Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel

Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel

Full holiday brochure (pdf) - Palmers Travel


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In c o rp o ra tin g<br />

H o lid a y s & S h o rt B re a k s<br />

D o o r to D o o r S e rv ic e<br />

2 01 2

W elco me<br />

to th e Skinners broch ure for 2012, now incorporating <strong>Palmers</strong><br />

<strong>Travel</strong>.W e are pleased to h ave been running <strong>Palmers</strong> <strong>Travel</strong> for 2<br />

years now and w ould like to bring th e ful rang e of both <strong>Palmers</strong> &<br />

Skinners h olidays to al our customers. For 2012 w e h ave combined<br />

th e broch ures, bring ing a w ider ch oice of h olidays to everyone,<br />

including , new to Skinners customers, th e antique w eekends &<br />

rambles. Th ese h ave been successfuly run by <strong>Palmers</strong> <strong>Travel</strong> for a<br />

number of years and h ave been org anised and run by E ric, w h o<br />

formaly ran <strong>Palmers</strong> <strong>Travel</strong>, and h is involvement w ith th ese sh ort<br />

breaks continues th is year.W e are pleased to extend our popular<br />

door to door service on al our h olidays to an area including th e<br />

reg ular <strong>Palmers</strong> departure points. Please see th e ilustration of our<br />

new pick up area on pag es 6 0/6 1.W ith in th is broch ure w e h ave<br />

visits to old favourites such as Sidmouth , th e Isles of Scily and th e<br />

L ake District. O ur long er h olidays include a 10-day tour to th e<br />

Italian L akes, staying on L ake Como and visiting L ake M ag g iore and<br />

a 7 day tour to South E ast Ireland, taking in th e Tal Sh ips in Dublin,<br />

th e spectacularW icklow M ountains and of course absorbing th e<br />

unforg ettable Irish h ospitality. A mong st our sh orter breaks w e are<br />

pleased to include a mystery tour, a new venture for us al, (please<br />

see pag e 42); a visit to th e B irming h am Ch ristmas M arket, including<br />

a matinee performance of th e B irming h am Tattoo and E aster tours<br />

to Colog ne and th e Cotsw olds. For al th is and more, read on…<br />

D R IV E R<br />

D O O R<br />

4 8 1 2 1 6 2 0 3 2 3 6 4 0 4 4 4 8 5 3<br />

3 7 1 1 1 5 1 9<br />

W C<br />

3 1 3 5 3 9 4 3 4 7 5 2<br />

D O O R<br />

N O S M O K IN G<br />

2 6 1 0 1 4 1 8 2 2 2 6 3 0 3 4 3 8 4 2 4 6 5 0<br />

1 5 9 1 3 1 7 2 1 2 5 2 9 3 3 3 7 4 1 4 5 4 9<br />

W e Reserve th e rig h t to use a coach w ith a different seating arrang ement.

Co n t en t s<br />


23 - 25 M arch Dev o n An t iq u es 4/5<br />

31 M ar - 5 A pril Is les o f Scilly 6 /7<br />

6 - 9 A pril Eas t er in Co lo g n e 8/9<br />

6 - 9 A pril Co t s w o lds at Eas t er 10/11<br />

17 - 24 A pril Car diff & M id W ales 12/13<br />

5 - 7 M ay K en n et & Av o n Can al Ram ble 14/15<br />

12 - 16 M ay L o ir e Valley 16 /17<br />

20 - 24 M ay Sidm o u t h – Cr eam o f Dev o n 18/19<br />

25 - 27 M ay Yo r k s h ir e & H em s w ell An t iq u es 20/21<br />

25 - 31 M ay L ak e Dis t r ict 22/23<br />

1 - 4 June Th e Co t s w o ld O lim p ick G am es & Sh ir e Ram bles 24/25<br />

9 - 16 June N o r t h er n Delig h t s – Sh et lan d & O r k n ey 26 /27<br />

19 - 24 June Is le o f M an 28/29<br />

9 - 13 July Is le o f W ig h t 30/31<br />

6 - 10 A ug ust Flo r iade 32/33<br />

21 - 27 A ug ust So u t h Eas t Ir elan d, W ick lo w M o u n t ain s & Tall Sh ip s 34/35<br />

25 - 27 A ug ust A Su m m er Ram ble 36 /37<br />

7 - 16 September It alian L ak es 38/39<br />

17 - 21 September H ar r o g at e & Pen n in e Yo r k s h ir e & t h e Dales – Br o n t ë Co u n t r y 40/41<br />

30 Sept - 2 O ct M y s t er y To u r 42/43<br />

1 - 8 O ctober Falm o u t h 44/45<br />

5 - 7 O ctober Fes t iv al o f An t iq u es – Pet er bo r o u g h 46 /47<br />

21 - 25 O ctober St affo r ds h ir e 48/49<br />

5 - 9 N ovember Sidm o u t h Fes t iv e Br eak 50/51<br />

23 - 25 N ovember Bir m in g h am Tat t o o & Ch r is t m as M ar k et 52/53<br />

3 - 4 December Th u r s fo r d Ch r is t m as Sp ect acu lar 54/55<br />

7 - 10 December Tr ier Ch r is t m as M ar k et 56 /57<br />

February 2013 M en t o n L em o n Fes t iv al by Train 58/59<br />

Do o r -t o -Do o r Co llect io n 6 0/6 1<br />

Trav el In s u ran ce 6 2/6 3<br />

Bo o k in g Co n dit io n s 6 4/6 5/6 6 /6 7<br />


Dev o n An t iq u es<br />

23 – 25 M a rc h<br />

A r et u r n t o W es t po int E x h ibit io n Cent r ein E x et er ,no w u nder new m anag em ent .W it h u p t o 4 00 s t ands<br />

fr o m a lo v er t h eU K ,o ffer ing an ex t ens iv er ang eo fAnt iqu es & Co lect ables ,t h efair pr o v ides ag r eat day<br />

o u t fo r peo plew h o lo v ea lt h ing s Ant iqu e.W it h dealer s fr o m a lo v er t h eU K t h er ew ilbeah u g es elect io n<br />

o fAnt iqu es & Co lect ables t o inclu de;Fu r nit u r e,Po r celain,Silv er ,G o ld,Jew e ler y ,G las s ,Tex t iles ,Vint ag e<br />

Clo t h ing ,Paint ing s ,L ig h t ing ,M ilit ar ia,K it ch enalia,To y s ,St am ps ,Co lect ables and mu ch ,mu ch m o r e.<br />

4<br />

F RIDAY 2 3 M ARCH Departing O xted w e travel to G eorg ian<br />

H ung erford w h ere w e visit th e A ntiques A rcade in an<br />

ancient building in th e centre of th is h istoric<br />

B erksh ire tow n. Th e A rcade h as been trading for over<br />

40 years and w as one of th e first antiques centres to<br />

be opened in th is country. L aid out to resemble a<br />

street, w ith a series of w alk in units and cabinets<br />

under its ancient beams, th ere are over 100 antiques<br />

dealers under one roof, w ith someth ing to entice<br />

every visitor from pocket money colectors to lotteryw<br />

inning big spenders.W e travel on to Parade A ntiques<br />

in M arlboroug h , w ith over 40 dealers in an attractive<br />

building , th en to B radford on A von a<br />

beautiful Cotsw olds tow n w ith many antique sh ops.<br />

W e arrive at our B ristol h otel early evening .

Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

SATU RDAY 2 4 M ARCH<br />

Th is morning w e make our<br />

w ay south to th eW estpoint E xh ibition Centre at<br />

E xeter.W e h ave an optional midday visit to Topsh am<br />

Q uay on th e banks of th e River E xe w h ere 7 0 dealers<br />

occupy 9000 sq. ft. on 3 floors, w ith jew elery,<br />

pictures, eph emera, textiles, porcelain and much<br />

more.W e return to B ristol via th e Trading Post<br />

A ntiques Centre near A xminster.<br />

SU N DAY 2 5 M ARCH W e seek out local Sunday<br />

vilag e fairs, w h ere so often barg ains are to be found<br />

before returning h ome early evening .<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />


L iving W el H ealth Club w ith sw imming<br />

pool, spa, sauna, steam room.<br />

A l bedrooms h ave en-suite facilities, TV,<br />

teleph one, h airdryer and h ospitality tray.<br />

2 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast<br />

£ 2 2 5.00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 40.00<br />

An t iq u e f air s n o t in c lu d e d .<br />


Is les o f Scilly<br />

31 M a rc h – 5 Ap ril<br />

B o o kear ly fo r t h is lo v ely s pr ing br eako n t h emu ch -lo v ed and w elco m ing Is les o fScily ,ju s t 28 m iles o ff<br />

t h eCo r nis h co as t !Y o u ’ lfind y o u r s elfent er ing adiffer ent w o r ld,w h er et h epaceo flifeis r elax ed and<br />

fr iendly and t h er e’s aw o nder fu lv iew w h ich ev er w ay y o u t u r n.Th er ear elo v ely ,eas y w alks a lar o u nd<br />

St .M ar y ’s and t h e“ o ffis lands ” ,w h ich ar eeas ily r each ed by t h elo callau nch s er v ice.Th eis land bu s t o u r is<br />

als o h ig h ly r eco mmended!W ew ilbes t ay ing at t h eex celent Tr eg ar t h en’s H o t el,w h ich is ju s t abo v et h e<br />

qu ay and o nly am inu t e’s w alkfr o m t h epict u r es qu eh ar bo u r ,t h es h o ps and t h ebeach .Takealeis u r ely<br />

s t r o lar o u nd t h eadjacent r am par t s fo r s u per bv iew s acr o s s t o t h eis lands o fTr es co ,B r y h er and Sam s o n –<br />

o r ju s t r elax and enjo y t h es am es t u nning v iew s fr o m t h eh o t ello u ng e!A m em ber o fo u r s t affw iles co r t<br />

t h is t o u r bu t o u r co ach w ilr emain o n t h em ainland.<br />

Depart O xted early<br />

morning for th e journey to L and’s E nd and our plane<br />

to St M ary’s airport. H ere w e sh al be met by a local<br />

minibuses and taken to our h otel.<br />


w onderful days to explore St M ary’s and th e “off<br />

islands”.Visit th e famous Tresco A bbey G ardens<br />

created in 1834 around th e remains of th e 12th<br />

6<br />

SATU RDAY 3 1 M ARCH Century St N ich olas Priory. O ne of th e most<br />

remarkable sub-tropical g ardens in th e w orld, it h as a<br />

unique colection of plants, many of w h ich are too<br />

tender for outdoor cultivation on th e B ritish<br />

mainland, but flourish in th e w arm G ulf Stream<br />

climate found h ere. See too th eValh ala Sh ip’s<br />

F ig ureh ead Colection featuring some of th e<br />

mag nificent fig ure h eads from th e old sailing sh ips

Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w h ich are displayed h ere - colected by th e founder of<br />

th e G ardens - A ug ustus Smith . E ach h as it’s ow n story<br />

to tel. Join one of th e local boatmen for th e journey<br />

over to St. M artin’s, St. A g nes, Samson or B ryh er… or<br />

you can just spend a relaxing day on St. M ary’s. E njoy<br />

a g uided bus tour of St. M ary’s w ith a commentary<br />

th at provides an insig h t into life on th is, th e larg est<br />

island in th e arch ipelag o. Spend th e day exploring<br />

H ug h Tow n, th e island’s “capital”. It is situated<br />

betw een tw o beach es and is h ome to a variety of<br />

sh ops, art and craft g aleries and restaurants. Strol<br />

along th e G arrison w als h ig h above th e tow n or<br />

simply relax and w atch th e w orld g o by.<br />


Sadly it is time to leave th e<br />

tranquility of th e islands and return to L and's E nd<br />

w h ere w e sh al meet our coach for th e journey h ome.<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />


St M a r y ’s<br />

5 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast<br />

O verlooking th e clear w aters of St M ary’s<br />

h arbour and enjoying stunning panoramic<br />

vistas of th e islands of Tresco, B ryh er,<br />

Samson and St M artin’s, Treg arth en’s<br />

boasts th e best view s of any h otel on St<br />

M ary’s.<br />

A l bedrooms are en suite w ith TV,<br />

teleph one and h ospitality tray. Th e h otel<br />

does not h ave a lift. Th ere are fifteen<br />

steps up to th e h otel.<br />

Return coach travel to L and’s E nd<br />

Return flig h t L and’s E nd/St M ary’s<br />

A irport taxes<br />

N o t e s<br />

Passport or ph otog raph ic identification is<br />

required.<br />

B ag g ag e alow ance per person is<br />

1 piece 15K g s (33lbs), plus one piece of<br />

h and lug g ag e.<br />

In th e unlikely event th at our flig h t is<br />

unable to operate w e w il travel by sea.<br />

A deposit of £150.00 per person is required<br />

at th e time of booking .<br />

£ 842 .00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 40.00<br />

Th is h o lid ay is o p e r at e d b y G r e at d ay s H o lid ay s L t d ,<br />

ATO L 42 79, f o r w h o m Sk in n e r s o f O x t e d is an<br />

au t h o r is e d r e t ail ag e n t . Ple as e as k t o s e e t h e ir b o o k in g<br />

c o n d it io n s . G r e at d ay s ’ c an c e llat io n s c ale ap p lie s .<br />


Eas t er in Co lo g n e<br />

6 – 9 Ap ril<br />

W it h o v er 2000 y ear s o fh is t o r y t o it s nam e,Co lo g neis o neo fG er m any ’s o ldes t cit ies .It s r ich pas t is s een<br />

in it s m any po int s o fint er es t ,inclu ding t h eRo m an To w er ,w h ich g iv es an im pr es s io n o ft h efo r t ificat io ns<br />

pr ev io u s ly bu ilt ar o u nd t h ecit y ;t h em ag nificent and im po s ing G o t h ic Cat h edr al,no w aw o r ld h er it ag e<br />

s it e,w h ich do m inat es t h eo ld cit y cent r e;and t h em o r em o der n O per aH o u s eand Th eat r e.<br />

Depart early morning for th e<br />

ferry to Calais and on th roug h N orth ern France and<br />

B elg ium into G ermany to Colog ne, our h ome for th e<br />

next th ree nig h ts.<br />

SATU RDAY 7 APRIL Today w e are at leisure to<br />

explore th is delig h tful city on th e banks of th e Rh ine.<br />

Th e city’s Rh eing arten Park and old quarter are firm<br />

favourites w ith locals and tourists alike, a g reat place<br />

to enjoy a strol and stop off at one of th e traditional<br />

brew eries.Visit th e famous Ch ocolate M useum w h ere<br />

you can learn about th e h istory of ch ocolate and<br />

perh aps buy a few samples. E xplore th e pedestrian<br />

sh opping centre in th e h eart of th e city or,<br />

8<br />

F RIDAY 6 APRIL alternatively, a boat cruise along th e River Rh ine is a<br />

w onderful and relaxing w ay in w h ich to fuly<br />

appreciate th e mag nificence of th e city.Y ou can even<br />

take a ride on th e cable car w h ich crosses th e Rh ine<br />

offering a fantastic birds-eye view of th e city.

Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

SU N DAY 8 APRIL Today w e folow th e River Rh ine<br />

to K oblenz , situated at th e confluence of th e Rivers<br />

Rh ine and M osele. Th e riverside w alks enfold th e old<br />

tow n w ith its tw in-tow ered ch urch es,<br />

L iebfrauenkirch e and Romanesque St. K astor. H ere w e<br />

sh al h ave time to explore and find lunch before<br />

taking an early afternoon river trip dow n th e Rh ine,<br />

past th e L orelei Rock to St G oar, w h ere th e coach w il<br />

meet us for th e journey back to Colog ne.<br />

M O N DAY 9 APRIL<br />

Departing after breakfast w e<br />

make our w ay to Dinant in B elg ium w h ere w e sh al<br />

h ave time to find lunch before continuing on to<br />

Calais. A rriving back in O xted late evening .<br />

PARK IN N<br />

Co lo g n e<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />

A l bedrooms h ave en-suite facilities, TV,<br />

teleph one, h airdryer, individual air<br />

conditioning & minibar.<br />

3 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast<br />

B oat trip from K oblenz to St G oar<br />

F ree time in Colog ne, K oblenz and Dinant<br />

£ 418.00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 70.00<br />


Co t s w o lds at E as t e r<br />

6 – 9 Ap ril<br />

B as ed in Ch elt enh am Spa,E ng land’s m o s t co m plet eReg ency t o w n,t h is delig h t fu lt o u r ex plo r es t h e<br />

Co t s w o lds ,des cr ibed as “ t h emo s t E ng lis h and leas t s po iled o fa lo u r co u nt r y s ides ” by JB Pr ies t ley .E v en<br />

t o day t h er eis no w h er equ it eas qu int es s ent ia ly E ng lis h as Th eCo t s w o lds ,an ar eao fo u t s t anding nat u r al<br />

beau t y w it h t r anqu il,h o ney co lo u r ed v ilag es and r o ling h ils . Th is ch ar ming blend o fs leepy v ilag es ,<br />

bu s t ling m ar ket t o w ns and br eat h -t aking nat u r als cener y g iv es as t u nning backdr o p t o t h emy r iad o f<br />

int er es t ing and h is t o r ic places t o v is it .<br />

Departing from O xted at 9.00am<br />

and making a stop for coffee along th e w ay w e arrive<br />

late morning in th e h istoric and eleg ant tow n of<br />

Ch eltenh am. H ere w e sh al be at leisure to find lunch<br />

and brow se before continuing on to our h otel.<br />

SATU RDAY 7 APRIL Today w e sh al be met at th e<br />

h otel by a local g uide and taken on a ful day tour of<br />

th e Cotsw olds, renow ned for being th e epitome of<br />

th e E ng lish countryside, w ith g entle h ils criss-crossed<br />

w ith stone w als and dotted w ith ch arming vilag es.<br />

O ur tour w il take us to B roadw ay w h ich , as its name<br />

10<br />

F RIDAY 6 APRIL sug g ests, is dominated by a w ide main street. In th e<br />

north ern Cotsw olds al roads lead to th e h il-top tow n<br />

of Stow -on-th e-W old and th is is w h ere w e sh al make<br />

our w ay for lunch . Stow ’s tow n square is larg e and<br />

impressive, w ith various h ouses, sh ops and inns<br />

around th e edg e, al built in th e local stone. O ur drive<br />

th is afternoon w il take us on via B urford w h ere th e<br />

steep main street leads dow n to th e medieval bridg e<br />

over th e RiverW indrush and back to our h otel.<br />

SU N DAY 8 APRIL<br />

A fter breakfast w e make our<br />

w ay to Slimbridg eW ildfow l & W etlands Trust. Th e

Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

vision of naturalist and artist Sir Peter Scott, it is<br />

h ome to an outstanding array of w ildlife including<br />

th e w orld’s larg est colection of sw ans, g eese and<br />

ducks and many rare and endang ered species. H ere<br />

w e sh al be free to enjoy th e aw ard-w inning visitor<br />

centre overlooking nationaly and internationaly<br />

protected w etlands, see th e amaz ing view s over th e<br />

River Severn from th e Sloane O bservation Tow er and<br />

relax as w e amble th roug h 50 h ectares of landscaped<br />

g rounds. E arly afternoon w e make our w ay to<br />

B erkeley Castle, possibly th e most outstanding<br />

example of M edieval domestic arch itecture in th e<br />

country. Th e most remarkable th ing about th e Castle<br />

is th at for nine centuries, th e building , th e B erkeley<br />

family, th e arch ives (w h ich g o back to th e 12th<br />

Century), th e contents, th e estate and th e tow n h ave<br />

al survived tog eth er. H ere w e sh al h ave a g uided<br />

tour of th is unique building folow ed by time to view<br />

th e g ardens.<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />


C h e lt e n h a m<br />

A l bedrooms are en suite w ith TV,<br />

teleph one & h ospitality tray.<br />

3 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast.<br />

Time to explore Ch eltenh am<br />

Ful day g uided tour of th e Cotsw olds<br />

E ntry to B erkeley Castle, w ith g uided tour<br />

E ntry to Slimbridg eW etlands Trust<br />

E ntry to H ig h clere Castle & E g yptolog y<br />

E xh ibition<br />

£ 3 80.00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 60.00<br />

M O N DAY 9 APRIL Departing after breakfast w e<br />

commence our h omew ard journey, making a stop at<br />

H ig h clere Castle, h ome to th e Carnarvon family since<br />

16 7 9 and w ith a fascinating connection to ancient<br />

E g ypt, as th e 5th E arl, w ith H ow ard Carter, discovered<br />

th e tomb of Tutankh amun in 1922. Th ere is an<br />

exh ibition th at commemorates th is h istoric event.<br />

Described as th e larg est occupied mansion in<br />

H ampsh ire and th e finest inh abited Victorian<br />

residence in al E ng land, th e extravag ant interiors<br />

rang e from ch urch G oth ic th roug h M oorish<br />

flamboyance and Rococo revival to solid masculinity<br />

in th e L ong L ibrary. Th e g ardens feature g reat<br />

stretch es of g lassh ouse in a w aled g arden,<br />

mag nificent parkland desig ned by ‘Capability’ B row n<br />

and a Secret G arden w ith a beautiful curving law n<br />

surrounded by densely planted h erbaceous borders.<br />

Dow nton A bbey, th e major drama series from ITV w as<br />

filmed on location at H ig h clere Castle. Folow ing our<br />

visit w e continue our h omew ards journey, arriving<br />

early evening .<br />

© f lic k r _Da v e O n F lic k r<br />


Car diff & M id W ale s<br />

17 – 24 Ap ril<br />

Th is t w o cent r eh o liday in beau t ifu lW ales inclu des v is it s t o St Fag ans N at io nalH is t o r y M u s eu m ,<br />

L lancaiach Faw r M ano r ,ar ideo n t h eValeo fRh eido lRailw ay ,ag u ided t o u r o ft h eH a lat Abbey Cw m H ir<br />

and t h eo ppo r t u nit y t o s eeRed K it es feeding at G ig r in Far m .<br />

