Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel

Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel

Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel


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It alian L ak es<br />

7 – 16 S e p t e m b e r<br />

L akeCo m o is kno w n as t h epr et t ies t lakein no r t h er n It aly .It s beau t ifu lg lam o r o u s s h o r elineis am ag net<br />

fo r t h er ich and fam o u s and it ’s eas y t o s eew h y ,w it h cr y s t alclear lakes fr am ed by m ajes t ic s no w -capped<br />

peaks and s u r r o u nded by s h o r es do t t ed w it h ancient v ilas and qu aint fis h ing v ilag es .Sav o u r t h elo cal<br />

s pecialit ies o ft h ev a ley -ear t h y r ed w ines ,h andm adeicecr eam t o diefo r and fr es h ly cau g h t fis h<br />

s pr inkled w it h o liv eo iland h er bs .<br />

Depart O xted early morning<br />

for Dover and our ferry crossing to Calais and continue<br />

across F rance to Saush eim, our overnig h t stop.<br />

SATU RDAY 8 SEPTEM BER Th is morning w e make<br />

our w ay to th e Rh einfals at Sch affh ausen w h ere w e<br />

sh al h ave time to find lunch before continuing on<br />

across Sw itz erland into Italy, arriving at our h otel<br />

overlooking L ake Como.<br />

SU N DAY 9 SEPTEM BER A day at leisure to relax<br />

and enjoy M ez z eg ra, in th e h eart of th e Tremez z ina<br />

area of L ake Como. Th e area know n as th e Tremez z ina<br />

is a stretch of th e sun drench ed W estern sh oreline<br />

F RIDAY 7 SEPTEM BER made up of six vilag es, starting from th e medieval<br />

38<br />

vilag e of Sala Comacina, passing north th roug h<br />

O ssuccio, L enno, M ez z eg ra, Tremez z o, and ending w ith<br />

Cadenabbia-G riante. Th is stretch , a favourite h aunt of<br />

th e E uropean elite, is ful to th e brim w ith centuriesold<br />

ch urch es, vilag es w ith narrow cobbled streets,<br />

and pastel-painted h ouses w h ose w als h ave been<br />

blistered by th e h eat of long summer days. G rand<br />

Italian vilas h ug th e sh ore and boast immaculate<br />

g ardens, namely Vila Carlotta and Vila del<br />

B albianelo, both playing h ost to film sets such as th e<br />

James B ond h it Casino Royale.

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