Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel

Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel

Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel


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Eas t er in Co lo g n e<br />

6 – 9 Ap ril<br />

W it h o v er 2000 y ear s o fh is t o r y t o it s nam e,Co lo g neis o neo fG er m any ’s o ldes t cit ies .It s r ich pas t is s een<br />

in it s m any po int s o fint er es t ,inclu ding t h eRo m an To w er ,w h ich g iv es an im pr es s io n o ft h efo r t ificat io ns<br />

pr ev io u s ly bu ilt ar o u nd t h ecit y ;t h em ag nificent and im po s ing G o t h ic Cat h edr al,no w aw o r ld h er it ag e<br />

s it e,w h ich do m inat es t h eo ld cit y cent r e;and t h em o r em o der n O per aH o u s eand Th eat r e.<br />

Depart early morning for th e<br />

ferry to Calais and on th roug h N orth ern France and<br />

B elg ium into G ermany to Colog ne, our h ome for th e<br />

next th ree nig h ts.<br />

SATU RDAY 7 APRIL Today w e are at leisure to<br />

explore th is delig h tful city on th e banks of th e Rh ine.<br />

Th e city’s Rh eing arten Park and old quarter are firm<br />

favourites w ith locals and tourists alike, a g reat place<br />

to enjoy a strol and stop off at one of th e traditional<br />

brew eries.Visit th e famous Ch ocolate M useum w h ere<br />

you can learn about th e h istory of ch ocolate and<br />

perh aps buy a few samples. E xplore th e pedestrian<br />

sh opping centre in th e h eart of th e city or,<br />

8<br />

F RIDAY 6 APRIL alternatively, a boat cruise along th e River Rh ine is a<br />

w onderful and relaxing w ay in w h ich to fuly<br />

appreciate th e mag nificence of th e city.Y ou can even<br />

take a ride on th e cable car w h ich crosses th e Rh ine<br />

offering a fantastic birds-eye view of th e city.

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