Carbon Trust Standard - Npower

Carbon Trust Standard - Npower

Carbon Trust Standard - Npower


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Case StudyIntegrated Energy SolutionsProjectnpower<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>Trust</strong> <strong>Standard</strong>Over £740,000 saving in one yearRWE npower has been awarded the prestigious <strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>Trust</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> inrecognition of our carbon reduction achievements across the portfolio ofnpower sites. This was accomplished using the same range of productsand services npower provides to deliver full energy solutions to itsbusiness customers.Like many large businesses, energy usage in our offices is a board levelissue for npower. In 2012 we achieved a 16% reduction in electricityconsumption, putting us on track to meet our 2014 target of a 38%reduction in the carbon intensity of our offices compared to 2008 levels.npower has a multi-million pound annual spend on energy across itsportfolio of office buildings in the UK. Just like our business customerswe have an Energy Manager whose job it is to manage that spend andhit our reduction targets.Jonathan Hulbert, npower Energy Manager:“ The key areas assessed by the <strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>Trust</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> aremeasurement, management and performance. Like manyof our customers, I have to manage a diverse portfolio ofbuildings of different ages and profiles – and this presentsa variety of challenges. For me, the first step was to gatheraccurate, up-to-date consumption data that I could easilyaccess and analyse.”www.npower.com

Solar PV at Didcot Power StationThe Importance of MonitoringThe Measure, Monitor, Minimise framework helpsJonathan articulate and break down into chunks whathe needs to tackle.Measure - The first step for Jonathan was to invest inAutomatic Metering (AMR) for all non half hourlyelectricity and gas sites. It has been one of his bestinvestments. Accurate data at his finger tips for all oursites, even the smaller ones and an end to estimatedbilling. It’s also invaluable when it comes to CRC reporting.“In terms of increasing energy efficiency, encompasshas helped me, for example, to view consumptionprofiles and amend the heating settings to moreaccurately reflect actual occupancy – at one site leadingto a 28% reduction in gas consumption in just one year.”Jonathan Hulbert, Energy Managernpower office, SolihullMonitoring – Jonathan now has over 98% of npower’senergy use (both gas and electric) monitored through ourencompass monitoring and targeting software. The toolenables him to identify potential energy waste and areasto reduce carbon emissions and is a platform for liaisingwith individual site facility managers and key stakeholders.To increase visibility for all npower staff individual site energyperformance is now displayed in the receptions of a numberof our key offices using the npower Energy Assist dashboard.Minimise – Using the data and insight gathered from themeasure and monitor stages of the process Jonathan couldidentify a range of ways to make savings.• solar PV panels were installed on eight npower sites,which have so far helped the company save an estimated160 tonnes of carbon• installing Voltage Optimisation equipment at 11 siteshas accounted for an estimated 1,000 tonnes of CO 2a yearencompass M&T system

SKA Gold <strong>Standard</strong> refurbishmentRefurbishment for long term savingsThe npower team has committed to achieving theSKA Gold <strong>Standard</strong> on every refurbishment and refit onour own buildings. This includes the refurbishment of theLondon office that achieved the highest SKA rating ever,and the recent refurbishment of the Didcot Sports andSocial Club into an office building that was completed bythe npower Business and Social Housing team. In this case,desk space was created for 94 individuals in addition tomeeting rooms and training rooms. As well as buildingworks, the job also included provision of heating andcooling systems and lighting and power. New buildingmanagement systems and controls were installed alongwith fire detection and alarm systems. By committing tousing the most energy efficient materials and systems inour refurbishment work we are ensuring that not only dowe make short term reductions in energy consumption,but that these are maintained for years to come.It’s important to note that every site is different andwhilst the principles and process of ‘measure, monitor,minimise’ can work across all buildings, the actual measuresundertaken can vary significantly. Solar panels are great forsome buildings but not others. Voltage Optimisation candeliver significant savings in older buildings but is generallynot needed in the newer ones. Some sites had old inefficientHeating and Air Conditioning systems – such as at one ofour contact centres in Stoke, where a new HVAC systemhelped reduce consumption by 14%.Despite this success there is still more to be doneand further savings to be made. Dave Horton; PropertySustainability and Capital Investments Manager hasextensive capital investment plans that include: lightingprojects, full integration of all our Building ManagementSystems, HVAC systems and even a wind turbine installation.Paul Massara, chief executive officer at npower said:“ This certification demonstrates that big energyefficiencies can be made when you have the right toolsfor the job. The carbon reductions we’ve made can beachieved by other businesses on their own sustainabilityjourneys. Using tools that we’ve developed ourselveslike encompass and Direct Budget Management, we’vebeen able to identify numerous opportunities to saveand manage energy consumption and costs, and thesesteps can be easily replicated by other companies.”Darran Messem, Managing Director of Certification atThe <strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>Trust</strong> added:“ Energy suppliers have a big role to play in promotingenergy efficiency and helping customers to reduce theircarbon footprints. By putting sustainability at the heartof its own buildings, npower is leading by example whenit comes to using energy as efficiently as possible.“ It is also good to see that npower goes further bydeveloping products that make it easier to measureenergy and identify potential savings, as these can helpother businesses to reduce their own carbon emissions.”Printed on recycled materials.npower is a registered trademark and the trading name of <strong>Npower</strong> Limited (registered in England and Wales No. 3653277), <strong>Npower</strong> Direct Limited (registered in England and Wales No. 3782443), <strong>Npower</strong> Northern Limited (registered in England and WalesNo. 3432100) and associated companies. Registered office: Windmill Hill Business Park, Whitehill Way, Swindon, SN5 6PB.npm10900/RF13583/05.13

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