A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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MAM—MAM [102] MAM—MAMMdmbangun (Tjangun). To arise, to get up. Mambuiii (buni). To sound, to emit aManibangunkan. To erect, to elevate noise.to build, to construct ; to plan, to design.Mambimikiln. To sound, to cause toMambasuli (basuh). To wash, to rinse.make a noise ; to play on a musical instrument.Mambawah (bawah). To yield, to submit, Mambutul (butul). To pass through ; toto surrender.pass from one side to the other.Mambayikki (bayik). To mend, to repaii", Mambuwang (buwang). To throw away,to put right ; to trim, to adjust.to cast away; to reject ; to discard.Mambachara (bachara). To consider, to Mambuwangkau. To cause to be thrownconsult, to deliberate.away ; to put to death, to make awayMambacharakiln. To advise, to give advice,with.to counsel.Mamikul (pikul). To bear, to cany as aMambalah (biilah). To split, to rive, to burthen on the back.cleave ; v. Mamblah.Mambalakaugi (balakang). To follow, toMamilih (pilih).MamTlik (miliA).To choose, to select.To own, to possess.go after ; to set below in value, to del^reciate,to degi-ade; to put off, toMamimpin (pimpin).ously by the hand.To lead ceremoni-postpone ; to hesitate, to waver. Maminang (pinang). To ask in marriage,Mambalakangkcln. To place behind, to to court, to make addresses.place in the rear.Mamiud-ah (piad'ah). To change place,Mambali (ball). To buy, to purchase ; v. to move from one place to another ; toMambli.flit, to migi-ate.Mambanasakan (banasa). To spoil, to in-Mamiujam (pinjam). To bori'ow, or tojure; to ruin, to destroy.Mambanarkan (banar). To correct ; toMambatuli (batul), v. Mambatulkan.M^mbatulkan. To straighten, to makestraight ; to rectify, to make right.Mambilangkan (bilang). To reckon, tocount ; to value, to appreciate ; toesteem.Mambli (bli). To buy, to purchase ; v.Mambali.Miimbrang. Tlio otter, Aonyx leptonyxof Horsfield.Mambri (bri). To give, to bestow.Mambrita (brita). To report, to givetidings.Milmbujurkan. To stretch out lengthwise.Miimbuka (buka). To open, to unclose ;to open, to begin.Mambuni (buni). To hide, to conceal.Mambunoh (buuok). To kill, to slay; v.Mamuuoh.Mambunoh-d iri. To kill oneself, tocommit suicide.Mambuugkar (bungkar). To weigh, toheave up ; v. Mamungkar.Mambuugkuskan (bungkus).to envelope ; to pack.To wrap,lend.Maminta (minta). To ask, to petition,to beg.veiify, to attest.Mambanchauakan (banchana). To injureto corrupt, to seduce,Mamintal (pintal).Mamifiak (miiaak).To braid.To oil, to anoint.Milmbarkas (barkas). To bundle; to Mamitik (pitik). To strike the cords orfagot.bars of a musical instrument.Mambarkatkau (barkat). To bless, to consecrateby a prayer.Miimlehrak/iu (plchera).chei-ish, to protect.To nourish, toMambasai-kan. To magnify, to enlarge Mamluh (paluh). To hug, to embrace byto extol.taking in the arms.MAmbasarkan-diri. To vaimt, to boast, Mampawa. Name of a Malay state on theto brag, to glorify oneself.western side of Borneo.Mampald (t). A bridegi-oom.Mamparsambahkau (sambah). To presentwith an obeisance ; to represent,to submit, to lay before.Mdmpir (ampir). To approach, to drawnear.Mampuiiai (puna). To appropriate, totake possession of, to make one's own ;to own, to have in property.Mamrali (pi'ah). To squeeze, to pressout ; to milk.Mamrang (jjrang). To war, to fight, tobattle ; V. Mamprang.Mdmreksai (prcksa). To inquire into, toinvestigate.Mamreksakau, v. Mamreksiii.Mamrentah (prentah). To order, to command;to rule, to govern; to superintend,to direct ; to dispose, to put inorder.Mamrugul (rugul). To ravish, to deflower.Mamotong (potong). To cut off, to lop,Miimuji (puji). To praise, to laud; tocompliment ; to flatter ; to glorify,Milmukat (pukat). To fi.sh with a seineor drag-net.

