Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel

Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel

Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel


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St affo r ds h ir e<br />

21 – 25 O c to b e r<br />

O n t h is t o u r w ev is it t h eN at io nalM em o r ialAr bo r et u m ,t h eU K ’s cent r eo fRem em br ance,t h eu niqu e<br />

G lads t o nePo t t er y M u s eu m w it h it s co bbled co u r t y ar d and bo t t lekilns and Sh u g bo r o u g h E s t at e,t h eU K ’s<br />

o nly co mplet ew o r king h is t o r ic es t at e.W es h a lals o v is it t h eh is t o r ic t o w ns o fCh es t er and L ich field,h o m e<br />

t o t h eo nly m ediev alE ng lis h cat h edr alw it h t h r ees pir es ,and h av eag u ided t o u r o ft h ePeakDis t r ict<br />

N at io nalPar k.<br />

SU N DAY 2 1 O CTO BER Departing O xted 8.00am M O N DAY 2 2 O CTO BER<br />

A fter breakfast w e make<br />

w e make our w ay to th e N ational M emorial<br />

A rboretum, w h ere w e sh al h ave time to find lunch<br />

and h ave a look around before continuing on to th e<br />

G ladstone Pottery M useum, th e last complete<br />

Victorian Pottery factory. Discover h ow bone ch ina<br />

tablew are w as made in th e orig inal w orksh ops and<br />

g iant bottle kilns and experience for yourself w h at<br />

conditions w ere like for th e men, w omen and ch ildren<br />

w h o w orked at th e centre of th e w orld’s pottery<br />

industry. Folow ing our visit w e make our w ay to<br />

our h otel.<br />

48<br />

our w ay to th e h istoric tow n of Ch ester, th e most<br />

complete w aled city in B ritain. H ere you w il find th e<br />

10th Century cath edral and Th e ‘Row s’; black & w h ite<br />

h alf timbered building s above street level w ith<br />

covered w alkw ays. Th ere is also an extensive sh opping<br />

area w ith some lovely cafés to enjoy lunch . E arly<br />

afternoon w e make our w ay to th e A nderton B oat<br />

L ift, one of th e g reatest monuments to B ritain’s last<br />

canal ag e. H ere w e sh al take a one w ay g uided tour<br />

th roug h th e B oat L ift, learning about its h istory,<br />

mech anics and restoration.W e th en board a boat for

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