12<br />

TU ESDAY 17 APRIL Departing from O xted stores th ere<br />

8.30am w e make our w ay to th e h istoric spa tow n of<br />

B ath , w h ere w e sh al h ave time to find lunch and<br />

brow se before continuing on to our Cardiff H otel.<br />

W EDN ESDAY 18 APRIL Departing after breakfast<br />

w e make our w ay to St Fag ans N ational H istory<br />

M useum, w h ere w e find 500 years ofW elsh h istory<br />

g ath ered tog eth er in 100 acres of beautiful<br />

countryside.<br />

TH U RSDAY 19 APRIL A day at leisure to explore<br />

th e vibrant and cosmopolitan city of Cardiff.<br />

Traditional attractions like th e fairy tale castle are<br />

complemented by th e iconic M ilennium Stadium.<br />

A long side th e h ig h street sh ops and department<br />

is a selection of lovely Victorian arcades<br />

containing a w ide array of specialist sh ops and<br />

desig ner boutiques.<br />

F RIDAY 2 0 APRIL<br />

Th is morning w e take our leave<br />

of Cardiff and make our w ay to L lancaiach Faw r<br />

M anor, a stately h ome restored and furnish ed as it<br />

w as in 16 45. H ere servants in period dress w il g uide<br />

us around th e h ouse, g iving an insig h t into th e lives<br />

and customs of th e ordinary w orking people of th e<br />

day. Th e formal g ardens surrounding th e h ouse are<br />

typical of th e 17 th century, w ith a K not G arden,<br />

veg etable and h erb beds and an orch ard.W h ilst h ere<br />

w e sh al be served a lig h t lunch . E arly afternoon w e<br />

take a scenic drive th roug h th e B recon B eacons

Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

N ational Park to th e h istoric cath edral tow n of<br />

B recon w h ere w e sh al make our tea stop before<br />

continuing on to our L landrindod W els h otel.<br />

SATU RDAY 2 1 APRIL Today w e take a scenic drive<br />

th roug h th e Cambrian M ountains to Devils B ridg e<br />

w h ere w e join th eVale of Rh eidol Railw ay, built to<br />

serve th e lead mines in th e Rh eidolValey. O n our<br />

journey, w e sh al pass th roug h some of th e most<br />

rug g ed terrain of any railw ay in th e U nited K ing dom,<br />

enjoying spectacular view s of th e w ooded Rh eidol<br />

Valey. A rriving in A berystw yth , a seaside tow n w ith a<br />

fine promenade, h arbour and Victorian cliff railw ay,<br />

th ere w il be time to explore and find refresh ment<br />

before w ending our w ay back to th e h otel.<br />

SU N DAY 2 2 APRIL A fter breakfast w e drive to<br />

A bbey Cw m H ir, one ofW ales’ finest examples of<br />

Victorian G oth ic Revival arch itecture. B uilt in 1834 by<br />

Th omasW ilson, th e g reatVictorian improver, th e<br />

h ouse w as doubled in siz e by th e Ph ilips family in<br />

186 9, w h o th en added th e biliards room in 1894.<br />

H ere w e sh al h ave a g uided tour of th e 52 roomed<br />

H al folow ed by a fing er buffet lunch and time to<br />

explore th e 12 acres of g ardens overlooking th e<br />

ch urch and th e ruins of th e 12th century “A bbey of<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />


C a r d iff<br />

TH E M ETRO PO L E<br />

L la n d r in d o d W e lls<br />

A l bedrooms are en suite w ith TV,<br />

teleph one & h ospitality tray.<br />

A total of 7 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast.<br />

Time to explore B ath , Cardiff, B recon,<br />

A berystw yth & Ch eltenh am<br />

Visit to St Fag ans N ational H istory<br />

M useum<br />

Th e L ong Valey” containing th e monk’s pond, and th e<br />

g rave of L lew elyn Th e L ast. E arly afternoon w e make<br />

our w ay to th e G ig rin Red K ite Centre,W ales’ first<br />

official Red K ite Feeding Centre, in time for th e<br />

3.00pm feeding . Since 1994, daily feeding sessions<br />

h ave been h eld on th e farm and th e number of kites<br />

dropping in for a late lunch h as steadily increased. A s<br />

soon as th e meat h as been put out th e crow family<br />

start emerg ing from th e surrounding trees. A s th e first<br />

crow s land among st th e meat th e kites g o on th e<br />

offensive. K ites w atch and w ait th eir ch ance to furl<br />

th eir w ing s and dive in, skimming th e g round to<br />

snatch a scrap before rising suddenly to escape th e<br />

beaks of th e ang ry crow s. M any kites appear to miss<br />

th eir targ et by a w ide marg in but are actualy intent<br />

on flush ing meat laden crow s into th e air from w h ere<br />

th ey can be mug g ed by th e very best in th e business!<br />

M O N DAY 2 3 APRIL A ful day scenic tour taking in<br />

L udlow, L eominster, H ereford and H ay-on-W ye.<br />

TU ESDAY 2 4 APRIL Departing after breakfast w e<br />

make our w ay h omew ards, making a lunch stop in<br />

Ch eltenh am and arriving back in O xted early evening .<br />

E ntry to L lancaiach Faw r M anor w ith lunch<br />

Scenic drive th roug h Cambrian M ountains<br />

Ride on Vale of Rh eidol Railw ay<br />

E ntry to A bbey Cw m H ir<br />

B uffet lunch<br />

E ntry to G ig rin Red K ite Centre<br />

Ful day scenic tour<br />

£ 705.00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 100.00<br />

© F lic k r – lh o u ra h a n e<br />


K en n et & Av o n C an al Ram b le<br />

5 – 7 M a y<br />

Th eK ennet and Av o n is an im pr es s iv efeat o feng ineer ing ,m adeu p o ft w o r iv er nav ig at io ns and alinking<br />

s t r et ch o fcanal.It r u ns fr o m t h eSev er n E s t u ar y near B r is t o lt o t h eRiv er Th am es at Reading ,o v er 100<br />

m iles lo ng w it h m o r et h an 100 lo cks ,s o m em ag nificent eng ineer ing and cr o s s ing s o m eo ft h em o s t<br />

beau t ifu ls cener y in s o u t h er n E ng land.It w as r eo pened in 1990 aft er decades o fder elict io n.O u r w alk<br />

t akes u s alo ng o neo ft h em o s t beau t ifu land v ar ied s t r et ch es ,s t ar t ing at Dev iz es ,t h eh ig h es t po int and<br />

pr o ceeding w es t acr o s s W ilt s h ir e,t h r o u g h as er ies o fch ang ing lands capes ,t o lo v ely B r adfo r d-o n-Av o n<br />

and fina ly t h eh is t o r ic cit y o fB at h .Th is is lev el,eas y w alking and is s u it ablefo r a labilit ies .Co m fy<br />

w alking s h o es ar es u it ableand w at er pr o o fs s h o u ld becar r ied in cas eo fr ain.<br />

Departing O xted w e make our<br />

w ay to Caen H il locks at Deviz es, th e h ig h est of th e<br />

canal and one of th e country’s most impressive canal<br />

sites - and sig h ts. Caen H il is a steep drop w ith 29<br />

locks needed to take th e route dow n th e slope.<br />

Sixteen of th e locks w ere built in a straig h t line, one<br />

immediately after th e oth er. Th ese broad locks w ith<br />

th eir symmetrical black beams and w h ite footbridg es<br />

look very impressive from any ang le but th e very best<br />

SATU RDAY 5 M AY view is from M arsh L ane road bridg e at th e bottom.<br />

14<br />

F rom h ere it is easy to see th e flig h t striding up th e<br />

h il and also th e massive side ponds w h ich are<br />

situated on th e north ern side of each lock. O ur w alk<br />

starts h ere, taking us w est acrossW iltsh ire th roug h<br />

pretty countryside to th e vilag e of Seend Cleeve<br />

w h ere an ironw orks once employed h undreds of<br />

people. A lth oug h th e w orks stood rig h t by th e canal<br />

th e only evidence today are a few h umps on a<br />

© F lic k r – Da v e H a m s t e r

Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

g rassed over area. Seend Cleeve is anoth er pretty<br />

vilag e w ith 5 locks. Th e coach w il meet us h ere to<br />

take us to our h otel.W alk distance approx. 4.5 miles.<br />

SU N DAY 6 M AY Today w e continue our w alk w est<br />

from Seming ton, past th e very larg e marina at<br />

H ilperton M arsh and th en across tw o smal aqueducts<br />

standing side by side, one over a railw ay and th e<br />

oth er over th e smal River B iss to B radford-on-A von.<br />

H ere w e h ave time to find lunch and explore th e<br />

Tith e barn before w e cross th e A voncliff A queduct<br />

th at carries th e canal over th e River A von and th e<br />

B ath toW estbury railw ay line.W e finish our w alk at<br />

L impley Stoke w h ere th e coach w il meet us and<br />

return us to our h otel.W alk distance approx. 7 .5 miles.<br />

M O N DAY 7 M AY A fter ch ecking out of th e h otel<br />

w e make a stop at th e famous Clifton Suspension<br />

B ridg e over th e River A von g org e.W e take a strol over<br />

th e bridg e, because w e can, before skirting B ath and<br />

returning to th e canal bank to start our w alk into th e<br />

centre of B ath w h ere w e stay until after lunch .W alk<br />

distance approx. 4 miles. Returning to O xted early<br />

evening .<br />

H IL TO N<br />

Br is t o l<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />

L iving W el H ealth Club w ith sw imming<br />

pool, spa, sauna, steam room.<br />

A l bedrooms h ave en-suite facilities, TV,<br />

teleph one, h airdryer and h ospitality tray.<br />

2 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast.<br />

G uided w alks<br />

£ 2 3 9 .00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 3 0.00<br />

© F lic k r _m e 'n t h e d o g s<br />

© F lic k r _m e 'n t h e d o g s<br />

© F lic k r _r o b b o p h o t o s<br />


L o ir e Valley<br />

12 – 16 M a y<br />

B as ed in t h elo v ely lit t ler iv er s idet o w n o fCh ino n,in at im eles s t r anqu ils et t ing o v er lo o ked by im pr es s iv e<br />

cas t ler u ins ,o u r t o u r g iv es ach ancet o ex plo r et h eg ent ly w inding L o ir eVa ley ,w h er et h em ild climat e<br />

br ing s beau t ifu lflo w er s and an abu ndant h ar v es t o ffinefr u it and s u per bw ines .W o r ld r eno w ned fo r it s<br />

finew ines ,t h er eg io n w as apo pu lar ch o icefo r m any o fF r ance’s ar is t o cr at ic families w h o ch o s et o liv e<br />

alo ng it s r iv er v a ley .Th is r es u lt ed in fabu lo u s ch â t eau x being bu ilt .Pict u r es qu es cener y is in abu ndance,<br />

cam er as at t h er eady !<br />

Departing O xted early<br />

morning w e journey to Dover for th e ferry to Calais<br />

and th ereafter make our w ay to th e L oireValey.<br />

SU N DAY 13 M AY Today w e visit th e ch âteaux of<br />

Ch enonceau and Vilandry. Property of th e Crow n,<br />

th en a royal residence, Ch âteau de Ch enonceau is an<br />

exceptional site not only because of its orig inal<br />

desig n, th e rich ness of its colections, its furniture and<br />

its decorations, but also because of its destiny, since it<br />

w as loved, administrated and protected by w omen,<br />

w h o w ere al extraordinary and w h o, for th e most<br />

SATU RDAY 12 M AY part h ave marked h istory. Th e “Ch âteau des Dames”<br />

16<br />

w as built in 1513 by K ath erine B riçonnet, and<br />

successively embelish ed by Diane de Poitiers th en<br />

Cath erine de M edici. Ch enonceau w as protected from<br />

th e h ardsh ip of th e revolution by M adame Dupin.<br />

Th e ch âteau’s most ch aracteristic feature is th e set of<br />

arch es spanning th e River Ch er. Th e tw o renow ned<br />

and mag nificent g ardens of Diane de Poitiers and<br />

Cath erine de M edici h ave a myriad of sh rubs,<br />

h undreds of climbing and stemmed roses. Th e<br />

Ch âteau deVilandry w as completed around 1536

Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

and w as th e last of th e larg e ch âteaux built on th e<br />

banks of th e L oire during th e Renaissance. Th e<br />

F rench -style g ardens atVilandry h ave been recreated<br />

as th ey w ere in th e 16 th century, and consist of th ree<br />

terraces on different levels: a w ater g arden, an<br />

ornamental g arden and, some say, th e w orld’s most<br />

eleg ant veg etable g arden.<br />

M O N DAY 14 M AY A fter breakfast w e make our<br />

w ay to Tours, a city of captivating ch arm, rich w ith<br />

h istory and w el preserved h eritag e. Th e old tow n h as<br />

many interesting building s including th e H otel G ouin,<br />

an Italian style mansion built around 1510. Th e<br />

cath edral, completed in th e 16 th century, h as<br />

beautiful stained g lass w indow s. H ere w e sh al be at<br />

leisure to explore and find lunch before continuing on<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />


C h in o n<br />

A l bedrooms are en suite w ith TV<br />

& teleph one.<br />

Th e h otel h as a sw imming pool<br />

4 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast.<br />

E ntry to Ch âteau de Ch enonceau &<br />

G ardens<br />

to Roch ecorbon for a leisurely cruise on th e best<br />

naturaly preserved section of th e river L oire,<br />

uncovering its limestone banks dotted w ith caves<br />

and th e local w ildlife. Folow ing our cruise w e return<br />

to Ch inon for a w ine tasting at Ch âteau de la<br />

G rile Ch inon.<br />

TU ESDAY 15 M AY Th is morning w e journey to<br />

A mboise, considered to be one of th e most beautiful<br />

cities in th e L oireValey. H ere w e sh al be at leisure to<br />

explore. M aybe visit th e Ch âteau d’A mboise, w h ich<br />

dominates th e tow n from its lofty setting and<br />

provides spectacular view s over th e tow n and<br />

surrounding countryside; Clos L ucé, once th e h ouse of<br />

th e g reat artist, scientist and inventor L eonardo da<br />

Vinci, now h ousing a museum dedicated to h is ah ead<br />

of time inventions; or simply strol th roug h th e<br />

picturesque streets and soak up th e atmosph ere of a<br />

F rench provincial market tow n.<br />

W EDN ESDAY 16 M AY<br />

Th is morning w e take our<br />

leave of th e beautiful L oireValey and make our w ay<br />

back to Calais. A rriving in O xted mid evening .<br />

E ntry to Ch âteau deVilandry & G ardens<br />

Time to explore Tours and A mboise<br />

B oat trip on th e River L oire<br />

W ine tasting<br />

£ 585.00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 12 0.00<br />


Sidm o u t h C r e am o f De v o n<br />

20 – 24 M a y<br />

O neo fo u r m o s t po pu lar des t inat io ns – w er et u r n t o t h eench ant ing So u t h Dev o n co as t alt o w n o f<br />

Sidm o u t h w h er et h eRiv er Sid t r ickles do w n t o t h es eabet w een cliffs o fw ar m pinkr o ck.Fo r h u ndr eds o f<br />

y ear s Sidm o u t h w as at iny fis h ing v ilag et h en,in t h e19t h cent u r y ,it w as t r ans fo r m ed int o t h es m ar t<br />

s eas ider es o r t w es eet o day ,co mplet ew it h it s ch ar m ing Reg ency v ilas and Vict o r ian co t t ag es .Inclu ded in<br />

t h et o u r is ar ideo n t h eW es t So m er s et Railw ay ,ag u ided t o u r o fE x m o o r and av is it t o Paig nt o n Z o o .<br />

Departing from O xted at<br />

9.00am w e make our w ay to Sidmouth , making stops<br />

for refresh ment along th e w ay and arriving late<br />

afternoon at th e RoyalY ork & Faulkner H otel,<br />

Sidmouth . O n arrival w e sh al be g reeted w ith<br />

afternoon tea.<br />

M O N DAY 2 1 M AY Th is morning w e drive to<br />

B ish ops L ydeard w h ere w e board th eW est Somerset<br />

Railw ay steam train to Dunster, taking in th e sig h ts,<br />

sounds and even th e unique smels of th e g olden ag e<br />

of rail travel. Th eW est Somerset Railw ay is, at 20<br />

miles, B ritain’s long est h eritag e railw ay and as th e<br />

SU N DAY 2 0 M AY train makes it w ay along , you’l enjoy th e g lorious<br />

18<br />

Somerset countryside w ith its constantly ch ang ing<br />

view s, th e intimacy of th e Q uantock H ils country,<br />

E xmoor in th e distance and view s from th e E xmoor<br />

coast across th e sea to South W ales. A t Dunster w e<br />

re-join th e coach , w ith a g uide, for a g uided tour of<br />

E xmoor, making a stop for lunch before arriving in<br />

M ineh ead w h ere w e sh al re-join th e train for th e<br />

return journey to B ish ops L ydeard. H ere w e meet th e<br />

coach once ag ain for th e journey back to th e h otel.<br />

TU ESDAY 2 2 M AY<br />

Th e day is yours to sig h tsee and<br />

explore th is ch arming and unspoilt seaside resort

Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w h ich nestles beneath th e majestic red cliffs of Peak<br />

and Salcombe H il and th e g reen h ils of th e g lorious<br />

Sid Valey. Renow ned for its g ardens and famous for<br />

its w ealth of fine arch itecture, th e picturesque tow n<br />

centre offers an excelent rang e of individual sh ops<br />

and is a delig h t to brow se.<br />

W EDN ESDAY 2 3 M AY<br />

A fter breakfast w e h ead<br />

w estw ards to Paig nton Zoo, h ome to th ousands of<br />

amaz ing animals and plants. H ere w e sh al be at<br />

leisure to w alk th roug h a w orld of w onder – visit th e<br />

desert, cross th e savannah , explore th e forest and trek<br />

th roug h th e tropics. U se your senses to discover th e<br />

w ild w orld: look around, listen out – you’l even need<br />

your sense of smel! Find out about conservation and<br />

th e w orld’s endang ered species. A s w el as th e<br />

th ousands of animals, th ere’s a miniature train ride, a<br />

w obbly jung le bridg e in L emurW ood, keeper talks and<br />

feeding times, places to eat and places to sit – al<br />

packed into 80 acres of natural h abitat.<br />

TH U RSDAY 2 4 M AY L eaving th e h otel after<br />

breakfast w e make our w ay h omew ards w ith<br />

refresh ment stops along th e w ay. A rriving h ome late<br />

afternoon.<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />


Sid m o u t h<br />

Th is mag nificent Reg ency building , dating<br />

from 1810 enjoys an unrivaled position at<br />

th e centre of Sidmouth ’s eleg ant E splanade,<br />

adjacent to th e picturesque tow n Centre.<br />

O w ned and personaly run by th e H ook<br />

family, resident proprietors for th ree<br />

g enerations, th e h otel h as earned a long<br />

standing reputation for h ospitality and<br />

service.<br />

A l bedrooms are en suite w ith TV,<br />

teleph one & h ospitality tray.<br />

4 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast, w ith<br />

A fternoon Tea on arrival.<br />

Time to explore Sidmouth<br />

Ride on th eW est Somerset Railw ay<br />

E ntry to Paig nton Zoo<br />

G uided tour of E xmoor<br />

£ 477.00 PER PERSO N<br />


Yo r k s h ir e & H e m s w e ll An t iq u e s<br />

25 – 27 M a y<br />

W it h L eeds as o u r bas efo r t h is ant iqu es w eekend,w eex plo r et h eno r t h o fE ng land fo r bar g ains ,v is it ing<br />

t h eY o r ks h ir eAnt iqu es and Ar t Fair at t h eG r eat Y o r ks h ir es h o w g r o u nd in H ar r o g at e.Th is big fair bo as t s<br />

t h at it h as ‘pr o bably t h ew ides t s elect io n o fant iqu es ,ar t ,co lect ables ,cu r io s ,v int ag eand r et r o in t h e<br />

no r t h o fE ng land’w it h u p t o 3 5 0 s t ands .<br />

2 0<br />

F RIDAY 2 5 M AY<br />

Departing from O xted w e make<br />

our w ay to th e B rackley A ntique Celar near B anbury,<br />

boasting 30,000 sq ft of floor space, w ith more th an<br />

180 dealers and 50 sh ow cases, seling h ig h quality<br />

furniture, ch ina, g old and silver jew elery, militaria,<br />

kitch enalia.W e journey on to H eanor A ntiques near<br />

N otting h am, w h ich , w ith around 200 dealers in over a<br />

h undred and forty units, 180 cabinets of colectable<br />

and dated pieces and over 3000 square feet of g lass<br />

display sh elving , is a real treasure trove w ith an art<br />

g alery and restaurant. W e arrive at our L eeds city<br />

centre h otel early evening .

Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

SATU RDAY 2 6 M AY Th is morning w e h ead to<br />

H arrog ate on th is first day of th e tw o day fair, th e<br />

larg est quality antiques and art fair w ith th e best<br />

selection of antiques, art, colectables, curios, vintag e<br />

and retro in north ern E ng land, w ith over 350 stands.<br />

Folow ing our visit w e spend time in th e city ofY ork<br />

before returning to L eeds.<br />

SU N DAY 2 7 M AY A fter breakfast w e make our<br />

w ay straig h t to H emsw el A ntiques Centres, w h ich<br />

bring s tog eth er E urope’s larg est selection of dealers<br />

offering you th e w idest possible rang e of antiques,<br />

colectables and antique furniture.W ith in th ree<br />

separate building s you w il find around 300 display<br />

areas. Take time to w ander th roug h th e vast array of<br />

byg one treasures and - w h o know s - you may discover<br />

th at antiques barg ain you’ve been search ing for.W e<br />

depart after lunch , returning h ome early evening .<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />


L e e d s<br />

L eisure facilities, sw imming pool, sauna<br />

and steam room. A l bedrooms h ave en<br />

suite facilities, TV, h airdryer, and tea and<br />

coffee making facilities.<br />

2 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast.<br />

© F lic k r – je k e r t g w a p o<br />

£ 2 3 5.00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 40.00<br />

E n t r y t o f air s n o t in c lu d e d<br />

2 1

L ak e Dis t r ict<br />

25 – 31 M a y<br />

Th is lo v ely t o u r ex plo r es t h eL akeDis t r ict ,an ar eao fo u t s t anding nat u r albeau t y and h o m et o t h efiv e<br />

t a les t m o u nt ains ,t h edeepes t lakein E ng land and t w o nat io nalpar ks . W es eeCo nis t o n W at er ,s ceneo f<br />

Do nald Cam pbe l’s w o r ld w at er s peed r eco r d at t empt s ,t akein t h es pect acu lar s cener y o fU ls w at er ,s ee<br />

br eat h -t aking v iew s as w edr iv eo v er t h eK ir ks t o nePas s ( w eat h er per mit t ing ),v is it H ilTo p,h o m et o<br />

B eat r ix Po t t er and G r as m er e,o ncet h eh o m eo ft h efam o u s po et W iliam W o r ds w o r t h .<br />

2 2<br />

F RIDAY 2 5 M AY Departing O xted w e make our H ere w e sh al h ave time to look around th e h ouse<br />

w ay north w ard, stopping for refresh ments along th e<br />

w ay and arriving late afternoon at our K esw ick h otel.<br />

SATU RDAY 2 6 M AY A day at leisure to explore th e<br />

bustling market tow n of K esw ick w ith its interesting<br />

variety of sh ops, many located around th e central<br />

market square.<br />

SU N DAY 2 7 M AY Today w e sh al be joined by a<br />

B lue B adg e G uide w h o w il take us on a ful day tour<br />

of th e area, passing A mbleside to H il Top, th e<br />

delig h tful 17 th -century farmh ouse w h ere B eatrix<br />

Potter w rote many of h er famous ch ildren’s stories.<br />

before continuing on to H aw ksh ead, our lunch stop,<br />

w ith an optional w alking tour th at includes a visit to<br />

th e B eatrix Potter G alery. L ater w e drive on to<br />

Coniston W ater w h ere you may w ish to partake of<br />

afternoon tea at th e B luebird Café or visit th e Ruskin<br />

M useum and discover th e lake’s connection w ith<br />

Donald Campbel, w h o lost h is life h ere in 196 7<br />

attempting to break th e water speed record. H is car, K 7<br />

h as been fuly restored and w il be h oused in th e Ruskin<br />

M useum after speed trials on Coniston W ater. L ate<br />

afternoon w e make our w ay back to our h otel,

Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

passing th e farm w h ere th e film M iss Potter w as made.<br />

M O N DAY 2 8 M AY A fter a leisurely breakfast w e<br />

make our way to th e quayside to join Kesw ick L aunch es<br />

for a 50 minute circular cruise around Derw entw ater.<br />

A fter disembarking w e journey to Cockermouth<br />

w h ere w e sh al h ave time to find lunch and h ave a<br />

brow se before visiting W ordsw orth ’s h ouse.<br />

TU ESDAY 2 9 M AY W e take a scenic drive today,<br />

th roug h some of th e most stunning scenery seen<br />

anyw h ere in E ng land. O ur scenic journey folow s th e<br />

sh ores of U lsw ater before traveling over th e fantastic<br />

K irkstone Pass, w onderful mountain and lake view s al<br />

th e w ay (w eath er permitting ) toW indermere. L ater<br />

our return journey w il take us via A mbleside to<br />

G rasmere, w h ereW iliam W ordsw orth spent fourteen<br />

of h is most creative years living at Dove Cottag e,<br />

A lan B ank and th e Rectory – and described it as “th e<br />

loveliest spot th at man h as ever found”.<br />

W EDN ESDAY 3 0 M AY W e h ave a ch oice today:<br />

you may spend th e day at leisure in K esw ick; spend<br />

time exploring th e tow ns of Carlisle, Penrith and<br />

A ppleby, or take a ride on E ng land’s most scenic<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />


H O TEL<br />

K e s w ic k<br />

A l bedrooms are en suite w ith TV,<br />

teleph one, trouser press, h air dryer &<br />

h ospitality tray.<br />

6 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast.<br />

Time to explore K esw ick<br />

Ful day g uided tour of B eatrix Potter<br />

Country<br />

E ntry to H il Top & B eatrix Potter G alery<br />

E ntry toW ordsw orth H ouse<br />

railw ay. For th ose not staying in K esw ick w e drive to<br />

Carlisle, w h ere everyone sh al h ave time to brow se<br />

and h ave coffee before th ose w h o w ish , board th e<br />

train for Settle. Th e 7 2 mile journey takes you<br />

th roug h th e g entle, lush roling h ils of th e E den Valey,<br />

over th e 24 arch es of th e Ribbleh ead Viaduct and<br />

th roug h th e mag nificentY orksh ire Dales. O n arrival in<br />

Settle, th ere w il be time to h ave a look around th e<br />

tow n and find lunch before re-boarding th e train for<br />

th e journey to A ppleby to re-join th e coach . Th ose<br />

w h o stay in Carlisle w il h ave some furth er time to<br />

explore before driving to Penrith , once th e capital of<br />

Cumbria, in time to find lunch and brow se before<br />

continuing on to th e attractive market tow n of<br />

A ppleby. H ere w e sh al h ave some time to maybe find<br />

tea before th ose th at w ent on th e train arrive and<br />

re-join us for th e drive back to K esw ick.<br />

TH U RSDAY 3 1 M AY Departing after breakfast w e<br />

make our w ay h omew ards, arriving back early<br />

evening .<br />

B oat trip on Derw entw ater<br />

Ful day scenic tour<br />

O ptional ride on Carlisle to Settle Railw ay<br />

O ptional visit to Carlisle, Penrith &<br />

A ppleby<br />

£ 640.00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 90.00<br />

N at Tr u s t m e m b e r s le s s £ 16 b u t<br />

m u s t b r in g c ar d<br />

C ar lis le t o Se t t le t o Ap p le b y £ 16.50<br />

2 3

Th e Co t s w o ld O lim p ick G am es & Sh ir e Ram b le s<br />

1 – 4 Ju n e<br />

Fo u r day s o fbeau t ifu leas y w alking in g o o d co m pany w it h delig h t fu llu nch t im es t o ps as t h eco u nt r y s ide<br />

bu r s t s int o co lo u r .So m epat h s m ay bemu ddy in places s o br ing s u it ablefo o t w ear .<br />

Departing O xted w e travel to<br />

Ch ipping Campden w h ere w e sh al h ave time to find<br />

someth ing to eat in one of th e pubs and tea rooms.<br />

A fter lunch w e sh al w alk to Dover’s H il, overlooking<br />

th eVale of E vesh am. Th is beautiful plateau<br />

commands extensive view s over th e plains of th e<br />

A von and th e Severn to th e footh ils of th eW elsh<br />

mountains. It provides an ideal setting for th e annual<br />

Cotsw old ‘O limpick’ G ames (not O lympic G ames)<br />

taking place today in th e natural amph ith eatre at th e<br />

summit of Dover’s H il, w h ich w il ech o w ith th e<br />

sh outs and ch eers of competitors and spectators.<br />

Circular w alk of 5 miles or 2 miles if you w ish to<br />

spend more time w atch ing th e ‘g ames’. L ater w e<br />

make our w ay to ourW arw ick h otel.<br />


F rom our base in W arw ick w e<br />

2 4<br />

make our w ay to th e picturesque old market tow n of<br />

A lcester at th e junction of th e River A lne and River<br />

A rrow. H ere w e strol along th e medieval H ig h Street<br />

and dow n th e delig h tful M alt M il L ane.W e continue<br />

our w alk th roug h attractive O versley W ood to<br />

W ixford and our lunch stop. A fter lunch w e take fields<br />

and lanes passing beautiful th atch ed cottag es back to<br />

A lcester. Total distance 7 miles.<br />

SU N DAY 3 J U N E O ur circular w alk today takes us<br />

th roug h some pleasantW orcestersh ire countryside<br />

and along a delig h tful section of th e M ilennium W ay.<br />

Th e w alk of about 7 ½ miles, is mostly flat, across<br />

open countryside, th roug h farmland and w oods. Th ere<br />

w il be a pub lunch stop at about h alf distance.

Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

M O N DAY 4 J U N E Today w e w alk part of th e<br />

Th ames Path , starting from th e ruins of G odstow<br />

A bbey, th e morning w alk takes us into th e h eart of<br />

O xford w h ere w e sh al h ave time to find lunch before<br />

continuing our w alk past open fields to th e south of<br />

th e city to Sandford lock, a few miles dow nstream of<br />

O xford. Th e lock h as th e g reatest fal of w ater on th e<br />

Th ames w ith its w eir, know n as th e Sandford L ash er,<br />

being pretty impressive. Total distance 6 miles.<br />

W e re-join th e coach and make our w ay h ome,<br />

arriving early evening .<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />


W a r w ic k<br />

A l bedrooms are en suite w ith TV,<br />

teleph one, trouser press, h air dryer &<br />

h ospitality tray.<br />

3 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast.<br />

G uided w alks<br />

£ 3 05.00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 60.00<br />

© F lic k r _L il Sh e p h e r d<br />

2 5

N o r t h er n Delig h t s Sh e t lan d & O r k n e y<br />

9 – 16 Ju n e<br />

Co m ew it h u s o n av o y ag eo fdis co v er y t o t h eN o r t h er n Is les o fSh et land & O r kney .E njo y t h ebr eat h -<br />

t aking nat u r alu ns po ilt beau t y and t r anqu ilit y o ft h es eu niqu eis lands .Y o u w ilno t o nly beg r eet ed by t h e<br />

w ar m es t o fw elco m es bu t als o w it h s o m eo fSco t land’s m o s t dr am at ic s cener y .Fo lo w in t h efo o t s t eps o f<br />

t h eV iking s ,as w em ar v elat t h es t anding s t o nes and ancient v ilag es ,s t eeped in N o r dic Cu lt u r e.E x plo r e<br />

t h em o s t fant as t ic land and s eas capes ,w h ich ar ebo u nd t o t akey o u r br eat h aw ay .B o o kear ly fo r ah o liday<br />

t o r emember …<br />

Departing O xted w e h ead<br />

north w ards and, making comfort stops en route,<br />

arrive at our overnig h t h otel in Darling ton.<br />

SU N DAY 10 J U N E A fter breakfast w e h ead<br />

tow ards th e Scottish capital and over th e Forth Road<br />

B ridg e, th en strike north east th roug h Perth sh ire up<br />

th e attractive coastal road for our late afternoon<br />

sailing from A berdeen. Ch eck into your cabin, fresh en<br />

up th en enjoy dinner on board w ith an overnig h t<br />

sailing to L erw ick, Sh etland.<br />

M O N DAY 11 J U N E Folow ing breakfast on board in<br />

SATU RDAY 9 J U N E L erw ick w e disembark and meet a local g uide for a<br />

2 6<br />

g uided tour of Sh etland, visiting th e outstanding site<br />

of Jarlsh of (one of E urope’s larg est arch aeolog ical<br />

sites spanning over 4000 years of h istory), H osw ick<br />

Visitor centre and Sh etland’s famous ponies.W e<br />

board th e 17 .30 N orth link Cruise Ferry from L erw ick<br />

to K irkw al, O rkney. Dinner is included on board sh ip.<br />

A t 23.00 w e arrive in K irkw al and travel th e sh ort<br />

distance to our h otel.<br />

TU ESDAY 12 J U N E<br />

Today, w ith a local g uide w e<br />

sh al visit th eW orld H eritag e sites of Skara B rae, an

Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

amaz ing N eolith ic vilag e th at lay buried by sand for<br />

4000 years; Stones of Stenness, th e stone Ring of<br />

B rodg ar, Skail H ouse, Ch urch il B arrers, th e delig h tful<br />

ch apel built by Italian PO W s and th e remains of<br />

battlesh ips scuppered at Scapa F low.W e sh al also<br />

h ave a tour of St M ag nus’ Cath edral in K irkw al w h ere<br />

w e sh al h ave time at leisure to find lunch and<br />

explore, before returning to our h otel late afternoon.<br />

W EDN ESDAY 13 J U N E Departing mid morning w e<br />

board th e N orth link Cruise Ferry sailing past B ritain’s<br />

h ig h est vertical cliffs and O rkney’s O ld M an of H oy en<br />

route to th e port of Scrabster. A fter disembarkation<br />

w e drive due south along th e beautiful coastal road<br />

past H elmsdale, B rora and Dornoch to our h otel in<br />

th e footh ils of th e Cairng orm mountains.<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />


H O TEL<br />

Da r lin g t o n<br />


O r k n e y<br />


H O TEL<br />

Av ie m o r e<br />


H O TEL<br />

Sh a p , Pe n r it h<br />

TH U RSDAY 14 J U N E A day at leisure in A viemore.<br />

M aybe take a ride on th e Strath spey Steam Railw ay:<br />

th e railw ay takes a 20 mile round trip along part of<br />

th e orig inal H ig h land Railw ay from its base at<br />

A viemore Station th roug h B oat of G arten and on to<br />

B roomh il. A s th e train passes over moorland, th roug h<br />

w oodlands and by g reat sw eeps of th e River Spey,<br />

th e Cairng orm M ountains provide a backcloth to<br />

th e scenery.<br />

F RIDAY 15 J U N E<br />

Departing after breakfast w e<br />

h ead south th roug h th e central Scottish H ig h lands<br />

and Stirling th en onto th e Scottish B orders before<br />

reach ing our overnig h t h otel near Penrith .<br />

SATU RDAY 16 J U N E Continuing our journey<br />

h ome and making stops en route, w e arrive early<br />

evening .<br />

A l bedrooms are en suite w ith TV,<br />

teleph one & h ospitality tray.<br />

A total of 7 nig h ts Dinner, B ed &<br />

B reakfast, including one nig h t on ferry.<br />

G uided tour of Sh etland<br />

Time to explore L erw ick, K irkw al &<br />

A viemore<br />

G uided tour of O rkney<br />

£ 865.00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 13 1.00<br />

2 7

Is le o f M an<br />

19 – 24 Ju n e<br />

Y o u w ilbeam az ed by t h ebeau t y o ft h eis land and t h ev ar iet y o fit s lands cape;t h er ecan befew places o n<br />

ear t h w h er enat u r eh as dis t r ibu t ed h er g ift s m o r eex t r av ag ant ly ;t h ew ild and t h eg ent le;t h er u g g ed and<br />

t h es o ft ,t h em o o r s and t h em eado w s ,t h ew ilder nes s o fg o r s e,h eat h er and br acken and t h em ildnes s o f<br />

t h efr ag r ant ,flo w er -decked co u nt r y lanes .<br />

Departing O xted early<br />

morning w e make our w ay north w ards to H eysh am<br />

for our early afternoon ferry crossing to Doug las,<br />

arriving late afternoon at th e Rutland h otel.<br />

W EDN ESDAY 2 0 J U N E A fter breakfast w e visit<br />

L axey, an h istoric mining vilag e, w h ere set h ig h on<br />

th e h ilside looking out over th e vilag e is th e ‘L ady<br />

Isabela’, th e larg est w orking w ater w h eel in th e w orld<br />

and perh aps th e island’s best know n landmark. If you<br />

w ish you can climb th e steep spiral staircase to th e<br />

view ing platform above th e w h eel, w alk th e<br />

picturesque trails and even enter a section of th e<br />

mine. Folow ing our visit w e take a journey on th e<br />

TU ESDAY 19 J U N E century old mountain railw ay for a breath -taking , but<br />

2 8<br />

g entle ride to th e summit of th e Island’s h ig h est<br />

mountain, Snaefel, w h ere w e can enjoy th e<br />

mag nificent view of th e six king doms – M ann,<br />

E ng land, Ireland, Scotland,W ales and H eaven.W e<br />

drive to “Royal” Ramsey, a th riving market tow n, set<br />

on th e coast w ith a mag nificent backdrop of N orth<br />

B aarrule. H ere you w il find a long promenade, busy<br />

h arbour and a w ealth of specialist sh ops.<br />

TH U RSDAY 2 1 J U N E Today w e enjoy a ful day<br />

g uided tour taking in part of th e TT course to Tynw ald<br />

H il, h ome of th e M anx Parliament. E stablish ed by th e<br />

Viking s over 1000 years ag o, it is th e oldest in th e

Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w orld.W e continue on to nearby Peel, considered to<br />

be th e most M anx of al tow ns w ith th e h istoric St<br />

Patrick’s Isle w ith many tiny lanes ful of ch aracter<br />

leading out from th e w orking h arbour.<br />

F RIDAY 2 2 J U N E Today w e visit Castletow n, th e<br />

ancient Capital of M ann – w h ich stil retains much of<br />

its former splendour. Take a look at th e h arbour,<br />

w ander th roug h th e narrow streets and maybe visit<br />

Castle Rush en, an ancient fortress, dominating th e<br />

tow n and h arbour.W e continue on to Creg neash<br />

Vilag e Folk M useum, one of th e last strong h olds of<br />

th e traditional skils and customs w h ich ch aracterised<br />

th e crofter’s w ay of life. Since th e mid 17 th century a<br />

smal community of M anx men and w omen h ave<br />

prospered in th is h arsh environment by combining<br />

smal-scale farming w ith oth er occupations: some<br />

w ere fish ermen, oth ers combined th eir ag ricultural<br />

tasks w ith specialist craft skils such as w eaving ,<br />

joinery or w ork at th e forg e. A t th e M useum evidence<br />

of th is rug g ed and self-sufficient lifestyle is ag ain<br />

broug h t to life in th e orig inal building s.W e make th e<br />

sh ort journey to th e Sound Visitor Centre w h ere w e<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />

RU TL AN D H O TEL<br />

Do u g la s<br />

W ith a premium location and facilities, th e<br />

Rutland offers an individual style and luxury<br />

th at ranks among st th e best offered on th e<br />

island. Renow ned International Desig ners<br />

h ave added a touch of class to one of th e<br />

island’s finest venues.<br />

A l bedrooms h ave private facilities,<br />

colour tv, radio, teleph one, h airdryer,<br />

trouser press and h ospitality tray.<br />

5 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast<br />

E ntry to L axey W h eel & mines<br />

sh al h ave a ch ance to enjoy th e spectacular<br />

panoramic view s, see if you can recog nise th e birds<br />

th at pass by, w atch th e currents racing th roug h th e<br />

Sound or simply take in one of th e best view s in th e<br />

B ritish Isles. In th e Centre are displays teling th e<br />

story of th e Sound and th e Calf of M an and w atch<br />

th e seals h auled out on K itterland. W e th en continue<br />

on to Port E rin.<br />

SATU RDAY 2 3 J U N E A day at leisure to explore th e<br />

g rand Victorian resort of Doug las, th e Island’s lively<br />

capital, set in a w ide bay w ith a sw eeping promenade.<br />

Take a strol along th e promenade or enjoy a ride on<br />

one of th e w orld’s oldest surviving h orse trams,<br />

dating from 187 6 , w ith many of th e orig inal cars stil<br />

in use. Th e h orses, know n as ‘trammers’, beg in to pul<br />

w h en th ey are about four years old, pul for no more<br />

th an tw o h ours a day and h ave an averag e w orking<br />

life of 15 years. O n retirement, trammers spend th e<br />

rest of th eir life at Th e H ome of Rest for O ld H orses<br />

on th e outskirts of Doug las.<br />

SU N DAY 2 4 J U N E<br />

Folow ing an early breakfast<br />

w e return to th e port and our ferry to H eysh am,<br />

th ereafter making our w ay h ome, arriving back midevening<br />

.<br />

Ride on mountain railw ay<br />

Time to explore Doug las, Ramsey &<br />

Castletow n<br />

Ful day g uided tour of Tynw ald, th e M anx<br />

Parliament and th e north ern part of th e<br />

Island<br />

E ntry to Creg neash Vilag e Folk M useum<br />

£ 542 .00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 50.00<br />

Se aVie w (lim it e d n u m b e r ) £ 50/r o o m<br />

2 9

Is le o f W ig h t<br />

9 – 13 Ju ly<br />

Y o u o nly need t o t akeas h o r t and pleas ant fer r y r ideacr o s s t h eSo lent t o bet r ans po r t ed t o adiffer ent<br />

w o r ld. Th eIs leo fW ig h t is ju s t 23 m iles lo ng and 13 m iles w idey et fu lo fint er es t ing feat u r es inclu ding<br />

m iles o fs andy beach es and as t u nning co as t line. H o m et o s o m eo ft h em o s t div er s eco u nt r y s idein t h eU K ,<br />

t h eis land g ener a ly enjo y s m ilder w eat h er and m o r es u ns h inet h an t h em ainland,t h eco as t lineh as lo v ely<br />

v iew s and inland y o u w ilfind pict u r es qu ev ilag es and m any places o fint er es t .<br />

