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TRANSPORTATIONWe have specially planned the modes oftravel included in our tours with variety,comfort and enjoyment in mind. Coachtravel, boat rides, trains and flights are utilisedto make your holiday more enjoyable, and togive you a more authentic experience. Allcoach travel is in comfortable, air conditionedvehicles. Generally there are no toilets onboard the coaches. In Mongolia, traveloutside of Ulaanbaatar is by 4WD, which bestsuits the terrain. Each 4WD vehicle will holdthree passengers and one staff member. Theywill drive in convoy and endeavour to staywithin sight of each other throughout theday. Domestic flights within any itinerary arewith reliable local carriers.TOUR CONTENTOrder of events and sightseeing may varyaccording to local conditions.GROUP SIZESAll tour departures are guaranteed at thelisted price operating with a National Escort,providing a minimum of 10 travellers arebooked to travel on that departure.SHOPPINGOur destinations have an array of shoppingopportunities for those who love to seek out abargain. We encourage all passengers toenjoy their local shopping expeditions but totake care and be wise when purchasing. Yourtour will include a reasonable number ofopportunities to shop for local goods andsouvenirs.YOUR NEXT TOUR WITH USAfter completing your tour, we hope that youwill return to travel with us again. As amember of the Wendy Wu Tours ‘family’, youwill receive a special past passenger discounton your next group tour and early notificationof new itineraries and destinations. The pastpassenger discounts do not apply toindependent travel.Tea Ceremony, South KoreaTOUR GRADINGAll tours are graded to assist you indeciding which itinerary best suits yourpersonal liking and ability. The gradings areoutlined below with symbols which arealso reflected on each tour page:COMFORTABLY PACEDTOURWhile you will encounter extensivesightseeing on foot, climbing of stairs andin/out of boats throughout the tour, theseprogrammes are comfortably operated toappeal to most people. Generally thesetours are shorter in duration and visit themainstream tourist attractions.MEDIUM PACED TOURThese programmes are notstrenuous but do includeseveral days where long periods ofsightseeing on foot, climbing of stairs andin/out of boats will be necessary. These toursare generally longer in duration and couldinvolve long days of driving or overnighttrain journeys. Some programmes may alsoinclude easy hiking or a homestay.ACTIVE PACED TOURRefers to programmeswhere long periods ofsightseeing on foot, climbing of stairs andin/out of boats and physical involvement isnecessary. These tours are generally longerin duration and could involve long days ofdriving or overnight train journeys. Someprogrammes may also include easy hikingor a homestay. These programmes maytravel to remote areas and areas of highaltitude, reaching up to 5,000m.Accommodation on Active Paced toursmay be in basic hotels or camps. Theseprogrammes require a good level of fitnessand mobility.TOUR AT HIGHALTITUDEThis symbol indicates thathigh altitude areas of over 3,000m arevisited during touring. Please refer to yourTour Dossier (if travelling on a group tour)for information regarding locations ofaltitude within your chosen itinerary, AMS(Acute Mountain Sickness) andrecommendations for planning to travel toplaces at high altitudes.If you have an existing medical condition, werecommend checking with your doctor beforeundertaking a tour that includes high altitude.wendywutours.com.au 11

