Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel

Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel

Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel


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Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

M O N DAY 10 SEPTEM BER Today w e take a scenic<br />

drive along th e south ern sh ores of romantic L ake<br />

Como, E urope’s deepest lake, to arrive at th e old<br />

w aled tow n of Como, surrounded by mountains w ith<br />

a beautiful cath edral and delig h tful sh opping area.<br />

L ater w e continue our journey around th e lake,<br />

making our w ay to B elag io, know n as “th e pearl of<br />

L ake Como”.W e take th e ferry across th e lake from<br />

B elag io back to our h otel.<br />

TU ESDAY 11 SEPTEM BER Th is morning w e make<br />

our w ay to th e tow n of Stresa on L ake M ag g iore,<br />

from w h ere w e take a boat trip along th e lake to th e<br />

Sw iss tow n of L ocarno, so bring your passport w ith<br />

you, as you w il need it to cross th e border betw een<br />

Italy and Sw itz erland. F rom L ocarno w e continue on<br />

to L ake L ug ano and travel along its north ern sh ore,<br />

passing back into Italy and returning to our h otel.<br />

W EDN ESDAY 12 SEPTEM BER W e take th e<br />

north ern route around L ake Como today, making<br />

stops along th e w ay and returning to th e h otel by<br />

ferry from B elag io once ag ain.<br />

TH U RSDAY 13 SEPTEM BER L eaving Italy today w e<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />

M ERCU RE M U L H O U SE Sa u s h e im<br />

H O TEL L ARIO M e z z e g r a -Tr e m e z z in a<br />

Th e h otel faces L ake Como & h as an outdoor<br />

sw imming pool.<br />


L u c e r n e<br />

Th e L uz ernerh of is rig h t in th e h eart of<br />

L ucerne, only a stone's th row from L ake<br />

L ucerne, th e lion's monument and th e<br />

Ch apel B ridg e.<br />

H O TEL M ETZ M ETRO PO L E M e t z<br />

make our w ay to L ucerne in Sw itz erland, w h ere w e<br />

are staying for th e next 2 nig h ts.<br />

F RIDAY 14 SEPTEM BER A day at leisure in L ucerne<br />

renow ned for its long w ooden bridg e and beautiful<br />

streets. H ig h ly recommended is a boat trip on th e<br />

lake, and one sug g estion is a circular tour, beg inning<br />

on a steamer on L ake L ucerne to th e lakeside resort<br />

ofVitz nau. From h ere, take th e cog w h eel railw ay to<br />

th e mountain peak of Rig i K ulm, w ith some<br />

spectacular view s over mountains and lakes. H ere you<br />

can h ave lunch and brow se th e g ift sh ops.Y ou th en<br />

return, ag ain by th e cog w h eel railw ay to K altbad and<br />

join th e cable car toW eg g is, and finaly th e steamer<br />

back to L ucerne.Y ou may prefer to take a sh orter<br />

cruise on th e lake, leaving time to w ander th e sh ops<br />

and enjoy a leisurely Sw iss lunch .Y ou w il also h ave<br />

time to w alk across th e famous Ch apel B ridg e and<br />

h ave an ice cream.<br />

SATU RDAY 15 SEPTEM BER Departing L ucerne w e<br />

make our w ay across Sw itz erland to F rance and on to<br />

our overnig h t stop in M etz .<br />


W e continue our journey<br />

across F rance to Calais and our ferry, arriving back in<br />

O xted mid evening .<br />

A l bedrooms are en suite w ith TV &<br />

teleph one.<br />

A total of 9 nig h ts Dinner, B ed &<br />

B reakfast.<br />

Time to explore M ez z eg ra-Tremez z ina,<br />

Como, B elag io, L og arno & L ucerne<br />

Scenic tours around L ake Como<br />

B oat trip on L ake M ag g iore<br />

£ 1105.00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 2 3 0.00<br />


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