Departing O xted w e h ead south<br />

taking a scenic ride across th e N ew Forest w h ere w e<br />

sh al h ave time to find lunch before continuing on to<br />

L yming ton and our ferry toY armouth . F rom h ere w e<br />

make our w ay across th e island to our h otel in<br />

Sh anklin.<br />

TU ESDAY 10 J U L Y Join us th is morning as w e<br />

make our w ay to H avenstreet to join th e Isle ofW ig h t<br />

Steam Railw ay for a nostalg ic 10 mile journey back in<br />

time th roug h some lovely scenery. B reath e in th e<br />

evocative smels of a real steam railw ay, w h ile your<br />

eyes and ears th ril to th e puffing and h issing of th e<br />

30<br />

M O N DAY 9 J U L Y steam eng ine. Settle back in beautifuly restored<br />

Victorian and E dw ardian carriag es and enjoy a unique<br />

view of some of th e Island’s unspoilt countryside.<br />

Take time to h ave a look around th e railw ay museum<br />

and sh op. Folow ing our visit w e continue on to<br />

O sborne H ouse, Q ueen Victoria’s palace by th e sea<br />

w h ere sh e lived w ith h er beloved Prince A lbert and<br />

th eir nine ch ildren. Trace th e footsteps of one of<br />

B ritain’s most popular monarch s as you w ander<br />

th roug h th e Italianate g ardens.Visit Sw iss Cottag e,<br />

w h ere th e royal ch ildren w ere educated, and discover<br />

th e w ildflow er meadow w h ere you can spot rare red

Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

squirrels. Take a h orse and carriag e ride, or sit back<br />

and enjoy th e terrace restaurant w ith its stunning<br />

g arden and sea view s.<br />

W EDN ESDAY 11 J U L Y Th is morning w e make our<br />

w ay to Carisbrooke Castle, best know n as th e place<br />

w h ere K ing Ch arles I w as imprisoned. For a castle th at<br />

h as lived th roug h more th an 800 years of service,<br />

including resisting a sieg e by th e French and seeing<br />

off th e Spanish A rmada, it’s also w onderfuly w el<br />

preserved. Th e E dw ardian style Princess B eatrice<br />

G arden is a joy to explore. For h undreds of years th e<br />

castle’s resident donkeys h ave draw n up w ater in th e<br />

w el-h ouse. A l th e donkeys’ names beg in w ith th e<br />

letter ‘J’. Th is tradition w as started w h en Ch arles I w as<br />

a prisoner at Carisbrooke.W h en Ch arles I w rote<br />

letters or w as planning h is escape route, h e alw ays<br />

sig ned h is letters w ith a ‘J’. So for 150 years al th e<br />

donkeys at th e castle h ave h ad a name beg inning<br />

w ith ‘J’. Th is is a tradition th at continues to be<br />

uph eld! A fter an early lunch w e take a scenic tour of<br />

th e island, returning to our h otel late afternoon.<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />


H O TEL<br />

Sh a n k lin<br />

B ourne H al is an eleg ant Country H ouse<br />

H otel and restaurant, set in mature g rounds<br />

in Sh anklin, Isle ofW ig h t.<br />

Th e h otel h as an outdoor sw imming pool<br />

and an indoor leisure complex featuring a<br />

h eated sw imming pool, a Jacuz z i, a “far”<br />

infra red sauna.<br />

A l bedrooms are en suite w ith TV,<br />

teleph one, h airdryer & h ospitality tray.<br />

4 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast.<br />

TH U RSDAY 12 J U L Y A fter breakfast w e drive to<br />

th e picturesque vilag e of G odsh il – th e mostph<br />

otog raph ed vilag e in B ritain! Spend th e morning<br />

admiring th e th atch ed cottag es and th e 15th century<br />

ch urch , or w alk around th e immaculate model vilag e<br />

and g ift sh ops, and maybe treat yourself to a larg e<br />

cream cake from th e O ld Smith y. L ate morning w e<br />

make our w ay toVentnor B otanic G ardens w h ere w e<br />

sh al be at leisure to find lunch and explore. N estling<br />

in th e microclimate of Th e U ndercliff,Ventnor B otanic<br />

G arden h as a subtropical and exotic plant colection<br />

unrivaled elsew h ere in th e U K . Plants w h ich w ould<br />

normaly be found in protected g lassh ouses th rive<br />

and naturalise in g eog raph ical planting s based on<br />

th e M editerranean z ones of th e w orld (entry to<br />

g reenh ouse not included). M id afternoon w e return to<br />

Sh anklin w h ere w e sh al be at leisure to explore th is<br />

delig h tful vilag e.<br />

F RIDAY 13 J U L Y<br />

Departing after breakfast w e<br />

take a scenic drive via B embridg e to Ryde, know n as<br />

th e G atew ay to th e Island, w h ere w e sh al be at<br />

leisure to brow se and find lunch before boarding th e<br />

ferry to Portsmouth . A rriving h ome early evening .<br />

Time to explore G odsh il, Ryde & Sh anklin<br />

Scenic drive th roug h th e N ew Forest<br />

Ride on th e Isle ofW ig h t Steam Railw ay<br />

E ntry to O sborne H ouse<br />

E ntry to Carisbrooke Castle<br />

Scenic tour of th e island<br />

Visit toVentnor B otanic G ardens<br />

£ 515.00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 48.00<br />

E n g lis h H e r it ag e le s s £ 14.88, b u t<br />

m u s t b r in g c ar d<br />


Flo r iade<br />

6 – 10 Au g u s t<br />

E x per ienceafeas t fo r t h es ens es at F lo r iade2012 ~ H o land’s w o r ld h o r t icu lt u r alex h ibit io n s t ag ed o nce<br />

ev er y 10 y ear s .Sam pleev er y as pect o fDu t ch h o r t icu lt u r efr o m bu lbs ,flo w er s and plant s t o t r ees ,bu s h es<br />

and s h r u bs ,fr o m v eg et ables and fr u it t o mu s h r o o m s .Th eF lo r iadePar kco v er s 66h ect ar es and<br />

enco m pas s es 5 u niqu et h em ed w o r lds s epar at ed by w o o ded ar eas ,each w it h it s o w n deco r ,pr o g r am m e<br />

and act iv it ies ,in w h ich y o u ’ ls ee,feeland ex per iencenat u r ein at o t a ly differ ent w ay each t im e.<br />

Depart early morning for th e<br />

drive to Dover and our sh ort sea crossing to Calais.<br />

W e travel on to O stend w h ere w e sh al h ave time to<br />

h ave a look around and find lunch . E arly afternoon w e<br />

continue on toValkenburg , our h ome for th e next<br />

four nig h ts.<br />

TU ESDAY 7 AU G U ST Today w e make th e sh ort<br />

journey to th e F loriade site atVenlo in th e Dutch<br />

province of L imburg . Th ere are several th emes: G reen<br />

E ng ine - th e ultra-sustainableVila F lora is h ome to<br />

th e big g est indoor flow er sh ow ; Relax and H eal - th is<br />

w orld puts you in balance w ith nature in an O riental<br />

32<br />

M O N DAY 6 AU G U ST setting . H ealing h erbs, tea rituals, a barefoot path and<br />

a spa-like ambience g ives every visitor a specialY in-<br />

Y ang experience; E ducation and Innovation - as you<br />

w alk around th is area, you’l understand h ow<br />

important it is to keep on learning and innovating .<br />

Taste unusual fruit and veg etable creations. Cook your<br />

ow n meal in a laboratory. A nd g o on a journey<br />

th roug h th e jung le g reenh ouse; E nvironment -<br />

experience h ow flow ers, plants, trees, veg etables and<br />

fruit in your immediate environment can improve<br />

your daily life;W orld Sh ow Stag e - a spot on th e<br />

boulevard w h ere you can sample w orld foods and<br />

© F lic k r _Dr St e p h e n Da n n

Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

enjoy an international prog ramme of entertainment<br />

in th e spectacular amph ith eatre. A place w h ere you’l<br />

not only feel like a spectator but like a participant<br />

too! Y ou can w alk along a th ematic route or enjoy a<br />

bird’s eye view of th e park from th e 30-metre-h ig h<br />

cable-car system.<br />

W EDN ESDAY 8 AU G U ST Th is morning w e make<br />

our w ay to th e Th ree L ands Point M az e, situated at<br />

th e south -w estern tip of th e N eth erlands, w h ere th e<br />

country touch es both G ermany and B elg ium. Th is is<br />

reflected in th e overal sh ape of th e maz e, and its<br />

h edg es represent th e G erman eag le and tw o different<br />

lion symbols for B elg ium and H oland. O ne of th e<br />

w orld’s larg est permanent h edg e maz es, th e maz e<br />

path s are crossed in several places by row s of<br />

fountains, w h ich temporarily block th e path s, rising<br />

and faling seeming ly at random. Th e path s also pass<br />

over and under w ooden bridg es. Folow ing our visit<br />

w e journey on to th e G erman spa tow n of A ach en<br />

w h ere w e sh al h ave some time to explore. M aybe<br />

visit th e cath edral, one of th e most famous examples<br />

of occidental arch itecture and th e first G erman<br />

building to be included in th e U N E SCO W orld<br />

H eritag e list, see th e G oth ic Tow n H al, brow se th e<br />

sh ops or simply sit and w atch th e w orld g o by before<br />

returning to our h otel.<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />

H O TEL W AL RAM<br />

Va lk e n b u rg<br />

Th e B estW estern H otelW alram is a stylish<br />

h otel w ith a rich h istory. H otelW alram h as<br />

modern facilities including an indoor<br />

sw imming pool and sauna.<br />

A l bedrooms are en suite w ith TV, clock<br />

radio & h airdryer.<br />

4 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast.<br />

TH U RSDAY 9 AU G U ST W e sh al be free th is<br />

morning to discover th e delig h ts ofValkenburg : see<br />

th e remains ofValkenburg Castle; th e only elevated<br />

castle in th e N eth erlands, maybe visit th e municipal<br />

caves created w h en th e Romans beg an mining th e<br />

g round for th e marl th at th ey needed as building<br />

material. A fter lunch w e drive to M aastrich t w h ere w e<br />

sh al h ave a boat ride on th e River M euse.<br />

F RIDAY 10 AU G U ST<br />

Departing after breakfast w e<br />

make our w ay to M ons in B elg ium w h ere w e sh al<br />

h ave time to find lunch before continuing on to<br />

Calais. A rriving back in O xted late evening .<br />

Time to explore O stend, A ach en,<br />

Valkenburg , M aastrich t & M ons<br />

E ntry to F loriade 2012<br />

E ntry to Th ree Points M az e<br />

B oat ride on River M euse<br />

£ 459 .00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 40.00<br />


So u t h Eas t Ir elan d, W ic k lo w M o u n t ain s & Tall Sh ip s<br />

21 – 27 Au g u s t<br />

K no w n as t h e‘G ar den o fIr eland’,Co u nt y W icklo w is h o met o s o meo ft h eco u nt r y ’s mo s t beau t ifu ls cener y ,<br />

ah av en o fg lis t ening lakes ,pict u r es qu ev ilag es and u ndu lat ing h ils o fg r een,o v er lo o ked by t h er u g g ed<br />

peaks o ft h em ajes t icW icklo w M o u nt ains and r eno w ned fo r it s leg endar y w ar m Ir is h w elco m e.Du r ing t h is<br />

t o u r w edis co v er o neo ft h eE m er ald Is le’s m o s t fam o u s g ar dens ,lear n o fIr eland’s lo ng lo v eaffair w it h<br />

h o r s er acing w it h av is it t o t h eIr is h N at io nalSt u d,and feas t o u r ey es o n t h ebew it ch ing s cener y and h idden<br />

t r eas u r es o ft h eW icklo w M o u nt ains N at io nalPar k.W eals o ex per iencet h e‘Fair Cit y ’o fDu blin,Ir eland’s<br />

fas cinat ing capit al,w h ich s t ands pr o u dly as t r idet h eRiv er L iffey br im m ing w it h cu lt u r aland h is t o r ic<br />

t r eas u r es .O u r bas efo r t h is t o u r is t h eh is t o r ic co as t alr es o r t o fB r ay ,‘G at ew ay t o t h eG ar den o fE ng land’,<br />

w h ich enjo y s aw o nder fu ls et t ing ag ains t t h ebackdr o p o ft h eSu g ar L o afand W icklo w M o u nt ains .<br />

TU ESDAY 2 1 AU G U ST Departing O xted and Pow erscourt<br />

making refresh ments stops en route w e drive to th e<br />

K inmel M anor H otel, A berg ele, N orth W ales, our<br />

overnig h t stop.<br />

W EDN ESDAY 2 2 AU G U ST A fter an early breakfast<br />

w e travel to H olyh ead for th e morning fast ferry<br />

sailing to Dun L aog h aire from w h ere w e make th e<br />

sh ort journey to E nniskerry for an afternoon visit to<br />

34<br />

H ouse and G ardens. O verlooking th e<br />

Sug ar L oaf M ountain, it is considered to be one of th e<br />

w orld’s g reat g ardens, described as “a sublime blend<br />

of formal g ardens, sw eeping terraces, statuary and<br />

ornamental lakes w ith secret h olow s and w aled<br />

g ardens”. Folow ing our visit w e continue on to<br />

our h otel.<br />

TH U RSDAY 2 3 AU G U ST A h alf day g uided tour of

Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

Dublin by coach w ith th e remainder of th e day at<br />

leisure to explore th e sig h ts and take in th e<br />

atmosph ere of th is Capital City straddling th e River<br />

L iffey at th e h ead of Dublin B ay.Visit Trinity Coleg e<br />

w ith its majestic 18th -century building s and squares,<br />

h ome to th e famous ‘B ook of K els’; join in th e h ustle<br />

and bustle of th e renow ned O ’Connel Street and<br />

G rafton Street – th e h eart of Dublin’s sh opping<br />

paradise or visit th e fash ionable Temple B ar area.<br />

F RIDAY 2 4 AU G U ST A leisurely start to th e day in<br />

B ray w h ere th eVictorian Promenade keeps th e same<br />

style today as th at of O scarW ilde’s time, before<br />

taking an excursion th roug h th e beautiful scenery of<br />

th eW icklow N ational Park.W e travel to G lendaloug h ,<br />

an ancient monastic site surrounded by forests, th en<br />

dow n th roug h th eVale of Clara to A voca, h ome of<br />

B alykissang el, before h eading back tow ards B ray<br />

along th e coast road via th e h istoric tow n ofW icklow,<br />

famed for its fine h arbour and captivating g aol.<br />

SATU RDAY 2 5 AU G U ST For th e first time since<br />

1998, Dublin City is th e final h ost port for th e<br />

international Tal Sh ips Races for 2012. U p to 100 Tal<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />


N o r t h W a le s<br />

Th e K inmel M anor is a family run h otel set<br />

back w ith in rural surrounding s of A berg ele.<br />

ESPL AN ADE H O TEL Bra y<br />

A Victorian h otel situated on th e seafront.<br />

A l bedrooms are en suite w ith TV,<br />

teleph one, h airdryer & h ospitality tray.<br />

A total of 6 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast.<br />

E ntry to Pow erscourt E state<br />

H alf day g uided tour of Dublin<br />

Sh ips from 15-20 countries, crew ed by some 5-6 ,000<br />

young people are expected to sail up th e mouth of<br />

th e L iffey, and th e atmosph ere around th e Dock area<br />

of Dublin promises to be mag ical. E njoy a unique<br />

opportunity to view th e tal sh ips and enjoy th e<br />

carnival events.<br />

SU N DAY 2 6 AU G U ST Today w e visit K ildare and<br />

th e Irish N ational Stud, w h ich is also h ome to th e<br />

Japanese G ardens, acclaimed as th e finest in E urope,<br />

created to symbolise th e ‘L ife of M an’. H ere w e sh al<br />

h ave a tour of th e stud and time to visit th e museum<br />

before view ing th e mares and foals along Tuly W alk.<br />

E xperience St. Fiach ra’s g ardens, dedicated to St.<br />

F iach ra - th e Patron Saint of G ardeners too, w ith its<br />

w oodland and lakeside w alks. A fter lunch w e journey<br />

th roug h th e lush K ildare countryside to B lessing ton<br />

L akes, 500 acres of lakeside scenery set beneath th e<br />

W icklow M ountains before returning to our h otel.<br />

M O N DAY 2 7 AU G U ST<br />

M aking an early departure<br />

from our h otel w e make our w ay to th e ferry for our<br />

sailing to H olyh ead, during w h ich w e sh al h ave<br />

breakfast.W e th en continue our h omew ard journey,<br />

arriving mid evening .<br />

Time to explore Dublin<br />

Scenic tour ofW icklow N ational Park &<br />

Coastline<br />

View ing of Tal Sh ips (exclusive of any<br />

entry fees)<br />

Visit to Irish N ational Stud, H orse<br />

M useum, Japanese G ardens & St F iach ra’s<br />

G ardens<br />

£ 62 5.00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 104.00<br />


A Su m m er Ram ble 25 – 27 Au g u s t (B a n k H o lid a y )<br />

Fo r t h is r am ble,w eh av ech o s en t h r eebeau t ifu lar eas in H am ps h ir eand Do r s et :as eclu ded par t o ft h e<br />

N ew Fo r es t ;t h ew o nder fu lDo r s et co as t w it h finev iew s and s andy beach es ,t h en par t o ft h eIt ch en W ay<br />

and W inch es t er .Th em o r ning s ar eg ent lew alking in g o o d co mpany ,bu t aft er lu nch t h ew alking is s lig h t ly<br />

m o r edemanding ,h o w ev er y o u do h av et h eo pt io n t o jo in t h eco ach and r e-jo in t h ew alker s lat er .Aft er<br />

r ain ex pect s o m eo v er g r o w n and mu ddy pat h s in places s o br ing s u it ablefo o t w ear .<br />

Departing from O xted w e<br />

make our w ay to South ampton for lunch before<br />

continuing on to th e N ew Forest w h ere w e sh al h ave<br />

an easy but interesting w alk of about 4 miles.W e<br />

later drive on to ourW inch ester h otel.<br />

SU N DAY 2 6 AU G U ST Today w e h ave a lovely<br />

coastal w alk starting near Poole H arbour along th e sea<br />

w al and promenade, w e soon reach th e expensive<br />

property area of Sandbanks.W e take th e Studland<br />

ch ain ferry crossing th e entrance to Poole H arbour and<br />

h ead tow ards Studland Vilag e as th e g lorious sandy<br />

beach g ives w ay to th e mag nificent cliffs at O ld H arry<br />

SATU RDAY 2 5 AU G U ST and a ch alk ridg e th at runs from Studland to L ulw orth ,<br />

36<br />

forming th e backbone of th e Isle of Purbeck.W e make<br />

our lunch stop h ere, w ith fine view s over th e B ay.<br />

Distance 4 miles. A fter lunch you may w ish to tackle<br />

th e more ch aleng ing 5 mile PurbeckW ay to Corfe<br />

Castle. A lternatively join th e coach to Sw anag e and<br />

perh aps take th e steam train to Corfe Castle.<br />

M O N DAY 2 7 AU G U ST Today w e w alk part of th e<br />

30 mile long Itch en W ay, w h ich folow s th e River<br />

Itch en from its source to its confluence w ith<br />

South ampton W ater. It folow s much of th e Itch en<br />

N avig ation and g oes th roug h th e centre of h istoric<br />

© F lic k r _Ju s t An o t h e r G u y In Br is t o l

Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

W inch ester, passing close to th e Cath edral.W e start<br />

w ith a beautiful 3½ mile w alk from near Sh aw ford,<br />

h eading north w ards toW inch ester w h ere w e sh al<br />

break for lunch . Fuly refresh ed, w e continue for 4<br />

miles along side th e river folow ing lanes, clear tracks<br />

and some field path s th roug h ch alk dow nlands to<br />

Itch en A bbas, a ch arming vilag e set w ith in th e<br />

picturesque Itch en Valey. Surrounded by beautiful<br />

countryside, th e vilag e is positioned on th e banks of<br />

th e trout filed River Itch en. Th ose w h o don’t w ish to<br />

w alk th is afternoon may stay in W inch ester and travel<br />

by coach to meet th e w alkers in Itch en A bbas. F rom<br />

h ere w e make our w ay h omew ards, arriving back in<br />

O xted early evening .<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />


W in c h e s t e r<br />

A boutique style h otel located w ith in<br />

w alking distance ofW inch ester city centre.<br />

A l bedrooms are en suite w ith TV,<br />

teleph one, & h ospitality tray.<br />

2 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast.<br />

G uided w alks<br />

Ch ain ferry fare<br />

£ 2 48.00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 40.00<br />


It alian L ak es<br />

7 – 16 S e p t e m b e r<br />

L akeCo m o is kno w n as t h epr et t ies t lakein no r t h er n It aly .It s beau t ifu lg lam o r o u s s h o r elineis am ag net<br />

fo r t h er ich and fam o u s and it ’s eas y t o s eew h y ,w it h cr y s t alclear lakes fr am ed by m ajes t ic s no w -capped<br />

peaks and s u r r o u nded by s h o r es do t t ed w it h ancient v ilas and qu aint fis h ing v ilag es .Sav o u r t h elo cal<br />

s pecialit ies o ft h ev a ley -ear t h y r ed w ines ,h andm adeicecr eam t o diefo r and fr es h ly cau g h t fis h<br />

s pr inkled w it h o liv eo iland h er bs .<br />

Depart O xted early morning<br />

for Dover and our ferry crossing to Calais and continue<br />

across F rance to Saush eim, our overnig h t stop.<br />

SATU RDAY 8 SEPTEM BER Th is morning w e make<br />

our w ay to th e Rh einfals at Sch affh ausen w h ere w e<br />

sh al h ave time to find lunch before continuing on<br />

across Sw itz erland into Italy, arriving at our h otel<br />

overlooking L ake Como.<br />

SU N DAY 9 SEPTEM BER A day at leisure to relax<br />

and enjoy M ez z eg ra, in th e h eart of th e Tremez z ina<br />

area of L ake Como. Th e area know n as th e Tremez z ina<br />

is a stretch of th e sun drench ed W estern sh oreline<br />

F RIDAY 7 SEPTEM BER made up of six vilag es, starting from th e medieval<br />

38<br />

vilag e of Sala Comacina, passing north th roug h<br />

O ssuccio, L enno, M ez z eg ra, Tremez z o, and ending w ith<br />

Cadenabbia-G riante. Th is stretch , a favourite h aunt of<br />

th e E uropean elite, is ful to th e brim w ith centuriesold<br />

ch urch es, vilag es w ith narrow cobbled streets,<br />

and pastel-painted h ouses w h ose w als h ave been<br />

blistered by th e h eat of long summer days. G rand<br />

Italian vilas h ug th e sh ore and boast immaculate<br />

g ardens, namely Vila Carlotta and Vila del<br />

B albianelo, both playing h ost to film sets such as th e<br />

James B ond h it Casino Royale.

Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

M O N DAY 10 SEPTEM BER Today w e take a scenic<br />

drive along th e south ern sh ores of romantic L ake<br />

Como, E urope’s deepest lake, to arrive at th e old<br />

w aled tow n of Como, surrounded by mountains w ith<br />

a beautiful cath edral and delig h tful sh opping area.<br />

L ater w e continue our journey around th e lake,<br />

making our w ay to B elag io, know n as “th e pearl of<br />

L ake Como”.W e take th e ferry across th e lake from<br />

B elag io back to our h otel.<br />

TU ESDAY 11 SEPTEM BER Th is morning w e make<br />

our w ay to th e tow n of Stresa on L ake M ag g iore,<br />

from w h ere w e take a boat trip along th e lake to th e<br />

Sw iss tow n of L ocarno, so bring your passport w ith<br />

you, as you w il need it to cross th e border betw een<br />

Italy and Sw itz erland. F rom L ocarno w e continue on<br />

to L ake L ug ano and travel along its north ern sh ore,<br />

passing back into Italy and returning to our h otel.<br />

W EDN ESDAY 12 SEPTEM BER W e take th e<br />

north ern route around L ake Como today, making<br />

stops along th e w ay and returning to th e h otel by<br />

ferry from B elag io once ag ain.<br />

TH U RSDAY 13 SEPTEM BER L eaving Italy today w e<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />

M ERCU RE M U L H O U SE Sa u s h e im<br />

H O TEL L ARIO M e z z e g r a -Tr e m e z z in a<br />

Th e h otel faces L ake Como & h as an outdoor<br />

sw imming pool.<br />


L u c e r n e<br />

Th e L uz ernerh of is rig h t in th e h eart of<br />

L ucerne, only a stone's th row from L ake<br />

L ucerne, th e lion's monument and th e<br />

Ch apel B ridg e.<br />

H O TEL M ETZ M ETRO PO L E M e t z<br />

make our w ay to L ucerne in Sw itz erland, w h ere w e<br />

are staying for th e next 2 nig h ts.<br />

F RIDAY 14 SEPTEM BER A day at leisure in L ucerne<br />

renow ned for its long w ooden bridg e and beautiful<br />

streets. H ig h ly recommended is a boat trip on th e<br />

lake, and one sug g estion is a circular tour, beg inning<br />

on a steamer on L ake L ucerne to th e lakeside resort<br />

ofVitz nau. From h ere, take th e cog w h eel railw ay to<br />

th e mountain peak of Rig i K ulm, w ith some<br />

spectacular view s over mountains and lakes. H ere you<br />

can h ave lunch and brow se th e g ift sh ops.Y ou th en<br />

return, ag ain by th e cog w h eel railw ay to K altbad and<br />

join th e cable car toW eg g is, and finaly th e steamer<br />

back to L ucerne.Y ou may prefer to take a sh orter<br />

cruise on th e lake, leaving time to w ander th e sh ops<br />

and enjoy a leisurely Sw iss lunch .Y ou w il also h ave<br />

time to w alk across th e famous Ch apel B ridg e and<br />

h ave an ice cream.<br />

SATU RDAY 15 SEPTEM BER Departing L ucerne w e<br />

make our w ay across Sw itz erland to F rance and on to<br />

our overnig h t stop in M etz .<br />


W e continue our journey<br />

across F rance to Calais and our ferry, arriving back in<br />

O xted mid evening .<br />

A l bedrooms are en suite w ith TV &<br />

teleph one.<br />

A total of 9 nig h ts Dinner, B ed &<br />

B reakfast.<br />

Time to explore M ez z eg ra-Tremez z ina,<br />

Como, B elag io, L og arno & L ucerne<br />

Scenic tours around L ake Como<br />

B oat trip on L ake M ag g iore<br />

£ 1105.00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 2 3 0.00<br />


H ar r o g at e & Pen n in eYo r k s h ir e & Th e Dale s – Br o n t ë Co u n t r y<br />

17 – 21 S e p t e m b e r<br />

Th ech ar m ing s pat o w n o fH ar r o g at e,fam o u s fo r it s flo r albeau t y and eleg ance,is w it h o u t ado u bt o neo f<br />

t h em o s t at t r act iv et o w ns in B r it ain. Th et o w n cent r eis an ex cit ing mix o fs t y lis h Vict o r ian bu ilding s and<br />

ench ant ing s h o ps .E njoy as cenic jo u r ney t h r o u g h t h eY o r ks h ir eDales N at io nalPar k,v is it ing G r as s ing t o n<br />

and t h em ar ket t o w n o fSkipt o n,kno w n as ‘Th eG at ew ay t o t h eDales ’. W es h a lals o v is it s o m ew e lkno<br />

w n places s u ch as H aw o r t h ,h o m eo ft h eB r o nt ë fam ily and RH S H ar lo w Car r G ar dens .Th er ew ilals o<br />

bet im et o ex plo r eH ar r o g at eand per h aps t aket eaat B et t y ' s TeaRo o m .<br />

Departing O xted at<br />

8.00am w e make our w ay to H arrog ate, stopping for<br />

refresh ments en route and arriving late afternoon at<br />

th e Cedar Court H otel.<br />

TU ESDAY 18 SEPTEM BER Th is morning w e drive<br />

to Saltaire, th e model vilag e built by Sir Titus Salt,<br />

w h ere w e sh al h ave a g uided w alking tour. Folow ing<br />

our walk w e make th e sh ort drive to H aw orth w h ere w e<br />

sh al be free to find lunch and maybe visit th e B rontë<br />

Parsonag e M useum (entry not included). E arly afternoo n<br />

w e journey on to Skipton, dubbed ‘Th e G ateway to th e<br />

M O N DAY 17 SEPTEM BER Dales’, a w onderful h istoric market tow n rig h t in th e<br />

40<br />

h eart of beautiful Pennines scenery w h ere w e board a<br />

boat for an h our long sig h tseeing cruise on th e L eeds/<br />

L iverpool canal w ith coffee/tea and biscuits. Folow ing<br />

our cruise w e make our w ay back to our h otel.<br />

W EDN ESDAY 19 SEPTEM BER A fter breakfast w e<br />

journey to RH S H arlow Carr B otanical G ardens, a<br />

peaceful g arden draw ing inspiration from th e local<br />

scenery w h ere you can enjoy th e tranquil surrounding s.<br />

E arly afternoon w e continue on to H arrog ate w h ere w e<br />

sh al be at leisure to explore th e tow n or spend th e

Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

afternoon relaxing in our h otel.<br />

TH U RSDAY 2 0 SEPTEM BER Today w e h ave a ful<br />

day scenic tour of th eY orksh ire Dales N ational Park,<br />

including G rassing ton, K ettlew el h ome of th e<br />

Calendar G irls, A skrig g , w h ere A l Creatures G reat and<br />

Smal w as filmed and H aw es, w h ere w e sh al visit th e<br />

W ensleydale Creamery and h ave th e opportunity to<br />

see ch eese being made, strol th roug h th e ch eesemaking<br />

museum and find lunch in th e restaurant.<br />

A fter lunch w e continue on th roug h H orton in<br />

Ribblesdale, situated at th e h eart of th e Th ree Peaks<br />

area of th e N ational Park and famous for its viaduct<br />

before making our w ay back to H arrog ate.<br />


L eaving th e h otel after<br />

breakfast w e make our w ay h omew ards, arriving late<br />

afternoon.<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />

CEDAR CO U RT H O TEL H a r r o g a t e<br />

O verlooking th e famous 200 acre Stray<br />

parkland, th is h istoric g rade I listed building<br />

dates back to 16 7 1 and h as been carefuly<br />

restored to th e g randeur of yesteryear. M any<br />

of th e orig inal features remain, yet th e h otel<br />

h as been tastefuly restored w ith a stylish<br />

mix co-ordinating both old and new.<br />

A l bedrooms are en suite w ith TV,<br />

teleph one & h ospitality tray.<br />

4 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast.<br />

Time to explore H arrog ate & H aw orth<br />

G uided w alking tour of Saltaire<br />

Sig h tseeing cruise on th e L eeds/L iverpool<br />

canal w ith coffee/tea & biscuits<br />

Ful day scenic tour ofY orksh ire Dales<br />

N ational Park<br />

E ntry toW ensleydale Creamery<br />

E ntry to RH S H arlow Carr G ardens<br />

£ 405.00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 60.00<br />

RH S M e m b e r s le s s £ 6.50 b u t m u s t b r in g c ar d<br />


U K M y s t er y To u r<br />

30 S e p t e m b e r – 2 O c to b e r<br />

Fancy as h o r t br eakand can’t decidew h er et o g o ? L et Skinner s decidefo r y o u and jo in u s fo r o u r fir s t<br />

M y s t er y H o liday – can y o u g u es s t h edes t inat io n fr o m t h eclu es belo w ? W ew o u ld lo v et o t e ly o u w h er e<br />

w ear eg o ing bu t t h at w o u ld bet e ling !Th er eis o nly o new ay t o find o u t :co m ealo ng .A lt h at w ew il<br />

t e ly o u is t h at t h eh o t elw ilbeat leas t a3 * s t andar d and w es h a linclu deex cu r s io ns o n t h eSu nday<br />

and M o nday .<br />


Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

SU N DAY 3 0 SEPTEM BER Departing O xted at<br />

8.00am and stopping for coffee at a motorw ay services<br />

w e make our w ay to a castle th at you’d expect to be a<br />

palace… th at’s al w e’re teling you! B ut th ere w il be<br />

plenty of time for sig h tseeing and th is w il be an easyg<br />

oing and unh urried day, w ith stops for cofee and lunch .<br />

M O N DAY 1 O CTO BER Join us today for more<br />

mystery as w e visit a market tow n w ith more th an<br />

800 years of h istory. Sited on th e banks of a river, it is<br />

in a Sh ire surrounded by Sh ires. During th e day w e<br />

sh al be making stops for coffee and lunch and h ave<br />

time to explore w h erever w e may be including a<br />

cruise on th e river.<br />


A fter a leisurely breakfast<br />

w e depart our h otel and make our w ay to an ancient<br />

tow n w ith a modern look th at h as industrial,<br />

ecclesiastical and political h eritag e and musical<br />

connections.A rticles synonymous w ith h ig h fash ion and<br />

quality merch andise w ere manufactured h ere too from<br />

th e 17 00s to th e late 196 0s. Folow ing our visit h ere w e<br />

make our w ay back to O xted, arriving early evening .<br />

3 * H O TEL , ???<br />

Th e ? ? ? H otel, G olf and Country Club near<br />

? ? ? , w as built at th e time of Ch arles I around<br />

th e year of 16 30 and boasts panoramic<br />

view s over th e ? ? ?<br />

A l bedrooms are en suite w ith TV,<br />

teleph one, h airdryer & h ospitality tray.<br />

2 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast.<br />

Time to explore ? ? ? & ? ? ?<br />

E ntry to ? ? ?<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />

B oat trip on th e ? ? ?<br />

£ 2 19 .00 PER PERSO N<br />


Falm o u t h<br />

1 – 8 O c to b e r<br />

Falmo u t h is B r it ain’s m o s t s o u t h er ly r es o r t and t h et h ir d lar g es t nat u r alh ar bo u r in t h ew o r ld s u r r o u nded<br />

by abeau t ifu lco as t line,w o o ded cr eeks and cr ag g y inlet s .Th em ag nificent Pendennis Cas t les t ands<br />

pr o u dly o v er lo o king t h eh ar bo u r ,s h elt er ed beach es and g lo r io u s par ks and g ar dens co mplet et h epict u r e.<br />

In t h enar r o w s t r eet s o ft h ebu s t ling t o w n cent r ey o u w ilfind aw ides elect io n o fs h o ps and ar t g a ler ies ,<br />

co bbled a ley s and ancient inns .<br />

M O N DAY 1 O CTO BER Departing from O xted w estw ards to Penz ance, a bustling tow n and h arbour<br />

8.30am and making stops for refresh ments along th e<br />

w ay w e arrive at our Falmouth h otel late afternoon.<br />

TU ESDAY 2 O CTO BER A day at leisure to explore<br />

Falmouth ’s sh ops, h arbour, sh eltered creeks, beach es<br />

and g ardens. Th e port of Falmouth stands at th e<br />

entrance to Carrick Roads, a mag nificent natural<br />

h arbour formed at th e junction of several estuaries.<br />

Th e castles of Pendennis and St M aw es, w h ich face<br />

each oth er across th e Roads, w ere built by H enry V I<br />

and g ave protection ag ainst marauders.<br />

W EDN ESDAY 3 O CTO BER Today w e drive<br />

44<br />

w ith a climate so mild th at palm trees and oth er<br />

sub-tropical plants th rive. L ater w e take a scenic<br />

drive along th e N orth Cornish coast to th e<br />

picturesque tow n, and once busy fish ing port, of<br />

St. Ives w ith its g aily-coloured stone cottag es,<br />

cobbled aleys and array of cafes, unusual sh ops and<br />

artists’ studios; enjoy a w alk along side th e h arbour,<br />

or if you are feeling cultural, visit th e Tate St Ives and<br />

th e B arbara H epw orth Sculpture g arden.<br />

TH U RSDAY 4 O CTO BER Departing from th e Prince<br />

ofW ales Pier in Falmouth , w e take a boat trip up th e

Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

river to Truro, w h ere w e sh al alig h t at th e Tow n Q uay,<br />

tides permitting , or th e w aterside vilag e of M alpas,<br />

from w h ere th ere is a classic double decker bus<br />

w aiting to take us to th e tow n centre. H ere th ere w il<br />

be time to brow se and sh op or maybe visit th e<br />

cath edral or th e Royal Cornw al M useum before<br />

returning to th e h otel by coach .<br />

F RIDAY 5 O CTO BER A ful day scenic tour of th e<br />

rug g ed N orth Cornw al coast, making a stop in th e<br />

h arbour tow n of Padstow, built on a h ilside<br />

overlooking th e Camel E stuary w ith its many<br />

medieval building s. Padstow is th e h ome of one of<br />

TV’s top ch efs – restaurateur Rick Stein.<br />

SATU RDAY 6 O CTO BER A furth er day at leisure.<br />

Y ou may w ish to take a boat trip up th e H elford River<br />

– see F rench man’s Creek, famed by Daph ne du<br />

M aurier.<br />

SU N DAY 7 O CTO BER A fter breakfast, w e make<br />

our w ay to M araz ion, from w h ere w e cross to th e<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />

RO YAL DU CH Y H O TEL Fa lm o u t h<br />

O ne of Cornw al’s most respected H otels,<br />

th e Royal Duch y enjoys dramatic view s<br />

across Falmouth B ay to th e tow ers of<br />

Pendennis Castle and th e h eadland<br />

beyond.Standing in its ow n g rounds, th e<br />

H otel h as an indoor sw imming pool, spa<br />

bath and g ames room.<br />

A l bedrooms are en suite w ith TV,<br />

teleph one & h ospitality tray.<br />

7 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast.<br />

Time to explore Falmouth , Truro & St Ives<br />

B oat trip from Falmouth to Truro<br />

iconic island of St M ich ael’s M ount by boat. M eander<br />

around th e h istoric vilag e, climb to th e island’s<br />

summit w h ere th e vision of St M ich ael appeared, or<br />

marvel at th e eng ineering of th e underg round tram<br />

th at carries supplies from th e h arbour to th e castle.<br />

E arly afternoon w e make our w ay to th e h istoric<br />

Trevarno E state w h ere you can explore th e<br />

mag nificent g ardens, g rounds and W oodland w alks<br />

w h ich date back to 1246 . E njoy th e abundant w ildlife,<br />

folow th e prog ress of major restoration projects and<br />

visit th e remarkable N ational M useum of G ardening .<br />

M O N DAY 8 O CTO BER<br />

Departing from th e h otel<br />

after breakfast w e make our w ay h omew ards, making<br />

stops en route and arriving back early evening .<br />

Scenic tour of N orth Cornw al coast<br />

including Padstow<br />

E ntry to Trevarno G ardens<br />

Scenic tour ofW est Cornw al including<br />

St Ives<br />

£ 83 5.00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 147.00<br />

N at Tr u s t m e m b e r s le s s £ 6.50, b u t m u s t<br />

b r in g c ar d .<br />

P le a s e n o t e : Re q u ir in g a s t e e p c lim b u p a<br />

c o b b le d p at h , ac c e s s t o t h e c as t le o n St<br />

M ic h ae l's M o u n t is d if f ic u lt f o r v is it o r s w it h<br />

lim it e d m o b ilit y .<br />


Fes t iv al o f An t iq u es Pe t e r b o r o u g h<br />

5 – 7 O c to b e r<br />

St ar t ed in 1999 t h is t w icey ear ly ev ent h as no w g r o w n int o o neo ft h elar g es t s h o w g r o u nd Ant iqu es Fair s<br />

in t h eco u nt r y .H eld at t h eE as t o fE ng land Sh o w g r o u nd in Pet er bo r o u g h t h es h o w no w at t r act s bu y er s<br />

and s e ler s fr o m a lo v er E u r o pe.W it h o v er 1,700 s t a ls s e ling s o m et h ing fo r ev er y o ne,t h es h o w is w it h in<br />

fo u r per m anent bu ilding s ,t r adem ar qu ees and o u t do o r pit ch es .Add t o t h is ,v is it s t o ant iqu es cent r es and<br />

lo calSu nday fair s and y o u h av eag r eat w eekend in pr o s pect ,ano t h er mu s t fo r y o u r ev ent s diar y .<br />

46<br />

© F lic k r _jo e f lin t h a m<br />

F RIDAY 5 O CTO BER Departing O xted w e make<br />

our w ay to Saw bridg ew orth , H ertfordsh ire w h ere<br />

th ere are five w areh ouse antique centres on one site<br />

next to th e river Stort N avig ation.W e travel on to<br />

W aterside A ntiques in E ly, th e larg est antiques centre<br />

in E ast A ng lia, w ith a floor space of 10,000 square<br />

feet and more th an 6 5 antique dealers.W e h ave time<br />

to ch eck out th e antique sh ops clustered around th e<br />

mag nificent cath edral and find lunch before<br />

journeying on to U pping h am in th e h eart of Rutland<br />

and tw o more antique centres. Folow ing our visit w e<br />

make our w ay to th e h otel.<br />

© F lic k r _G w y d io n M .W illia m s

Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

SATU RDAY 6 O CTO BER A fter breakfast w e travel<br />

th e sh ort distance to th e E ast of E ng land<br />

Sh ow g round at Peterboroug h w h ere, th is w eekend w e<br />

sh al find a spectacular array of antiques and<br />

colectables for sale. Items such as jew elery, ch ina,<br />

stamps, miltitaria, linen and toys, in fact anyth ing old<br />

and colectable are al on display in th e M ain A rena.<br />

L eading from h ere are th e nine bays of th e N atW est<br />

B uilding w ith stals containing furniture, fine art and<br />

anyth ing else th at is old and requires a little more<br />

space to display it. Th e th ird building , th e Cambridg e<br />

Suite, contains many rare h ig h quality pieces. O n<br />

from h ere is th e exec centre: th ree times th e siz e of<br />

th e M ain A rena th is building w il h ave a g ood mixture<br />

of furniture and ceramics on display. Surrounding al<br />

of th e building s are outdoor pitch es and trade<br />

marquees containing items from al over E urope, from<br />

arch itectural furniture to antique farm implements.<br />

SU N DAY 7 O CTO BER Departing from our h otel<br />

w e seek out local Sunday vilag e fairs, w h ere so often<br />

barg ains are to be found before returning h ome early<br />

evening .<br />

© F lic k r _M a r t in Pe t t it t<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />

PARK IN N Pe t e r b o r o u g h<br />

Situated in th e h eart of th e city, th e Park Inn<br />

offers easy access to Q ueensg ate Sh opping<br />

Centre and th e Peterboroug h Cath edral.<br />

A l bedrooms h ave en suite facilities, TV,<br />

h airdryer, and h ospitality tray.<br />

2 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast.<br />

£ 2 18.00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 3 0.00<br />

E n t r y t o f air s n o t in c lu d e d<br />

© F lic k r _s t e v e c a d m a n<br />

© F lic k r _G w y d io n M .W illia m s<br />


St affo r ds h ir e<br />

21 – 25 O c to b e r<br />

O n t h is t o u r w ev is it t h eN at io nalM em o r ialAr bo r et u m ,t h eU K ’s cent r eo fRem em br ance,t h eu niqu e<br />

G lads t o nePo t t er y M u s eu m w it h it s co bbled co u r t y ar d and bo t t lekilns and Sh u g bo r o u g h E s t at e,t h eU K ’s<br />

o nly co mplet ew o r king h is t o r ic es t at e.W es h a lals o v is it t h eh is t o r ic t o w ns o fCh es t er and L ich field,h o m e<br />

t o t h eo nly m ediev alE ng lis h cat h edr alw it h t h r ees pir es ,and h av eag u ided t o u r o ft h ePeakDis t r ict<br />

N at io nalPar k.<br />

SU N DAY 2 1 O CTO BER Departing O xted 8.00am M O N DAY 2 2 O CTO BER<br />

A fter breakfast w e make<br />

w e make our w ay to th e N ational M emorial<br />

A rboretum, w h ere w e sh al h ave time to find lunch<br />

and h ave a look around before continuing on to th e<br />

G ladstone Pottery M useum, th e last complete<br />

Victorian Pottery factory. Discover h ow bone ch ina<br />

tablew are w as made in th e orig inal w orksh ops and<br />

g iant bottle kilns and experience for yourself w h at<br />

conditions w ere like for th e men, w omen and ch ildren<br />

w h o w orked at th e centre of th e w orld’s pottery<br />

industry. Folow ing our visit w e make our w ay to<br />

our h otel.<br />

48<br />

our w ay to th e h istoric tow n of Ch ester, th e most<br />

complete w aled city in B ritain. H ere you w il find th e<br />

10th Century cath edral and Th e ‘Row s’; black & w h ite<br />

h alf timbered building s above street level w ith<br />

covered w alkw ays. Th ere is also an extensive sh opping<br />

area w ith some lovely cafés to enjoy lunch . E arly<br />

afternoon w e make our w ay to th e A nderton B oat<br />

L ift, one of th e g reatest monuments to B ritain’s last<br />

canal ag e. H ere w e sh al take a one w ay g uided tour<br />

th roug h th e B oat L ift, learning about its h istory,<br />

mech anics and restoration.W e th en board a boat for

Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

a 40-minute round trip from A nderton B oat L ift to<br />

N orth w ich Sw ing B ridg e along th eW eaver<br />

N avig ation.<br />

TU ESDAY 2 3 O CTO BER Today w e h ave a ful day<br />

g uided tour of th e Staffordsh ire Peak District N ational<br />

Park passing th roug h B uxton, E yam (th e plag ue<br />

vilag e), w h ere w e sh al make our coffee stop.<br />

Continuing on w e h ead to Castleton and on to<br />

H ath ersag e, our lunch stop. A fter lunch w e h ead to<br />

G lossop, passing th e famous “Dambusters” reservoirs<br />

of Derw ent and L adybow er and th roug h Snake Pass,<br />

one of th e most dramatic and rug g ed parts of th e<br />

area before continuing on to L eek and th en returning<br />

to our h otel.<br />

W EDN ESDAY 2 4 O CTO BER Th is morning w e<br />

journey to L ich field, Staffordsh ire’s premier h eritag e<br />

city, w h ere w e sh al be at leisure to explore and find<br />

lunch . Th is afternoon w e visit Sh ug boroug h E state,<br />

ancestral h ome to th e E arls of L ich field. Set in 900<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />

CREW E H AL L H O TEL C r e w e<br />

L ocated in extensive g rounds, th is G rade I<br />

listed building h as been attracting refined<br />

g uests since th e 17 th century, including our<br />

current monarch Q ueen E liz abeth I. N o<br />

oth er h otel in Ch esh ire displays th e mix of<br />

h istoric Jacobean and sh arp 21st century<br />

arch itecture like Crew e H al: w ith exquisite<br />

marble fireplaces, ornate plasterw ork, carved<br />

w ood and stained g lass w indow s.<br />

A l bedrooms are en suite w ith TV,<br />

teleph one, h airdryer & h ospitality tray.<br />

Superb leisure & spa facilities<br />

4 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast.<br />

Visit to N ational M emorial A rboretum<br />

acres of Staffordsh ire countryside, Sh ug boroug h h as<br />

roling sw ath es of lush g reen parkland, h istoric<br />

w oodlands and G rade I listed formal g ardens w h ich<br />

frame a perfect riverside setting . H ere w e sh al be<br />

free to explore th e estate including th e private<br />

apartments of th e E arl of L ich field. M rs B onh am, th e<br />

h ousekeeper w il take us on a tour of th e servants’<br />

quarters and w e sh al partake of a cream tea before<br />

h eading back to our h otel.<br />

TH U RSDAY 2 5 O CTO BER Departing after<br />

breakfast w e h ead h omew ards, visiting A ynsley Ch ina<br />

in L ong ton, one of th e last w orking fine bone ch ina<br />

factories in E ng land. H ere w e sh al h ave a tour of th e<br />

factory and time to find lunch and brow se in th e<br />

sh op before continuing our h omew ard journey,<br />

arriving in O xted early evening .<br />

E ntry to G ladstone Pottery<br />

B oat trip & ride on A nderton B oat L ift<br />

Ful day g uided tour th roug h Peak District<br />

N ational Park<br />

Time to explore Ch ester & L ich field<br />

E ntry to Sh ug boroug h E state,<br />

H ousekeeper tour & cream tea<br />

E ntry to A ynsley Ch ina<br />

£ 42 5.00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 96.00<br />

N at Tr u s t m e m b e r s le s s £ 4.50 b u t m u s t b r in g<br />

c ar d<br />


Sidm o u t h Fes t iv e Br eak<br />

5 – 9 N o v e m b e r<br />

A fes t iv ebr eakin t h eev er po pu lar So u t h Dev o n co as t alr es o r t o fSidm o u t h w h er ew es h a ls t ay at t h e<br />

fam ily r u n Ro y alY o r k& Fau lkner H o t el.Fo r h u ndr eds o fy ear s Sidm o u t h w as at iny fis h ing v ilag et h en,in<br />

t h e19t h cent u r y ,it w as t r ans fo r m ed int o t h es m ar t s eas ider es o r t w es eet o day ,co m plet ew it h it s<br />

ch ar ming Reg ency v ilas and Vict o r ian co t t ag es .<br />

Departing from O xted<br />

at 9.00am w e make our w ay to Sidmouth , stopping<br />

for refresh ments along th e w ay and arriving late<br />

afternoon at th e RoyalY ork & Faulkner H otel.<br />

TU ESDAY 6 N O V EM BER A fter breakfast w e drive<br />

to L iving Coasts, Torquay’s Coastal Zoo w h ere you w il<br />

find a rang e of fascinating coastal creatures from th e<br />

loud and lovable peng uins, to th e fun and fabulous fur<br />

seals, not forg etting th e colourful puffins and sea<br />

ducks – w h o are al at h ome in th is unique<br />

environment.W h ile birds fly freely overh ead you can<br />

w alk in th e open air past sandy beach es, rug g ed cliffs<br />

and even a peaceful estuary for w ading birds. Th en<br />

50<br />

M O N DAY 5 N O V EM BER descend into th e underw ater view ing areas w h ere<br />

you can see th e seals and diving birds at th eir best.<br />

Th en relax and enjoy lunch in th e w aterside café w ith<br />

its breath taking view s across Tor B ay.W e th en take<br />

th e sh ort drive to th e H ouse of M arbles, an 18th<br />

century factory on th e edg e of Dartmoor w h ere th ey<br />

h ave been manufacturing a rang e of g ames, toys,<br />

marbles and g lassw are for many years. H ere you w il<br />

be at leisure to w ander around th e old pottery<br />

building s w ith th eir listed kilns, enjoy th e museums of<br />

g lass, g ames, marbles, B ovey pottery and see th e<br />

g lassblow ers at w ork, sh aping items such as<br />

paperw eig h ts, w ine g lasses, scent bottles and th e<br />

© F lic k r – An d y H a w k in s

Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

famous and h ug eVictorian replica marbles. Th is<br />

evening w e sh al be served a traditional Ch ristmas<br />

Dinner, folow ed by entertainment.<br />


Th e day is yours to<br />

sig h tsee and explore th is ch arming and unspoilt<br />

seaside resort w h ich nestles beneath th e majestic red<br />

cliffs of Peak and Salcombe H il and th e g reen h ils of<br />

th e g lorious Sid Valey. Renow ned for its g ardens and<br />

famous for its w ealth of fine arch itecture, th e<br />

picturesque tow n centre offers an excelent rang e of<br />

individual sh ops and is a delig h t to brow se.<br />

TH U RSDAY 8 N O V EM BER Today w e take a scenic<br />

driveW estw ards to see more of th e South Devon<br />

coastline including Daw lish , Teig nmouth and Torquay,<br />

th e larg est and most famous seaside resort in Devon<br />

w h ich w ith its sub-tropical trees makes it th e nearest<br />

place to a French Riviera resort in B ritain.W e th en<br />

continue on to Dartmouth , th e picturesque h istoric<br />

fish ing port.<br />

F RIDAY 9 N O V EM BER L eaving th e h otel after<br />

breakfast w e make our w ay h omew ards w ith<br />

refresh ment stops along th e w ay. A rriving h ome late<br />

afternoon.<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />


Sid m o u t h<br />

Th is mag nificent Reg ency building , dating<br />

from 1810 enjoys an unrivaled position at<br />

th e centre of Sidmouth ’s eleg ant E splanade,<br />

adjacent to th e picturesque tow n Centre.<br />

O w ned and personaly run by th e H ook<br />

family, resident proprietors for th ree<br />

g enerations, th e h otel h as earned a long<br />

standing reputation for h ospitality and service.<br />

A l bedrooms are en suite w ith TV,<br />

teleph one & h ospitality tray.<br />

4 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast, w ith<br />

A fternoon Tea on arrival.<br />

Time to explore Sidmouth<br />

E ntry to L iving Coasts<br />

Visit to H ouse of M arbles<br />

Scenic drive along th e South Devon Coast<br />

£ 403.00 PER PERSO N<br />


Bir m in g h am Tat t o o & C h r is t m as M ar k e t<br />

23 – 25 N o v e m b e r<br />

E njo y an u nfo r g et t ableaft er no o n as y o u jo in u s in t h eN at io nalIndo o r Ar enafo r t h e24 t h B ir m ing h am<br />

Tat t o o . W it h m as s ed bands ,ex cit ing dis play s and as pect acu lar finaleit ' s at r u ly m em o r ableex per ience!<br />

Y o u ' lals o h av et h ech ancet o v is it B ir m ing h am ' s Ch r is t m as Cr aft fair and r eno w ned F r ankfu r t Ch r is t m as<br />

M ar ket & v is it Cadbu r y W o r ld and t h eW o r ld’s big g es t Cadbu r y Sh o p.<br />

52<br />

F RIDAY 2 3 N O V EM BER<br />

Departing O xted 9.30am<br />

w e make our w ay to B lenh eim Palace, h ome to th e<br />

Duke and Duch ess of M arlboroug h and th e birth place<br />

of SirW inston Ch urch il, w h ich , at th is time of year<br />

w il be w onderfuly decorated in a style reminiscent<br />

of aVictorian Ch ristmas; th e spirit of Ch ristmas past,<br />

present and future w il be on sh ow th roug h out th e<br />

palace. Folow ing our visit w e continue on to our<br />

B irming h am h otel.<br />

SATU RDAY 2 4 N O V EM BER A ful day at leisure to<br />

experience B irming h am’s F rankfurt Ch ristmas M arket<br />

and Craft Fair (B irming h am h as been tw inned w ith<br />

F rankfurt for more th an 40 years). Th e Traditional

Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

stals offer an array of beautiful h andmade toys,<br />

Ch ristmas decorations, orig inal jew elery and craft<br />

g oods. E njoy th e delig h ts of G erman muled w ine<br />

(G lüh w ein), g riled sausag es, G erman beer, and for<br />

th ose w ith a sw eet tooth , g ing erbread, crepes and<br />

marz ipan sw eets. A t th e h eart of th e market in<br />

Victoria Square is a traditional bandstand w h ere<br />

musicians perform every lunch time. L ocated rig h t<br />

next to th e Ch ristmas M arket, th e Craft Fair g ives th e<br />

ch ance to brow se an entirely different selection of<br />

items crafted by local artisans, as w el as g oods<br />

imported from al over th e w orld by local traders.<br />

M ore stals h ave been added on Centenary W ay<br />

B ridg e and Centenary Square: w ith over 180 stals, it<br />

is one of th e U K ’s larg est Ch ristmas markets.<br />

SU N DAY 2 5 N O V EM BER Th is morning w e make<br />

our w ay to Cadbury W orld w h ere ch ocolate comes to<br />

life! Discover th e orig ins of ch ocolate in th e A z tec<br />

Jung le attraction (but be w arned – E mperor<br />

M ontez uma is very protective of h is cocoa!), strol<br />

dow n Victorian B ul Street w ith Joh n Cadbury h imself,<br />

see th e master ch ocolatiers w ork th eir mag ic in th e<br />

demonstration area, g row your ow n cocoa beans and<br />

marvel as it rains virtual ch ocolate! A fter an early<br />

lunch w e make th e sh ort drive to th e N IA for th e<br />

2.00pm performance of th e B irming h am Tattoo, a<br />

mag ical blend of music and colour, pomp and<br />

pag eantry, popular w ith audiences both young and<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />

PARK IN N Bir m in g h a m W e s t<br />

A l bedrooms are en suite w ith TV,<br />

teleph one & h ospitality tray.<br />

2 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast.<br />

Time to explore B irming h am Ch ristmas<br />

M arket<br />

E ntry to B lenh eim Palace<br />

old. See th e massed march ing bands, th e fanfare<br />

trumpeters, th e field-g un competition, th e dog<br />

display-team, th e massed parade of standards and<br />

many oth er spectacular performances th at fil th is<br />

th ree-h our extravag anz a. A fter th e performance w e<br />

make our w ay h ome, making a stop at a service<br />

station for a ch ance to h ave supper. A rriving h ome<br />

mid evening .<br />

E ntry to Cadbury W orld<br />

M atinee performance of B irming h am<br />

Tattoo<br />

£ 2 52 .00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 2 4.00<br />


Th u r s fo r d Ch r is t m as Sp ect acu lar<br />

3 – 4 D e c e m b e r<br />

Th u r s fo r d,t h elar g es t Ch r is t m as s pect acu lar in E ng land,pr o v ides t h eu lt im at eCh r is t m as mu s ical<br />

ex per ience,s t ag ing ablend o fCh r is t mas ent er t ainm ent ,s o ng s ,car o ls ,daz z ling dancer s and beau t ifu l<br />

co s t u m es .E ach s h o w is apag eant o fs pect acleand co lo u r w it h acas t o fo v er 100 per fo r mer s .Th eTh eat r e<br />

B u ilding is t r ans fo r m ed int o aCh r is t m as w o nder land w it h amy r iad o flig h t s and deco r at io ns ,t h es h o ps<br />

ar ea lcr am m ed w it h w o nder fu lg ift s .( Ch ildr en u nder 8 ar eno t per m it t ed).<br />

Departing O xted early<br />

morning w e make our w ay to Th ursford, stopping for<br />

refresh ments along th e w ay and arriving in time to<br />

find lunch prior to taking our seats for th e matinee<br />

M O N DAY 3 DECEM BER performance of th e Ch ristmas Spectacular * * * (see<br />

54<br />

note below ). A fter th e sh ow w e drive to our N orw ich<br />

h otel and evening dinner.

Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

TU ESDAY 4 DECEM BER Departing after breakfast<br />

w e visit th e city of N orw ich w ith its old cobbled<br />

lanes, beautiful cath edral and majestic castle. H ere<br />

w e sh al be at leisure to explore th is fine medieval<br />

city w ith its 12th century Castle – th e h ug e K eep of<br />

w h ich is now a museum and h ouses a fascinating<br />

variety of exh ibits; tw o medieval g atew ays lead to th e<br />

mainly N orman cath edral in its peaceful surrounding s<br />

of th e Close.Visit Colman’s unique M ustard Sh op and<br />

M useum w h ich traces th e 150 year h istory of th is<br />

favourite delicacy – over 18 different mustards are<br />

available.W h ilst exploring th e many h idden<br />

aleyw ays, courtyards and lanes you w il encounter<br />

fascinating g limpses of th e past. E arly afternoon w e<br />

journey h omew ards, arriving mid evening .<br />

***PL EASE N O TE<br />

Depending on our ticket<br />

alocation, th e performance could be<br />

evening /matinee on eith er day and th e itinerary may<br />

be ch ang ed to reflect th at, so w e may h ave lunch at<br />

th e h otel instead of dinner.<br />

H O L IDAY IN N<br />

N o r w ic h N o r t h<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />

Th e H oliday Inn N orw ich -N orth h otel h as a<br />

H ealth & F itness Club, w ith 13m h eated<br />

sw imming pool and fuly equipped g ym.<br />

A l bedrooms h ave private facilities, TV,<br />

teleph one & h ospitality tray.<br />

1 nig h t L unch or Dinner, B ed & B reakfast<br />

Seat at th e Th ursford Ch ristmas<br />

Spectacular<br />

Time to explore N orw ich<br />

£ 19 2 .00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 2 6.00<br />


Tr ier Ch r is t m as M ar k et 7 – 10 D e c e m b e r<br />

Rich in Ro m an h is t o r y w it h it s s cenic beau t y and h is t o r icalm o nu m ent s ,Tr ier is t h em ain cent r eo ft h eRiv er<br />

M o s e lew inet r ade.H er e,in t h em ediev alm ar ket s qu ar eis aG er m an Ch r is t m as M ar ket co m plet ew it h<br />

h and-m adet o y s and deco r at io ns ,t h ear o m ao fr o as t ch es t nu t s and t o as t ed alm o nds ;v ar io u s t y pes o f<br />

L ebku ch en -t h er ealG er man s t y leg ing er br ead in av ar iet y o fs h apes and s iz es .To a lt h is add aw ar m ing<br />

‘G lû h w ein’and y o u h av et h em aking s o fat r u ly m ag icalCh r is t m as .<br />

Depart early morning for th e<br />

drive to Folkestone and th e E urotunnel to Calais, th en<br />

on th roug h F rance, B elg ium and across th e G erman<br />

border to our h otel, quietly located in th e h eart of<br />

Trier, th e oldest city in G ermany. H ome to six Roman<br />

emperors, Trier h as many ruins, including th e<br />

impressive Porta N ig ra (th e B lack G ate), a four storey<br />

structure th at w as once part of th e city’s w als. “Roma<br />

Secunda”, th e second Rome, w as anoth er name for<br />

Trier, and now h ere else in G ermany are Roman times<br />

so vividly recaled as h ere, w ith th e A mph ith eatre,<br />

built around A D 100, th e ruins of th e Imperial Roman<br />

F RIDAY 7 DECEM BER B ath s, th e Roman B ridg e and th e Roman B asilica<br />

56<br />

w h ich is now used as a ch urch .<br />

SATU RDAY 8 DECEM BER A day at leisure to enjoy<br />

th e Ch ristmas M arket h eld in th e medieval market<br />

square, one of th e loveliest in G ermany w ith its<br />

Petrus fountain, and traffic free areas. O n th e festively<br />

decorated stands, you w il find w ooden toys,<br />

Ch ristmas decorations, ceramic and oth er g ift articles.<br />

In th e Ch ristmas M arket pavilion a brass band and<br />

puppet th eatre h elp to create a w arming atmosph ere.<br />

G ood food aw aits you as w el: bratw urst sausag es,<br />

potato pancakes, sw eets, h ot tea and muled w ine.

Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

SU N DAY 9 DECEM BER A furth er day at leisure or,<br />

if you prefer, join us as w e make our w ay into<br />

L uxembourg w h ere th e Ch ristmas market is in ful<br />

sw ing in th e Place d’A rmes in th e city centre. Th e city<br />

of L uxembourg annualy h osts th eW inter L ig h ts<br />

festival during advent, Ch ristmas and N ew Y ear: th e<br />

capital is adorned w ith more th an 1,6 00m of lig h ts<br />

creating beautifuly fairy lit scenery of tree-lined<br />

streets and squares. L uxembourg ’s location and<br />

mixture of lang uag es add to th e Ch ristmas market’s<br />

E uropean flavour - you can find items from Saxony,<br />

F rance and more. Th e market h as various g ifts such as<br />

h andcrafted items, h eart-sh aped g ing erbread, toys<br />

and much , much more. Carol sing ers entertain and<br />

sooth visitors sing ing in L uxembourg ish , French and<br />

E ng lish . Soak in th e atmosph ere w h ilst drinking<br />

G lüh w ein (muled w ine) or Drëpp (Sch napps). B e sure<br />

to try some local cuisine too! - Such as M ettw ursch t<br />

(sausag e), some pancakes, Th üring er (sausag e)<br />

and th e tong ue tw ister, G romperekich elch er<br />

(potato fritters).<br />

M O N DAY 10 DECEM BER A fter breakfast w e<br />

commence our h omew ard journey, making a stop at a<br />

h ypermarket en route and arriving h ome midevening<br />

.<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />


Tr ie r Po r t a N ig ra<br />

Situated next to th e w orld famous Porta-<br />

N ig ra and just a few minutes from th e<br />

h istoric tow n centre.<br />

A l bedrooms h ave private facilities, TV,<br />

teleph one & radio.<br />

3 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast<br />

Time to explore Trier & L uxembourg<br />

Visit to H ypermarket<br />

£ 3 75.00 PER PERSO N<br />

Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ 42 .50<br />

© F lic k r – b ib e n d u m 84<br />


M en t o n L em o n Fes t iv al By Train<br />

F e b ru a r y 2013<br />

B anis h t h o s ew int er blu es and co m ew it h u s by h ig h -s peed t r ain t o t h eblu es o ft h eM edit er r anean,as w e l<br />

as t h eo r ang es and lemo ns o ft h efam o u s Cit r u s F es t iv alh eld ev er y F ebr u ar y in M ent o n.W es h a lbe<br />

s t ay ing in o neo ft h ebes t -lo v ed r es o r t s o n t h eco as t o ft h eIt alian Riv ier a,t h at o fDiano M ar ina,an<br />

at t r act iv et o w n s et in aw ides w eeping bay .Th em ild clim at em eans t h at t em per at u r es ar eg ener a ly<br />

h ig h er t h an els ew h er ein no r t h er n It aly ,m aking it an idealplacet o v is it ear ly in t h ey ear .<br />

DAY 1 M eet your Skinners Representative at take you to th e little tow n of Cervo in th e afternoon,<br />

L ondon St Pancras or E bbsfleet station and board sh ould you w ish to visit.<br />

your E urostar train to F rance w h ere w e ch ang e to TG V DAY 3<br />

Today w e take a scenic drive along th e<br />

direct to N ice. Coach transfer to our H otel in Italy. coastal w ays and see some of th e h istoric medieval<br />

DAY 2 A day at leisure to explore Diano M arina, tow ns of th e F loral Riviera, including A lassio w h ere w e<br />

set in a w ide sw eeping bay w ith sandy beach es and sh al h ave time to explore th e local street market and<br />

an old tow n w ith both ch arm and ch aracter. Th e find lunch before journeying on to th e picturesque<br />

beach is safe, th e w ater sparkles and th e eleg ant tow n of A lbeng a.<br />

palm-fring ed promenade is an ideal place for a strol. DAY 4 Today w e’re off to M enton, w h ere th e 80th<br />

Th ere are pavement cafés, bars and restaurants, and F ête du Citron is in ful sw ing . Th e w h ole tow n turns<br />

in th e citrus lined streets th ere are sh ops, boutiques into a fruity paradise, w ith floats depicting everyth ing<br />

and a w eekly market. Th ere is a local bus th at can from B uddh as to coconut g roves al made out of fruit.<br />


Te l:( 01883 )713 63 3 E m ail:info @ s kinner s .t r av el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el<br />