FULLY INCLUSIVE GROUP TOURSFully InclusiveGroup ToursA Wendy Wu Tours group tour is the best way to ensure that youdo not miss seeing any of the highlights of the country you arevisiting. Travel with the comfort that all of your arrangements aretaken care of, so you can relax and enjoy the journey.Bento Box, Japan Ger Camp, Mongolia Kenroku-en Garden, JapanFULLY INCLUSIVEYou do not need to worry about a thingwhen you book one of our fully inclusivegroup tours. Our comprehensive itinerariescover the highlights, as well as the hiddengems of the countries visited. We organiseinternational flights and visas for Australianpassport holders. All accommodation,transportation and touring listed in youritinerary are included. A nominated tippingamount for the National Escorts, Local Guidesand drivers is included and collected onarrival. Our National Escorts and Local Guidesare eager to teach you all they know.TippingTipping is a firm and expected element in thetourism industry, apart from Japan wheretipping is not part of the culture. Due to pricingregulations in Australia, a nominated tippingamount is included in all group tour pricing forMongolia, however it is not collected in yourfinal payment received by Wendy Wu Tours.This is so that it can be paid directly to yourNational Escort who will then distribute the tipsamong your main service providers – guidesand drivers – on your behalf. Any other tipping,such as tips for bathroom attendants, hotelporters or Ger camp staff is at your discretionbased on satisfaction of services received, asare gratuities for requested additional services.12 Reservations: 1300 727 998The final tipping amounts will be outlined inyour final documentation.ACCOMMODATIONHotels used on our fully inclusive group toursare of a medium range and have beenselected with location, convenience andcomfort in mind. Please see theAccommodation pages for each destinationthroughout this <strong>brochure</strong> for more detailabout the properties utilised, includinginformation about temple stays andJapanese-style accommodation in Japan andGer camps in Mongolia.MEALSAll meals (excluding drinks) are included in ourfully inclusive group tours from the group’sarrival until the group’s departure, exceptwhere otherwise stated. Breakfast is acombination of local and western food,usually served buffet-style. Lunches anddinners consist of traditional cuisine served asa banquet, with a wide range of specialties tochoose from. Western-style meals are rarelyprovided. Meals are designed so that you canexperience the local dishes, their individualflavours as well as the different ways they areprepared throughout the country.TOUR PACEYou may prefer to leisurely explore thecountry you are visiting, or to move off thebeaten track and partake in some moreadventurous activities or visit remote areas.For this reason we have graded our tours aseither ‘Comfortably Paced’, ‘Medium Paced’,‘Active Paced’ or ‘Tour at High Altitude’ tohelp you decide which tour is the right onefor you. See page 11 for Tour Grading.For the enjoyment of those on tour and inorder to keep a steady pace, all customers onour group tours must be over 12 years of age.For most of our customers age is no barrier.As long as you are physically able tocomplete the itinerary and, more importantly,eager to experience a different culture sounlike your own, we are ready to help youexplore Japan and Mongolia.STOPOVERSWe have an extensive range of stopoveroptions for travellers in Hong Kong andMacau. You may choose to take advantage ofthe flight routing of our chosen airline partneror due to flight schedules, you may have aforced stopover en route to or from yourAsian destination.Please refer to our Stopover Destinations(pages 44-49) for our range of short stays andaccommodation options.

FULLY INCLUSIVE GROUP TOURSJapanJapan is a fascinating country situated in north-east Asia. It iscomprised of more than 4,000 islands - the main four being Hokkaido,Honshu, Kyushu and Shikoku. The Japanese name for Japan is‘Nippon’ or ‘Nihon’ meaning ‘sun origin’ and is often translated as‘Land of the Rising Sun’. It is a country of contrasts; engaging acombination of futuristic cities, ancient culture and diverse scenery.Japan is famous for its relatively short Cherry Blossom season.Cherry Blossoms, KyotoSake Store, TakayamaTIMEJapan is one hour behind Australian EST.CLIMATEJapan’s climate varies widely betweenregions and has four distinct seasons.Summer (June to August) is normally warmand humid. Autumn (September toNovember) brings cooler temperatures aftersummer. Winter (December to February) iscold and dry. Spring (March to May) isgenerally mild in temperature. The rainyseason usually lasts from mid-May to Juneand the typhoon season from August toOctober. Autumn