as.Paliyas (ben). Forbid it ! Far be itPillong. The bed or channel of a river.Palongan. A cistern, a reservoir.Palotar (lotar). What is thrown, castforward or projected.Palubor (lubor). A threshing floor.Paludahan (ludah). A spit-box.Paluh. Sweat, perspiration; condensedvapour; exudation.Paluk (j). To hug, to embrace in thearms.Palumban (ben). Crystal.Palupuh (j). A bamboo cane, split,flattened, and applied to the purposeof a lath or plank ; v. Plupuh.Palupuk-mata. The eyelids ; v. Ksilupak.Pilluru (POR. pelouro). A cannon ball ; abullet.PAlus (bat). To sink in mud.Pilmabukan (mabuk). A drunkard.Pamadam (padam). An extinguisher.Pamakal (pakal). Matei-ial for caulkingthe seams of a ship.Pamalas (balas). Return, requital, retribution,retaliation; reward, recompense; atonement ; v. Pambahls.Pamali. An evil omen, a portentominous, portentous, inauspicious.Pamali (bat). Bad, vicious, corrupt.This word is probably the same withthe last.Pamalingan (maling).by night.Robbery or theft

PAM- PAm [ 131 ]pAm—pAnPamalu (palu). A mace, a club ; a hammer.Pamauali (ixanali). An archer, a bowman.Pamauchingau (panchiug). A jomt, anarticulation.Pamandaug (pandang). Look, view ;gaze;view, opinion, notion.Pamandangan. Opinion, notion, view.Pilmandian (mandi). Bathing, act of bathing.Pamanis (manis). The ring-finger ; v. Jarimanis;sweetness, gentleness.Pilmaujaugan (panjang). Name of ahall or chamber in a palace.Pamangan (taugan), Handling.Pamangis (tangis). A weeper, a moiu-ner.Pamangku (mangku). Title of an officer,literally, " he who has on the lap."Pdmangsen (jav. mangsi). An inkstand.Pamarap. A servant whose office it is tolull his master or mistress to sleep. Paminum (minum). A druiker.Pamatah. Mark, indication.Paminggir (jav). Border, margin ;boundary,frontier.Pamatang. A dam, a dike ; a causeway.Paminggiran. Frontier ; v. Paminggir.PAmaton. Name of a mountain on the Pilmluk (paluk). A hug, a close embrace.southern side of Borneo.Pamoun (miiun). Leave, permissionPclmayang. A kind of boat with outriggers,the prau mayang of Java. Pamreksaan (preksa). Investigation, en-entreaty, supplication.Pamarang (prang). Warfare ; slaughter, quiry, scrutiny.carnage.Pamreutah (prentah). Governor, commander.Pamarentah (i^rentah). One that issuesorders or commands, a commander.Pamarentahan. Orders, commands, instructions.Pambahagi (bagi). Division, apportionment.Pambajau (bajau). A corsair, a pirate.Pambalasan (baMs). Return, requital,retribution, retaliation, recompense,reward ; atonement ; v. Pamalas.Pambawa (bawa). Bearer, carrier ; actof carrying or bearing.Pambawiian. Carriage, transportation,transport.Pambayar (bayar). Payment, liquida-" small shot."tion.Pambdchara (bachara). An adviser, a Panah ;correctly, Parnah. Ever ; usuallycounsellor.along with the negative, tiyada, meaning" never."Pambacharaan. Consultation, deliberation; advice, counsel.Panajam (tajam). A grindstone, a whetstone,Pambanastian (bana-sa). Ruin, destruction.a hone.Piinaka. As, like to, like as.Pambegal (begal). A highway robber, a Pauakut (takut). A coward, a poltroon.highwajTuan.Panakutan. Fear; cowardice.Pambegalan. Highway robbery. Panambah (tambah). Increase ;addition.Pambl'ian (bli). A purchase, the thingbought.Pambrian (bri). A gift, a present, adonative.Pambujuk (bujuk). A flatterer, a whcedler,Pitmbujukan. Flattery, coaxing, wheedling.Pambunoli (bunoh). Killer, slayer,murderer ; v. Parbunoh.Pambunohaii. Killing, slaying ; murder;execution, putting to death.Pilmburu (burn). Chaser, ])ursuer ;hunter,huntsman.Pamburiian. Chase, pursuit ; chace, hunting; chace, game ; v. Parburiian.Pambuwat (buwat). Actor, doer, performer; V. Parbuwat.Pambuwatan. Deed, act, performance,woi'k ; V. Parbuwatan.Pamidangau. A frame.Pamilihan (pilih). Choice, the thmgchosen, selection.Pamimpin (pimpin). An usher, a conductor;a guide; a tutor; literally," one that leads by the hand."Pilminangan (pinang). A stand forserving the areca and betel pi-eparation.Pamuja (puja).Praise, laudation; adoration,worship.Pamujangan (bujang). Name of a hallor chamber in a palace; literally," place of immarried youths."Pamuji (puji). Praise, compliments ;worship ;prayer, entreaty.Pamukat (pukat). A fisherman ; literally," one that fishes \vith a seine."Pamukul (pukul). A hammer; a mallet.Pamurvis. A blunderbuss ; a musketoon.Pamutar (putar). A turnscrew.Panabur (tabur). A sower, one that sowsseed. At Bata\da the word is used forPanambang (tambang). A ferryman; aferry-boat.Pdnambangan. A ferry.Pflnangkap (tangkap). A cubit, reckoningfrom the elbow to the knuckles ; literally," a catch."

