the first big week! coming up! - the Groton Long Point Yacht Club!

the first big week! coming up! - the Groton Long Point Yacht Club!

the first big week! coming up! - the Groton Long Point Yacht Club!


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COMING UP!Association Annual Meeting, Tomorrow 9 amHello July Cocktail PartyTOMORROW NIGHT 6:30 - 8:30Please Bring an Hors dʼoeuvreJuly 7, First Niagara Family Classic TennisTournament - Check with YCJuly 13, Lobsta, Clams and JamsGROTON LONG POINTNEWSVolume 70 July 5, 2013 Issue # 2THE FIRST BIG WEEK!Griffin Hanna and Laraine Cellucci loaded <strong>up</strong> at <strong>the</strong>White Elephant sale last Saturday! The annual salenetted over $2600!Casino boys out for <strong>the</strong>ir Sunday morning postbreakfast snack. Jackson McKinley, ChristopherDevine, Dylan Devine and Connor McKinley!Cousins Paddy Mahoney, Mikey Kane, Jack Kaneand Jack Schilge just waiting until activities begin.Well, we kind of eased intoit gently this <strong>week</strong>. Cars andboats and bikes began arrivingover <strong>the</strong> past <strong>week</strong> in anticipationof this <strong>first</strong> <strong>week</strong> in Julyand <strong>the</strong> celebration, on <strong>the</strong>Fourth of July, of our independencefrom England.Registration took place,classes filled <strong>up</strong> and old friendsga<strong>the</strong>red to once again enjoyall that GLP has to offer.Yesterdayʼs festivitiesbegan <strong>the</strong> celebrations with <strong>the</strong>annual road races and <strong>the</strong> colorfulparade. We hope to have<strong>the</strong> racerʼs pictures, namesand times in <strong>the</strong> paper when<strong>the</strong>y can be tabulated and picturesof <strong>the</strong> parade in next<strong>week</strong>.But we have a lot moregoing on <strong>the</strong> rest of this <strong>week</strong>end,too. The Adult/Child tennistournament is tomorrow morningat 9 am. This is <strong>the</strong> mostenjoyable, friendliest tournamentof <strong>the</strong> summer, so comeon down.“The Commissioning of <strong>the</strong>Fleet” takes place tomorrownight at 6:20 pm in back of <strong>the</strong>YC and <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> “Hello July”cocktail party after that at 6:30.Please welcome any newcomersyou may happen to meet.The YC has great thingsplanned this month. Especiallynotable is <strong>the</strong> “Lobstaʼ, Clamsand Jams” night on July 13and <strong>the</strong> immensely popular“Family Night and Fireworks”on July 20.Weʼll try to keep youinformed but please refer to <strong>the</strong>YC calendar for some funevents for both children andadults!You know that <strong>the</strong> <strong>Point</strong> is filling <strong>up</strong> when <strong>the</strong> communitybulletin board fills <strong>up</strong>!Stephanie and LilaHunter get ready forLilaʼs <strong>first</strong> GLP summer.Washburns at <strong>the</strong>Acropolis on <strong>the</strong>ir Greekhike!At <strong>the</strong> White Elephant sale Nancy Hebbard andTeddie Brown battled over which one of <strong>the</strong>m wasgoing to get <strong>the</strong> .... um...... what is that thing anyway?

HEAR ʻN THEREOur Hear ʻN There gueststoday are Judith Gass and MikeTortia with a good size harborblue!Here we are in <strong>the</strong> secondissue already! Things are happeningfaster than we canreport <strong>the</strong>m. Ran into KimBrunstad on <strong>the</strong> Boardwalk last<strong>week</strong>end. We usually see her inAugust but she was in for a fewdays to soak <strong>up</strong> <strong>the</strong> sun. Heroldest, Eric, who just graduatedfrom Carnegie Mellon inPittsburg, is on his way toCalifornia where he will bestarting a fabulous new job withGoogle. Her o<strong>the</strong>r son, Rob,just got accepted to Yale, Kimʼsalma mater..... Rumor has itthat Taylor Swift and her buddy,Selena Gomez, were spotted inMystic lapping <strong>up</strong> cones at <strong>the</strong>Drawbridge Ice Cream store.Weʼre sure <strong>the</strong>re will be morelocal Taylor sightings as shehas recently purchased a ra<strong>the</strong>rlarge, $17.7 million dollar housein Watch Hill and is spendingsome time <strong>the</strong>re redecorating.No doubt Selena will be helpingwith those decorations. TheBiebs was nowhere in sight.....Ashley Starr and Bill Eident arenew parents of baby daughter,Autumn, who was born on June20th. Autumnʼs parents lovethat season and so <strong>the</strong>ir ownlittle season weighed in at 8pounds and 21 inches. Dianeand Dick Starr are delightedwith <strong>the</strong>ir second grandchild.....The Halls from ManhattanBeach, California are lookingfor some kids to do some soccerworkouts over <strong>the</strong> summer.Evaliese and Elysia would liketo get some kids toge<strong>the</strong>r to dosome informal soccer work so<strong>the</strong>y donʼt lose <strong>the</strong>ir edge. Give<strong>the</strong> Halls a call if you are interestedin some informal play.Soccer runs in <strong>the</strong> Hall familyas <strong>the</strong>ir oldest sister, Isabella,will be playing college soccerfor Connecticut College this fall,,,,,, Jane Battles will be on <strong>the</strong>porch all <strong>week</strong> with copies of<strong>the</strong> 2013 Social Directory. If youmiss her she will have <strong>the</strong>mavailable at her home on <strong>the</strong>Boardwalk ...... We have awhole new crew delivering yourGLP NEWS this summer. Youknow that most kids “retire”from <strong>the</strong> job when <strong>the</strong>y hitaround 14 and we had a <strong>big</strong>crop this year who arrived atthat milestone. So be patient; itmight be a little time until <strong>the</strong>“newbies” are used to <strong>the</strong>irroutes. And, of course, <strong>the</strong>ydonʼt go out in downpours orthunder and lightning so yourpaper might come late or even<strong>the</strong> next day but you will get it.A “little something” for yourdeliverer will be greatly appreciated.We leave a few papers at<strong>the</strong> mailboxes <strong>the</strong> next day.Give us a call if you have infofor us!Luise Be<strong>the</strong>ncourt - EditorRedluisey@gmail.comhome 536-1737cell 914 409-6869SERVING GLP FOROVER 40 YEARSB & H BUGBEEPLUMBING & HEATINGCall 572-0274KEITH BRIDGHAMJOHN HOLGREMGLP NEWS Page 2OUT AND ABOUTGay Tyler Gallagher Real Estate CompanyOffice located at <strong>the</strong> “Farmhouse”Stop by for a visit24 East Shore Ave.<strong>Groton</strong> <strong>Long</strong> <strong>Point</strong>, CT 06340-8205Mary Ann Soltys, wholives in Alaska with herhusband, Tony, metBarbara Melanson for aday while Barbara had astopover on her Alaskancruise.Emmett Brady finishes <strong>the</strong> Cinco de Miles, a 5K run in Manchester,New Hampshire which took place <strong>the</strong> <strong>first</strong> <strong>week</strong>end in May.Bea Andersonʼs <strong>first</strong>plunge of <strong>the</strong> summeroff East Dockafter a long ride infrom Ohio! Hereʼsone young lady whois happy <strong>the</strong> dockhas been repaired!Real Estate Sales and RentalsProperty ManagementMonthly & Yearly RentalsGay Tyler GallagherBroker860 572-4828Fax: 860 572-4812email:gaygallagherglp@sbcglobal.netwww.sectproperties.com-Pet Sitting-Dog Walking-Boarding-Pet Taxi Services-Pet CPR & First Aid Class-Airport Service860-464-PETS (7387)Pamela C. MaherCertified Professional Pet SitterCertified Pet CPR& Pet First Aidwww.smooch<strong>the</strong>poochpetsitting.comknp@smooch<strong>the</strong>poochpetsitting.com

Graham Gavert“FROM THE ARCHIVES”GLP NEWS Page 3Lobstaʼs,Clams and Jams“Origins of <strong>the</strong>July 4Family Picnic”It probably seems as though<strong>the</strong> GLP Fireworks and FamilyPicnic have been around forever.Maybe in individual backyards,but as a community, itstarted to come toge<strong>the</strong>r in <strong>the</strong>early 1990s. Hereʼs an invitationto ga<strong>the</strong>r in <strong>the</strong> June 28,1991 issue of <strong>the</strong> GLP News.Whatʼs more, we were poachingsomeone elseʼs fireworks:“The <strong>Groton</strong> <strong>Long</strong> <strong>Point</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong><strong>Club</strong> in a joint venture with ourillustrious Volunteer FireDepartment is planning an oldfashioned family picnic onFriday evening July 5. (To addto <strong>the</strong> festivities, this is <strong>the</strong>evening of <strong>the</strong> Fishers IslandFireworks display.)“Bring your blanket, bring yourpicnic to South Beach at <strong>the</strong> 6oʼclock whistle. Grills will beprovided for cooking, andwea<strong>the</strong>r & wind permitting <strong>the</strong>rewill be a bon-fire. Kids – startplanning now for a sand sculpturecontest, young and oldalike get ready for a ʻtug ofwar.