and spring are the besttimes to visit Japan.Due to the unpredictable climate changesaround the world we strongly recommend youcheck the current weather at your destinationprior to your departure in order to packaccordingly.CURRENCYThe local currency is known as theJapanese Yen (JPY).1AUD = 96JPY (approximately)LANGUAGEThe official national language is Japanese.English is also widely spoken.2015 NATIONAL HOLIDAYSGolden Week: 29 April to 6 MayObon: 9 to 17 AugustNew Year: 31 December to 3 JanuaryTransport and attractions can be busy andaccommodation may book out in advance.CHERRY BLOSSOM SEASONIn the major cities of Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka,the cherry blossom season is typically fromlate March to early April. If the weatherpreceding the cherry blossom season is mild,blossoms may open early. If it is cold,blossoms may open later. Full bloom isreached within one week after the opening ofthe first blossoms and within another week,the blossoms start to fall from the trees.ENTRY REQUIREMENTSPassports must be valid for six monthsbeyond the length of stay. Visas are notrequired for Australian passport holders forentry into Japan for stays of up to 90 days.QUINTESSENTIAL JAPAN■■Sample beautifully presented anddistinctive Japanese cuisineincluding sushi and okonomiyakipancakes, and if you are brave, trysome wasabi!■■Discover the scenic Hakone areaand if you are lucky, view Mt. Fuji,the notoriously shy mountain■■Travel back in time in Takayamawhere traditional townhouses andsake stores line the streets■■Try your hand at traditionalJapanese crafts including origami,ikebana and calligraphy■■Participate in a tea ceremony, anancient tradition and ritual that iscentral to social life in Japan■■Wander through unique templesand shrines found all over Tokyo■■Look for the elusive and mysteriousgeisha in the Gion district of Kyoto■■Stay in a shukubo temple-lodgingrun by local monks in Koyasan;enjoy vegetarian meals and witnesstheir sacred morning prayer■■Watch the landscape zoom bywhen travelling by Shinkansen(bullet train), one of the fastest andmost efficient forms of landtransport in the worldScan code formore information14 Reservations: 1300 727 998

KANAZAWAKanazawa is part of theUNESCO Creative CitiesNetwork, boasting manyhistorical attractions, and isrenowned for traditionalhandicrafts and performingarts. Kanazawa’s mainattraction is Kenroku-enGarden, one of Japan’s topthree gardens.SapporoHOKKAIDOTOKYOTokyo, meaning ‘EasternCapital’, was originally asmall fishing village calledEdo. This city has survived aturbulent past includingthe wrath of war anddevastation of earthquakes,but has risen andprospered and is one of theworld’s major metropolises.AkitaTakayamaTakayama is nestled high inthe mountainous Hidaalpine region of Japan. Ithas retained a traditionalatmosphere unlike manyother Japanese cities,especially in the beautifullypreserved Old Town. It isthe perfect location to soakin hot spring baths (onsen),after a day of sightseeing.SendaiHONSHUJAPANTOKYOYokohamaKanazawaMt. FujiTakayamaNagoyaKYOTOOnce the imperial capital ofJapan, Kyoto is another citywith a diverse past. The cityis home to over 2,000places of worship, includingBuddhist temples andShinto shrines.HimejiKyotoOsakaKoyasanOSAKAOsaka is Japan’s thirdlargest city. Established as amajor industrial and culturalcentre in 1889, it is alsohome to one of Japan’smost famous castles, OsakaCastle, which was originallybuilt in 1593.HiroshimaSHIKOKUFukuokaKYUSHUKoyaSanKoyasan, a UNESCO WorldHeritage listed mountain, ishome to over 100 templesand has been the centre ofShingon Buddhism for over1,200 years. It is one of thebest places to experience anovernight stay in a Buddhisttemple lodge, known as a‘shukubo’, to get a sense of amonk’s lifestyle.Maps are not to scale.These are indicative only.wendywutours.com.au 15

