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INDEXLife insurance (continued):partial interests, § 17.6(b)policies, § 17.2(a)types of, § 17.2(b)and unrelated debt-financed income,§ 17.5valuation of, § 17.2(c)LIFO method, see Last-in, first-out methodLike kind exchanges, § 2.14(f)Limited liability companies, § 2.8Liquidity, § 2.14Loans, of art works, §§ 8.2(g), 9.1(b)Lobbying activities, denial of deductionfor, § 10.8Local economic developmentcorporations, § 3.2(b)Long-term capital gains, § 2.16(c)Long-term capital gain property, gifts of,§§ 4.3, 7.1Lotteries, payments for, § 3.1(b)Low-cost article definition, inflationadjusted,App. ILyman, Richard W., § 1.3(a)MMandatory payments, § 3.1(l)Marital estate tax deductions, § 8.3(b)Marital gift tax deduction, § 8.2(k)Medical care, §§ 3.3(a), 8.2(g)Medical research organizations, § 3.3(a)Mill, John Stuart, § 1.3(a)Money gifts:in general, § 4.1timing ofcheck, gifts by, § 6.2credit card, gifts by, § 6.3telephone, gifts by, § 6.4Multi-organization pooled income funds:community trusts, § 13.9(b)national organizations, §§ 13.9(a), 13.9(c)NNational Football League, § 1.3Neilsen, Waldemar A., § 1.3(a)Net income charitable remainder unitrusts(NICRUTs), §§ 12.1(a), 12.3(a),12.4(g), 12.4(h)Net income make-up charitable remainderunitrusts (NIMCRUTs), §§ 12.1(a),12.3(a), 12.4(g), 12.4(h) 716 NICRUTs, see Net income charitableremainder unitrustsNIMCRUTs, see Net income make-upcharitable remainder unitrustsNominal appreciation, § 2.14(e)Noncash Charitable Contributions (Form8283), App. CNon-charitable organizations:deductible gifts to, § 10.9disclosure by, § 22.3international giving by corporations to,§ 20.4(g)Nonprofit Almanac: Dimensions of theIndependent Sector, § 1.4Nonprofit organizations, § 1.3for-profit organizations, § 1.2public policy rationale for tax-exemptstatus of, § 1.3(a)rationales for tax-exemption eligibilityof, § 1.3rules for creation of, § 1.2as sector of society, § 1.2tax-exempt organizations vs., § 1.2Nontaxable entities, § 2.8Notes, timing of gifts by means of, § 6.7OO’Connell, Brian, § 1.3(a)Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of1993, § 10.46One taxpayer rule, § 20.2On Liberty (John Stuart Mill), § 1.3(a)Operating expenditures (nonprofitorganizations), § 1.4Option, property subject to, § 6.9Ordinary income:element, ordinary income, § 4.4(b)in general, § 2.16(b)gifts of ordinary income propertydeduction reduction rule, § 4.4(b)definition, § 4.4(a)in general, § 4.4inapplicability, special rules of, § 4.4(c)PPartial interests:gifts of, §§ 5.3, 9.23life insurance, § 17.6(d)monthly federal interest rates used invaluation of, App. Jvaluation ofgeneral actuarial valuations, § 11.3

INDEXLife insurance (continued):partial interests, § 17.6(b)policies, § 17.2(a)types of, § 17.2(b)and unrelated debt-financed income,§ 17.5valuation of, § 17.2(c)LIFO method, see Last-in, first-out methodLike kind exchanges, § 2.14(f)Limited liability companies, § 2.8Liquidity, § 2.14Loans, of art works, §§ 8.2(g), 9.1(b)Lobbying activities, denial of deductionfor, § 10.8Local economic developmentcorporations, § 3.2(b)Long-term capital gains, § 2.16(c)Long-term capital gain property, gifts of,§§ 4.3, 7.1Lotteries, payments for, § 3.1(b)Low-cost article definition, inflationadjusted,App. ILyman, Richard W., § 1.3(a)MMandatory payments, § 3.1(l)Marital estate tax deductions, § 8.3(b)Marital gift tax deduction, § 8.2(k)Medical care, §§ 3.3(a), 8.2(g)Medical research organizations, § 3.3(a)Mill, John Stuart, § 1.3(a)Money gifts:in general, § 4.1timing ofcheck, gifts by, § 6.2credit card, gifts by, § 6.3telephone, gifts by, § 6.4Multi-organization pooled income funds:community trusts, § 13.9(b)national organizations, §§ 13.9(a), 13.9(c)NNational Football League, § 1.3Neilsen, Waldemar A., § 1.3(a)Net income charitable remainder unitrusts(NICRUTs), §§ 12.1(a), 12.3(a),12.4(g), 12.4(h)Net income make-up charitable remainderunitrusts (NIMCRUTs), §§ 12.1(a),12.3(a), 12.4(g), 12.4(h) 716 NICRUTs, see Net income charitableremainder unitrustsNIMCRUTs, see Net income make-upcharitable remainder unitrustsNominal appreciation, § 2.14(e)Noncash Charitable Contributions (Form8283), App. CNon-charitable organizations:deductible gifts to, § 10.9disclosure by, § 22.3international giving by corporations to,§ 20.4(g)Nonprofit Almanac: Dimensions of theIndependent Sector, § 1.4Nonprofit organizations, § 1.3for-profit organizations, § 1.2public policy rationale for tax-exemptstatus of, § 1.3(a)rationales for tax-exemption eligibilityof, § 1.3rules for creation of, § 1.2as sector of society, § 1.2tax-exempt organizations vs., § 1.2Nontaxable entities, § 2.8Notes, timing of gifts by means of, § 6.7OO’Connell, Brian, § 1.3(a)Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of1993, § 10.46One taxpayer rule, § 20.2On Liberty (John Stuart Mill), § 1.3(a)Operating expenditures (nonprofitorganizations), § 1.4Option, property subject to, § 6.9Ordinary income:element, ordinary income, § 4.4(b)in general, § 2.16(b)gifts of ordinary income propertydeduction reduction rule, § 4.4(b)definition, § 4.4(a)in general, § 4.4inapplicability, special rules of, § 4.4(c)PPartial interests:gifts of, §§ 5.3, 9.23life insurance, § 17.6(d)monthly federal interest rates used invaluation of, App. Jvaluation ofgeneral actuarial valuations, § 11.3

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