Introduction to the atmosphere

Introduction to the atmosphere

Introduction to the atmosphere


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<strong>Introduction</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>atmosphere</strong>1. Some features of <strong>atmosphere</strong>s2. The Earth’s <strong>atmosphere</strong>1. Composition, Layers and bounds2. Radiation budget, circulation and chemistry.3. Origin and evolution of <strong>the</strong> <strong>atmosphere</strong>3. A brief look at o<strong>the</strong>r <strong>atmosphere</strong>s in <strong>the</strong> SolarSystem4. The HeliosphereVíc<strong>to</strong>r J. Herrerovherrero@iem.cfmac.csic.es

Atmosphere• “Gaseous envelope surrounding a celestial body andretained <strong>to</strong> it by gravity”

Pressure and gravity• Gravity imposes a roughly exponential decline of pressure(or density) with height:p⎛ mgz ⎞z= ⎜ − ⎟ ⎜⎝ kT ⎠ ⎝ l⎛ ⎞( z) p(0)exp= p(0)exp − ⎟ ⎠z is <strong>the</strong> altitudel is a characteristic scale heightl=(kT/mg )In <strong>the</strong> troposphere l ≈ 8.5 km

Gravity and escape• Molecules can escape <strong>the</strong> upper <strong>atmosphere</strong> of a body if<strong>the</strong>ir kinetic energy exceeds <strong>the</strong>ir gravitationalattraction (Jeans escape)• The escape velocity at <strong>the</strong> exobase (i.e. at <strong>the</strong> altitudewhere collisions become negligible) is given by:v es= 2grFor <strong>the</strong> Earth:v es ≈ 11.2 km s -1• Diffusion can often limit <strong>the</strong> access <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> exobase

Gravity and escapeEscape velocityv es (km/s) v es /6Earth 11.2 1.87Moon 2.4 0.4Jupiter 59.5 9.9Related escape mechanisms:Average speed (km/s)100 K 300 K 1500 KH 2 1.02 1.77 3.96CH 4 0.36 0.62 1.40N 2 0.27 0.47 1.06Light species can drag heavy molecules and help <strong>the</strong>mescape (hydrodinamic escape)Fast a<strong>to</strong>ms or molecules can be produced by charge exchangein collisions with ions


The Earth’s <strong>atmosphere</strong>:CompositionDry air:Gas %N 2 78.08O 2 20.95Ar 0.93CO 2 0.038•Trace gases : noble gases, CH 4 , H 2 , NH 3 , O 3 , N and S oxides …• Water vapour: 1‐4%• Particulate matter• Clouds (water droplets, ice particles)•Aerosols•Primary (dust, sea‐salt, volcanic ashes, soot)•Secondary (H 2 SO 4 , sulphates, nitrates, organic matter)

The Earth’s <strong>atmosphere</strong>:Layers

Troposphere• Temperature drops with height (≈‐6.5 K/km) .• Located between surface (T≈ 300 K) and tropopause (9‐18 km,p ≈ 200 mbar, T≈ 210 K), where <strong>the</strong> temperature drop s<strong>to</strong>ps.• Contains 80% of <strong>the</strong> <strong>to</strong>tal atmospheric mass and 99% ofwater and particualte matter.• Divided in<strong>to</strong> two regions:• Boundary layer: quiet region, close <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> surface (< 1 km).• Free troposphere: turbulent region, between boundarylayer and tropopause.

Stra<strong>to</strong>sphere• Temperature increases with height (≈ 2 K/km), due <strong>to</strong> ozonepho<strong>to</strong>chemistry• Located between tropopause (9‐18 km, p≈ 200 mbar, T≈ 210 K)and stra<strong>to</strong>pause (≈50 km, p ≈ 1 mbar, T≈ 270 K )• Thermal inversion hampers vertical air movements and leads <strong>to</strong>stratification• The tropopause is an effective (but not impermeable) barrier fortransport between troposphere and stra<strong>to</strong>sphere.

