Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel

Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel

Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel


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Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

SATU RDAY 2 6 M AY Th is morning w e h ead to<br />

H arrog ate on th is first day of th e tw o day fair, th e<br />

larg est quality antiques and art fair w ith th e best<br />

selection of antiques, art, colectables, curios, vintag e<br />

and retro in north ern E ng land, w ith over 350 stands.<br />

Folow ing our visit w e spend time in th e city ofY ork<br />

before returning to L eeds.<br />

SU N DAY 2 7 M AY A fter breakfast w e make our<br />

w ay straig h t to H emsw el A ntiques Centres, w h ich<br />

bring s tog eth er E urope’s larg est selection of dealers<br />

offering you th e w idest possible rang e of antiques,<br />

colectables and antique furniture.W ith in th ree<br />

separate building s you w il find around 300 display<br />

areas. Take time to w ander th roug h th e vast array of<br />

byg one treasures and - w h o know s - you may discover<br />

th at antiques barg ain you’ve been search ing for.W e<br />

depart after lunch , returning h ome early evening .<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />


L e e d s<br />

L eisure facilities, sw imming pool, sauna<br />

and steam room. A l bedrooms h ave en<br />

suite facilities, TV, h airdryer, and tea and<br />

coffee making facilities.<br />

2 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast.<br />

© F lic k r – je k e r t g w a p o<br />

£ 2 3 5.00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 40.00<br />

E n t r y t o f air s n o t in c lu d e d<br />

2 1

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