04.03.2011 - Skischule Lienzer Dolomiten

04.03.2011 - Skischule Lienzer Dolomiten

04.03.2011 - Skischule Lienzer Dolomiten


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Hotelcup 20119.RennenRiesentorlaufKlassement des 1 LaufesPlatz Nr. Name und Vorname Mannschaft Ziel Zeit AbstandKinder1 139 Zachara Wojcieck Sporthotel Hoch Lienz 43.522 138 Zachara Maciej Sporthotel Hoch Lienz 45.68 2.163 126 Omastava Ema Sporthotel Hoch Lienz 47.55 4.034 85 Weisbeek Willem Ferienhotel Moarhof 47.61 4.095 127 Omastava Oliver Sporthotel Hoch Lienz 49.97 6.456 98 Dekker Manon Ferienhotel Moarhof 50.90 7.387 75 Zemankova Aneta Gasthof Goldener Pflug 51.52 8.008 142 Powalacz Isabela Sporthotel Hoch Lienz 54.82 11.309 117 Spork Luna Ferienhotel Moarhof 1:04.40 20.88AbwesendeDisq.93 Weis Louise Ferienhotel Moarhof94 Weis Leo Ferienhotel Moarhof124 Schippers Yarick Sporthotel Hoch Lienz145 De Regt Bailey Sporthotel Hoch Lienz146 De Regt Gyan Sporthotel Hoch Lienz61 Mauch Maximillian Parkhotel Tristachersee116 Spork Shenna Ferienhotel Moarhof133 Bauer Nikoletta Sporthotel Hoch LienzDamen1 125 Schippers Esther Sporthotel Hoch Lienz 36.442 49 Mauch Sabine Parkhotel Tristachersee 37.21 0.773 37 Wieser Angelika Parkhotel Tristachersee 38.20 1.764 48 Stratmann Nora Parkhotel Tristachersee 38.28 1.845 106 Groenewegen Jo-Ann Ferienhotel Moarhof 40.41 3.976 99 Eggermont Sjanneke Ferienhotel Moarhof 40.56 4.127 36 Bachmann Florentina Parkhotel Tristachersee 40.75 4.318 39 Jeschek Gabriele Parkhotel Tristachersee 40.79 4.359 132 Ten Berge Diederike Sporthotel Hoch Lienz 41.77 5.3310 57 Wenzel Barbara Parkhotel Tristachersee 41.78 5.3411 83 Britting Barbara Ferienhotel Moarhof 41.83 5.3912 53 Aschenbrenner Elfi Parkhotel Tristachersee 43.60 7.1613 114 Schoenmeijer Rose Ferienhotel Moarhof 43.64 7.2013 27 Riedel Annette <strong>Dolomiten</strong>hof 43.64 7.2015 120 Wlczek Gabriele Ferienhotel Moarhof 44.43 7.9916 111 Schachinger Maria Ferienhotel Moarhof 44.45 8.0117 51 Obermaier Regina Parkhotel Tristachersee 44.86 8.4218 20 Krohn Heike <strong>Dolomiten</strong>hof 46.12 9.6819 63 Nesvadba Andrea Romantik Hotel Traube 46.37 9.9320 87 Metzger Maren Ferienhotel Moarhof 46.48 10.0421 77 Billcorg Krystina Gasthof Goldener Pflug 47.81 11.3722 50 Achten Monika Parkhotel Tristachersee 48.15 11.713/4/2011 / Zettersfeld den 3/4/2011 um 13:14 / Seite 1/4VolaSoftControlPdfVola Timing (www.vola.fr) / Msports Pro 2.09<strong>Skischule</strong> <strong>Lienzer</strong> <strong>Dolomiten</strong>