Mesosphere• Temperature drops with altitude (≈‐3 K/km)• Located between stra<strong>to</strong>pause (≈ 50 km, p ≈ 1 mbar, T≈ 270 K)and mesopause (≈ 80‐90 km, p ≈ 1 μbar, T≈ 170 K)• The mesopause is <strong>the</strong> coldest place in <strong>the</strong> <strong>atmosphere</strong>.• The highest atmospheric clouds (noctiluent clouds) are formedin this region.

Thermosphere• Characterized by a rapid temperature increase (≈ 10‐20 K/km)with height due <strong>to</strong> O 2 pho<strong>to</strong>dissociation.• Located between mesopause (≈ 80‐90 km, p ≈ 1 μbar, T≈ 170 K)and <strong>the</strong>rmopause ( 400‐1000 km, daytime T≈ 600‐2000 K)• Properties very sensitive <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> insolation received• Density very low. The International Space Station operates inthis region (≈ 350 km)

Exosphere• Starts at <strong>the</strong> exobase (400‐1000 km), where collisionsbecome negligible.• H and He a<strong>to</strong>ms begin <strong>to</strong> dominate.• Its upper limit is ill defined

Atmospheric bounds• The <strong>atmosphere</strong> has no clear bounds. There is a gradualtransition between <strong>atmosphere</strong> and “outer space”• For certain purposes limits can be defined.Magne<strong>to</strong>pause:(> 60,000 km)Influence of Earth oncharged particlesKármán Line(100 km)Viscous effects inaeronautics.

Radiation budget•The solar radiation is partlyreflected and partly absorbedand re‐emitted by <strong>the</strong> Earth.•The emission spectrum of <strong>the</strong>Sun has a maximum in <strong>the</strong>visible•The emission spectrum of <strong>the</strong>Earth has a maximum in <strong>the</strong> IR

Radiation budget :Temperature of <strong>the</strong> EarthAbsorbed incoming radiation:Emitted radiationS: solar constantA: average albedo(Stefan‐Boltzmann)Emission temperatureT e ≈ 254 K in accord withsatellite measurements, but <strong>the</strong>average temperature at <strong>the</strong>Earth´s surface is ≈ 288 K

Greenhouse effectGasContribution <strong>to</strong>T increase (K)H 2 O 20.6 62CO 2 7.2 22O 3 trop. 2.4 7N 2 O 1.4 4CH 4 0.8 2.5O<strong>the</strong>r ≈ 0.6 2.5Sum 33 100Contribution <strong>to</strong>greenhouseeffect (%)Part of <strong>the</strong> energyIs absorbed by gasesin <strong>the</strong> lower<strong>atmosphere</strong> and reemitted<strong>to</strong>wards <strong>the</strong>surface

Atmospheric circulation• Buildup of convective cells

Atmospheric circulation• Coupling of convection and Coriolis forces

Atmospheric chemistry• Is driven by <strong>the</strong> small UV component of <strong>the</strong> Sun’sradiation• Has distinct characteristics in <strong>the</strong> various layers• Troposphere: Dominated by oxidation processes• Stra<strong>to</strong>sphere: Ozone chemistry• Thermosphere: Significant dissociation and ionization(ionosphere)The most complex atmospheric chemistry takes placein <strong>the</strong> tropospheric boundary layer

Tropospheric Chemistry• Oxidation reactions• Main daytime oxidant: OH radical, produced by:• O 3 +hν (λ>290 nm) → O( 1 D) +O 2• O( 1 D) + H 2 O → 2 OH• Main oxidant at night: NO 3radical, produced by:• O 3 + NO 2 → NO 3 + O 2

Tropospheric chemistry:urban smog•“London type”•Reducing character•Sulphur compounds•“Los Angeles type”•Pho<strong>to</strong>chemical•Oxidizing character•NO x and VOCs

Urban smog: Madrid

• Ozone pho<strong>to</strong>chemistry• “Oxygen only” cycle :• O 2 + hν (λ

The ionosphere• A<strong>to</strong>mic ions• Molecular ions• Cluster ions

Ions at high latitudes• Close <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> poles, charged particles can enter and leave<strong>the</strong> <strong>atmosphere</strong> along open magnetic lines• Polar wind: net outflow of ions (H + , He + , O + )• Polar aurorae: collisions of solar wind particles (mostlyelectrons) with a<strong>to</strong>ms and molecules (≈ 100 km)

