A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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MAR—MAS [114] MAS—MEGMaringankan (rhigan). To lighten, tomake less heavy : to make light of, toundervalue.Maritanau. Mai'tabau, in Pegu.Mariyau. A mine.Marjan (a). Precious coral.Marka (j. murka). Angry, wroth ; anger,wrath.Marka. Cracked, fissured.M3,rkai. To auger, to excite anger.Marmar (a). Marble.Marongot. To tattle, to prate.Mdrpati. A pigeon, Columba.Marpayan. Name of a forest tree.Marsek. Clear, canorous, sounding distinctly; loud, shrill.Marta (s). Living, quick, alive ; life.Martalulut (marta, s., "life," and lulut,JAY., " aifection ").The public executioner.Martamu (jav). To visit, to pay a visitas a guest.Milrtapura (s). Name of a river on thesouthern side of Borneo.Martabat (a). Step, degree ; rank ; stage,story ; office, employment.Martad (a). An apostate, a renegade ; aproselyte.Mai-tuwa (j). Father or mother-in-law ;V. Maratuwa.Marubuhkdn (rubuh). To throw down,to subvert, to overthrow.Marugi (rugi). To lose, to suffer loss ; tobe impaired, to suffer detriment.Marugikan. To cause to lose, to damage,to impair, to harm.Maiiinggi (j. mrunggi). Name of a tree,Moringa pieinr/os^ierma.Mdrupakiln (rupa). To shape, to form;to transform ; to assume an appeai-ancc.Marusakkan (rusak). To spoil, to injure.Maruwang. To wash a corpse.Masara. Ration, daily allowance ; dailyexpenses ; food ; fodder.Masi/(a (a). The Messiah.Masijm. Gunpowder.Masjid (a). A mosque.Maski (roR. mas que). Although, notwithstanding.Maskin (a). Poor, needy, indigent.Masrat (a). Cheerfulness ;gladness, joy,pleasure ; lucky, fortunate.Mastaka (jav). The pinnacle of a mosqueor temple ; the bead of a king or greatnoble.Mastajab (a). Heard ; acceptable, agreeable; accepted.Mdstfir (en). Master ; Sir.Mastaad (a). Ready, prepared, sot inoi'der; able, capable.Mdstika. A gem, a precious stone.Mastuli. Name of a kind of coarse cottoncloth.Mdst'i (j). To be sure, to be certain ; sure,certain ;surely, certainly ; v. Past'i.Masu^ (a), a salve, an ointment, an unguent.Masul. Name of an island lying off thenorth-western coast of New Guinea,the Mysole of the majis.Maslahat (a). Stratagem, subtlety, craft,artifice.Mas'awiirat (a). Counsel ; consultationadvice ; to consult, to advise.Mas'f/ul (a). Troubled, imeasy, anxious,chagrined; trouble; uneasiness; chagrin.Mas'hur (a). Published, divulged ; notorious; famed, renowned.Mas'raX'. The east.Mas'tri (a). The planet Jupiter.Matawuu (jay). A name for the provinceof Mataram, in Java, in the politedialect of that island.Matriya (s). The name of a pundit, oueof the personages of the Mahabai-at.Maiit (a). Death.Mawarta (warta). To acquaint, to inform,to rej)ort, to give news.Mayat (a). A corpse, a dead body.Mazmur (a). Psalm, canticle.Ma2a.kar(A). Praising; commemorating.Mazba^. (a). An altar.Ma^hab (a). Sect, religious order.Maaf (a). Pardoned, forgiven ; spared ;absolved; exempt; pai-dou, forgiveness; absolution, exemption.M«afkan. To pardon, to foi-give ; to absolve; to spare.Mabiia (a). Adored, worshipped.Majazat (a). A miracle ; miracles.Ma/i;ul (a). Just, reasonable.Malaf (a), a crib ; a manger.Malim (a). A leadei-, a guide ; a pilotmate of a vessel.Malum (a). Known, understood ; certain,ascertained; notorious, remarkable.Mamar (a). Abundant ;prosperouspopulous; cultivated, inhabited, peopled.M«ni, and Mana (a). Sense, meaning,signification, import, drift.Marafat (a). Cognizance, knowledge.Ma«iTit (a). Disobedience ; rebellion.Matabtr (a). Respectable, venerable,noble, illustrious.Medan (a). A plain, an open field.Mega (s). a cloud ; erysipelas ; Foulisland, on the south-west coast of Sumatra.Mcga-drawila (s and j). A lowering cloud.Mega-malang (s and j). A crossing orpassing cloud.Mega-mandung (s and j). Name of a,mountain in the country of the Sundos,in Java ; literally. " murkj-— clouded."