ʼ“If we have any young entrepreneursout <strong>the</strong>re, lemonadestands are welcome….Oldtimers, new comers, grandmas,grandpas, kids, moms, dads,aunts, uncles, guests – come toSouth Beach at 6 p.m. on July5. See your old friends, meetsome new ones. Fun andsome surprises for all!”And a final caution – in italics –to this invitation: “Reminderthat GLP regulations concerningalcoholic beverages, foodand glass containers are still inforce at this function.”PPPPPPPBroken Tennis Strings?Restringing in GLP!Call Alex Reed 536-1093Fast turnaround time$15 per racquetplus cost of stringBoy, has <strong>the</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> gota great event <strong>coming</strong> <strong>up</strong> for youfor <strong>the</strong> July 12th <strong>week</strong>end! The<strong>week</strong>end itself is filled with allkinds of activities such asSaturday morningʼs MixedDoubles Tennis Tournamentstarting at 8 am, <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong>GLPYC Biathlon for ages 7 toadult at 1 pm and <strong>the</strong>n toppedoff by Saturday nightʼs newevent this year called “Lobstaʼ,Clams and Jams.”You and your friends canenjoy a clambake completewith lobster, oysters, mussels,and o<strong>the</strong>r seafood, washeddown with whatever seafoodfriendlybeverage you'd like tobring (it's BYOB).And <strong>the</strong>n we follow <strong>up</strong> <strong>the</strong>dinner with dancing to a liveband, “The Groove Junkies”known as Connecticut's #1party band! Dance <strong>the</strong> nightaway to hits of <strong>the</strong> 60s throughtoday! Nobody will be able tosit down when <strong>the</strong> band starts<strong>up</strong>. L,C&J starts at 6:30 p.m.and ends ....... who knowswhen!Tickets are now on sale andwe have to limit <strong>the</strong> number ofpeople attending so it would bewise to get your tickets now.Tickets are $45 per personfor YC members and $65 perperson for guests.So what could be better on awarm summer night than digginginto a buttery lobster,scooping <strong>up</strong> <strong>the</strong> deliciouslyseasoned seafood and dancingout on <strong>the</strong> porch in coolingbreezes and under <strong>the</strong> moon.Jeffrey Messina RPhA Full ServiceNeighborhoodPharmacyThomas (Zack) and LynnTsagarakis860 535-0301201 North Main St.Stonington, CT 06378(860) 445-6431Fax (860) 446-0530116 FORT HILL ROAD, GROTON, 06340David Bell, PresidentELC.0125432-E1Michael BellELC.0197503-E1860.572.1180www.<strong>the</strong>mysticboathouse.com8 COOGAN BLVD MYSTIC, CTJOHN HEWES • PROPRIETORIndependent Investment Management for:Individuals and Families • Retirement PlansFoundations and Endowments • TrustsDavid K. Laidlaw, Esq., CFAManaging Director2 Depot 95 Katonah Plaza, Suite Avenue 202C • Katonah, Bedford New Hills, York NY 10536 10507Ph. 914.767.0650www.laidlawgrp.comD.B. Electric, Inc.Electrical ContractorResidentialCommercialIndustrialcall: 860.536.2354fax: 860.447-3328P.O. Box 98,Mystic, CT 06355

Katys Kitchenwith Katy ReedGRAPE NOTESby John LombardoGLP NEWS Page 4Strawberries are not just fordessert any more. The <strong>first</strong>garden strawberry was grownin France in <strong>the</strong> late 18th century.In 2011, 1,312,960 tons ofstrawberries were grown in <strong>the</strong>United States. Originally <strong>the</strong>ywere used in pies, jams, tartsand fruit drinks and were evenconsidered to have medicinalbenefits. But as culinary pairingshave changed, strawberrieshave moved away frombeing just a dessert fruit. Thefollowing recipe is easy to makeahead, just toss at serving time.Have friends to lunch, bring thisto a potluck or enjoy on hotsummer evening.Spinach Salad with Chicken,Strawberries and BlueCheese- Serves 42 Tbs. plus 1/3 c<strong>up</strong> extra-virginolive oil4 boneless, skinless chickenbreast halves (about 1-3/4lb.), tenders removedKosher salt and freshlyground black pepper1/2 c<strong>up</strong> sliced almonds1/4 c<strong>up</strong> red wine vinegar2 tsp. honey1 medium shallot, minced6 oz. loosely packed babyspinach leaves (about 6c<strong>up</strong>s)8 oz. strawberries, stemmedand quartered (about 1-1/2c<strong>up</strong>s)3 oz. crumbled blue cheese(about 3/4 c<strong>up</strong>)Heat 2 Tbs. of <strong>the</strong> oil in a 12-inch skillet over medium heatuntil shimmering hot. Pat <strong>the</strong>chicken dry and season with 2tsp. salt and 1 tsp. pepper.Cook, turning once, until justcooked through, about 10 minutestotal. Transfer <strong>the</strong> chickento a cutting board and let rest,loosely covered with foil, for 5minutes. If you do not want touse <strong>the</strong> stove, place