Hotelcup 20119.RennenRiesentorlaufKlassement des 1 LaufesPlatz Nr. Name und Vorname Mannschaft Ziel Zeit Abstand28 108 Parthon Normen Ferienhotel Moarhof 37.46 7.1029 78 Maxa Ales Gasthof Goldener Pflug 37.99 7.6330 55 Löhr Reinhold Parkhotel Tristachersee 38.03 7.6731 2 Schrott Jürgen Zettersfeldhütte 38.85 8.4932 80 Krystof Daniel Gasthof Goldener Pflug 38.98 8.6233 100 Flisyn Willem Ferienhotel Moarhof 39.39 9.0334 155 Fossi Lorenzo Hotel Sonne 39.60 9.2435 144 Kriese Michael Sporthotel Hoch Lienz 39.68 9.3236 84 Weisbeek Be Ferienhotel Moarhof 39.86 9.5037 67 Seiler Thomas Romantik Hotel Traube 40.33 9.9738 4 Schaffer Aule Zettersfeldhütte 40.81 10.4539 5 Haber Fritz Zettersfeldhütte 41.02 10.6640 104 Gersch Eberhard Ferienhotel Moarhof 41.28 10.9241 33 Schuler Petra <strong>Dolomiten</strong>hof 41.51 11.1542 105 Groenewegen Benardus Ferienhotel Moarhof 41.74 11.3843 3 Wedenig werner Zettersfeldhütte 42.09 11.7344 40 Kaufmann Olaf Parkhotel Tristachersee 42.59 12.2345 128 Omastava Vladimir Sporthotel Hoch Lienz 42.77 12.4146 17 Dannehl Detlef <strong>Dolomiten</strong>hof 42.82 12.4647 151 Santoni Sandro Hotel Sonne 43.35 12.9948 29 Fribel Martin <strong>Dolomiten</strong>hof 43.50 13.1449 42 Staake Holger Parkhotel Tristachersee 43.65 13.2950 140 Powalacz Tomasz Sporthotel Hoch Lienz 43.66 13.3051 143 Thiels Robert Sporthotel Hoch Lienz 43.97 13.6152 148 Klar Lutz Sporthotel Hoch Lienz 44.10 13.7453 13 Mostler Rudlof Mecki`s Panoramastube 44.33 13.9754 14 Schaffer Hermann Mecki`s Panoramastube 44.52 14.1655 119 Wlczek Helmut Ferienhotel Moarhof 45.02 14.6656 102 Frey Gerhard Ferienhotel Moarhof 45.28 14.9257 96 Anetter Heinz Ferienhotel Moarhof 45.96 15.6058 97 Dekker Henk Ferienhotel Moarhof 47.20 16.8459 22 Hartmut Bernhard <strong>Dolomiten</strong>hof 47.22 16.8660 136 Zachara Dobrostaw Sporthotel Hoch Lienz 47.39 17.0361 88 Metzger Johannes Ferienhotel Moarhof 48.43 18.0762 60 Hoogendoorn Kees Parkhotel Tristachersee 48.86 18.5063 107 Pape Heiko Ferienhotel Moarhof 49.11 18.7564 31 Hermann Thomas <strong>Dolomiten</strong>hof 49.65 19.2965 24 Schreier Hubert <strong>Dolomiten</strong>hof 50.46 20.1066 112 Scherff Adri Ferienhotel Moarhof 52.46 22.1067 152 Santoni Pietro Hotel Sonne 53.11 22.7568 41 Enzmann Peter Parkhotel Tristachersee 55.40 25.0469 30 Hass Holger <strong>Dolomiten</strong>hof 55.52 25.1670 154 Fossi Paolo Hotel Sonne 1:40.34 1:09.98AbwesendeDisq.46 Basko Tielmann Parkhotel Tristachersee54 Löhr Richard Parkhotel Tristachersee72 Knapec Michal Gasthof Goldener Pflug121 Cuccuru Giannantonio Ferienhotel Moarhof11 Von Eichen Foffi Mecki`s Panoramastube3/4/2011 / Zettersfeld den 3/4/2011 um 13:14 / Seite 3/4VolaSoftControlPdfVola Timing (www.vola.fr) / Msports Pro 2.09<strong>Skischule</strong> <strong>Lienzer</strong> <strong>Dolomiten</strong>

