TOLUN MR - CV (TR)_260212 - TED Üniversitesi

TOLUN MR - CV (TR)_260212 - TED Üniversitesi

TOLUN MR - CV (TR)_260212 - TED Üniversitesi

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21. O. Yıldırım Kaya Experimental Comparison of Genetic Ağustos 2000 Algorithms with Symbolic and Neural Algorithms 22. Emrah Osman Design and Implementation of a University Ağustos 2001 Nuri Wap System 23. Raygan Kansoy Design and Implementation of an Internet Ekim 2001 Voting System by Using Active Server pages 24. Yasemin Bay An Expert System for Car Fault Diagnosis Haziran 2003 (DAÜ Enformatik Bölümü) 25. Muammer Bal 3-­‐D Graphics Engine Design Ağustos 2004 26. Umut Türkarslan Solution of Maze Path Finding Problem Haziran 2005 Using Genetic Algorithm 27.Fawzi K. Salim Pattern Recognition: Comparison Study Haziran 2005 28. Alkım Özaygen Phylogenetic Supertree Construction Using Constraint Programming Nisan 2006 29. Seda Şahin Expert Systems in Access Telecommunication Networks Eylül 2006 30. Uğraş Özkan Intelligent Application Development for Mobile Devices Ocak 2007 31. Fulya Battal Structural Risk Management of Disasters Temmuz 2007 32. İhsan Tolga Medeni Knowledge Engineering and a Proposed Curriculum (Co-­‐supervisor) Eylül 2008 33. Serdar Çetinkaya Parallel Processing by a Microcontroller-­‐Based System Ocak 2009 34. Ozan Ali Kaya Productivity Oriented Programming Framework Temmuz 2009 35. Cemalettin Öcal Fidanboy A Survey of Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Eylül 2009 36. Tufan Taş Adopting RUP (Rational Unified Process) on a Software Development Project Eylül 2009 37. Cihangir Devrim Visual Integrated Machine Learning Aralık 2009 Doktora Tezleri 1.Walid Abu-­‐Salameh An Approach to Knowledge Kasım 1991 Representation with Neural Networks Using an Extended Backpropagation Learning Paradigm (ODTÜ) 2.Abdel-­‐Elah Al-­‐Ayyub An Intelligent Vectorization Tool (ODTÜ) Şubat 1992 3. Saleh Abu-­‐Soud A Parallel Backward Inference Engine for Production Systems (ODTÜ) Şubat 1992

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