chickenbreast in microwavable dishand microwave for approximately4 minutes or until chickenis longer pink when sliced.While <strong>the</strong> chicken cooks, toast<strong>the</strong> almonds in a dry 10-inchskillet over medium heat, stirringoccasionally, until evenlybrowned, 3 to 5 minutes.Transfer to a plate to cool.In a small bowl, whisk <strong>the</strong>remaining 1/3 c<strong>up</strong> olive oil with<strong>the</strong> vinegar, honey, shallot, 1/2tsp. salt, and 1/2 tsp. pepper. Ina large bowl, combine <strong>the</strong>spinach, strawberries, bluecheese, and almonds and tosswith enough of <strong>the</strong> dressing tocoat. Arrange <strong>the</strong> salad on aplatter or plates. Slice <strong>the</strong>chicken and arrange on <strong>the</strong>salad. Drizzle with some of <strong>the</strong>remaining vinaigrette, if desired,and serve.Take a look at Katy Reedʼsrecipe in this issue. It is a winepairing nightmare: it has someweight from <strong>the</strong> chicken, somesweetness from <strong>the</strong> honey andstrawberries, and some saltinessand earthiness from <strong>the</strong>blue cheese. Lots of complicatedand contrasting flavorsmake for a difficult pairing.With that being said, letʼslook to Italy for a solution,specifically <strong>the</strong> Valpolicella viticulturalregion in <strong>the</strong> provinceof Verona in nor<strong>the</strong>rn Italy.Valpolicella ranks just afterChianti in Italian wine production.The red wines from thisregion are made from threegrape varietals: CorvinaVeronese, Rondinella, andMolinara. A variety of styles ofwine are made here, but we aregoing to focus on two: Amaroneand Ripasso.Grapes destined to be madeinto Amarone are <strong>the</strong> last to beharvested in Valpolicella so<strong>the</strong>y are very ripe. The grapesare <strong>the</strong>n placed in drying roomswhere as much as 40% of <strong>the</strong>water content evaporates. Theresulting grapes are extremelyconcentrated. The wine is agedfor several years beforerelease. Amarones are richand full-bodied with aromasthat are reminiscent of Portwines. Youʼll find notes of darkchocolate, raisins, figs andearth. These huge wines aretypically paired with hearty, richdishes such as roasted meat.Which may lead you to wonderwhy we would pair this withKatyʼs recipe. The answer is:we wonʼt.But I needed to tell <strong>the</strong> storyof Amarone in order to makesense of Ripasso. Ripassomeans “repassed” in Italian.The Ripasso style of wine startswith <strong>the</strong> same three grape varietalsas Amarone. The grapesare not dried, but simplypressed and <strong>the</strong>n added to acask with <strong>the</strong> leftover skinsfrom <strong>the</strong> Amarone fermentation.Passing <strong>the</strong> lighter Valpolicellawine over <strong>the</strong> remains of <strong>the</strong>Amarone adds flavor, color, andsubstance.Ripassos (sometimes called“baby Amarones”)are moreapproachable and less expensivethan <strong>the</strong>ir Amaronecousins. They have <strong>the</strong> substanceto match with <strong>the</strong> chickenin Katyʼs recipe and <strong>the</strong> portlikeflavors will complement <strong>the</strong>blue cheese and pick <strong>up</strong> <strong>the</strong>sweetness of <strong>the</strong> honey andstrawberries.Ripassos retail for around $20and are worth <strong>the</strong> search if youwould like to try something newwith Katyʼs complex and flavorfulchicken dish.935 North Main Street Ext., Wallingford, CT 06492203 265 - 1206 GLP 203 623 - 4994Peter Joyce ctpowerandsport.comSUZUKI - YAMAHA - JOHN DEERE - HONDA - SEADOOMotorcycles ATVʼs Snowmobiles Power Equipment Jet Boats PWCʼsLANDSCAPES, LAWN CARE & TREE CARE860.235.0752WWW.SPRIGSANDTWIGS.NETAN ALL ORGANIC COMPANYStewards Of The EnvironmentCT HIC #0577341CT Arborist Lic. #S-5902

