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APPENDIX JPetroff, “How to Choose the Right Charitable Remainder Trust,” 114 Trusts & Estates 871(1975).Pratt, “Deducting Estate Administration Expenses: Does A Section 642(g) Election StillMake Sense?,” 11 Exempt Org. Tax Rev. (No. 3) 549 (Mar. 1995).Prince, “Charitable Estate Planning: the New Magic Bullet,” 133 Trusts & Estates (No. 8) 34(Aug. 1994).Prince, “Charitable Trusts: The Magic Bullet,” 131 Trusts & Estates (No. 2) 45 (Jan. 1992).Pusey, “Investment Options of Charitable Remainder Trustees Are Hard to Limit,” 7 J.Tax. of Exempt Orgs. (No. 4) 168 (Jan./Feb. 1996).Pusey, “IRS Says Multiple Grantors Make the Charitable Remainder Trust Look Like GeneralMotors,” 14 Exempt Org. Tax Rev. (No. 2) 271 (Aug. 1996).Pusey, “Reducing Administration Costs for charitable Remainder Trusts by Maximizingthe Use of a Single Trust,” 13 Exempt Org. Tax Rev. (No. 1) 47 (Jan. 1996).Radowski, “How Lowering Estate Taxes Will Affect Charitable Giving,” 19 Exempt Orgs.Tax Rev. (No. 1) 31 (Jan. 1998).Rambler, “New Developments for International Charitable Giving: The War Against TerroristFinancing,” 39 Exempt Org. Tax Rev. (No. 1) 33 (Jan. 2003).Recer, “Using the Charitable Remainder Trust in Real Estate,” XII NSFRE J. (No. 2) 34 (1987).Sacher, “Proposed Regs on Charitable Remainder Trusts Point Up Value of Unitrusts,” 35J. Tax. 380 (1971).Sanders, “Accumulation Trusts and Charitable Remainder Trusts: A Panel,” 23 So. Cal.Tax Inst. 501 (1971).Sanders, “Charitable Remainder Trusts Under the Tax Reform Act of 1969,” 12 B.C. Ind. &Com. L. Rev. 409 (1971).Sanders, “Charitable Remainder Trusts Under the Tax Reform Act,” 6 Real Prop. Prob. &Trust J. 384 (1971).Sanders, “How to Draft Charitable Remainder Trusts in View of New Proposed Regs,” 33J. Tax. 258 (1970).Segal, “Salvaging Charitable Remainder Trusts,” 7 Prob. & Prop. 4 (Jan./Feb. 1993).Seymour, “Charitable Remainder Trusts,” 37 Tex. B. J. 827 (1974).Seymour, “Charitable Remainder Trusts,” 45 N.Y.S. B. J. 301 (1973).Seymour, “Charitable Remainder Trusts: Reforming and Drafting Split-Interest TrustsUnder the New Law,” 52 Chi-Kent L. Rev. 83 (1975).Seymour, “Model Charitable Remainder Unitrust,” 10 Real Prop. & Trusts 535 (1975).Simon, “Charitable Remainder Trusts,” 15 Col. Law. 1985 (Nov. 1986).Sneed, “Charitable Remainder Trusts,” 25 So. Cal. Tax Inst. 87 (1973).Swados, “Charitable Remainder Trusts: Drafting and Valuation Guidelines,” 29 N.Y.U.Inst. Fed. Tax. 2023 (1971).Teitell, “Charitable Remainder Trusts, Pooled Income Funds and the 1976 Tax ReformAct,” 46 U.M.B.C. L. Rev. 357 (1973).Teitell, “Charitable Remainder Trusts: Final Regulations,” 138 Trusts & Estates (No. 8) 44(July 1999), (No. 9) 36 (Aug. 1999).Teitell, “Charitable Remainder Unitrusts Under the Tax Reform Act,” 111 Trusts & Estates858 (1972).Teitell, “How to Work With Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts,” 114 Trusts & Estates863 (1975). 677

