A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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MIY—MOR [IIG] MOR—MUJMiyara (ben). To create.Mlaka (j). Name of a tree, Emhlicaofficinalis; the town of Malacca; v.JKilaka.Mlarat (jav). Needy, destitute; want,penury.Mlawati (jav). The khigdom of Anglingdarma,in Javanese romance.Mlayu (j). To mn, to walk quickly; toi-un away, to flee ; v. Malayu.Mliwis (jav). Name of a species ofteal indigenous in the Indian islands,Dendrocygna armata, Cuv.Mlompat (j). Tojump, to leap ; to skip,to bound ; to caper ; v. Malompat.Modal (t). Capital, stock in trade; v.Mudal.Modar (jav). To die, to lose life.Mogah. Name of a sort of silk cloth.Mojar (jav). To say, to speak.Mojo (jav). Name of a fruit ; v. Maja.Majopait. Name of the chief state inJava before the conversion to Mahomedauism,overthrown a.d. 1478 ; v.Majapait.Moko-moko. Name of a i^lace on thesoutli-v.-estern coast of Sumatra.Molek. Delicate, choice, excellent.Momong (jav). To nurse, to tend; tofoster, to nourish, to rear.Momot (jav). To load, to lade, to burden.Mudah. Easy, facile ; liberal, generous.Mudahan. Easiness, facility.Momotan. Load, burden, cargo.Mudahkan. To facilitate, to make easy.Monclia (jav). Various, different. Mudah-mudah. Easily, \^'ithout difficultyMonchlima (jav). The adjoining neighbourhoods; easily ; haply, possibly, mayof a town or village.be.Mouchanagara (jav and s). The outlayingMudaya. Resource, expedient, device.provinces of a kingdom. Mudal (t). Capital, stock in trade ; v.Monchapat (jav). The immediate neighbourhoodsModaLof a town or village. Mudu (ben). Sober, abstemious.Monda (jav). To stake, to bet.Mud'a. Young, not aged ; unripe, immature,not pei-fected by age or art ; light,Mondalika (jav). Name of a small islandon the north coast of Java, and near not deep in colour; junior.the Cape of Japara.Mud-a (jAv). Foolish, weak of intellectMondaraka (s). Name of the kingdom of silly, witless.Salya, in the Mahabarat.Mud-a-baiiya. Youthful, in the prime ofMondra (jav). To go round, to move in youth.a circle.Mud-ik. To proceed against a stream orMond'ok (j). A stage, a resting-place on current ; to ascend a river ; to proceeda journey; to put up at a stage or into the interior of a country ; the interiorresting-place ; v. Poud'ok.or inland, ojiposed to the coastMontrawiscsa (s). Name of a king of or sea-board ; its correlative is " ilir."Telingana, celebrated in Javanese romance.Mong (jav). a tiger.Mongkil. Tumid, swollen, puffed up.Mongmong (j). A public crier's gong.Monat (sun). An ape, a monkey.Morabangun (jav). A name of the princeknown in Javanese story as the Panji,called also Jayakusuma and Ngrouakung.Moi-ai. The dial bird, Lanius musicus,Turdiis minda/nensis,Gracula saularis,Lin.Mori (for. mouri). Moorish, belongingto IMahomedans, generally understoodof Hindustan.Moiin (j. miiun, " to weep "). To beg, toask leave ; leave, permission.Mouukan. To give permission, to grantleave.Moyang. Great-grandfather ; ancestor,forefather.Mrugi (rugi). To cause loss, to injure,to damage ; v. Mai-ugi.Mrugol (j). To ravish, to deflower ; literally," to throw down."Mrentang. To cross, to thwart ; v. Maroutang.Mu (j). Thou.jMiia. Name of a species of pheasant.Miiafakat. Agreement; to agree, to associate.Muara (j). The mouth or embouchureof a river, whether at its confluencewith another river or with the sea;V. Muwara.Mubang (j). To go round, to move in acircle; to tui-n, to revolve, to moveround.Mubangkan. To turn, to cause to revolve.Mud'un (jav). To descend, to comedown.Muga (jav). To desire, to entreat, tosolicit.Muga-muga (j). Desirous, entreating;may, expressing desii-e ; hoping, expectingwith desire.Muja (s). To pray, to supplicate ; to beg,to entreat.Mujud (a). Present, existing.Mujur (j). Lengtliwisc, not thwart,

