A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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MAN—MAN [ 108 mAn—mAnMangalis. To observe, to look out. Mangaraji (gdrgaji). To saw, to cut withMangiilupas (kalupas). To peel, to decorticatea saw.; to skill, to flay.Miingilrak (garak). To shake, to be agi-Mangiilupur (kalupur) . To be convulsed tated ; V. Manggarak.V. Maiigalapur.Mangai-akkan. To shake, to agitate.Mangaluvvar (kaluwar). To pass out, to Mangaram (ram). To brood, to hatch.issue.Mangaluwarkau. To extract, to drawout; to bring forward, to produce toview ; to turn out, to exclude.Mangambala (kambala). To tend cattle ;to drive a eliaiiot; to guide an elephant('. ; Mangabala.Mangambalikiln (kambali). To cause toreturn, to send back.Maugilmbang (kambang). To blossom, toblow ; to spread, to expand.Maugaiubara (j. iigumbara). To roam,to travel.Mangambari (kambar). To match bypairs ; to fight in pairs.Mangambus (ambus). To blow, to makea current of air.Mangambuskan. To blow, to cause acurrent of air.M^ugamdiyaukan (kamdiyan). To putafter ; to put off, to postpone.Mangampar (ampiar). To spread out, toexpand on the ground or sui-face.Mangampir-clmpir. To approach or gonigh to by degrees.Maugampurnakan (sampurna). To perfect,to complete.Mangana (kiiua). To be affected, to beacted on ; to be struck, to be hit ; tobe invested with.Manganiii. To aflect, to act on ; to hit,to strike ; to invest, to put on.Mang^nakan (kaua), v. Mangauai.MangAnal (kanal). To know, to perceivewith certainty ; to recognise ; to distinguish.Maugcluang (kanang). To consider, toponder, to think upon, to muse.M&ngauftp (ganap). To complete.Mangandaki (andak). To will, to desire;to seek after.Miingaudara (kandara). To ride, to beconveyed by a vehicle.Mangandariii ; v. tr. To ride, to sit so asto be carried.Mangdntar (antar). To send, to dispatch.Mangantarkan. To send ; to escort.Miingantas (gitntas). To nip, to cut off;to cull, to pluck, to pick.Milugauang (kfinang). To satiate.Maugapala (kapala). To head, to lead, toconduct; v. Mi\ngapala.Mtingapung (kapung). To surround, toenviron, to encompass; to besiege, tobeleaguer.Milngarahkiln (krah). To call together,to muster.Mangarasi (ki-as). To harden, to renderhard ; to force, to coerce, to compelto ravish ; to ovei'jjower ; to tyrannise.Mangarat (krat). To lop, to cut off.Mangaring (kriug). To dry, to growdry.Mangaringkan. To dry, to exsiccate.Milngarja (karja). To do, to make ; tolaboui', to work.Mangarjakan. To perform, to execute,to accomplish.Mangarling (kdrling). To leer, to lookai'chly ; to ogle.Maugarok (ngrok). To snore.M^ngarti (arti). To understand, to comprehend; V. Miingarti.Mangarubung (krubuug). To crowdround, to swarm round.Mangarumun (krumuu). To assemble,to gather together.Mangaruiia (karuiia). To bestow, to givein bounty.Milngatam (katam). To nip; to reapcorn by nipping of the ears.Mangatawi (katawi). To know, to haveknowledge of; to make known.Maugatar (gatir). To quake, to tremble.Mitngatarkflu. To cause to quake; tofrighten, to intimidate.Mangechu (kechu). To rob ; to cheat, todefraud ; to swindle.Mangeja (haja). To spell, to put letterstogether to make words ; v. Mangija.Mangelakau (ela). To pull, to haul, todrag.Mangeling (eling). To heed, to attend,to keep in mind.Milngestrikan (estri). To wed a wife.Manggagahi (gagah). To overpower, toforce, to compel ; to tyrannise ; toravish, to deflower-.Mdnggala (s). First, foremost in rank ;a soldier ; an elephant.Manggamit (gamit). To beckon.Milnggautikdn (ganti). To succeed, totake the place of another.Manggarami (garani). To salt, to pickle.Maiiggaris (garis). To score, to mark bya line ; to scratch.Manggaru (garu). To scratch, to claw ;to comb ; to curry ; to harrow, to rake.Manggamt (garut). To scratch, to scrape.Manggambala (gambala). To tend cattle;to drive a chariot; to guide an elephantV. Mangambala.Mangganapi (ganap). To fulfil, to accomplish,to complete.