LuiseBe<strong>the</strong>ncourt at CentercourtSo, let <strong>the</strong> games begin!Tomorrow starts <strong>the</strong> tennis seasonwith <strong>the</strong> Adult/Child TennisTournament beginning at 9 am.Even if you donʼt play itʼs sucha fun tournament to watchbecause <strong>the</strong>re are always suchinteresting pairings taking to <strong>the</strong>courts in search of <strong>the</strong> trophies.Fa<strong>the</strong>rs play with sons ordaughters and mo<strong>the</strong>rs do <strong>the</strong>same. But <strong>the</strong>re are grandchildren,cousins, friends andneighbors who get in on <strong>the</strong> actalso. Everyone has a wonderfultime and we hope you haveyour partners ready.Next Tuesday, July 9, <strong>the</strong>Womenʼs Draw takes place.Just a reminder to this tournamentʼsplayers. A lot of womenwho are <strong>coming</strong> <strong>up</strong> through ourtennis classes are encouragedto participate in this tournament.They will be fairly new totournament play and <strong>the</strong> moreseasoned, experienced playersare encouraged to and expectedto help make <strong>the</strong> newerplayers feel welcome. The trophiesshould not be point of thistournament. Sportsmanshipand patience should be. Accordingto <strong>the</strong> YC calendar <strong>the</strong>finals of <strong>the</strong> Draw will be heldon Thursday, July 11.Next <strong>up</strong> is <strong>the</strong> MixedDoubles to be held onSaturday, July 13 with <strong>the</strong> finalson Sunday, <strong>the</strong> 14th. For thistournament some players liketo play with <strong>the</strong>ir husbands orwives and some players wouldlike to stay married and so playwith o<strong>the</strong>r than <strong>the</strong>ir husbandsor wives.Womenʼs Doubles takeplace on Tuesday, July 16 with<strong>the</strong> finals on Thursday, July 18.Iʼm sure we will see some ofour usual strong participantsbut I also think that after seeinglast yearʼs tournaments that<strong>the</strong>re are some new strongplayers after that trophy.Menʼs Doubles on July 20and 21. Bobby Congdon thinks<strong>the</strong>re is still some energy in histank and he has been playingall winter on <strong>the</strong> Nick Bollitiericourts in Florida. So watch out!But <strong>the</strong>re are some youngʼunsplanning on victory, too.At <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> month (howdid we get <strong>the</strong>re already?)Womenʼs Singles on <strong>the</strong> 23rdand 25th and Menʼs Singles on<strong>the</strong> 27th and 28th.Please, you have to be able toplay both days of <strong>the</strong> tournament.Even if you think <strong>the</strong>re isno way you could get into <strong>the</strong>finals, stranger things havehappened.Also, please remember tojoin <strong>the</strong> YC for tournaments andsign <strong>up</strong> at <strong>the</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> office<strong>the</strong> day before <strong>the</strong> tournament.Changes in dates or rain postponementsmay take place socheck with YC office for anychanges. Keep swinging!I would like to thank everyonewho helped repair EastDock, a great fishing spot,after Hurricane Sandy. EastDock always has many fishermancasting off into <strong>the</strong> waterto land porgies, flukes, blackfish,<strong>the</strong> occasional bluefishand o<strong>the</strong>r smaller fish. This articlewill have fishing tips, whatbait to use, and more. It mayalso have day and night fishingdifferences, too.Porgies are <strong>the</strong> most commonfish to be caught at EastDock. They will eat most anybait which can be bought atWild Bill's at Spicer's Marinanear The SeaHorse. Squid andsand worms can be purchasedat Wild Bill's and clams can befound at Main beach at lowtide. If you want clams, <strong>the</strong>nwalk around <strong>the</strong> water at Mainbeach at low tide. If you step onsand that doesn't feel like sandbut feels like you stepped on aGLP NEWS Page 5HOOKED! BY MAX BATTLES(A fish tale!)rock that crunched under <strong>the</strong>weight of your foot, it is mostlikely a clam. In o<strong>the</strong>r cases, it'sa crab or a rock. Porgies havespines so be careful when taking<strong>the</strong> hook out of its mouth.With Porgies, any cast will do.Fluke are also commonaround East Dock. <strong>the</strong>y can becaught with a minnow lure anda weight. As with all fish, bepatient. Until next time, goodluck fishing!Max heads off to East Dock todo some fishing!WhatFun!10% friends & family discountRODGERS DEVELOPMENTBuilding classic <strong>Groton</strong> <strong>Long</strong> <strong>Point</strong> Homes for 30 yearsPick your piece,draw or paint it,We glaze it and fire it,Pick it <strong>up</strong> in 7 days or.....Use our acrylic paints & take it with you!1057 Poquonnock Rd. (next to Book Trader &Dunkin Donuts) 860-865-0770www.clayroomgroton.comRODGERS DEVELOPMENTFull Service Electrical ~ Marine WiringGerry Leger CT LIC EI - 186632P.O.Box 134 MA Masters A 17106West Mystic, CT 06388ABYC MemberTel. 860 536 - 7028Fully InsuredNoankelectric@comcast.netglphomes.com • 860 536-4829