Th e Festival h as a different th eme each year, w ith<br />

past th emes including th eW orld’s Islands for 2008,<br />

th e M usic of th eW orld for 2009., th e Cinema for<br />

2010, Th e G reatest Civiliz ations for 2011 and th e<br />

F rench reg ions in 2012.W e sh al h ave time to see th e<br />

citrus exh ibition in th e B iovès G ardens w h ich is a tour<br />

around th e cultures of th e w orld th roug h th e<br />

fantastical fruit statues.W e h ave arrang ed for a<br />

w alking tour of M enton old tow n and w e sh al h ave<br />

time to visit th e beautiful g ardens of w h ich M enton is<br />

so proud, and h ave some lunch before taking our<br />

places for th e carnival parade. Returning to our h otel<br />

early evening .<br />

DAY 5 A furth er day at leisure or join us for an<br />

optional excursion to M onaco, th e royal ancestral<br />

h ome of th e G rimaldi family. Th ere w il be time to<br />

explore th e ornate casino-land of M onte Carlo and<br />

perh aps try your luck at th e tables, or just g az e at<br />

some of th e luxury yach ts moored in th e h arbour.<br />

DAY 6 A fter breakfast, coach transfer to N ice<br />

and our H ig h -speed trains to L ondon/E bbsfleet<br />

arriving early evening .<br />

W h at ’s in clu ded<br />


Dia n o M a r in a<br />

Th e Palace H otel is situated on th e<br />

promenade and w ith in easy w alking distance<br />

to th e tow n centre. Th ere is a lift to al floors,<br />

and a Jacuz z i on th e top floor.<br />

A l bedrooms h ave private facilities, TV,<br />

teleph one & radio.<br />

5 nig h ts Dinner, B ed & B reakfast<br />

<strong>Travel</strong> by h ig h -speed train to th e Riviera<br />

Scenic drive along th e coast<br />

Time to explore Diano M arina, M enton,<br />

A lassio, A lbeng a & M onaco<br />

Visit to th e L emon Festival<br />

E ntrance to citrus set-pieces exh ibition<br />

G uided w alking tour of M enton<br />


Sin g le Ro o m Su p p : £ TBC<br />

(Pr ic e s n o t av ailab le at t im e o f g o in g t o p r in t , b u t<br />

p le as e c o n t ac t u s if y o u ar e in t e r e s t e d in t h is t o u r & w e<br />

w ill k e e p y o u in f o r m e d ).<br />

© An n e G r e e n h a lg h<br />


Do o r -t o -Do o r Co llect io n Ser v ice<br />


W e w ill ar r an g e f o r y o u an d y o u r lu g g ag e t o b e<br />

c o lle c t e d f r o m y o u r d o o r u p o n d e p ar t u r e an d<br />

t ak e n t o y o u r c o ac h , t h e n u p o n y o u r r e t u r n ,<br />

c o lle c t e d f r o m y o u r t o u r c o ac h an d r e t u r n e d<br />

t o y o u r d o o r.<br />

If y o u liv e w it h in t h e b lac k lin e , t h is s e r v ic e is<br />

f r e e o f c h ar g e . If y o u liv e o u t s id e it , w e w ill b e<br />

p le as e d t o o f f e r t h e s am e s e r v ic e f o r a s m all<br />

ad d it io n al c h arg e .<br />

Ple as e r in g o u r o f f ic e f o r f u r t h e r d e t ails .<br />

Co p y rig h t © 2003 M ic ro s o ft Co rp . a n d /o r it s s u p p lie rs .<br />

All rig h t s re s e rv e d .<br />


Co ach H o liday Trav el In s u ran ce<br />

A Sp e c ia l H o lid a y Tra v e l In s u ra n c e Sc h e m e is a v a ila b le fo r a ll p a s s e n g e rs t ra v e llin g o n o u r h o lid a y s w h ic h is<br />

a r ra n g e d w it h E T I – In t e r n a t io n a l Tra v e l Pr o t e c t io n (t h e U K b ra n c h o f E u r o p ä is c h e Re is e v e rs c h e r u n g AG ) w h o a r e<br />

L ic e n s e d b y t h e Bu n d e s a n s t a lt fü r Fin a n z d ie n s t le is t u n g s a u fs ic h t (BAF IN – w w w .b a f in .d e ) a n d a p p r o v e d b y t h e<br />

Fin a n c ia l Se r v ic e s Au t h o r it y (F SA – w w w .fs a .g o v .u k ) t o u n d e r t a k e in s u ra n c e b u s in e s s in t h e U K . Sh o u ld y o u w is h t o<br />

t a k e a d v a n t a g e o f o u r H o lid a y Tra v e l In s u ra n c e p le a s e in c lu d e t h e a p p r o p r ia t e p r e m iu m w h e n b o o k in g y o u r h o lid a y .<br />


Th is insurance policy w il suit th e Demands and N eeds of an individual<br />

or g roup(w h ere applicable) w h o h ave no excluded pre-existing medical<br />

conditions, are traveling in countries included w ith in th e policy terms<br />

and w h o w ish to insure th emselves ag ainst unforeseen events detailed in<br />

th e cover section below. Subject to th e terms, conditions and maximum<br />

specified claim limits.<br />

IM PO RTAN T<br />

W e w il not provide you w ith advice about th e suitability of th is product<br />

for your individual needs but w il be h appy to provide you w ith factual<br />

information.W e summarise below th e details of th e insurance cover<br />

provided w h ich also includes SPE CIA L TY A SSISTA N CE L TD - 24-h our<br />

emerg ency service.Th e folow ing is a brief summary of th e cover available.<br />

Ful details of Cover, Policy W arranties and E xclusions w il be forw arded<br />

w ith your confirmation of booking . In any event you may ask for a<br />

specimen copy of th e Policy W ording before booking sh ould you w ish to<br />

examine th is in advance.<br />


Cancelation £ 3,500<br />

M issed Departure/<strong>Travel</strong> Delay £ 600/£ 60<br />

Personal A ccident £ 15,000<br />

M edical and oth er E xpenses including Curtailment £ 2 ,000,000<br />

A dditional <strong>Travel</strong>ing E xpenses – U nited K ing dom £ 1,500<br />

M edical Inconvenience B enefit £ 450 (£ 15 p er 2 4 h o u r s )<br />

Personal Property/L oss of Passport £ 1,500/£ 2 00<br />

Personal L iability £ 2 ,000,000<br />

Delayed B ag g ag e £ 100<br />

L eg al E xpenses £ 10,000<br />

14 day Refund In s u ran ce Pr em iu m<br />


Cancelation, Curtailment, H oliday A bandonment and L oss of Deposit for<br />

h olidays up to and including 3 days N IL . For h olidays over 3 days L oss of<br />

Deposit excess £15.00 each and every loss. For h olidays over 3 days<br />

excess £50.00 each and every loss for Cancelation, Curtailment and<br />

H oliday A bandonment. M edical and O th er E xpenses,A dditional<br />

<strong>Travel</strong>ing E xpenses – U nited K ing dom, Personal Property and M oney<br />

excess £30.00 each and every incident per Insured Person.<br />


Th e excesses above can be reduced to Zero if you decide to take out th e<br />

excess w aiver option.Th is is available at an additional premium but can<br />

only be purch ased at th e time of booking . Please make sure you advise<br />

us th at th is option is required.<br />

62<br />



If y o u a re t ra v e llin g in E n g la n d , S c o t la n d ,W a le s , N o r t h e rn Ire la n d a n d<br />

c a n a n s w e r N O t o q u e s t io n s 1 -3 a n d Y E S t o 4 im m e d ia t e ly b e lo w , it<br />

w ill n o t b e n e c e s s a ry fo r y o u t o c o m p le t e a S e lf D e c la rin g M e d ic a l<br />

Fo rm .T h e S t a n d a rd P o lic y T e rm s , Co n d it io n s a n d E x c lu s io n s s h a ll a p p ly .<br />

Ap p ly in g t o all ar eas<br />

It is a condition th at at th e time of taking out th is policy and betw een<br />

th at time and your departure you must comply w ith each of th e<br />

folow ing :<br />

1) Y ou are not aw are of any reason w h y th e trip sh ould be canceled or<br />

cut sh ort<br />

2 ) Y ou are not traveling :<br />

a) ag ainst th e advice of a medical practitioner<br />

b) for th e purpose of obtaining medical treatment, or<br />

c) if you h ave been g iven a terminal prog nosis<br />

3) Y ou are not receiving or aw aiting treatment for an ilness or injury as<br />

a h ospital day case or in-patient, as any claim arising from th is injury<br />

or treatment w il not be covered.<br />

4) if you are on medication at th e time of travel your medical condition<br />

is stable and w el controled.<br />

In addit io n if y o u ar e t rav elin g o u t s ide En g lan d, Sco t lan d,W ales an d<br />

N o r t h er n Ir elan d, t h e fo llo w in g addit io n al co n dit io n s w ill ap p ly :<br />

Y ou must notify th e Issuer of th is policy immediately of any of th e<br />

conditions listed below arising betw een th e date th e policy is issued and<br />

th e time of departure of th e trip.W e must be informed of any fact,<br />

w h ich is likely to influence us in th e acceptance, assessment or<br />

continuance of th is insurance. Failure to do so may invalidate th is<br />

insurance, leaving you w ith no rig h t to make a claim.<br />

1) if you h ave received medical treatment as a h ospital day case, inpatient<br />

or out-patient during th e six month s prior to th e booking of th e<br />

trip, you must obtain from a medical practitioner at your cost<br />

confirmation th at you w il be fit enoug h to take th e trip.<br />

2) if you are underg oing medical treatment as a h ospital out-patient at<br />

th e date th e final balance of th e trip is due to be paid, you obtain a<br />

certificate of fitness confirming your ability to travel mist at your cost.<br />


Y O U A RE N O T CO VE RE D for anyth ing caused directly or indirectly by<br />

you suffering from stress, anxiety or depression unless it h as been<br />

investig ated and diag nosed as such by a Consultant specialising in th e<br />

relevant field, w h o must confirm in w riting at your cost th at you are fit<br />

enoug h to take th is trip.<br />

Please note our H oliday <strong>Travel</strong> Insurance Sch eme is only available to<br />

U nited K ing dom Residents.<br />

W e are an A ppointed Representative of ITC Compliance L imited w h o are<br />

auth orised and reg ulated by th e F inancial ServicesA uth ority.

H o liday In s u ran ce Pr em iu m s<br />


23 - 25 M arch Devon A ntiques £14.6 5<br />

31 M ar - 5 A pril Isles of Scily £21.7 5<br />

6 - 9 A pril E aster in Colog ne £27 .7 5<br />

6 - 9 A pril Cotsw olds at E aster £18.35<br />

17 - 24 A pril Cardiff & M id W ales £25.40<br />

5 - 7 M ay K ennet & A von Canal Ramble £14.6 5<br />

12 - 16 M ay L oireValey £29.15<br />

20 - 24 M ay Sidmouth – Cream of Devon £21.7 5<br />

25 - 27 M ay Y orksh ire & H emsw el A ntiques £14.6 5<br />

25 - 31 M ay L ake District £24.50<br />

1 - 4 June Th e Cotsw old O limpick G ames & Sh ire Rambles £18.35<br />

9 - 16 June N orth ern Delig h ts – Sh etland & O rkney £25.40<br />

19 - 24 June Isle of M an £33.25<br />

9 - 13 July Isle ofW ig h t £21.7 5<br />

6 - 10 A ug ust F loriade £29.15<br />

21 - 27 A ug ust South E ast Ireland,W icklow M ountains & Tal Sh ips £35.15<br />

25 - 27 A ug ust A Summer Ramble £14.6 5<br />

7 - 16 September Italian L akes £38.6 0<br />

17 - 21 September H arrog ate & PennineY orksh ire & th e Dales – B rontë Country £21.7 5<br />

30 Sept - 2 O ct M ystery Tour £14.6 5<br />

1 - 8 O ctober Falmouth £25.40<br />

5 - 7 O ctober Festival of A ntiques – Peterboroug h £14.6 5<br />

21 - 25 O ctober Staffordsh ire £21.7 5<br />

5 - 9 N ovember Sidmouth Festive B reak £21.7 5<br />

23 - 25 N ovember B irming h am Tattoo & Ch ristmas M arket £14.6 5<br />

3 - 4 December Th ursford Ch ristmas Spectacular £8.90<br />

7 - 10 December Trier Ch ristmas M arket £27 .7 5<br />

February 2013 M enton L emon Festival by Train £TB A<br />

All o f t h e ab o v e in s u r an c e p r e m iu m s ar e in c lu s iv e o f In s u r an c e Pr e m iu m Tax .<br />

Tr av e l In s u r an c e E x c e s s W aiv e r £ 7.95<br />


Bo o k in g Co n dit io n s<br />

Sk in n e r s o f O x t e d , 15 Ba r r o w G r e e n Ro a d , O x t e d , Su r r e y RH 8 0N J (p a r t n e r s SM N & DM Sk in n e r )<br />


W h y s h o u ld I r ead t h is p ag e?<br />

B ecause it is very important. O urTrading Ch arter forms a key part of our<br />

ag reement w ith you and forms th e basis of a leg aly binding contract<br />

betw een you as th e lead name making th e booking , anyone else in your<br />

party and us.<br />

W h en you make th is booking as th e lead name you undertake th at you<br />

h ave th e auth ority to accept, and do accept, on beh alf of your party th e<br />

terms of th ese booking conditions.Th is contract is made subject to th e<br />

terms of th ese booking conditions, w h ich are g overned by E ng lish L aw,<br />

and th e non-exclusive jurisdiction of th e E ng lish Courts.<br />

If your h oliday involves any travel by air your contract w il be w ith<br />

G reatdays H olidays L td,A TO L 427 9, for w h om Skinners of O xted is an<br />

auth orised retail ag ent.<br />

Th ese contract terms and financial g uarantees w il not apply to any h oliday<br />

involving any type of flig h t. Instead, you w il be supplied w ith th e ful<br />

booking conditions of th eA TO L h older arrang ing your h oliday.Y our booking<br />

ag ent w il h ave a copy or alternatively you can request one prior to<br />

booking your h oliday from Skinners of O xted, 15 B arrow G reen Road,<br />

O xted, RH 8 0N J, 01883 7 136 33. If you did not see th is trading ch arter<br />

before you made your booking and you are not h appy to proceed w ith<br />

th e booking now th at you h ave seen it please return al documentation<br />

to us or th e travel ag ent th roug h w h om you booked w ith in 7 days of<br />

receiving th is ch arter.Y our booking w il be canceled and your monies<br />

w il be returned in ful, provided you h ave not commenced your travel.<br />

H o w an d w h en do I m ak e t h is co n t ract w it h y o u ?<br />

W e w elcome you making contact w ith us in a number of w ays: you can<br />

w rite to us, ph one us or email us.W h ich ever w ay you contact us th e<br />

contract is made w h en your booking is entered on to our reservation<br />

system and w e issue a confirmation of booking .W e w il send you, or your<br />

ag ent th e confirmation of your booking w ith in seven w orking days. Please<br />

ch eck th is confirmation very carefuly to ensure al th e information is<br />

correct and tel us, or your ag ent, immediately of any errors.<br />

H o w is m y h o liday m o n ey p r o t ect ed?<br />

W e subscribe to th e Code of Conduct of th e B onded Coach H olidays<br />

G roup (“B CH G ”) of th e Confederation of Passeng erTransport U K .<br />

B CH G requires a bond to be taken out to provide protection for your<br />

h oliday money in th e unlikely event th at a M ember cannot, for financial<br />

reasons, carry out th eir oblig ations to th eir passeng ers.<br />

BCH G Co n s u m er G u aran t ee<br />

Th e B onded Coach H oliday G roup g uarantees to bona fide customers<br />

th at in th e event of failure of a bona fide M ember, it w il:<br />

(1) w h erever possible, arrang e for a h oliday or tour to be completed;<br />

(2 ) w h ere failure occurs after a h oliday h as beg un, arrang e for<br />

customers to be returned by an appropriate means of transport to<br />

th eir U K area of departure;<br />

(3) if th e h oliday or tour cannot be completed as planned, th e reimbursement<br />

of payments made by th e customer to th e B CH G M ember.<br />

64<br />

W h en do I n eed t o p ay fo r m y h o liday an d h o w m u ch ?<br />

A t th e time of booking you w il need to pay a deposit for each person<br />

named on th e booking . Th e balance must be paid before th e dates<br />

listed below .<br />

If you book w ith in our balance due period you w il need to pay th e<br />

total h oliday cost at th e time of your booking .<br />

If you do not pay th e outstanding balance for your h oliday on or<br />

before th e date w h en it is due w e may cancel your booking and you<br />

w il be required to pay th e cancelation ch arg es detailed below . Th e<br />

date of cancelation w il norma ly be th e date you confirm in w riting<br />

th at you intend to cancel or 15 days after th e balance due date,<br />

w h ich ever comes first.<br />

Deposit £40.00 per person (except for Scily Isles, for w h ich a deposit<br />

of £150.00 is required).<br />

Y our balance is due 6 w eeks prior to departure.<br />

W h ere optional items are purch ased as part of th e tour packag e th ese<br />

are payable on th e balance due date except w h ere items, such as th eatre<br />

tickets, h ave been specifica ly purch ased for you. In th is case th e cost<br />

w il be payable at a separate date notified to you and w il not norma ly<br />

be refundable unless w e obtain a refund from th e supplier w e use.<br />

If I u s e an ag en t w h o do es m y m o n ey belo n g t o ?<br />

Y our ag ent w il h old your deposit on your beh alf until w e issue a<br />

confirmation of your booking .Th e ag ent th en h olds th is money on our<br />

beh alf.Th e ag ent h olds th e balance you pay on our beh alf until th e date<br />

th e balance is due.Th e ag ent w il th en forw ard it to us.<br />

Can y o u ch an g e t h e p r ice o f m y h o liday aft er y o u h av e is s u ed t h e<br />

bo o k in g co n fir m at io n ?<br />

Y es w e can, but only in very limited circumstances.Th e price of your<br />

h oliday can be varied due to ch ang es in:-<br />

•Tran s p o r t at io n c o s t s s u c h as fu e l an d /o r fu e l t ax , fe rr y o p e rat o r far e s<br />

an d t o lls , e m b ar k at io n o r d is e m b ar k at io n f e e s at t e r m in als ;<br />

• E x c h an g e r at e s ap p lie d t o t h e p ar t ic u lar h o lid ay b o o k e d ; o r<br />

• Du e s an d t ax e s in c lu d in g c h an g e s in VAT o r an y o t h e r G o v e r n m e n t<br />

im p o s e d c h an g e s .<br />

In th e case of any smal variation, an amount equivalent to 2% of th e<br />

price of your h oliday, w h ich excludes insurance premiums and any<br />

amendment ch arg es, w il be absorbed or retained. For larg er variations,<br />

th is 2% w il stil be absorbed for increases, but not retained from<br />

refunds. In eith er case, th ere w il be an amount to cover ag ents’<br />

commission. If th is means th at you h ave to pay an increase of more<br />

th an 10% of th e price of your h oliday, you may cancel it and receive a<br />

ful refund of al monies paid, except for any amendment ch arg es.W e<br />

w il consider an appropriate refund of insurance premiums paid if you<br />

can sh ow th at you are unable to transfer or reuse your policy. Sh ould<br />

you decide to cancel for th is reason, you must exercise your rig h t to do<br />

so w ith in 14 days from th e issue date printed on your final invoice.<br />

A lternatively, you can accept an offer of an alternative comparable

h oliday of equivalent or superior quality, if available, or an alternative<br />

h oliday of low er quality, if available.Y ou may th en transfer payment<br />

made in respect of th e orig inal h oliday to th e alternative h oliday. If th e<br />

cost of th e alternative h oliday is less th an th e orig inal h oliday, th e<br />

difference in price w il be refunded.W e w il also pay compensation as set<br />

out below. Please note th at travel arrang ements are not alw ays purch ased<br />

in local currency and some apparent ch ang es h ave no impact on th e<br />

price of your h oliday due to contractual and oth er protection in place.<br />

In addition to sterling w e use th e folow ing currencies in calculating our<br />

h oliday prices. B elow are th e equivalent exch ang e rates to £1 sterling<br />

from th e X E .com dated 7 /11/11. Country E xch ang e rate E uro: 1.16 7 09/£.<br />

Can I ch an g e m y h o liday ar ran g em en t s ?<br />

A fter w e h ave issued our booking confirmation w e w il do our best to<br />

accommodate any ch ang es you may w ant to make but w e cannot<br />

g uarantee to do so.A ny ch ang es must be notified to us in w riting and<br />

sig ned by th e person w h o made th e booking . If w e are able to make th e<br />

ch ang es any additional ch arg e for th e facilities requested must be paid.<br />