MEJ-MIM [115] MIM-MIYMeja (p). A table ; v. Meza.Mimpiu. To lead by the hand ceremoniously;V. Pimpin.Meja. Name of a plant, Musa bchai.Melanau. Name of a wild tribe of Borneo. Mimpis (j). Thin, not thick ; v. MipisMelu (j). To follow ; v. Milu.and Nipis.Memang. Former, formerly ; of old Miua (hin). Name of a bird, Graculaalways, ever, evermore.religiosa ; v. Mencho and Kokila.Mempar (jav). Like, near, closely re-Minangkabo (jav). Manangkabau, inlated.Mencho (jAv). Name of a bird, tiiuspeaking minor, Omcula rcligiosa.Menda (jav., probably from the Sanskritmedha, "a sheep"). A goat,Capra.Menggok (j. to slant, to bend). Crooked,uneven, not straight.Merah. Red ; the ruby ; bay colour in ahorse.Merah-dalima. The garnet.Merah-mud-a. Paleor light I'ed; literally,"young red."Merah-padam. Dull red ; literally, " redquenched."Merah-tuwah. Dark red ; literally, " oldred."Merang (jav). Shame ; bashfulnessmodesty.Merot (jav). Awry.Meru (s). The Olympus of the Hmdus.Mesan (bat). A tomb-stone, a stone orpiece of wood to mark the head andfoot of a grave.Mesam (jav). To smile.Metar. To take aim, to point a weapon.Meyang. Name of an island on thesouth-eastern coast of Borneo.Meyong (jav). The house cat.Meza (p). A table ; v. Meja.Mibar (j). To fly, to move through theair with wings; to wing, to takewing.Midar (j). To circle, to move cu'cularly.Mijil (jav). To issue, to move out.Miju-miju (ben). Lentils, pot-herbs.Mika. Thou.Mikail (a). The angel Michael.Mil (a), a league.Mila (eu). a mile.Mila (jav). Beginning ; cause ; because.Milih (j). To choose, to select, to cullV. Pilih.Milik (a). Possessions, goods, property,wealth.Milir (jav). To flow, to run as water ;to proceed with the stream, not againstit ; to descend a river.Milu (jav). To follow, to go after; toobey; to comply, to consent.Milan. Name of an order of supernatiu'albeings.Mimis (jav). A bullet, a ball ; shot.Mimis-mariaiii (j). A cannon-ball.Mimis-panambor (j). Small shot.Mimpi (j. ngimpi). To dream ;a dream.Sumatra ; v. Manangkabau.Minatu (jav). A washer, a fuller.Minang (pinang). To ask in maniage;to betroth, to aiBauce ; v. Maminang.Minchit (ben). A rat ; v. Munchit.Mindanau. The island of Mindano orMajindanau, one of the Philippine.s.Minta (j). To ask, to petition; to l)eg,to request ; to solicit ; to entreat ; toneed, to want ; to beg, to ask alms.Minta-minta. A beggar, a mendicant.Mintaraga (s). Name of a cave in whichAi'juna performed religious penance.Miutira. Name of a wild tribe in theMalay peninsula.Miuum (j. nginum). To drink ; to imbibe; to take in, to receive ; to inhaleincense or the fume of uai-cotics.Miuuman. Liquors, strong drinks, potations.Mbiggah (jAV). To mount, to ascend.Minggat (jav). To abscond, to runaway.Minggo (poR. domingo). Sabbath, Lord'sday.MiGak. Oil.Butter " Miiiak-sapi. ; litei'allv, cow'soil."Miiiak-tanah. Earth-oil, Petroleum.ilinan (j). Benzoin, Styrux benzoin ; v.Kamanan and Miulan.Mipis (j). Thin, not thick ; v. Tipis andNipis.Miring (j). To slope, to slant, to decline ;to lean, to incline ; to heel ; sloping,slanting, declining, oblique, leaning.Misa. To inhale the fume of nai'cotics.Misanan (j). Collateral relationship, therelation of cou.sins.Misi (t). Mustaches.Misih (j). Yet, still.Mis^ar (a). A ruler, an instrument fordrawing lines.Ml6ar (a). Egypt.MTs'kal (a). The Arabian gold weightcalled the miscal, equal to about 72English grains, reckoned by tlie Malaysat 36 sagas, or scarlet beans, orli mas.Mituna (jav). Name of a species ef crab.Cancer.Miwah (j). Besides, over and above,moreover;plenty, abundance.Miya (ben). Name of a species of ape.Miyas. The Borneau name for theorang-utan.