COOKING IN FLORENCELori and Bella Perrone overlooking Florence, Italy!Lori and Tony Perroneʼsdaughter, Bella, who will be asenior at Fairfield University thisfall, had <strong>the</strong> opportunity ofspending a semester of her junioryear abroad. Bella who isinterning this summer at GECorporate in Fairfield, chose tospend that semester at TheUniversity of Florence for <strong>the</strong>Arts.This presented to Lori andTony <strong>the</strong> perfect opportunity tovisit <strong>the</strong> country that <strong>the</strong>y justlove. But it wasnʼt just a quickvisit for <strong>the</strong>m. They were ableto spend a month in Florencewhich is <strong>the</strong> dream of a lot ofus. As Tony said, “We had timeto do things. We werenʼt rushingaround trying to see all <strong>the</strong>museums and monumentsbefore we had to get back on aplane.”They rented a place near<strong>the</strong> Ponte Vecchio called“Altrona” which means “<strong>the</strong>o<strong>the</strong>r side of <strong>the</strong> river.”But it was not all touring for<strong>the</strong> Perrones. Lori was able towork with <strong>the</strong> executive chef,Paul Someri, at <strong>the</strong> universityʼsrestaurant called “Gonzo”where she cooked alongside<strong>the</strong> students and <strong>the</strong> chefs for afull <strong>week</strong>.You may know Lori fromour Casino Spa which she tookover last year and where shecooks <strong>up</strong> some of her ownItalian specialties.So now Lori plans to bringsome of what she learnedcooking in Florence to us on<strong>the</strong> newly initiated “Pasta Night”every Thursday night at <strong>the</strong>Spa.From 6 - 9 pm you can sitback and enjoy all kinds of deliciouspastas and listen to somesweet Italian tunes from <strong>the</strong>musician, Giovanni.Favorite Candy from <strong>the</strong> Casino?We all have at least someexperience with “social media”<strong>the</strong>se days. This was a littleconversation that we happenedto stumble <strong>up</strong>on on Face Bookhaving to do with <strong>the</strong> candy at<strong>the</strong> GLP Casino. Reprinted withpermission.What was your favorite candyat <strong>the</strong> Casino?Richard Singer - frozen charlstonchews.... smack <strong>the</strong>m on<strong>the</strong> counter and <strong>the</strong>y turn intobite size pieces.Pam Young Low - haha, Rickyes!! I remember <strong>the</strong>m frozen in<strong>the</strong> ice cream freezer! Yum! Iloved <strong>the</strong> Sugar Daddy popsand <strong>the</strong> candy necklaces!Richard Singer Remember <strong>the</strong>Brown Cows? They were likechocolate coated SugarDaddy's?Pam Young Low Yes!! and <strong>the</strong>Sugar Mama's!Kerri King Keating You gotit.....candy necklaces!!!Pam Young Low bubble gumcigars and candy cigarettes!Nancy Pease I loved <strong>the</strong> candycigarettes because I would pretend<strong>the</strong>y were real. I startedsmoking real cigs at 15 and quitwhen I was 18!!Cindy Young Bazookabazooka bazooka BubbleGum !!! Fire balls!!!!Susan Pease Gadoua OMG,Nanc, I was going to say <strong>the</strong>same thing! The fake cigs!!! Iloved <strong>the</strong> killer donuts <strong>the</strong>yGLP NEWS Page 6made. I know that's not candybut MAN, <strong>the</strong>y were AWE-SOME!Melissa Carroll Kane Sticks ofjolly ranchers.Elizabeth Hinckley Becker fireflavored Jolly Rancherssticks...and so many a toothwere lost to a sugar daddy...wewould get $0.25 /day allowancewhile at GLPMarie Tremble Eck BAZOOKAJOE!Michael Hobert Candy Tehan!David Merrick Hannon Youcould ask Mr. Wheeler for anynumber of pieces of BazookaBubble Gum, and he wouldreach into <strong>the</strong> jar and pull outthat exact number in one grab!James Bradley Cleland sugardaddy and candy necklaces.....Suzanne Tyler ScheurerSkybar!! Oh, and candy cigs!!Ha!Ed. note The conversationalistsall grew <strong>up</strong> on <strong>the</strong> <strong>Point</strong> andmost of <strong>the</strong>m have children of<strong>the</strong>ir own now. They certainlyfondly remember <strong>the</strong>ir youthfuldays at GLP. The conversationwas picked <strong>up</strong> on a Face Booksite started by Pam Young Lowcalled <strong>Groton</strong> <strong>Long</strong> <strong>Point</strong>, likeno place on earth. Youʼll beamazed at <strong>the</strong> treasure trove ofpictures, conversations andconnections youʼll find. Give it alook. Itʼs great GLP history.MIDWAYPIZZA33 Fort Hill Rd.