MUJ—MUN [117] MUN—MUSnot ti-ansverse ; straight, direct, right Munchung. Snouty, having a projectinglucky, fortunate.muzzle.MujurL To make lucky, to make fortunate,to win.Muudur (jAv). To return, to come back ;Munduk. A rat.Muka. Name of a place on the northwesterncoa.st*of Borneo.back.to recede, to retu'e ; to retreat, to fallMuka (s). The face, the visage, the countenance; front, forepart, van ; favour, Mundingsari (j and sun). Name of aMund'ing (sun). A buffalo. Bos bubalus.countenance, support; surface, super-king of Pajajarau, in Java, celebratedficies.Sluka-papan. EfFi-ontery, impudencebrazen-faced, impudent, shamelessliterally, "board-faced."Muka-piutu. Front of the door-way.Muka-tabal. Impudent ; literally, " tliickfaced."Mukah. Adultery; fornication.Muka-muka. Injustice, wi'ong.Mukim. A small division of a country,computed at 44 families.Mukir (j). To deny, to disavow ; v. Mungkir.Mukul (j). To beat, to strike ; v. Pukul.Mukadas (a). Holy, hallowed.Mula (s). Som-ce, origin, beginning,fountain ; cause, reason ; becausetherefore, on that accoimt; in earlytimes, of old.Muliii (mula). To commence, to begin, tomake a beginning.Mida-mula. First, at first, at the beginning; because.Mulana (a). A Mahomedan doctor, anexpounder of the Mahomedan law ; ajudge.Mulang (jay). To teach, to instruct.Mulas. Bowel complaint, cholic, gripes.Mulek. Fair, beautifid ; v. Molek.Muli (a). Lord, king, sovereign.Mulur. To stretch, to prolong, to lengthenout.Mulut. The mouth ; opening, aperturetalk, prattle.Malut-manis. Persuasion ;persuasiveliterally, " sweet-mouthed."Mulut-panjang. Babble, tale-telling; babbling,addicted to disclose secretsliterally, " long-mouthed."Mulya (s). Grand, noble; magnificent;potent ;glorious.Mumin (a). The faithful, the tme believersin Islam ; orthodox.Mumbul (jAv). To emerge, to come tothe surface.Mumbung (j. munjung). To heaji, topile; surplus, ovei-plus.Muua (bu). Name of an island betweenCelebes and Bouton, called in the mapsPangasini.Muucliing (ben). Tapering to a point onone side ; v. Runching.Munchit (ben). A rat: v. Minchit.in Javanese stoi-y.Muni (j). Sound, noise; subject or matterof a writing ; v. Buni.Muniwara (s). A man of learning ; a saint.Muniudra (s). A great saiut.Muns'i (a), a writer, a scribe ; a teacherof languages.Munta. Fierce at the period of rutting,applied to the elephant.Muntah (j). To vomit, to spew; v.Mutah.Mangkir (j). To deny, to disavow; v.Mukir.A wooden case or box.Mungkur.Mung-mung (j). A public crier's gongV. Mong-mong.Mungsuh (j). An enemy, a foe ; an opponent,a rival ; v. Musuh.Mimgut (bat). To reel, to stagger.Miir (a). Myrrh.Murah (j). Cheap, not dear; liberal,generous.Murah-ati. Generous, liberal, openhanded;generosity, libei-ality.Murai. The dial-bird, Lanius musicus,Gracula saulaiis, Lin.Murab (j. murub, "to flame"). Pied,blood-red.Muram (j. sur^m). Obscure, dark,cloudy, gloomy, lowering; gloomy,sullen.Murap, V. Murab.Murcha (j. to vanish). To faint, toswoon ; faint, swoon, trance.Murda (j). The head.Murdaka (s). A name of Laksamana, thebrother of Rama.Murdaningkung (jat). Name of anancient king of Koripau, in Java.Muri (roR. mouri). Moorish ; v. Mori.Muri. Name of a soi-t of cotton clothbrought from India.Muri. A parrot ; v. Nuri.Miiiid (a), a disciple, a pupil, a scholar.Murka (s). Greedy, covetous, avariciousrapacious ; avarice, covetousness ; rapacity;fui'ious, outrageovis, angiy, wroth.Muininggi. Name of a tree, Moi-infjaptenffosperma ; v. Kelor.Murut. Name of a wild tribe on thenorth-eastern side of Borneo.Musang (j). Name of a species of Viverra,Paradoxums miisa/nga ofTanggalung.