PAM- PAm [ 131 ]pAm—pAnPamalu (palu). A mace, a club ; a hammer.Pamauali (ixanali). An archer, a bowman.Pamauchingau (panchiug). A jomt, anarticulation.Pam<strong>and</strong>aug (p<strong>and</strong>ang). Look, view ;gaze;view, opinion, notion.Pam<strong>and</strong>angan. Opinion, notion, view.Pilm<strong>and</strong>ian (m<strong>and</strong>i). Bathing, act <strong>of</strong> bathing.Pamanis (manis). The ring-finger ; v. Jarimanis;sweetness, gentleness.Pilmaujaugan (panjang). Name <strong>of</strong> ahall or chamber in a palace.Pamangan (taugan), H<strong>and</strong>ling.Pamangis (tangis). A weeper, a moiu-ner.Pamangku (mangku). Title <strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>ficer,literally, " he who has on <strong>the</strong> lap."Pdmangsen (jav. mangsi). An inkst<strong>and</strong>.Pamarap. A servant whose <strong>of</strong>fice it is tolull his master or mistress to sleep. Paminum (minum). A druiker.Pamatah. Mark, indication.Paminggir (jav). Border, margin ;boundary,frontier.Pamatang. A dam, a dike ; a causeway.Paminggiran. Frontier ; v. Paminggir.PAmaton. Name <strong>of</strong> a mountain on <strong>the</strong> Pilmluk (paluk). A hug, a close embrace.sou<strong>the</strong>rn side <strong>of</strong> Borneo.Pamoun (miiun). Leave, permissionPclmayang. A kind <strong>of</strong> boat with outriggers,<strong>the</strong> prau mayang <strong>of</strong> Java. Pamreksaan (preksa). Investigation, en-entreaty, supplication.Pamarang (prang). Warfare ; slaughter, quiry, scrutiny.carnage.Pamreutah (prentah). Governor, comm<strong>and</strong>er.Pamarentah (i^rentah). One that issuesorders or comm<strong>and</strong>s, a comm<strong>and</strong>er.Pamarentahan. Orders, comm<strong>and</strong>s, instructions.Pambahagi (bagi). Division, apportionment.Pambajau (bajau). A corsair, a pirate.Pambalasan (baMs). Return, requital,retribution, retaliation, recompense,reward ; atonement ; v. Pamalas.Pambawa (bawa). Bearer, carrier ; act<strong>of</strong> carrying or bearing.Pambawiian. Carriage, transportation,transport.Pambayar (bayar). Payment, liquida-" small shot."tion.Pambdchara (bachara). An adviser, a Panah ;correctly, Parnah. Ever ; usuallycounsellor.along with <strong>the</strong> negative, tiyada, meaning" never."Pambacharaan. Consultation, deliberation; advice, counsel.Panajam (tajam). A grindstone, a whetstone,Pambanastian (bana-sa). Ruin, destruction.a hone.Piinaka. As, like to, like as.Pambegal (begal). A highway robber, a Pauakut (takut). A coward, a poltroon.highwajTuan.Panakutan. Fear; cowardice.Pambegalan. Highway robbery. Panambah (tambah). Increase ;addition.Pambl'ian (bli). A purchase, <strong>the</strong> thingbought.Pambrian (bri). A gift, a present, adonative.Pambujuk (bujuk). A flatterer, a whcedler,Pitmbujukan. Flattery, coaxing, wheedling.Pambunoli (bunoh). Killer, slayer,murderer ; v. Parbunoh.Pambunohaii. Killing, slaying ; murder;execution, putting to death.Pilmburu (burn). Chaser, ])ursuer ;hunter,huntsman.Pamburiian. Chase, pursuit ; chace, hunting; chace, game ; v. Parburiian.Pambuwat (buwat). Actor, doer, performer; V. Parbuwat.Pambuwatan. Deed, act, performance,woi'k ; V. Parbuwatan.Pamidangau. A frame.Pamilihan (pilih). Choice, <strong>the</strong> thmgchosen, selection.Pamimpin (pimpin). An usher, a conductor;a guide; a tutor; literally," one that leads by <strong>the</strong> h<strong>and</strong>."Pilminangan (pinang). A st<strong>and</strong> forserving <strong>the</strong> areca <strong>and</strong> betel pi-eparation.Pamuja (puja).Praise, laudation; adoration,worship.Pamujangan (bujang). Name <strong>of</strong> a hallor chamber in a palace; literally," place <strong>of</strong> immarried youths."Pamuji (puji). Praise, compliments ;worship ;prayer, entreaty.Pamukat (pukat). A fisherman ; literally," one that fishes \vith a seine."Pamukul (pukul). A hammer; a mallet.Pamurvis. A blunderbuss ; a musketoon.Pamutar (putar). A turnscrew.Panabur (tabur). A sower, one that sowsseed. At Bata\da <strong>the</strong> word is used forPanambang (tambang). A ferryman; aferry-boat.Pdnambangan. A ferry.Pflnangkap (tangkap). A cubit, reckoningfrom <strong>the</strong> elbow to <strong>the</strong> knuckles ; literally," a catch."

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