<strong>Groton</strong>, CT 06340We Deliver860 445-7314Wings, chicken, burgers,Mozzarella sticks, fries!Lori cooking at <strong>the</strong> Gonzo!Yolanda “YoYo” CarrollBROKER, GRI, ABRM,PSCS, CIPS, CNSLicensed in CT and RI<strong>Long</strong> time <strong>Groton</strong> <strong>Long</strong> <strong>Point</strong> Residentsalebote@aol.comSALES, RENTALS & SERVICEPREFERRED PROPERTY SPECIALIST860-536-2104www.yoyocarrollrealestate.com23 Prospect Street, <strong>Groton</strong> <strong>Long</strong> <strong>Point</strong>, CT 06340Raymour &FlaniganFurniture MattressesH.J. Smith, IncPlumbing & Heating917 Hartford TurnpikeWaterford,CT 06385Ask ForBOB MURPHYYour GLP Home FurnishingsConsultantCall Bob @ 860.437.3684Serving <strong>Groton</strong> <strong>Long</strong> <strong>Point</strong> Since 194722 East Main StreetMystic, CT 06355536-7925

All Booked Up!by Bethany BuckGLP NEWS Page 7AROUND THE POINTSummerʼs here...time forfriends, fun and summerreading!Have you ever left your toysoutside overnight? Toys inSpace by Mini Grey tells whymight happen if you do. A doll,a robot, a dinosaur, and someo<strong>the</strong>r friends are left out in <strong>the</strong>dark. At <strong>first</strong> <strong>the</strong>yʼre scared.But <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong>y stare at onebright star, and suddenly <strong>the</strong>toys are whisked off into spacefor an adventure! Itʼs a s<strong>up</strong>erfun picture book for 5-8 yearsolds.Mermaid Tales is a seriesby Debbie Dadey about fourmermaid friends. At TridentAcademy, <strong>the</strong> girls learn aboutsea life and protecting <strong>the</strong>ocean. And that always leadsto an underwater adventure.The books have sparkly coversand <strong>the</strong>yʼre an easy read for 6-9 year olds.Part mystery, park game,Escape From Mr. LemoncelloʼsLibrary is a wacky read. Whena new local library is built by agame-maker, tickets are raffledoff to spend a night inside.Only to escape <strong>the</strong> library, youhave to solve all <strong>the</strong> puzzlesand quizzes that Mr.Lemoncello has created! Itʼs alittle like Charlie and <strong>the</strong>Chocolate Factory meets ANight in <strong>the</strong> Museum. Thisbook is written by ChrisGrabenstein and itʼs for allages, but mostly 8-12 yearolds.A smart book for teens isThe Program, by SuzanneYoung. It's set in <strong>the</strong> nearfuture (ie better smart phonesbut no spaceships). Two teensrally to fight <strong>the</strong> system thatthreatens to erase <strong>the</strong>ir happymemories. Thereʼs a niceromance, too.Happy reading!Ed. note May we say howhappy we are to have Bethanyjoin <strong>the</strong> GLP NEWS again thissummer.The always generousBethany has donated 10 booksthat we will give out onSaturday morning at editorLuise Be<strong>the</strong>ncourtʼs house at 8Oak Street at 9 am. NO earlybirds! 5 copies of Mermaidsand 5 “boy books!”Now this certainly looks like it was a happy occasion and it was!John Huss married <strong>the</strong> beautiful Sonya Nelson last June 29th.Johnʼs GLP gang was all <strong>the</strong>re to celebrate with him. along withJohnʼs mom, Sally, at far left, his dad, John, at top 3rd from left andbro<strong>the</strong>r, Rob, off <strong>the</strong> groomʼs right shoulder.Kathy and Don DiFrancesca hosted a 40th birthday celebration <strong>week</strong>for son John at <strong>the</strong> Coolclogher Manor House in Killarney, Ireland inearly June. Along with Kathy, Don, John and Bridgid, o<strong>the</strong>r GLPersthat crossed <strong>the</strong> pond were Amanda Gallagher, Trina and SethMcDonnell and Dave Lattizori. A great time was had by all whichalso included four o<strong>the</strong>r friends of John's Thereafter, Don andKathy traveled to Sorrento, Italy for a five day side trip.Look whatwe found!TheMurphysfromProspectStreet circa1982!There are alot more of<strong>the</strong>m now!Can yo<strong>up</strong>ick <strong>the</strong>mout?Open 7 da ysyear roun dT akeo ut & C ateringAll MajorC redit C ard sD i n e o n t h eSunset D eckLo vely Waterfron tViews o f Pa lm ers C ovea nd Fish ers I slandTHE FISHERMANRESTAURANT937 <strong>Groton</strong> <strong>Long</strong> <strong>Point</strong>Road860 536-1717Free glass o f win e f orGLPerson Mo nd ay nightsSalt in <strong>the</strong> air justadds to <strong>the</strong> flavor.RANDALLREALTORSJONATHANRODGERSjrodgers@realtors.comoffice: 860 572-9099cell: 860 536-4829fax: 860 572-919922 Holmes St., Mystic CT 06355RandallRealtors.com