APPENDIX JPetroff, “How to Choose the Right Charitable Remainder Trust,” 114 Trusts & Estates 871(1975).Pratt, “Deducting Estate Administration Expenses: Does A Section 642(g) Election StillMake Sense?,” 11 Exempt Org. Tax Rev. (No. 3) 549 (Mar. 1995).Prince, “Charitable Estate Planning: the New Magic Bullet,” 133 Trusts & Estates (No. 8) 34(Aug. 1994).Prince, “Charitable Trusts: The Magic Bullet,” 131 Trusts & Estates (No. 2) 45 (Jan. 1992).Pusey, “Investment Options of Charitable Remainder Trustees Are Hard to Limit,” 7 J.Tax. of Exempt Orgs. (No. 4) 168 (Jan./Feb. 1996).Pusey, “IRS Says Multiple Grantors Make the Charitable Remainder Trust Look Like GeneralMotors,” 14 Exempt Org. Tax Rev. (No. 2) 271 (Aug. 1996).Pusey, “Reducing Administration Costs for charitable Remainder Trusts by Maximizingthe Use of a Single Trust,” 13 Exempt Org. Tax Rev. (No. 1) 47 (Jan. 1996).Radowski, “How Lowering Estate Taxes Will Affect Charitable Giving,” 19 Exempt Orgs.Tax Rev. (No. 1) 31 (Jan. 1998).Rambler, “New Developments for International Charitable Giving: The War Against TerroristFinancing,” 39 Exempt Org. Tax Rev. (No. 1) 33 (Jan. 2003).Recer, “Using the Charitable Remainder Trust in Real Estate,” XII NSFRE J. (No. 2) 34 (1987).Sacher, “Proposed Regs on Charitable Remainder Trusts Point Up Value of Unitrusts,” 35J. Tax. 380 (1971).Sanders, “Accumulation Trusts and Charitable Remainder Trusts: A Panel,” 23 So. Cal.Tax Inst. 501 (1971).Sanders, “Charitable Remainder Trusts Under the Tax Reform Act of 1969,” 12 B.C. Ind. &Com. L. Rev. 409 (1971).Sanders, “Charitable Remainder Trusts Under the Tax Reform Act,” 6 Real Prop. Prob. &Trust J. 384 (1971).Sanders, “How to Draft Charitable Remainder Trusts in View of New Proposed Regs,” 33J. Tax. 258 (1970).Segal, “Salvaging Charitable Remainder Trusts,” 7 Prob. & Prop. 4 (Jan./Feb. 1993).Seymour, “Charitable Remainder Trusts,” 37 Tex. B. J. 827 (1974).Seymour, “Charitable Remainder Trusts,” 45 N.Y.S. B. J. 301 (1973).Seymour, “Charitable Remainder Trusts: Reforming and Drafting Split-Interest TrustsUnder the New Law,” 52 Chi-Kent L. Rev. 83 (1975).Seymour, “Model Charitable Remainder Unitrust,” 10 Real Prop. & Trusts 535 (1975).Simon, “Charitable Remainder Trusts,” 15 Col. Law. 1985 (Nov. 1986).Sneed, “Charitable Remainder Trusts,” 25 So. Cal. Tax Inst. 87 (1973).Swados, “Charitable Remainder Trusts: Drafting and Valuation Guidelines,” 29 N.Y.U.Inst. Fed. Tax. 2023 (1971).Teitell, “Charitable Remainder Trusts, Pooled Income Funds and the 1976 Tax ReformAct,” 46 U.M.B.C. L. Rev. 357 (1973).Teitell, “Charitable Remainder Trusts: Final Regulations,” 138 Trusts & Estates (No. 8) 44(July 1999), (No. 9) 36 (Aug. 1999).Teitell, “Charitable Remainder Unitrusts Under the Tax Reform Act,” 111 Trusts & Estates858 (1972).Teitell, “How to Work With Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts,” 114 Trusts & Estates863 (1975). 677

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