FULLY INCLUSIVE GROUP TOURSAccommodationThroughout your stay in Japan your accommodation will be inproperties that are generally ‘medium range’ and can vary from abusiness hotel in one city to a temple stay or Japanese-styleaccommodation in a smaller town. In more remote areas we use thebest accommodation available. Following are some of the propertiesused by Wendy Wu Tours on our group tours.Please note: your hotel list will be confirmed in your final itinerary andproperties listed are indicative only and subject to change.Sarubobo, TakayamaHotel ratingStar ratings identify the standard ofquality of accommodation. Differencesmay exist between the standard of someoverseas hotels and those in Australia.For example a four-star hotel in thisregion cannot be compared to a fourstarAustralian hotel.Wendy Wu Tours has set high standardsfor the hotels used on our tours. Allhotels are regularly inspected by WendyWu Tours’ staff and operators to ensureacceptable standards of safety,cleanliness and security.Matsumoto Castle, MatsumotoStandard RoomStandard RoomtokyoThe three-star Shiba Park Hotel is located inthe centre of Tokyo, within walking distance torestaurants and major sightseeing attractionssuch as the Tokyo Tower. The guest rooms arecomfortable and well-appointed, and thehotel facilities include a Michelin starrestaurant, gift shop and business centre.TAKAYAMAThe Takayama Green Hotel is located in thecity centre, a perfect base for sightseeing. Thehotel features a number of restaurants, a bar,currency exchange and hot spring onsenbaths. It offers spectacular views of the HidaTakayama Northern Alps Mountains,particularly from the breakfast room.KANAZAWAThe Garden Hotel Kanazawa is a businessstylehotel conveniently located in front of theJR Kanazawa Station. Hotel facilities include acafé, business centre and massage service. Allguest rooms are small but comfortable andare well-equipped with modern amenitiesincluding TV and LAN internet.16 Reservations: 1300 727 998

Superior RoomKYOTOThe Royal Park Hotel The Kyoto is locatedclose to Kyoto Shiyakusho-Mae Station in thecentre of the city. The geisha district of Gion iswithin walking distance. Facilities at the hotelinclude a bar, restaurant, bakery and bamboocraft store. The stylish guest rooms areequipped with modern facilities.KYOTOThe Palace Side Hotel is a comfortablewestern-style hotel in central Kyoto across theroad from the Imperial Palace grounds. Thehotel offers a café, restaurant, free internetbooths and wi-fi in the lobby, and a loungearea with a small library. The guest rooms arewell-appointed and are all non-smoking.Standard RoomOSAKAHotel Nikko Osaka is well located in thesouthern downtown area, facing the famoustree-lined Mido-suji Avenue, the city’s mainboulevard and leisure district. The hotel hasseveral restaurants and bars, a sushi bar andcoffee lounge. Guest rooms are spacious andwell-designed with modern amenities.Japanese-style RoomKOYASANKoyasan is home to an active monastic centrefounded 12 centuries ago for the study andpractice of Shingon Buddhism. There are 117temples in Koyasan, many of which are‘shukubos’ (temple lodgings), offering gueststhe unique chance to experience the simpleand traditional lifestyle of a Buddhist monk.The Fukuchi-in is a traditional shukubolocated in the heart of Koyasan. During yourstay here you will be able to experience themorning prayer service and enjoy eatingtraditional Shojin Ryori (vegetarian) cuisine.This is the only temple lodging on Koyasanwith an onsen hot spring and there are bothindoor and outdoor baths to enjoy. There isalso a private use ‘family bath’ if you wish(separate fee applies). There are also lovelygardens to admire and the traditionalwooden buildings are beautifully maintained.The three gardens were designed by famouslandscape artist Mirei Shigemori, and thecedar forests surrounding the temple instill asense of serenity and relaxation.FUJI FIVE LAKESThe Lakeland Hotel Mizunosato stands onthe shores of the picturesque Kawaguchi-koand has amazing views of Mt. Fuji. The hotelhas a range of hot spring baths, including anoutdoor bath. Guest rooms are Japanesestyle,with futon beds and tatami mat floors.A yukata robe is supplied for use duringyour stay.Kawaguchi-ko, Fuji Five Lakeswendywutours.com.au 17