GLP NEWS Page 8Class AReports by <strong>the</strong> FishersIn spite of Mo<strong>the</strong>r Natureʼsbest efforts, <strong>the</strong> <strong>first</strong> day of racingwas perfect! The rain gave way tosunny skies and 10 to 15 knotsfor two point races. Given <strong>the</strong>early start to <strong>the</strong> season, only sixboats made it to <strong>the</strong> line, but severalof those that did werecrewed by skippers from <strong>the</strong>boats that were not yet launched.Part of <strong>the</strong> brain trust fromCormorant, Dave Burkhard andLaura Grondin, stacked <strong>the</strong> deckon Woody BergendahlʼsSandpiper, and <strong>the</strong>y showed <strong>the</strong>rest of <strong>the</strong> fleet <strong>the</strong>ir stern in <strong>the</strong><strong>first</strong> race. Old time racer JeffOlmstead lent his wisdom toFisherʼs Pelican who pulled out atight win in <strong>the</strong> second race. LucyRath joined Aunt Nuffy Murphy onSwallow to best her parents andbro<strong>the</strong>r, Matt, Bo and Aiden Rathin Skimmer. And <strong>the</strong> addition of<strong>the</strong> Devine twins and JenniferBruno to Petrel kept her at <strong>the</strong>front (though a little too much to<strong>the</strong> front at <strong>the</strong> start of <strong>the</strong> secondrace – over early). BradPersonal Banking by your local bank.Contact Laraine Cellucci in our Stonington location:4 Cannon SquareStonington Borough860.535.0034You can depend on <strong>the</strong> Dime —for all your personal and business banking needs.Member FDIC |Equal Housing LenderWashburnʼs Kite pulled <strong>the</strong> besttrick of all by being launched in<strong>the</strong> dark of Friday night, stepping<strong>the</strong> mast at 11:30 on Saturday,and making <strong>the</strong> start by 1:30 -pumping like mad!The final order of finish for <strong>the</strong>two point races was:Race 1 - Sandpiper, Kite, Pelican,Petrel, Swallow, SkimmerRace 2 – Pelican, Kite,Sandpiper, Swallow, Petrel,SkimmerThe <strong>first</strong> race of <strong>the</strong> season isalways followed <strong>up</strong> <strong>the</strong> real startof <strong>the</strong> season – <strong>the</strong> annual partyat <strong>the</strong> Youngʼs on <strong>Club</strong> House<strong>Point</strong>. Fleet members, friends andneighbors showed <strong>up</strong> for <strong>the</strong>annual event where <strong>the</strong> trophiesfrom last season are awarded.Last yearʼs winners:Vice Commodoreʼs C<strong>up</strong> –Cormorant 1, Petrel 2, Pelican 3.Commodoreʼs C<strong>up</strong> – Duck 1,Petrel 2, Kite 3.Season (points) –Sandpiper 1, Kite 2,Cormorant 3.A perfect sunnyevening overlooking<strong>the</strong> sound with goodfriends, good conversationand goodnatured heckling (Brad)put <strong>the</strong> perfect cap on<strong>the</strong> day.2012 A Boat Winners!(l to r) Commodore'sC<strong>up</strong>: Darcy Watson,Duck; Season FirstPlace: WoodyBergendahl, Sandpiper;Vice Commordore's C<strong>up</strong>:Laura Grondin,CormorantChristian Driscoll, Broker Assoc.Licensed in CT and RI. Affiliated worldwide.CDriscoll@CoastalCTstalCTLife.com860.823.7698d irect103 Halls Rd. OldExpert Real Estate ServicesServing buyer,seller and rental clients in<strong>Groton</strong><strong>Long</strong> <strong>Point</strong>Lyme, CT 06355A Boat RaceChairman Jay Fishercongratulating JasonMcKinley who skipperedPetrel toSecond Place in both<strong>the</strong> Commodore's andVice Commodore'sC<strong>up</strong>s in 2012!Jenifer Egan, RealtorLicensed in CT. Affiliated worldwide.JEgan@C@CoastalCTLife.com202.669.7811directhttp://CoastalCTLife.comThe Seahorse“Where <strong>the</strong> Locals Eat”Open Daily • 11:30 am - 10 pm860-415-428065 Marsh Road • Noank, CTImpressive Selection ofCraft Beer, Wine & SpiritsCase DiscountsDelivery AvailableOpen till 9pm Mon-Sat& 5pm Sunday(860) 536-0122noankpackage@gmail.comMygrotonlongpoint.comoint.coGLP familiessince 1922SalesRentalsStoningtonrealestate.comat te.comLiz Viering, BrokerJane Battles, Associateng,BrokerA division ofJane Battles,Stonington A Real division Estate ofCompanyLiz zViering, n BrokerJane J Battles, AssociateeStonington 860-535-4047Real Estate Company860-535-4047DELICIOUS BAKED GOODS,BREADS, COFFEEAND MOREOpen every dayat 6:30am!(860) 536-0461pearlstreetbakery@gmail.comB O T H L O C A T E D A T 1 9 P E A R L S T R E E T , N O A N K ( R I G H T N E X T T O N O A N K C O M M U N I T Y M A R K E T )

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