MAM—MAN [103] MAN—MANMamukul (pukul). To beat, to strike. Mdnandiii, v. Manand'akiiu.MamuUii (mula). To commence, to make Manani. To be becalmed, to be an'esteda begluning.Mamulaiig (pulaug). To restore, to retui-n,by a calm.Mananti (nanti). To await; to bide, toto render, to give back.wait.Mamulih (pvilib). To restore, to retrieve. Manantikdn. To cause to await, to detainIMamulyakau (mulya). To extol, to celebrate,; to await, to wait for.to glorify.Manang (j). To win, to conquer; victory;Mamuuoh (bimoh). To kill, to slay; v.conquest.Mambunoh.Mdnangga (tangga, " a stair "). To visitMilmimgkar (bungkar). To weigh, to neighboui-s, to gossip.heave up ; v. Mambungkar.Manauggalkan (tanggal). To strip, topeel, to decorticate ; to strip, to makeMamungut (pungut). To pick, to gatherto cull, to choose, to select.Mdmusuhkan (musuh). To act in hos-• tUity to, to oppose, to contravene.Mamutdr (putar). To turn, to revolve.Mamutarkan. To cause to turn, to maketo revolve ; to rule, to govern.IVLtmuun (miiun). To a.sk leave.Mamiiunkan. To grant leave ; to excuse,to let off.Mamuwaskan (puwas). To satisfy, tosatiate.Man (a). Name of an Arabian weight.Maniian (tiian). To bear, to endiu-e, tosupport ; to forbear, to refrain.Maniiani. To detain, to keep back ; torestrain ; to withhold ; to arrest.Manabor (tabor). To strew, to shed, toscatter ; to sow, to scatter seed gi-aiu.Manada (bu). Name of a state in Celebes.Manadakan (tada). To negative, to deny,to abnegate; to nullify, to bring tonought.Manad-ah (tad'ah). To hold out theopen hands.Manad'ahk&n. To receive or catch somethingdropping, with the open hands.Manafai- (a). A hypocrite; hypocritical,deceitful.Managih (tagih). To dun, to claim adebt unportunately.Manajam (tajam). To sharpen, to whet.Manakut (takut). To fear, to reverence,to respect.Manakuti. To frighten, to terrify.Manamakan (nama). To call, to name,to bestow a name.Manambah (tambah). To increase.iLinambat (tambat). To bind, to tie fast.Manampar (tampar). To slap, to strikewith the open hand.!Maoanak (tanak). To boil, to seeth.Manauam (tauam). To bury, to put inthe ground ; to bury, to inter the deadto plaut ; to sow.Mananduk (tanduk). To butt or gorewith the horns.Mauand'akan (tand'a). To mark, to impresswith a mark ; to make a signalto exhibit, to display.naked.Manaugis (tangis). To weep ; to lamentto complain.Mdnangiskan. To lament, to bewail, tobemoan, to grieve for.Manangkabau. Name of a Mslay countryin the centi'al part of Sumatra,llanangkap (tangkap). To catch, toseize, to lay hold of, to apprehend ; toapprehend, to conceive.Manaugkiskan (taugkis). To ward, tofence off, to parry.Manaiiai (taiia). To question, to interrogate.Manapa (apa). To question, to ask, tointerrogate.Manapak (tapakV To pash or shove withthe open hand.Mauar (a). A minai-et ; the tower of amosque.Manarat (a), v. Manar.Manarek (tarek). To draw, to drag, tohaul.Manai-i (tai-i). To dance.Manaruh (taruh). To put, to lay,to place; to lay up, to deposit, tostore ; to stake, to bet ; to commit, totrust.MAnatas (tatas). To cut, to slice.Maniiim (taun). To do anything by theyear.Manawan (tawan). To be a prisoner, tobe a captive.Manawaukau. To make prisoner, to takecaptive.Manawar (tawar). To charm, to apply acharm ; to cure by charms ; to bid for,to bid a price ; to seduce a woman.Mauawimg (nawviug). To be .shaded, tobe shadowed; to be sheltered, to bejjrotected.Manawungi. To shade; to shelter, toprotect ; to shade, to overshadow.Mauayikkan (nayik). To i-aise, to elevate,to erect, to cause to mount ; to build,to construct.Manabang (tabang). To fell and clearthe ground of timber trees.Manabas (tabas). To clear land of gra.?sand underwood.