mAn—mAn [ 109 JMAN—MANMdnggaraji (giirgaji). To saw, to cut Mangimpuu (impun). To assemble, towith a saw ; v. Maugaraji.meet together.Mauggarak (garak). To shake, to be agitated;V. Mdugarak.to gather together; to collect; to ac-Mangimpunkan. To cause to assemble,Manggarakkau. To shake, to agitate ; v. cumulate.Mangili-akkan.Manginakdn (ina). To make mean, toManggatah (gatah). To gum, to daub debase, to degrade.with gum or birdlime.Mangiuap (j. nginap). To lodge or tarryMauggonchaug (gouchang). To shake for a night.about, to toss ; v. Mangonchang. MangincUng. To sorn, to live idly at theManggosok (gosok). To rub, to fret ; touse the bow of a stringed instrument.MAnggosok -gosok. To rub ofteu.Mauggoyaug (goyaug). To be shakeu, tobe agitated, to be put iu motion.Mauggoyangkan. To shake, to agitate.Manggurau (gurau). To toy, to trifle ; todally; to joke, to jest.Mangguraukan. To mock, to deride, tolaugh at.Miiugi (JAV). Asthma.Mangibas (kibas). To vibrate, to quiverto waver, to play to and fro.Maugibaskau. To cause to quiver orvibrate ; to cause to waver.Milngidam (idam). To long, to have alonging for.Mangidaug (idaug). To serve victuals, toserve dishes at table.Mangidar (idar). To veer, to turn about,to go roimd.Maugidari. To round, to encircle; tocause to revolve or roll round.Mangiduug (iduug). To speak with anasal accent, to speak " through thenose.Mangiduug (kidung). To siiig a song orditty.Mangidup (idup). To live, to be alive;to live, to pass life in any manner.Maugidupi. To keep alive ; to support,to maintain ; to cause to live, to bringto life.Maugidupkan, v. Mangidupi.Maugigal (igal). To sti-ut as a proudpeacock ; to strut or dance iu imitationof the peacock.Mangigau (ngigau). To rave, to be delirious.Mangija (liaja). To .spell, to put letterstogether; v. Mdngeja.Mangikat (ikat). To tie, to bind ; tofasten ; to put together, to join ; toarrange, to dispose; to compose, towrite; to recite a tale, to narrate astory.Mangikil (kikil). To gnaw.Mangikut (ikut). To follow, to go afterto obey ; to imitate ; to copy.Mangilai. To laugh convulsively.Mangilangkau (ilaug). To cause to disappear; to do away, to remove ; todissipate.expense of another.Mangiutaikan (intai). To spy, to looknarrowly, to observe attentively.Mangintang (tiutang). To view, to behold.Mangiug&tkan (ingat). To remind, to putin mind ; to warn, to caution, to admonish.Mangipas (kipas). To fan, to cool witha fan ; to ventilate.Mangirai (kirai). To winnow, to part thegi-ain from the chaff.Miingiring (iring). To follow, to comeafter or behind ; to depend, to be in astate of dependence or clientship ; tostand in the relation of a debtor to acreditor, serving until the liquidationof a debt.Mangiringkan. To follow, to go after;to place iu a state of dejJeudeuce.Mangiruskan (irus). To sprinkle, to water,to irrigate.Mangisar (kisar). To turn round ; toshift about ; to giind as in a mill.Mangisap (isap). To suck.Mangisi (isi). To be full; to hold, tocontain.Maugisikan. To fill, to make full.Mangitar (kitar). To turn roimd, to revolve.Maugiyasi (iyasi). To ornament, to embellish,to adom, to deck, to decorate.Mangkak. To swell, to be swollen ; v.Bangkak.Mangkal. Half ripe, imperfectly ripe,fresh gathered, not mature.Mangkarung. Name of a large lizard.Mangkis. To call aloud, to vociferate, toroar.Mangku (jay). To encircle, to enclosein a ring or orb, to surround.Mangkudu (j). Name of a tree, Monndaumbellata; v. Bangkudu.Mangkuwang (j). Name of a plant. Pandanmfurcatus.Mangluwai-i (luwar). To expel, to driveout.Mangomong (j. ngomoug). To be loquacious,to prate, to babble.Mangompat (ompat). To slander, tocalumniate.Mangonchang (gouchang). To shakoabout, to be tossed ; v. Mauggonchaug.

