Apr 12, 2012 - The World AgroMeteorological Information Service

Apr 12, 2012 - The World AgroMeteorological Information Service

Apr 12, 2012 - The World AgroMeteorological Information Service


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‣ Farmers in Central Narmada Zone of Madhya Pradesh are advised to irrigate maize crop and harvestmatured wheat crop. Farmers in Nimar valley Zone of Madhya Pradesh are advised to undertakeplanting of sugarcane.‣ In Chattisgarh Plain Zone, groundnut and sunflower are at flowering/pod formation/ grain fillingstage. This stage is crucial for moisture; hence it is advised to irrigate the crops frequently.‣ Weather conditions are suitable for proper germination of summer green gram; hence it is advised toprepare the fields after harvesting of wheat/gram and complete sowing of green gram at the earliest.‣ Attack of fruit borer in mango is observed in Kymore Plateau and Satpura Hills region of MadhyaPradesh, farmers are advised to undertake spraying Dimethoate or Trizophose 2 gm/litre of water. Animal Husbandry & Poultry‣ Farmers in Kymore Plateau and Satpura Hills region and Central Narmada Zone and Gird zone ofMadhya Pradesh are advised to provide cold water to cattle three times daily and keep them in airyand shady place as temperature is high during day time. Arrange for vaccination for Foot and Mouthdisease in cattle.‣ Farmers in Vindhya Plateau Zone of Madhya Pradesh are advised to vaccinate cattle against FMD.

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