Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel

Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel

Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel


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L ak e Dis t r ict<br />

25 – 31 M a y<br />

Th is lo v ely t o u r ex plo r es t h eL akeDis t r ict ,an ar eao fo u t s t anding nat u r albeau t y and h o m et o t h efiv e<br />

t a les t m o u nt ains ,t h edeepes t lakein E ng land and t w o nat io nalpar ks . W es eeCo nis t o n W at er ,s ceneo f<br />

Do nald Cam pbe l’s w o r ld w at er s peed r eco r d at t empt s ,t akein t h es pect acu lar s cener y o fU ls w at er ,s ee<br />

br eat h -t aking v iew s as w edr iv eo v er t h eK ir ks t o nePas s ( w eat h er per mit t ing ),v is it H ilTo p,h o m et o<br />

B eat r ix Po t t er and G r as m er e,o ncet h eh o m eo ft h efam o u s po et W iliam W o r ds w o r t h .<br />

2 2<br />

F RIDAY 2 5 M AY Departing O xted w e make our H ere w e sh al h ave time to look around th e h ouse<br />

w ay north w ard, stopping for refresh ments along th e<br />

w ay and arriving late afternoon at our K esw ick h otel.<br />

SATU RDAY 2 6 M AY A day at leisure to explore th e<br />

bustling market tow n of K esw ick w ith its interesting<br />

variety of sh ops, many located around th e central<br />

market square.<br />

SU N DAY 2 7 M AY Today w e sh al be joined by a<br />

B lue B adg e G uide w h o w il take us on a ful day tour<br />

of th e area, passing A mbleside to H il Top, th e<br />

delig h tful 17 th -century farmh ouse w h ere B eatrix<br />

Potter w rote many of h er famous ch ildren’s stories.<br />

before continuing on to H aw ksh ead, our lunch stop,<br />

w ith an optional w alking tour th at includes a visit to<br />

th e B eatrix Potter G alery. L ater w e drive on to<br />

Coniston W ater w h ere you may w ish to partake of<br />

afternoon tea at th e B luebird Café or visit th e Ruskin<br />

M useum and discover th e lake’s connection w ith<br />

Donald Campbel, w h o lost h is life h ere in 196 7<br />

attempting to break th e water speed record. H is car, K 7<br />

h as been fuly restored and w il be h oused in th e Ruskin<br />

M useum after speed trials on Coniston W ater. L ate<br />

afternoon w e make our w ay back to our h otel,

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