MIY—MOR [IIG] MOR—MUJMiyara (ben). To create.Mlaka (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a tree, Emhlica<strong>of</strong>ficinalis; <strong>the</strong> town <strong>of</strong> Malacca; v.JKilaka.Mlarat (jav). Needy, destitute; want,penury.Mlawati (jav). The khigdom <strong>of</strong> Anglingdarma,in Javanese romance.Mlayu (j). To mn, to walk quickly; toi-un away, to flee ; v. <strong>Malay</strong>u.Mliwis (jav). Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong>teal indigenous in <strong>the</strong> Indian isl<strong>and</strong>s,Dendrocygna armata, Cuv.Mlompat (j). Tojump, to leap ; to skip,to bound ; to caper ; v. Malompat.Modal (t). Capital, stock in trade; v.Mudal.Modar (jav). To die, to lose life.Mogah. Name <strong>of</strong> a sort <strong>of</strong> silk cloth.Mojar (jav). To say, to speak.Mojo (jav). Name <strong>of</strong> a fruit ; v. Maja.Majopait. Name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> chief state inJava before <strong>the</strong> conversion to Mahomedauism,overthrown a.d. 1478 ; v.Majapait.Moko-moko. Name <strong>of</strong> a i^lace on <strong>the</strong>soutli-v.-estern coast <strong>of</strong> Sumatra.Molek. Delicate, choice, excellent.Momong (jav). To nurse, to tend; t<strong>of</strong>oster, to nourish, to rear.Momot (jav). To load, to lade, to burden.Mudah. Easy, facile ; liberal, generous.Mudahan. Easiness, facility.Momotan. Load, burden, cargo.Mudahkan. To facilitate, to make easy.Monclia (jav). Various, different. Mudah-mudah. Easily, \^'ithout difficultyMonchlima (jav). The adjoining neighbourhoods; easily ; haply, possibly, may<strong>of</strong> a town or village.be.Mouchanagara (jav <strong>and</strong> s). The outlayingMudaya. Resource, expedient, device.provinces <strong>of</strong> a kingdom. Mudal (t). Capital, stock in trade ; v.Monchapat (jav). The immediate neighbourhoodsModaL<strong>of</strong> a town or village. Mudu (ben). Sober, abstemious.Monda (jav). To stake, to bet.Mud'a. Young, not aged ; unripe, immature,not pei-fected by age or art ; light,Mondalika (jav). Name <strong>of</strong> a small isl<strong>and</strong>on <strong>the</strong> north coast <strong>of</strong> Java, <strong>and</strong> near not deep in colour; junior.<strong>the</strong> Cape <strong>of</strong> Japara.Mud-a (jAv). Foolish, weak <strong>of</strong> intellectMondaraka (s). Name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> kingdom <strong>of</strong> silly, witless.Salya, in <strong>the</strong> Mahabarat.Mud-a-baiiya. Youthful, in <strong>the</strong> prime <strong>of</strong>Mondra (jav). To go round, to move in youth.a circle.Mud-ik. To proceed against a stream orMond'ok (j). A stage, a resting-place on current ; to ascend a river ; to proceeda journey; to put up at a stage or into <strong>the</strong> interior <strong>of</strong> a country ; <strong>the</strong> interiorresting-place ; v. Poud'ok.or inl<strong>and</strong>, ojiposed to <strong>the</strong> coastMontrawiscsa (s). Name <strong>of</strong> a king <strong>of</strong> or sea-board ; its correlative is " ilir."Telingana, celebrated in Javanese romance.Mong (jav). a tiger.Mongkil. Tumid, swollen, puffed up.Mongmong (j). A public crier's gong.Monat (sun). An ape, a monkey.Morabangun (jav). A name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> princeknown in Javanese story as <strong>the</strong> Panji,called also Jayakusuma <strong>and</strong> Ngrouakung.Moi-ai. The dial bird, Lanius musicus,Turdiis minda/nensis,Gracula saularis,Lin.Mori (for. mouri). Moorish, belongingto IMahomedans, generally understood<strong>of</strong> Hindustan.Moiin (j. miiun, " to weep "). To beg, toask leave ; leave, permission.Mouukan. To give permission, to grantleave.Moyang. Great-gr<strong>and</strong>fa<strong>the</strong>r ; ancestor,forefa<strong>the</strong>r.Mrugi (rugi). To cause loss, to injure,to damage ; v. Mai-ugi.Mrugol (j). To ravish, to deflower ; literally," to throw down."Mrentang. To cross, to thwart ; v. Maroutang.Mu (j). Thou.jMiia. Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong> pheasant.Miiafakat. Agreement; to agree, to associate.Muara (j). The mouth or embouchure<strong>of</strong> a river, whe<strong>the</strong>r at its confluencewith ano<strong>the</strong>r river or with <strong>the</strong> sea;V. Muwara.Mubang (j). To go round, to move in acircle; to tui-n, to revolve, to moveround.Mubangkan. To turn, to cause to revolve.Mud'un (jav). To descend, to comedown.Muga (jav). To desire, to entreat, tosolicit.Muga-muga (j). Desirous, entreating;may, expressing desii-e ; hoping, expectingwith desire.Muja (s). To pray, to supplicate ; to beg,to entreat.Mujud (a). Present, existing.Mujur (j). Lengtliwisc, not thwart,

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