A ny sig nificant alteration after th e balance due date may be treated as a<br />

cancelation of th e orig inal booking and may be subject to th e cancelation<br />

ch arg es detailed below.A sig nificant alteration w ould include a ch ang e<br />

of departure date, h oliday or h otel, or number of people traveling .<br />

Can I t ran s fer m y bo o k in g t o s o m eo n e els e?<br />

Y ou can transfer your booking to someone else provided you g ive us<br />

reasonable notice.Th is person must be able to satisfy al th e conditions<br />

for th e h oliday and a ch ang e cannot normaly be made later th an seven<br />

days prior to departure.W e w il make an administration ch arg e of £25<br />

per booking for every transfer w e make plus any reasonable additional<br />

costs caused by th e transfer.Y ou w il remain responsible for ensuring<br />

th at th e h oliday is paid for by th e balance due date.<br />

H o w can I can cel m y h o liday ?<br />

Y ou, or any member of your party, may cancel at any time provided th at<br />

th e cancelation is made by th e person w h o made th e booking and is<br />

communicated to us in w riting .Y ou w il h ave to pay cancelation ch arg es<br />

set out in th e scale below to cover our estimated loss resulting from th e<br />

cancelation. If you are insured ag ainst cancelation you may be able to<br />

recover th e ch arg es from your insurers.Y our cancelation w il take effect<br />

from th e date w e receive your w ritten confirmation of your cancelation.<br />

Y ou must also return any tickets or vouch ers th at you h ave received.A<br />

reduction in room occupancy may increase th e ch arg es for th e<br />

remaining passeng ers by th e application of supplements for low<br />

occupancy of rooms.<br />

Scale o f Can cellat io n Ch ar g es<br />

Period before departure w ith in w h ich w ritten cancelation of h oliday<br />

price is received.A mount of cancelation ch arg e as a % : M ore th an<br />

42 days - deposit only; 28 – 42 days - 30% ; 14 – 27 days - 45% ;<br />

7 – 13 days - 6 0% ; 0 – 6 - days - 100% .<br />

W h at h ap p en s if y o u ch an g e m y h o liday ?<br />

Th e arrang ements for your h oliday w il usualy h ave been made many<br />

month s in advance. Sometimes ch ang es are unavoidable and w e reserve<br />

th e rig h t to make th em. M ost of th ese ch ang es are likely to be minor<br />

and w e w il do our best to keep you informed.<br />

If, after booking and before departure, w e make a sig nificant ch ang e to<br />

your h oliday you w il h ave th e option of w ith draw ing from th e h oliday<br />

w ith out penalty or alternatively you may transfer to anoth er h oliday<br />

w ith out paying an administration fee. In eith er case w e w il pay you<br />

compensation according to th e scale set out below.<br />

A sig nificant ch ang e includes a ch ang e in departure time or return time<br />

of more th an 12 h ours, a ch ang e of departure point, location of resort or<br />

quality of h otel, (excluding sing le overnig h t h otels on touring h olidays<br />

w h ere th e quality of th e h otel is comparable), a ch ang e of mode w h en<br />

crossing th e Ch annel, or th e specification of th e coach .<br />

If you w ith draw from th e h oliday because w e h ave made a sig nificant<br />

ch ang e or if w e h ave to cancel your h oliday for any reason oth er th an<br />

non-payment by you w e w il offer you th e ch oice of:A comparable<br />

replacement h oliday if available; or: a replacement h oliday of low er<br />

quality tog eth er w ith a refund of th e price difference; or: a ful refund of<br />

th e money you h ave paid.<br />

W h en w e h ave notified you of th e ch ang es and options available, you<br />

must tel us your decision as soon as possible and w ith in any timescale<br />

w e may need to set bearing in mind th e need to safeg uard th e h oliday<br />

arrang ements of oth er customers.<br />

Scale o f Co m p en s at io n<br />

W e w il pay you compensation for sig nificant ch ang es on th e folow ing<br />

scale (amounts per person): Period before departure in w h ich sig nificant<br />

ch ang e is notified to you or your ag ent: more th an 42 days –N il; 28 to<br />

42 days - £10; 14 to 27 days - £15; 7 to 13 days - £20; 0 to 6 days - £25.<br />

Payment of compensation according to th e scale set out above w il not<br />

affect your statutory rig h t to claim furth er compensation if, in al th e<br />

circumstances, you remain dissatisfied.<br />

If, prior to departure, w e make a sig nificant ch ang e to your h oliday<br />

arrang ements or cancel your h oliday w e w il pay you compensation on<br />

th e above scale unless:-<br />

•t h e h o lid ay is c an c e lle d b e c au s e t h e n u m b e r o f p e r s o n s w h o ag r e e d t o<br />

t ak e it is le s s t h an t h e m in im u m n u m b e r re q u ire d , an d y o u w e re<br />

in f o r m e d o f t h e c an c e llat io n in w r it in g w it h in t h e p e r io d in d ic at e d in t h e<br />

d e s c r ip t io n o f t h e h o lid ay ; o r<br />

•t h e h o lid ay is c h an g e d o r c an c e lle d b y r e as o n o f u n u s u al an d<br />

u n fo re s e e ab le c irc u m s t an c e s b e y o n d o u r c o n t ro l, t h e c o n s e q u e n c e s o f<br />

w h ic h c o u ld n o t h av e b e e n av o id e d e v e n if all d u e c are h ad b e e n<br />

e x e rc is e d .Th e s e c irc u m s t an c e s in c lu d e w ar o r t h re at o f w ar, r io t , c iv il<br />

s t r ife , t e rro r is t ac t iv it y , in d u s t r ial d is p u t e s , f ire , q u aran t in e , e p id e m ic o r<br />

h e alt h r is k s , n at u ral o r n u c le ar d is as t e r s , p o r t an d t e r m in al c lo s u r e s an d<br />

ad v e r s e w e at h e r c o n d it io n s .<br />

Payment of compensation according to th e scale set out above w il not<br />

affect your statutory rig h t to claim furth er compensation if, in al th e<br />

circumstances, you remain dissatisfied.<br />

If, after departure, w e need to make a ch ang e to a sig nificant proportion<br />

of your h oliday w e w il do our best to make suitable alternative<br />

arrang ements at no extra cost to you. If it proves impossible to make<br />

suitable alternative arrang ements, or if you h ave reasonable g rounds for<br />

refusing th e alternative offered, w e w il arrang e transport back to your<br />

point of departure, or to an alternative location th at w e ag ree to, U nless<br />

th e ch ang e is as a result of unusual and unforeseeable circumstances<br />

beyond our control (as described above), you w il also be entitled to<br />

compensation.<br />

W h at is t h e ex t en t o f y o u r liabilit y ?<br />

W e accept responsibility if you or any member of your party is kiled or<br />

injured as a result of an activity forming part of your h oliday arrang ements<br />

w h ich you booked w ith us before your departure; or if any part of your<br />

h oliday arrang ements, booked w ith us in th e U K , is not as described in<br />

th e broch ure or not of a reasonable standard; if th e failure in your<br />

h oliday arrang ements or any death or personal injury is due to any fault<br />

on our part or th at of our ag ents or suppliers w h ilst acting in th e course<br />

of th eir employment.W e do not accept responsibility if th e failure, death<br />

or personal injury is not caused by any fault of ours or of our ag ents or<br />

suppliers or is caused by you or someone not connected w ith your<br />

h oliday arrang ements; or if th e failure, death or personal injury is due to<br />

unusual or unforeseen circumstances w h ich , even w ith al due care, w e,<br />

or our ag ents or suppliers, could not h ave anticipated or avoided.<br />


For claims w h ich do not involve personal injury, ilness or death , th e most we<br />

w il h ave to pay if w e are liable to you is tw ice th e price th e person affected<br />

paid for th eir h oliday (not including insurance premiums and amendment<br />

ch arg es).W e w il only h ave to pay th is maximum amount if everyth ing<br />

h as g one w rong and you h ave received no benefit from your h oliday.<br />

If you or any member of your party is kiled, injured or becomes il as a<br />

result of transport by sh ip, train or coach , any liability w h ich w e may h ave<br />

to pay compensation is limited in line w ith th eA th ens Convention (applies<br />

to transport by sh ip), th e B erne Convention (applies to transport by rail)<br />

and th e G eneva Convention (applies to transport by road).Y ou can g et<br />

copies of th e relevant conventions from th e Internet.Y ou sh ould also note<br />

th at th ese conventions may limit or remove th e carrier’s liability to you<br />

and th e amount w h ich th e carrier h as to pay you.<br />

If w e make any payment to you or any member of your party for death ,<br />

personal injury or ilness, you w il be asked to assig n to us or our insurers<br />

th e rig h ts you may h ave to take action ag ainst th e person or org anisation<br />

responsible for causing th e death , personal injury or ilness.<br />

O ur suppliers (such as accommodation or transport providers) h ave th eir<br />

ow n booking conditions or conditions of carriag e, and th ese conditions are<br />

binding betw een you and th e supplier. Some of th ese conditions may limit<br />

or remove th e relevant transport provider’s or oth er supplier’s liability to<br />

you.Y ou can g et copies of such conditions from our offices, or th e offices<br />

of th e relevant supplier.<br />

W h at do I n eed t o do if I h av e t o co m p lain ?<br />

If you h ave a complaint during your h oliday you sh ould tel th e<br />

driver/representative or supplier at th e earliest opportunity so th at th ey<br />

can do th eir utmost to resolve th e problem immediately. If th ey are<br />

unable to resolve th e problem to your satisfaction you sh ould complete<br />

a H oliday Report Form w h ich is available from th e driver/representative.<br />

Y ou w il be g iven a copy of th is report w h ich you sh ould keep. If, on your<br />

return from h oliday, you remain dissatisfied you sh ould w rite w ith in 28<br />

days to th e manag er, Skinners of O xted, 15 B arrow G reen Road, O xted,<br />

RH 8 0N J. In your letter you w il need to quote your booking reference<br />

number, h oliday number, departure date and th e number of th e H oliday<br />

Report Form w h ich you completed at th e time.<br />

If you do not tel us at th e earliest opportunity about a problem g iving<br />

rise to your complaint w e cannot take steps to investig ate and rectify it.<br />

In deciding h ow to respond to your complaint w e w il take into account<br />

th e date you first drew th e problem to th e attention of our<br />

driver/representative or supplier.<br />

If I do n o t ag r ee w it h y o u r decis io n can I r eq u es t ar bit rat io n ?<br />

Y es you can. If w e cannot resolve your complaint amicably you may<br />

request th at th e dispute is referred to an independent arbitration sch eme<br />

establish ed by th e Confederation of Passeng erTransport U K (CPT). Ful<br />

details of th is sch eme w il be provided on request or you can obtain a<br />

copy from CPT.Th is arbitration sch eme provides a simple and inexpensive<br />

meth od of arbitration on documents alone w ith restricted liability on th e<br />

customer in respect of costs.Th is sch eme does not apply to claims for an<br />

amount g reater th an £1500 per person.Th ere is also a limit of £7 500 per<br />

booking . N ormaly th ere is a time limit of 9 month s from th e date of<br />

return from your h oliday w ith in w h ich to request arbitration but in<br />

exceptional circumstances th e sch eme can be used beyond th is date.Th is<br />

sch eme does not apply to claims th at arise mainly in respect of ph ysical<br />

injury or ilness or th e consequences of any ilness or injury.<br />

Co ach s eat in g<br />

Th ere is a seating plan of th e coach for each h oliday, but it is possible th at<br />

on occasions operational reasons w il require a coach w ith a different<br />

config uration to be used.W e th erefore reserve th e rig h t to alter a<br />

coach -seating plan and alocate seats oth er th an th ose you h ave booked.<br />

Requests for particular seats can be made on most h olidays w h en booking ,<br />

but because alocations are made on a first come, first served basis you are<br />

66<br />

recommended to book early.W h en your booking is confirmed you w il be<br />

offered th e best seats th at are available at th at time. If you know someone<br />

w h o may w ant to book later but sit near you please discuss th is w ith th e<br />

booking clerk at th e time you make your booking .<br />

Specific seats w il not be alocated on coach es w h ich operate on feeder<br />

services betw een joining points and main h oliday departure points, on<br />

coach es w h ich carry out transfers to and from seaports or for journeys not<br />

using our coach .<br />

H ealt h & Safet y o n h o liday<br />

In some foreig n countries, standards of infrastructure, safety and h yg iene<br />

may be low er th an th ose to w h ich w e are accustomed in th e U K .Y ou<br />

sh ould th erefore exercise g reater care for your ow n protection. Furth er<br />

information can be obtained from your G P or from your travel ag ent<br />

w h o can provide you w ith th e leaflet“H ealth A dvice for<strong>Travel</strong>ers”<br />

publish ed by th e Department of H ealth . Some people may be at risk<br />

from discomfort or deep vein th rombosis (DVT) if th ey remain immobile<br />

on a journey for a long period of time. If you are planning to undertake a<br />

bus or coach journey of more th an 3 h ours you sh ould consult your<br />

doctor if you h ave ever h ad DVT or pulmonary embolism, a family<br />

h istory of clotting conditions, cancer or treatment for cancer, a stroke,<br />

h eart or lung disease or if you h ave h ad major surg ery in th e past 3<br />

month s.W e reserve th e rig h t to refuse any booking in th e absence of a<br />

doctor’s certificate confirming th at you are fit to travel. During th e<br />

journey w e w il provide comfort stops as frequently as possible. During<br />

th ese stops you are encourag ed to g et off th e coach and w alk around.<br />

E xercise reduces any discomfort w h ich may be caused by periods of<br />

immobility. During any journey you sh ould drink alcoh ol only in<br />

moderation as it leads to deh ydration.<br />

Pas s en g er beh av io u r<br />

W e w ant al our customers to h ave a h appy and carefree h oliday. B ut<br />

you must remember th at you are responsible for your beh aviour and th e<br />

effect it may h ave on oth ers. If you or any member of your party is<br />

abusive or disruptive or beh aves in a w ay w h ich , in our reasonable<br />

opinion, could cause damag e or injury to oth ers or affect th eir<br />

enjoyment of th eir h oliday, or w h ich could damag e property, w e h ave<br />

th e rig h t, after reasonable consideration, to terminate your contract w ith<br />

us. If th is h appens w e w il h ave no furth er oblig ations or liability to you.<br />

Th e coach driver/representative, sh ip’s captain, or auth orised official of<br />

oth er means of transport is entitled to refuse you boarding if in th eir<br />

reasonable opinion you are unacceptably under th e influence of drink or<br />

drug s or you are being violent or disruptive. If you are refused boarding<br />

on th e outw ard journey w e w il reg ard it as a cancelation by you and w e<br />

w il apply cancelation ch arg es according to th e scale above. If th e<br />

refusal is on th e return journey w e h ave th e rig h t to terminate th e<br />

contract and w il h ave no furth er oblig ations or liability to you.<br />

N o s m o k in g p o licy<br />

W e operate a strict no smoking policy on al our coach es, but make<br />

frequent comfort stops.Th e no smoking policy of oth er carriers and<br />

suppliers w il vary and w il be supplied on request.<br />

Pet s<br />

W e do not alow pets to be taken on our h olidays. Reg istered A ssistance<br />

Dog s w il normaly be accommodated on U K h olidays but not on<br />

overseas h olidays.<br />

Pick u p p o in t , it in erar ies , t rav el do cu m en t s an d p as s p o r t<br />

Y ou are responsible for ensuring th at you are at th e correct departure<br />

point, at th e correct time, w ith th e correct documents and w e cannot be<br />

h eld liable for any loss or expense suffered by you or your party because<br />

of an incorrect passport or late arrival at th e departure point.<br />

If you are a B ritish citiz en traveling outside th e U nited K ing dom you<br />

must h ave a ful U K passport valid for a minimum of th ree month s after<br />

your sch eduled date of return. N on-U K citiz ens must seek passport and

visa advice from th e consulates of th e countries you plan to visit prior to<br />

making a booking for one of our h olidays.Th e name on th e passport<br />

must match th e name on th e ticket. If someone in your party ch ang es<br />

th eir name after th e booking is made you must tel us immediately so<br />

th at w e can issue th e ticket in th e new name.<br />

W h en you h ave paid th e balance w e w il send you or your booking ag ent<br />

al th e necessary labels so th at you receive th em in g ood time for your<br />

h oliday. Certain travel documents may h ave to be retained by us and<br />

your driver/courier w il th en issue th em to you at th e relevant time. If<br />

you lose a travel document after it h as been issued to you w e w il<br />

require you to meet th e direct cost ch arg ed by th e carrier/supplier for<br />

th e issue of a duplicate or replacement.<br />

Skinners of O xted reserve th e rig h t to modify itineraries to conform w ith<br />

requests from th e competent auth orities in th e U nited K ing dom and any<br />

oth er sovereig n state th roug h w h ich th e tour w il operate.<br />

Included excursions are detailed on th e relevant broch ure pag e and<br />

refunds w il not be made for any excursion not taken. O ptional<br />

excursions may be booked and paid for in resort but th ese w il not form<br />

part of th e packag e booked w ith us.<br />

A dmission fees to building s, g rounds etc. are not included in th e price of<br />

th e h oliday unless oth erw ise stated on th e relevant broch ure pag e.<br />

W h at h ap p en s if I am delay ed?<br />

Y our travel insurance may cover you for some delays. In addition w h ere<br />

you are delayed for more th an six h ours in any one day w e w il seek to<br />

minimise any discomfort and w h ere possible, arrang e for refresh ments<br />

and meals.<br />

Do I n eed t o t ak e o u t t r av el in s u ran ce?<br />

W e strong ly recommend al our customers to take out travel insurance.<br />

It is not compulsory in law to h ave travel insurance for our tours w ith in<br />

th e U nited K ing dom but it is compulsory for our tours operating outside<br />

th e U nited K ing dom.Y ou do not need to take out our insurance but you<br />

must h ave insurance, w h ich is at least as g ood or better th an th e<br />

insurance w e offer.<br />

W h at as s is t an ce w ill y o u g iv e m e if t h in g s g o w r o n g w h en it is<br />

n o t y o u r fau lt ?<br />

If you, or any member of your party, suffer death , ilness or injury w h ilst<br />

overseas arising out of an activity w h ich does not form part of your<br />

packag e travel arrang ements or an excursion arrang ed th roug h us in th e<br />

U K , w e sh al at our discretion, offer advice, g uidance and assistance.W h ere<br />

leg al action is contemplated and you w ant our assistance, you must obtain<br />

our w ritten consent prior to commencement of proceeding s. O ur consent<br />

w il be g iven subject to you undertaking to assig n any costs, benefits<br />

received under any relevant insurance policy to ourselves.W e limit th e cost<br />

of our assistance to you and any member of your party to £5000 per party.<br />

Sp ecial n eeds<br />

U nfortunately, many h otels overseas do not provide adequate facilities<br />

for g uests w ith mobility problems or w h o suffer from oth er disabilities.<br />

B ut w h eth er you are planning a h oliday overseas or in th e U K , please<br />

notify us before you book if you or any member of your party h as<br />

special needs or suffers from any disability.<br />

W e are keen to plan arrang ements for your h oliday so th at special needs<br />

and requests can be accommodated as far as possible. If you w il need<br />

assistance or special facilities in th e h otel, or may h ave difficulties in<br />

taking part in excursions or boarding and traveling on th e coach or<br />

oth er means of transport you must let us know in advance. N ot al th e<br />

h olidays in th is broch ure may be suitable for you.W e w ant you to enjoy<br />

your h oliday and w il try to h elp you select an appropriate trip. If you<br />

need advice or furth er information eith er you or your booking ag ent<br />

sh ould contact our office.<br />

Sp ecial r eq u es t s<br />

If you require a special diet please tel us before booking , or as soon as<br />

you are medicaly advised, and send us a copy of th e diet.W e w il notify<br />

th e h otel or h otels on your h oliday but please note th at some h otels may<br />

not h ave facilities to cope w ith special diets and w e cannot be h eld liable<br />

for th eir failure to do so unless th e h otel h as confirmed in w riting th at a<br />

special diet w il be catered for.W h ere w e th ink th at a h otel is likely to be<br />

unable to cope w ith a special diet, w e w il tel you prior to your booking<br />

confirmation being issued so th at you can exercise your rig h t to cancel<br />

your h oliday booking w ith out ch arg e.A ny extra costs incurred must be<br />

paid to th e h otel by you prior to departure from th e h otel.<br />

Y ou sh ould also detail any oth er requests, for example, low floor rooms,<br />

particular rooms or locations on th e special requests section of th e<br />

booking form.W e w il pass your request to th e relevant supplier but th is<br />

does not necessarily mean th at your request w il be fulfiled. If a request<br />

can be fulfiled you may incur an extra ch arg e payable eith er to us or<br />

direct to th e h otel. Please note th at requests cannot be g uaranteed<br />

unless w e confirm on your booking confirmation th at th is is a g uaranteed<br />

requirement.<br />

Sin g le O ccu p an cy<br />

Sing le occupancy of rooms w h en available may be subject to a<br />

supplementary ch arg e and th is w il be sh ow n on th e broch ure pag e.<br />

En t er t ain m en t<br />

Some of our h otels arrang e additional entertainment.W h ere th is is part<br />

of th e h oliday details are g iven on th e respective broch ure pag e.W h ere<br />

it is not specified it may stil be available but is at th e discretion of th e<br />

h otel and is not g uaranteed. It may be w ith draw n if th ere is a lack of<br />

demand or for operational reasons.<br />

Dat a Pr o t ect io n Act<br />

In order to process your booking and to ensure th at your travel<br />

arrang ements run smooth ly and meet your requirements w e, and your<br />

travel ag ent, need to use th e information you provide such as name,<br />

address, any special needs/dietary requirements etc.<br />

W e take ful responsibility for ensuring th at proper measures are in place<br />

to protect your information.W e must pass th e information on to th e<br />

relevant suppliers of your travel arrang ements such as h otels, transport<br />

companies etc.Th e information may also be supplied to security or<br />

credit ch ecking companies, public auth orities such as<br />

customs/immig ration if required by th em, or as required by law.<br />

A dditionaly, w h ere your h oliday is outside th e E uropean E conomic A rea<br />

(E E A ), controls on data protection in your destination may not be as<br />

strong as th e leg al requirements in th is country.W e w il not, h ow ever,<br />

pass information on to any person not responsible for part of your travel<br />

arrang ements.Th is applies to any sensitive information th at you g ive to<br />

us such as details of any disabilities or dietary/relig ious requirements. If<br />

w e cannot pass th is information to th e relevant suppliers, w h eth er in th e<br />

E E A or not, w e cannot provide your booking . In making th is booking , you<br />

consent to th is information being passed on to th e relevant persons.<br />

Please note th at w h ere information is h eld by your travel ag ent, th is is<br />

subject to your ag ent’s ow n data protection policy.<br />

Y our data controler is D Skinner.Y ou are entitled to a copy of your<br />

information h eld by us. If you w ould like to see th is, please contact us.<br />

W e retain your ful contact details and oth er information in secure files<br />

and electronic storag e facilities.W e may use th is information to contact<br />

you by mail, teleph one or electronic means. If you do not w ish to receive<br />

furth er information about our products and services, please w rite to th e<br />

data controler.<br />

Pu blicat io n dat e an d det ails<br />

Th is broch ure w as printed in th e U nited K ing dom by Skinners of O xted,<br />

N ov 2011.<br />


In c o rp o ra tin g<br />

H o lid a y s & S h o rt B re a k s<br />

D o o r to D o o r S e rv ic e<br />

2 01 2<br />

Skinners of O xted<br />

15 B arrow G reen Road, Surrey RH 8 0N J<br />

Teleph one:01883 713633 E mail:in fo @ s k in n er s .t rav el<br />

w w w .s kinner s .t r av el

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