Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel

Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel

Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel


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Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

passing th e farm w h ere th e film M iss Potter w as made.<br />

M O N DAY 2 8 M AY A fter a leisurely breakfast w e<br />

make our way to th e quayside to join Kesw ick L aunch es<br />

for a 50 minute circular cruise around Derw entw ater.<br />

A fter disembarking w e journey to Cockermouth<br />

w h ere w e sh al h ave time to find lunch and h ave a<br />

brow se before visiting W ordsw orth ’s h ouse.<br />

TU ESDAY 2 9 M AY W e take a scenic drive today,<br />

th roug h some of th e most stunning scenery seen<br />

anyw h ere in E ng land. O ur scenic journey folow s th e<br />

sh ores of U lsw ater before traveling over th e fantastic<br />

K irkstone Pass, w onderful mountain and lake view s al<br />

th e w ay (w eath er permitting ) toW indermere. L ater<br />

our return journey w il take us via A mbleside to<br />

G rasmere, w h ereW iliam W ordsw orth spent fourteen<br />

of h is most creative years living at Dove Cottag e,<br />

A lan B ank and th e Rectory – and described it as “th e<br />

loveliest spot th at man h as ever found”.<br />

W EDN ESDAY 3 0 M AY W e h ave a ch oice today:<br />

you may spend th e day at leisure in K esw ick; spend<br />

time exploring th e tow ns of Carlisle, Penrith and<br />

A ppleby, or take a ride on E ng land’s most scenic<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />


H O TEL<br />

K e s w ic k<br />

A l bedrooms are en suite w ith TV,<br />

teleph one, trouser press, h air dryer &<br />

h ospitality tray.<br />

6 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast.<br />

Time to explore K esw ick<br />

Ful day g uided tour of B eatrix Potter<br />

Country<br />

E ntry to H il Top & B eatrix Potter G alery<br />

E ntry toW ordsw orth H ouse<br />

railw ay. For th ose not staying in K esw ick w e drive to<br />

Carlisle, w h ere everyone sh al h ave time to brow se<br />

and h ave coffee before th ose w h o w ish , board th e<br />

train for Settle. Th e 7 2 mile journey takes you<br />

th roug h th e g entle, lush roling h ils of th e E den Valey,<br />

over th e 24 arch es of th e Ribbleh ead Viaduct and<br />

th roug h th e mag nificentY orksh ire Dales. O n arrival in<br />

Settle, th ere w il be time to h ave a look around th e<br />

tow n and find lunch before re-boarding th e train for<br />

th e journey to A ppleby to re-join th e coach . Th ose<br />

w h o stay in Carlisle w il h ave some furth er time to<br />

explore before driving to Penrith , once th e capital of<br />

Cumbria, in time to find lunch and brow se before<br />

continuing on to th e attractive market tow n of<br />

A ppleby. H ere w e sh al h ave some time to maybe find<br />

tea before th ose th at w ent on th e train arrive and<br />

re-join us for th e drive back to K esw ick.<br />

TH U RSDAY 3 1 M AY Departing after breakfast w e<br />

make our w ay h omew ards, arriving back early<br />

evening .<br />

B oat trip on Derw entw ater<br />

Ful day scenic tour<br />

O ptional ride on Carlisle to Settle Railw ay<br />

O ptional visit to Carlisle, Penrith &<br />

A ppleby<br />

£ 640.00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 90.00<br />

N at Tr u s t m e m b e r s le s s £ 16 b u t<br />

m u s t b r in g c ar d<br />

C ar lis le t o Se t t le t o Ap p le b y £ 16.50<br />

2 3

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