MEJ-MIM [115] MIM-MIYMeja (p). A table ; v. Meza.Mimpiu. To lead by <strong>the</strong> h<strong>and</strong> ceremoniously;V. Pimpin.Meja. Name <strong>of</strong> a plant, Musa bchai.Melanau. Name <strong>of</strong> a wild tribe <strong>of</strong> Borneo. Mimpis (j). Thin, not thick ; v. MipisMelu (j). To follow ; v. Milu.<strong>and</strong> Nipis.Memang. Former, formerly ; <strong>of</strong> old Miua (hin). Name <strong>of</strong> a bird, Graculaalways, ever, evermore.religiosa ; v. Mencho <strong>and</strong> Kokila.Mempar (jav). Like, near, closely re-Minangkabo (jav). Manangkabau, inlated.Mencho (jAv). Name <strong>of</strong> a bird, tiiuspeaking minor, Omcula rcligiosa.Menda (jav., probably from <strong>the</strong> Sanskritmedha, "a sheep"). A goat,Capra.Menggok (j. to slant, to bend). Crooked,uneven, not straight.Merah. Red ; <strong>the</strong> ruby ; bay colour in ahorse.Merah-dalima. The garnet.Merah-mud-a. Paleor light I'ed; literally,"young red."Merah-padam. Dull red ; literally, " redquenched."Merah-tuwah. Dark red ; literally, " oldred."Merang (jav). Shame ; bashfulnessmodesty.Merot (jav). Awry.Meru (s). The Olympus <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Hmdus.Mesan (bat). A tomb-stone, a stone orpiece <strong>of</strong> wood to mark <strong>the</strong> head <strong>and</strong>foot <strong>of</strong> a grave.Mesam (jav). To smile.Metar. To take aim, to point a weapon.Meyang. Name <strong>of</strong> an isl<strong>and</strong> on <strong>the</strong>south-eastern coast <strong>of</strong> Borneo.Meyong (jav). The house cat.Meza (p). A table ; v. Meja.Mibar (j). To fly, to move through <strong>the</strong>air with wings; to wing, to takewing.Midar (j). To circle, to move cu'cularly.Mijil (jav). To issue, to move out.Miju-miju (ben). Lentils, pot-herbs.Mika. Thou.Mikail (a). The angel Michael.Mil (a), a league.Mila (eu). a mile.Mila (jav). Beginning ; cause ; because.Milih (j). To choose, to select, to cullV. Pilih.Milik (a). Possessions, goods, property,wealth.Milir (jav). To flow, to run as water ;to proceed with <strong>the</strong> stream, not againstit ; to descend a river.Milu (jav). To follow, to go after; toobey; to comply, to consent.Milan. Name <strong>of</strong> an order <strong>of</strong> supernatiu'albeings.Mimis (jav). A bullet, a ball ; shot.Mimis-mariaiii (j). A cannon-ball.Mimis-panambor (j). Small shot.Mimpi (j. ngimpi). To dream ;a dream.Sumatra ; v. Manangkabau.Minatu (jav). A washer, a fuller.Minang (pinang). To ask in maniage;to betroth, to aiBauce ; v. Maminang.Minchit (ben). A rat ; v. Munchit.Mindanau. The isl<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> Mindano orMajindanau, one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Philippine.s.Minta (j). To ask, to petition; to l)eg,to request ; to solicit ; to entreat ; toneed, to want ; to beg, to ask alms.Minta-minta. A beggar, a mendicant.Mintaraga (s). Name <strong>of</strong> a cave in whichAi'juna performed religious penance.Miutira. Name <strong>of</strong> a wild tribe in <strong>the</strong><strong>Malay</strong> peninsula.Miuum (j. nginum). To drink ; to imbibe; to take in, to receive ; to inhaleincense or <strong>the</strong> fume <strong>of</strong> uai-cotics.Miuuman. Liquors, strong drinks, potations.Mbiggah (jAV). To mount, to ascend.Minggat (jav). To abscond, to runaway.Minggo (poR. domingo). Sabbath, Lord'sday.MiGak. Oil.Butter " Miiiak-sapi. ; litei'allv, cow'soil."Miiiak-tanah. Earth-oil, Petroleum.ilinan (j). Benzoin, Styrux benzoin ; v.Kamanan <strong>and</strong> Miulan.Mipis (j). Thin, not thick ; v. Tipis <strong>and</strong>Nipis.Miring (j). To slope, to slant, to decline ;to lean, to incline ; to heel ; sloping,slanting, declining, oblique, leaning.Misa. To inhale <strong>the</strong> fume <strong>of</strong> nai'cotics.Misanan (j). Collateral relationship, <strong>the</strong>relation <strong>of</strong> cou.sins.Misi (t). Mustaches.Misih (j). Yet, still.Mis^ar (a). A ruler, an instrument fordrawing lines.Ml6ar (a). Egypt.MTs'kal (a). The Arabian gold weightcalled <strong>the</strong> miscal, equal to about 72English grains, reckoned by tlie <strong>Malay</strong>sat 36 sagas, or scarlet beans, orli mas.Mituna (jav). Name <strong>of</strong> a species ef crab.Cancer.Miwah (j). Besides, over <strong>and</strong> above,moreover;plenty, abundance.Miya (ben). Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong> ape.Miyas. The Borneau name for <strong>the</strong>orang-utan.

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