MAM—MAN [103] MAN—MANMamukul (pukul). To beat, to strike. Mdn<strong>and</strong>iii, v. Man<strong>and</strong>'akiiu.MamuUii (mula). To commence, to make Manani. To be becalmed, to be an'esteda begluning.Mamulaiig (pulaug). To restore, to retui-n,by a calm.Mananti (nanti). To await; to bide, toto render, to give back.wait.Mamulih (pvilib). To restore, to retrieve. Manantikdn. To cause to await, to detainIMamulyakau (mulya). To extol, to celebrate,; to await, to wait for.to glorify.Manang (j). To win, to conquer; victory;Mamuuoh (bimoh). To kill, to slay; v.conquest.Mambunoh.Mdnangga (tangga, " a stair "). To visitMilmimgkar (bungkar). To weigh, to neighboui-s, to gossip.heave up ; v. Mambungkar.Manauggalkan (tanggal). To strip, topeel, to decorticate ; to strip, to makeMamungut (pungut). To pick, to ga<strong>the</strong>rto cull, to choose, to select.Mdmusuhkan (musuh). To act in hos-• tUity to, to oppose, to contravene.Mamutdr (putar). To turn, to revolve.Mamutarkan. To cause to turn, to maketo revolve ; to rule, to govern.IVLtmuun (miiun). To a.sk leave.Mamiiunkan. To grant leave ; to excuse,to let <strong>of</strong>f.Mamuwaskan (puwas). To satisfy, tosatiate.Man (a). Name <strong>of</strong> an Arabian weight.Maniian (tiian). To bear, to endiu-e, tosupport ; to forbear, to refrain.Maniiani. To detain, to keep back ; torestrain ; to withhold ; to arrest.Manabor (tabor). To strew, to shed, toscatter ; to sow, to scatter seed gi-aiu.Manada (bu). Name <strong>of</strong> a state in Celebes.Manadakan (tada). To negative, to deny,to abnegate; to nullify, to bring tonought.Manad-ah (tad'ah). To hold out <strong>the</strong>open h<strong>and</strong>s.Manad'ahk&n. To receive or catch somethingdropping, with <strong>the</strong> open h<strong>and</strong>s.Manafai- (a). A hypocrite; hypocritical,deceitful.Managih (tagih). To dun, to claim adebt unportunately.Manajam (tajam). To sharpen, to whet.Manakut (takut). To fear, to reverence,to respect.Manakuti. To frighten, to terrify.Manamakan (nama). To call, to name,to bestow a name.Manambah (tambah). To increase.iLinambat (tambat). To bind, to tie fast.Manampar (tampar). To slap, to strikewith <strong>the</strong> open h<strong>and</strong>.!Maoanak (tanak). To boil, to seeth.Manauam (tauam). To bury, to put in<strong>the</strong> ground ; to bury, to inter <strong>the</strong> deadto plaut ; to sow.Man<strong>and</strong>uk (t<strong>and</strong>uk). To butt or gorewith <strong>the</strong> horns.Mau<strong>and</strong>'akan (t<strong>and</strong>'a). To mark, to impresswith a mark ; to make a signalto exhibit, to display.naked.Manaugis (tangis). To weep ; to lamentto complain.Mdnangiskan. To lament, to bewail, tobemoan, to grieve for.Manangkabau. Name <strong>of</strong> a Mslay countryin <strong>the</strong> centi'al part <strong>of</strong> Sumatra,llanangkap (tangkap). To catch, toseize, to lay hold <strong>of</strong>, to apprehend ; toapprehend, to conceive.Manaugkiskan (taugkis). To ward, t<strong>of</strong>ence <strong>of</strong>f, to parry.Manaiiai (taiia). To question, to interrogate.Manapa (apa). To question, to ask, tointerrogate.Manapak (tapakV To pash or shove with<strong>the</strong> open h<strong>and</strong>.Mauar (a). A minai-et ; <strong>the</strong> tower <strong>of</strong> amosque.Manarat (a), v. Manar.Manarek (tarek). To draw, to drag, tohaul.Manai-i (tai-i). To dance.Manaruh (taruh). To put, to lay,to place; to lay up, to deposit, tostore ; to stake, to bet ; to commit, totrust.MAnatas (tatas). To cut, to slice.Maniiim (taun). To do anything by <strong>the</strong>year.Manawan (tawan). To be a prisoner, tobe a captive.Manawaukau. To make prisoner, to takecaptive.Manawar (tawar). To charm, to apply acharm ; to cure by charms ; to bid for,to bid a price ; to seduce a woman.Mauawimg (nawviug). To be .shaded, tobe shadowed; to be sheltered, to bejjrotected.Manawungi. To shade; to shelter, toprotect ; to shade, to overshadow.Mauayikkan (nayik). To i-aise, to elevate,to erect, to cause to mount ; to build,to construct.Manabang (tabang). To fell <strong>and</strong> clear<strong>the</strong> ground <strong>of</strong> timber trees.Manabas (tabas). To clear l<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> gra.?s<strong>and</strong> underwood.

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