MAN—MAN [ 108 mAn—mAnMangalis. To observe, to look out. Mangaraji (gdrgaji). To saw, to cut withMangiilupas (kalupas). To peel, to decorticatea saw.; to skill, to flay.Miingilrak (garak). To shake, to be agi-Mangiilupur (kalupur) . To be convulsed tated ; V. Manggarak.V. Maiigalapur.Mangai-akkan. To shake, to agitate.Mangaluvvar (kaluwar). To pass out, to Mangaram (ram). To brood, to hatch.issue.Mangaluwarkau. To extract, to drawout; to bring forward, to produce toview ; to turn out, to exclude.Mangambala (kambala). To tend cattle ;to drive a eliaiiot; to guide an elephant('. ; Mangabala.Mangambalikiln (kambali). To cause toreturn, to send back.Maugilmbang (kambang). To blossom, toblow ; to spread, to exp<strong>and</strong>.Maugaiubara (j. iigumbara). To roam,to travel.Mangambari (kambar). To match bypairs ; to fight in pairs.Mangambus (ambus). To blow, to makea current <strong>of</strong> air.Mangambuskan. To blow, to cause acurrent <strong>of</strong> air.M^ugamdiyaukan (kamdiyan). To putafter ; to put <strong>of</strong>f, to postpone.Mangampar (ampiar). To spread out, toexp<strong>and</strong> on <strong>the</strong> ground or sui-face.Mangampir-clmpir. To approach or gonigh to by degrees.Maugampurnakan (sampurna). To perfect,to complete.Mangana (kiiua). To be affected, to beacted on ; to be struck, to be hit ; tobe invested with.Manganiii. To aflect, to act on ; to hit,to strike ; to invest, to put on.Mang^nakan (kaua), v. Mangauai.MangAnal (kanal). To know, to perceivewith certainty ; to recognise ; to distinguish.Maugcluang (kanang). To consider, toponder, to think upon, to muse.M&ngauftp (ganap). To complete.Mang<strong>and</strong>aki (<strong>and</strong>ak). To will, to desire;to seek after.Miingaudara (k<strong>and</strong>ara). To ride, to beconveyed by a vehicle.Mang<strong>and</strong>ariii ; v. tr. To ride, to sit so asto be carried.Mangdntar (antar). To send, to dispatch.Mangantarkan. To send ; to escort.Miingantas (gitntas). To nip, to cut <strong>of</strong>f;to cull, to pluck, to pick.Milugauang (kfinang). To satiate.Maugapala (kapala). To head, to lead, toconduct; v. Mi\ngapala.Mtingapung (kapung). To surround, toenviron, to encompass; to besiege, tobeleaguer.Milngarahkiln (krah). To call toge<strong>the</strong>r,to muster.Mangarasi (ki-as). To harden, to renderhard ; to force, to coerce, to compelto ravish ; to ovei'jjower ; to tyrannise.Mangarat (krat). To lop, to cut <strong>of</strong>f.Mangaring (kriug). To dry, to growdry.Mangaringkan. To dry, to exsiccate.Milngarja (karja). To do, to make ; tolaboui', to work.Mangarjakan. To perform, to execute,to accomplish.Mangarling (kdrling). To leer, to lookai'chly ; to ogle.Maugarok (ngrok). To snore.M^ngarti (arti). To underst<strong>and</strong>, to comprehend; V. Miingarti.Mangarubung (krubuug). To crowdround, to swarm round.Mangarumun (krumuu). To assemble,to ga<strong>the</strong>r toge<strong>the</strong>r.Mangaruiia (karuiia). To bestow, to givein bounty.Milngatam (katam). To nip; to reapcorn by nipping <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ears.Mangatawi (katawi). To know, to haveknowledge <strong>of</strong>; to make known.Maugatar (gatir). To quake, to tremble.Mitngatarkflu. To cause to quake; t<strong>of</strong>righten, to intimidate.Mangechu (kechu). To rob ; to cheat, todefraud ; to swindle.Mangeja (haja). To spell, to put letterstoge<strong>the</strong>r to make words ; v. Mangija.Mangelakau (ela). To pull, to haul, todrag.Mangeling (eling). To heed, to attend,to keep in mind.Milngestrikan (estri). To wed a wife.Manggagahi (gagah). To overpower, t<strong>of</strong>orce, to compel ; to tyrannise ; toravish, to deflower-.Mdnggala (s). First, foremost in rank ;a soldier ; an elephant.Manggamit (gamit). To beckon.Milnggautikdn (ganti). To succeed, totake <strong>the</strong> place <strong>of</strong> ano<strong>the</strong>r.Manggarami (garani). To salt, to pickle.Maiiggaris (garis). To score, to mark bya line ; to scratch.Manggaru (garu). To scratch, to claw ;to comb ; to curry ; to harrow, to rake.Manggamt (garut). To scratch, to scrape.Manggambala (gambala). To tend cattle;to drive a chariot; to guide an elephantV. Mangambala.Mangganapi (ganap). To fulfil, to accomplish,to complete.

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