FULLY INCLUSIVE GROUP TOURSHimeji Castle, HimejiEssential Japannewgroupnewnewtour12 daysFROM $7,790 PER PERSON TWIN SHARE - 12 DAYS - FULLY INCLUSIVE FROM SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, BRISBANE*,ADELAIDE* AND PERTHsuperiorhotelsFrom price includes: tour cost $7,473 and CX fuel surcharge $317 (subject to change)newdeluxegroupnewdeluxetourThis is a journey of natural wonders, historic landmarks and mystical surprises. Start your tour in Tokyo, a bustling modern metropolissteeped in tradition and spirituality. Discover the picturesque Fuji Five Lakes region and its most famous site, the iconic Mt. Fuji. Kyoto isan historically priceless city which is home to many temples and shrines, and because of this was spared from air raids during World WarII. Visit several of these temples including the spectacular Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion) and impressive Kiyomizu-dera Temple.Travel to Hiroshima, a city which has grown phoenix-like from the destruction of World War II, and the beautiful Miyajima, a neighbouringisland that is home to one of the most photographed locations in Japan, Itsukushima Shrine (the Floating Torii Gate). End your adventurewith an excursion to Himeji and the remarkable Himeji Castle. Add to this the exciting experience of travelling by Shinkansen (bullet train)and sampling delicious Japanese cuisine and you are sure to gain memories that will last a lifetime.InclusionsInternational airfares, all transportation in Japan, accommodation,all meals, entrance fees, guides and daily tours, taxes and chargesand departure taxesPrice guide12 Days, Fully Inclusive Twin ShareFrom $7,790 per person – Departing Sydney, Melbourne,Brisbane*, Adelaide* and Perth with Cathay Pacific Airways(CX)*Brisbane and Adelaide passengers may require stopoversin Hong Kong at an additional cost.From $7,790 per person – Departing Darwin withSingapore Airlines (SQ)Single Hotel Room Option – From $990Land Only (Tokyo to Kyoto) – From $6,482 per personMedium Paced Tour (see page 11)HimejiHiroshimaMiyajimaKYOTO (4N)JAPANMt. FujiOUTBOUND (1N)Fuji FiveLakes (2N)TOKYO (3N)INBOUND(1N)AirRoadRailBoat18 Reservations: 1300 727 998

DAYS 1-2: AUSTRALIA TO TOKYOFly overnight with Cathay Pacific Airways toTokyo for a three night stay. Melbourne,Brisbane and Darwin passengers may departon Day 2.DAY 3: TOKYOTour this energetic city starting with a trip tothe top of Tokyo Skytree for amazing viewsof the city. Travel to Asakusa, part of Tokyo’sOld Town, and wander through theNakamise shopping street before heading toSensoji Temple, Tokyo’s oldest Buddhisttemple. Visit the Edo-Tokyo Museum, theImperial Palace Plaza and East Gardens(closed Mon and Fri). This evening, enjoy adinner cruise on Tokyo Bay.DAY 4: TOKYOEnjoy a morning stroll through the Hama-Rikyu Gardens. Next, wander through apeaceful forest in the centre of the city toreach the Meiji Shrine, dedicated to thespirit of Emperor Meiji, the first emperor ofmodern Japan. After lunch, the remainder ofthe day is free at your leisure.DAY 5: TOKYO TO FUJI FIVE LAKESTravel by coach to Kawaguchi-ko, located inthe Fuji Five Lakes region. En route visit theOshino Hakkai, a series of fresh water pondssourced from the slopes of Mt. Fuji. Whilehere, explore the Hannoki BayashiShiryokan, an open-air museum containinga traditional farmhouse with householditems, samurai armour and weapons. Later,enjoy a soba noodle making experience.Your accommodation for the next twonights is located on the banks of the lake,from where you have great views of Mt. Fuji(weather permitting). To enhance your stayin the Fuji Five Lakes region, your guestroom will be Japanese-style with tatami matfloors and traditional futon bedding.DAY 6: FUJI FIVE LAKESVisit the Fuji Visitor Centre to learn moreabout the formation, ecology and culturalhistory of Mt. Fuji before heading up to the5th Station (weather permitting). Later, visitthe Iyashi No Sato historical village on thebanks of Lake Saiko. The traditional thatchedroofedhouses were reconstructed in 1966following a typhoon and opened as amuseum and craft village.DAY 7: FUJI FIVE LAKES TO KYOTOTravel by coach to Mishima Station and takethe Shinkansen (bullet train) to Kyoto, oncethe imperial capital of Japan. This afternoon,visit a tea house and enjoy the company of ageisha or maiko (apprentice geisha), to gainan insight into their mysterious world. Thisexclusive service is usually only availablethrough a personal introduction.DAY 8: KYOTOStroll through the famous Kinkaku-ji, knownas the Golden Pavilion. Later, visit theUNESCO World Heritage listed RyoanjiTemple. Explore the Kiyomizu-dera Temple,literally ‘pure water temple’, founded in780AD on the site of the Otowa Waterfall inthe wooded hills east of Kyoto. Thisafternoon, head to a restored Japanesewooden townhouse where you will learnabout traditional Japanese handicrafts suchas origami, ikebana and calligraphy andenjoy a tea ceremony.DAY 9: KYOTO – HIROSHIMA &MIYAJIMAThis morning you will journey byShinkansen to Hiroshima. Take a local tramto visit the famous Peace Park and Museum.Later, travel by tram and ferry to Miyajima.See the Itsukushima Shrine, also known asthe Floating Torii Gate. Explore the islandand Mt. Misen to see spectacular views ofthe surrounding islands. Return to Hiroshimaby ferry and tram and travel back Kyoto byShinkansen in the late afternoon.DAY 10: KYOTO – HIMEJITravel by Shinkansen to Himeji, famous forits magnificent UNESCO World Heritagelisted Himeji Castle. Explore the castle,which has never been destroyed by war,earthquakes or fire and stands in its originalform. You will then wander through theneighbouring Kokoen Gardens. Thisafternoon, return to Kyoto by Shinkansen.DAY 11: DEPART KYOTOThis morning is free at your leisure beforeyou are transferred to Kansai airport to boardyour overnight flight to Australia.DAY 12: ARRIVE AUSTRALIAArrive home today.DeparturesAIRFARES★★★ ★★★INCLUDED2015 TWINDATESSHARE PRICE30 Mar - 10 Apr $7,98014 Sep - 25 Sep 12 Oct - 23 Oct $7,7902016 TWINDATESSHARE PRICE21 Mar - 01 Apr 28 Mar - 08 Apr $8,09004 Apr - 15 Apr12 Sep - 23 Sep 26 Sep - 07 Oct $7,99003 Oct - 14 OctImportant note:CX – Above prices include airline fuel surcharge of $317(correct as at 22 July 2014 and subject to change).SQ – Darwin passengers – price on page 18 includesairline fuel surcharge of $560 (correct as at 22 July 2014and subject to change).Tour Code: CEJTipping is not part of the culture in Japan and istherefore not required for this tour.Shinkansen (Bullet Train), Mishima to Kyotohy not?Why not stop in Hong Kong to explore ‘Asia’s WorldCity’. See pages 46-47 for Hong Kong packages andstopover options.Additional fees and taxes may apply.wendywutours.com.au 19

FULLY INCLUSIVE GROUP TOURSSensoji Temple, TokyoDiscover Japan14 daysFROM $8,260 PER PERSON TWIN SHARE - 14 DAYS - FULLY INCLUSIVE FROM SYDNEY, MELBOURNE,BRISBANE*, ADELAIDE* AND PERTHFrom price includes: tour cost $7,943 and CX fuel surcharge $317 (subject to change)Immerse yourself in the remarkable country of Japan, a land steeped in mythical traditions and modern wonders. Start in the neon-litmetropolis of Tokyo. Gather a sense of peace while exploring Sensoji Temple, Tokyo’s oldest Buddhist temple. Visit the iconic Mt. Fuji,known as the ‘shy mountain’, and the surrounding area of Hakone and Owakudani.Travel to Kyoto and learn the art of origami and the unique flower arrangement known as ikebana, and enjoy a tea ceremony. Kyoto isfull of delightful gems from the famous Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion) to the Fushimi Inari-taisha Shrine, one of the most famous sites in thenation. Experience an overnight stay in a ‘shukubo’, a serene Buddhist temple lodging in Koyasan. Explore Osaka Castle and cruise thecalm waters of Osaka’s Yodogawa River, a most fitting conclusion to your discovery of Japan.InclusionsInternational airfares, all transportation in Japan, accommodation,all meals, entrance fees, guides and daily tours, taxes and chargesand departure taxesPrice guide14 Days, Fully Inclusive Twin ShareFrom $8,260 per person – Departing Sydney, Melbourne,Brisbane*, Adelaide* and Perth with Cathay Pacific Airways(CX)*Brisbane and Adelaide passengers may require stopoversin Hong Kong at an additional cost.From $8,260 per person – Departing Darwin withSingapore Airlines (SQ). Single Hotel Room Option – From $1,370Land Only (Tokyo to Osaka) – From $6,952 per personMedium Paced Tour (see page 11)Kanazawa (1N)Kyoto (3N)OSAKA(1N)OUTBOUND (1N)NaraKoyasan (1N)JAPANTakayama (2N)Mt. FujiTOKYO (3N)INBOUND (1N)AirRoad20 Reservations: 1300 727 998