Hotelcup 20119.RennenRiesentorlaufKlassement des 1 LaufesPlatz Nr. Name und Vorname Mannschaft Ziel Zeit Abstand135 Rauer Wojciech Sporthotel Hoch LienzSnowboard1 7 Huber Franz Zettersfeldhütte 37.012 129 Brabander Mark Sporthotel Hoch Lienz 45.94 8.933 45 Achten Oskar Parkhotel Tristachersee 46.09 9.084 21 Krohn Peter <strong>Dolomiten</strong>hof 53.75 16.745 130 Brabander Jikke Sporthotel Hoch Lienz 1:00.87 23.866 43 Staps Christian Parkhotel Tristachersee 1:02.42 25.417 38 Kaufmann Karolin Parkhotel Tristachersee 1:03.35 26.348 131 Brabander Kiki Sporthotel Hoch Lienz 1:20.49 43.48Abwesende71 Lichovnik Stepan Gasthof Goldener Pflug74 Jirasek Jakub Gasthof Goldener Pflug90 Weis Gerhard Ferienhotel Moarhof92 Weis George Ferienhotel Moarhof147 De Regt Marco Sporthotel Hoch LienzVermieter1 8 Lugger Hermann Mecki`s Panoramastube 30.312 16 Reiter Fritz <strong>Dolomiten</strong>hof 30.57 0.263 62 Daxerer Sibylle Romantik Hotel Traube 30.67 0.364 68 Van Tongeren Tareq Gasthof Goldener Pflug 30.96 0.655 82 Winkler Pepo Ferienhotel Moarhof 32.09 1.786 1 Pitsch Michael Zettersfeldhütte 32.87 2.567 122 Moroder Andrea Sporthotel Hoch Lienz 34.80 4.498 34 Kreuzer Marie-Theres Parkhotel Tristachersee 41.74 11.433/4/2011 / Zettersfeld den 3/4/2011 um 13:14 / Seite 4/4VolaSoftControlPdfVola Timing (www.vola.fr) / Msports Pro 2.09<strong>Skischule</strong> <strong>Lienzer</strong> <strong>Dolomiten</strong>

Hotelcup 20119.RennenRiesentorlaufKlassement der MannschaftenPlatz Nr. Name und Vorname Kategorie Klub Ziel Zeit1 - Parkhotel TristacherseeTotalzeiten : 2:46.962 44 Löhr Niki Gast SKI 30.366 47 Obermair Basti Gast SKI 31.558 52 Obermaier Franz Gast SKI 32.6822 35 Ploner Phillip Gast SKI 35.1635 49 Mauch Sabine Gast SKI 37.2140 55 Löhr Reinhold Gast SKI 38.0341 37 Wieser Angelika Gast SKI 38.2042 48 Stratmann Nora Gast SKI 38.2851 36 Bachmann Florentina Gast SKI 40.7552 39 Jeschek Gabriele Gast SKI 40.7957 34 Kreuzer Marie-Theres Vermieter SKI 41.7460 57 Wenzel Barbara Gast SKI 41.7863 40 Kaufmann Olaf Gast SKI 42.5968 53 Aschenbrenner Elfi Gast SKI 43.6071 42 Staake Holger Gast SKI 43.6579 51 Obermaier Regina Gast SKI 44.8685 45 Achten Oskar Gast SNB 46.0995 50 Achten Monika Gast SKI 48.1598 60 Hoogendoorn Kees Gast SKI 48.86101 56 Löhr Renate Gast SKI 49.51113 41 Enzmann Peter Gast SKI 55.40114 59 Wenzel Carola Gast SKI 55.41118 43 Staps Christian Gast SNB 1:02.42119 38 Kaufmann Karolin Gast SNB 1:03.352 - Ferienhotel MoarhofTotalzeiten : 2:48.127 82 Winkler Pepo Vermieter SKI 32.0911 115 Spork Bas Gast SKI 33.0714 110 Schachinger Johann Gast SKI 33.9416 109 Schachinger Herbert Gast SKI 34.2617 95 Pfeifhofer Gerhard Gast SKI 34.7624 103 Enatinger Alfred Gast SKI 35.9025 89 Köhn Thomas Gast SKI 35.9835 86 Weisbeek Rico Gast SKI 37.2138 108 Parthon Normen Gast SKI 37.4645 100 Flisyn Willem Gast SKI 39.3947 84 Weisbeek Be Gast SKI 39.8649 106 Groenewegen Jo-Ann Gast SKI 40.4150 99 Eggermont Sjanneke Gast SKI 40.5655 104 Gersch Eberhard Gast SKI 41.2857 105 Groenewegen Benardus Gast SKI 41.7461 83 Britting Barbara Gast SKI 41.8369 114 Schoenmeijer Rose Gast SKI 43.6476 120 Wlczek Gabriele Gast SKI 44.4377 111 Schachinger Maria Gast SKI 44.4580 119 Wlczek Helmut Gast SKI 45.0281 102 Frey Gerhard Gast SKI 45.2884 96 Anetter Heinz Gast SKI 45.963/4/2011 / Zettersfeld den 3/4/2011 um 16:36 / Seite 1/3VolaSoftControlPdfVola Timing (www.vola.fr) / Msports Pro 2.09<strong>Skischule</strong> <strong>Lienzer</strong> <strong>Dolomiten</strong>

