Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel

Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel

Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel


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Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

squirrels. Take a h orse and carriag e ride, or sit back<br />

and enjoy th e terrace restaurant w ith its stunning<br />

g arden and sea view s.<br />

W EDN ESDAY 11 J U L Y Th is morning w e make our<br />

w ay to Carisbrooke Castle, best know n as th e place<br />

w h ere K ing Ch arles I w as imprisoned. For a castle th at<br />

h as lived th roug h more th an 800 years of service,<br />

including resisting a sieg e by th e French and seeing<br />

off th e Spanish A rmada, it’s also w onderfuly w el<br />

preserved. Th e E dw ardian style Princess B eatrice<br />

G arden is a joy to explore. For h undreds of years th e<br />

castle’s resident donkeys h ave draw n up w ater in th e<br />

w el-h ouse. A l th e donkeys’ names beg in w ith th e<br />

letter ‘J’. Th is tradition w as started w h en Ch arles I w as<br />

a prisoner at Carisbrooke.W h en Ch arles I w rote<br />

letters or w as planning h is escape route, h e alw ays<br />

sig ned h is letters w ith a ‘J’. So for 150 years al th e<br />

donkeys at th e castle h ave h ad a name beg inning<br />

w ith ‘J’. Th is is a tradition th at continues to be<br />

uph eld! A fter an early lunch w e take a scenic tour of<br />

th e island, returning to our h otel late afternoon.<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />


H O TEL<br />

Sh a n k lin<br />

B ourne H al is an eleg ant Country H ouse<br />

H otel and restaurant, set in mature g rounds<br />

in Sh anklin, Isle ofW ig h t.<br />

Th e h otel h as an outdoor sw imming pool<br />

and an indoor leisure complex featuring a<br />

h eated sw imming pool, a Jacuz z i, a “far”<br />

infra red sauna.<br />

A l bedrooms are en suite w ith TV,<br />

teleph one, h airdryer & h ospitality tray.<br />

4 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast.<br />

TH U RSDAY 12 J U L Y A fter breakfast w e drive to<br />

th e picturesque vilag e of G odsh il – th e mostph<br />

otog raph ed vilag e in B ritain! Spend th e morning<br />

admiring th e th atch ed cottag es and th e 15th century<br />

ch urch , or w alk around th e immaculate model vilag e<br />

and g ift sh ops, and maybe treat yourself to a larg e<br />

cream cake from th e O ld Smith y. L ate morning w e<br />

make our w ay toVentnor B otanic G ardens w h ere w e<br />

sh al be at leisure to find lunch and explore. N estling<br />

in th e microclimate of Th e U ndercliff,Ventnor B otanic<br />

G arden h as a subtropical and exotic plant colection<br />

unrivaled elsew h ere in th e U K . Plants w h ich w ould<br />

normaly be found in protected g lassh ouses th rive<br />

and naturalise in g eog raph ical planting s based on<br />

th e M editerranean z ones of th e w orld (entry to<br />

g reenh ouse not included). M id afternoon w e return to<br />

Sh anklin w h ere w e sh al be at leisure to explore th is<br />

delig h tful vilag e.<br />

F RIDAY 13 J U L Y<br />

Departing after breakfast w e<br />

take a scenic drive via B embridg e to Ryde, know n as<br />

th e G atew ay to th e Island, w h ere w e sh al be at<br />

leisure to brow se and find lunch before boarding th e<br />

ferry to Portsmouth . A rriving h ome early evening .<br />

Time to explore G odsh il, Ryde & Sh anklin<br />

Scenic drive th roug h th e N ew Forest<br />

Ride on th e Isle ofW ig h t Steam Railw ay<br />

E ntry to O sborne H ouse<br />

E ntry to Carisbrooke Castle<br />

Scenic tour of th e island<br />

Visit toVentnor B otanic G ardens<br />

£ 515.00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 48.00<br />

E n g lis h H e r it ag e le s s £ 14.88, b u t<br />

m u s t b r in g c ar d<br />


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