Evolutionof <strong>the</strong>Earth’s<strong>atmosphere</strong>• Primieval <strong>atmosphere</strong> ?• Formed <strong>to</strong>ge<strong>the</strong>r with <strong>the</strong> planet (≈ 4500 Myr bp)• Species from <strong>the</strong> original nebula• Unlikely retention of H 2 and He (<strong>to</strong>o light)• Main volatiles light hydrogenated compounds (CH 4 , NH 3 ,H 2 O)•Present iso<strong>to</strong>pic abundance on Earth very different from<strong>the</strong> solar nebulaThe original <strong>atmosphere</strong> was lost (enhancedsolar wind, heat liberated in gravitationalcollapse…)

Evolution of <strong>the</strong> Earth’s<strong>atmosphere</strong>• Secondary <strong>atmosphere</strong>• generated by outgassing• Probably formed by H 2 O and CO 2• Minor gases: NH 3 , CH 4 , N 2 …• Planet cooling → condensation of H 2 O→ oceans• CO 2 + H 2 O (liquid) → sedimentary carbonates (3800 Myr bp)• CH 4 and NH 3 are pho<strong>to</strong>lyzed (NH 3 → N 2 )With most H 2 O and CO 2 in condensedphases, <strong>the</strong> dominant atmospheric gas3800 Myr bp was probably N 2

Evolution of oxygen and lifeMost atmospheric O 2 was produced by pho<strong>to</strong>syn<strong>the</strong>sisFe 2+ →Fe 3+

Planets• Rocky planetsIce line• Formed below <strong>the</strong> frost line (≈ 3 AU)• Rich in metal and silicates. Small sizes• Unable <strong>to</strong> retain H 2 or He. Thin <strong>atmosphere</strong>s• Gaseous planets• Formed beyond <strong>the</strong> frost line• Condensation of volatiles. Large sizes• Large <strong>atmosphere</strong>s of H 2 and He

Atmosphere of Venus• Composed of CO 2 (96%) and N 2 (3%)• Minor gases: SO 2 , H 2 O, CO• H 2 SO 4 clouds• Surface temperature: 700 K• Surface pressure: 90 bar• “Superrotation” of zonal windsVery large greenhouse effect

Atmosphere of Mars• Composed of CO 2 (96%) and N 2 (3%)• Minor gases: O 2 , H 2 O, CH 4• some H 2 O and CO 2 trapped in ice caps• Average surface temperature: 227 K• Surface pressure: 6 mbar• Wind and dust s<strong>to</strong>rms

Atmospheres of <strong>the</strong> rocky planetsVenus Earth Mars

Atmosphere of Titan• Composed of N 2 (96%) and CH 4 (5% at surface)• Minor gases: CO, CO 2 , H 2 O, hydrocarbons• Pho<strong>to</strong>chemical aerosol layer of organic compounds• Average surface temperature: 94 K• Surface pressure: 1.5 barPossibly similar <strong>to</strong> some stage of <strong>the</strong> primitiveEarth’s <strong>atmosphere</strong> in composition andpressure

Atmospheres of <strong>the</strong>gaseous giants• Mostly composed of H 2and He• Minor gases: H 2O, NH 3, CH 4• Large and dense <strong>atmosphere</strong>s• Probably no definite surface• Presence of clouds and pho<strong>to</strong>chemical aerosols

Atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn

Atmospheres of Uranus andNeptune“Icy giants”UranusNeptune

Solar wind andheliosphere• The solar wind is a stream of highly energetic particles(mostly electrons and pro<strong>to</strong>ns) emitted by <strong>the</strong> Sun.• The expansion of <strong>the</strong> solar wind ends in a shock structure.The region of space within this shock structure is called<strong>the</strong> heliosphere. It is a kind of very thin “<strong>atmosphere</strong>” for<strong>the</strong> whole Solar System.• The termination shock, at ≈ 90 AU, has been recentlyaccessed by <strong>the</strong> Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 space missions.

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