BusinesssupercommercialsDr.Professor Mark NeckesContributorWell it’s finally here, the annualritual of watching the superbowl andof course the super bowl ads. It has becomea tradition to discuss and evaluatethe super bowl ads for the last 20 years.The newspaper USA Today devotesthe weekend before and the Mondayafter to the superbowl ads where theyuse their “AD meter” to determine thebest ads. Most of the ads are funny,controversial or nostalgic. Some of thefunny ones have been the Bud light ads,and last years Doritos ad which was anamateur production. Nostalgic ads fromCoke as well as some of the ads withthe Clydesdale horses and of courseGO daddy with Danika Patrick.This year CBS will host the superbowl.They had 63 ad spots availableat a price ranging from 2.2 Millionto 2.5 million per 30 seconds. As ofJanuary 14 there were only 3 spots left.Pepsi and General Motors will not beadvertising this year. One can understandwhy GM will not be advertising.However, there is curiosity as to whyPepsi has decided not to participatein the annual superbowl advertisingfrenzy. Although, Pepsi’s risky decisionnot to be involved in superbowl ads isunusual, perhaps they are smarter thanall the rest.The trends for this year are going toinclude more comedy, more Go daddy(they have already started some teaserads) and some newcomers to the superbowl. This year most of the ads willalso drive consumers to Facebook,twitter and other social networks forcontinued viral marketing. This will bea continued movement for the future.Stand alone ads will not work anymore.There must be continued dialogin blogs and social networks becauseof the demographic shift of the viewership.So enjoy the ads this year and oh, Ialmost forgot there is a football gameon as well.5Behind the Scenes: TV NewsTeresa GuabaAssistant EditorLeilani Baumanis and her OrganizationalBehavior class took an excitingfield trip to South Florida’s local newschannel station CBS 4. There the entireclass was able to learn first hand howtelevision news is produced and reportedto the public on a daily basis.Aside from taking a tour of the facility,the class was able to get to knowNeighbor 4 Neighbors news producer,Nicole Maristany, by asking her an arrayof interesting questions.After we were brought up to the newsreporting conference room we were ableto ask Maristany questions pertaining toher career such as what work was likewhen she began her career with CBS 4and what sacrifices she was willing tomake to get where she now stands.During our time with Maristanyshe spoke to us about how she startedworking for seven dollars an hour out ofcollege and also made about twenty-fiveto thirty thousand dollars a year for thefirst three years of her career becauseshe knew she wanted to make CBS 4 acareer. Some of Mrs. Maristany’s wordsof advice were “you have to rememberwhat is best for you in your careerand your family” She also told us that“sometimes you have to create your ownsupport system”.Our own Dr. Baumanis contributedsome advice when she said “you gothrough life collecting tools! Equipmentthat you need! You guys are not herewasting your time!”By the end of our time at CBS 4 someof the students were able to do volunteerwork with Americas Relief Organizationwhich is based in South Florida andteamed up with CBS 4 to collect phonedonations to aid the people of Haiti whohave recently been affected by disastrousearthquakes.At the end of the field trip there was aclass of lucky students who were able tolearn, network, and make a difference inthe world all in one day! It is safe to saythat each and every one of us left thisexperience not only satisfied but alsoinspired.



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