Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel

Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel

Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel


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Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

SU N DAY 8 APRIL Today w e folow th e River Rh ine<br />

to K oblenz , situated at th e confluence of th e Rivers<br />

Rh ine and M osele. Th e riverside w alks enfold th e old<br />

tow n w ith its tw in-tow ered ch urch es,<br />

L iebfrauenkirch e and Romanesque St. K astor. H ere w e<br />

sh al h ave time to explore and find lunch before<br />

taking an early afternoon river trip dow n th e Rh ine,<br />

past th e L orelei Rock to St G oar, w h ere th e coach w il<br />

meet us for th e journey back to Colog ne.<br />

M O N DAY 9 APRIL<br />

Departing after breakfast w e<br />

make our w ay to Dinant in B elg ium w h ere w e sh al<br />

h ave time to find lunch before continuing on to<br />

Calais. A rriving back in O xted late evening .<br />

PARK IN N<br />

Co lo g n e<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />

A l bedrooms h ave en-suite facilities, TV,<br />

teleph one, h airdryer, individual air<br />

conditioning & minibar.<br />

3 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast<br />

B oat trip from K oblenz to St G oar<br />

F ree time in Colog ne, K oblenz and Dinant<br />

£ 418.00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 70.00<br />


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