Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel

Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel

Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel


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M en t o n L em o n Fes t iv al By Train<br />

F e b ru a r y 2013<br />

B anis h t h o s ew int er blu es and co m ew it h u s by h ig h -s peed t r ain t o t h eblu es o ft h eM edit er r anean,as w e l<br />

as t h eo r ang es and lemo ns o ft h efam o u s Cit r u s F es t iv alh eld ev er y F ebr u ar y in M ent o n.W es h a lbe<br />

s t ay ing in o neo ft h ebes t -lo v ed r es o r t s o n t h eco as t o ft h eIt alian Riv ier a,t h at o fDiano M ar ina,an<br />

at t r act iv et o w n s et in aw ides w eeping bay .Th em ild clim at em eans t h at t em per at u r es ar eg ener a ly<br />

h ig h er t h an els ew h er ein no r t h er n It aly ,m aking it an idealplacet o v is it ear ly in t h ey ear .<br />

DAY 1 M eet your Skinners Representative at take you to th e little tow n of Cervo in th e afternoon,<br />

L ondon St Pancras or E bbsfleet station and board sh ould you w ish to visit.<br />

your E urostar train to F rance w h ere w e ch ang e to TG V DAY 3<br />

Today w e take a scenic drive along th e<br />

direct to N ice. Coach transfer to our H otel in Italy. coastal w ays and see some of th e h istoric medieval<br />

DAY 2 A day at leisure to explore Diano M arina, tow ns of th e F loral Riviera, including A lassio w h ere w e<br />

set in a w ide sw eeping bay w ith sandy beach es and sh al h ave time to explore th e local street market and<br />

an old tow n w ith both ch arm and ch aracter. Th e find lunch before journeying on to th e picturesque<br />

beach is safe, th e w ater sparkles and th e eleg ant tow n of A lbeng a.<br />

palm-fring ed promenade is an ideal place for a strol. DAY 4 Today w e’re off to M enton, w h ere th e 80th<br />

Th ere are pavement cafés, bars and restaurants, and F ête du Citron is in ful sw ing . Th e w h ole tow n turns<br />

in th e citrus lined streets th ere are sh ops, boutiques into a fruity paradise, w ith floats depicting everyth ing<br />

and a w eekly market. Th ere is a local bus th at can from B uddh as to coconut g roves al made out of fruit.<br />


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