DAYS 1-2: AUSTRALIA TO TOKYOFly overnight with Cathay Pacific Airways toTokyo for a three night stay. Brisbanepassengers may depart on Day 2.DAY 3: TOKYOHead to the top of Tokyo Skytree forsweeping views of the city. Next, visit Asakusaand wander through Nakamise shoppingstreet and Sensoji Temple. Enjoy lunch andstop at the Imperial Palace Plaza. Thisafternoon, stroll through the Hama RikyuGardens. Enjoy a dinner cruise in the evening.DAY 4: TOKYO – MT. FUJIHead out of Tokyo to the Fuji Visitor Centrebefore heading up to the Mt. Fuji 5th Station.After lunch, travel to Hakone (weatherpermitting) and take a cruise across LakeAshinoko. Take the world’s second longestcable car up to Owakudani.DAY 5: TOKYO TO TAKAYAMALeave Tokyo and drive to Takayama, stoppingen route in Matsumoto, where you will visitMatsumoto Castle. Continue to one ofJapan’s largest wasabi farms where you cantry your hand at making pickled wasabivegetables before continuing to Takayama.DAY 6: TAKAYAMAHead to the Miyagawa morning market andsample some of the region’s fruit andvegetables. Later you will visit traditionalhouses and local museums, including theTakayama Festival Floats Exhibition Hall,Kusakabe Folk Museum and the TakayamaJinya. Enjoy some free time to explore thelocal shopping streets.DAY 7: TAKAYAMA TO KANAZAWATravel to the UNESCO World Heritage listedShirakawa-go, famous for its traditionalgassho-zukuri farmhouses, some of which aremore than 250 years old. Try your hand atmaking traditional Japanese washi paperbefore continuing to Kanazawa, where youwill visit the Nomura Samurai House andtake a walk through the Old District.DAY 8: KANAZAWA TO KYOTOThis morning wander through the beautifulKenroku-en Garden, one of Japan’s top threegardens, and visit the 21st Century Museumof Contemporary Art. After lunch, travel bycoach to Kyoto for a three night stay.DAY 9: KYOTOVisit the famous Kinkaku-ji, known as theGolden Pavilion. Later, visit the UNESCOWorld Heritage listed Ryoanji Temple, whichmeans the ‘temple of the peaceful dragon’.Head to a restored wooden townhousewhere you will learn about traditionalJapanese handicrafts such as origami, ikebanaand calligraphy and participate in a traditionalJapanese tea ceremony.DAY 10: KYOTO – NARATravel to Nara, the former imperial capital ofJapan. Visit the Todaiji Temple, the world’slargest wooden structure, which is home toJapan’s largest Buddha and numerous deer.You will also visit Issuien Gardens, meaning‘garden founded on water’, derived from thefact that its ponds are sourced from theYoshikigawa River. Return to Kyoto stoppingen route at the unforgettable Fushimi InaritaishaShrine, which features in the movieMemoirs of a Geisha.DAY 11: KYOTO TO KOYASANJourney to Koyasan, the centre of ShingonBuddhism. Visit Kongobuji Temple andGaran temple complex. Okunoin is Japan’slargest cemetery and holds the mausoleumof the founder of Shingon Buddhism, KoboDaishi. Take a walk to the mausoleum,passing 200,000 tombstones belonging tofeudal lords and prominent monks. Thisevening have the unique opportunity ofstaying overnight in a Buddhist temple lodge,known as a ‘shukubo’. Enjoy a Buddhistvegetarian dinner, known as Shojin Ryori.DAY 12: KOYAsAN TO OSAKARise early this morning to witness the monkschant their morning prayers, followed by atraditional Shojin Ryori breakfast. Drive toOsaka, Japan’s largest city, where you will visitOsaka Castle and take a cruise along theYodogawa River. Tonight you will wanderdown Dotonbori, a restaurant mecca, whereyou can sample delicious local delicaciesduring your farewell dinner.DAY 13: DEPART OSAKAThis morning is free at your leisure before youare transferred to Kansai airport to board yourovernight flight to Australia.DAY 14: ARRIVE AUSTRALIAArrive home today.DeparturesAIRFARES★★★ ★★★INCLUDED2015 TWINDATESSHARE PRICE01 Apr - 14 Apr 15 Apr - 28 Apr $8,39016 Sep - 29 Sep 30 Sep - 13 Oct $8,26014 Oct - 27 Oct2016 TWINDATESSHARE PRICE23 Mar - 05 Apr 30 Mar - 12 Apr $8,69006 Apr - 19 Apr 13 Apr - 26 Apr20 Apr - 03 May14 Sep - 27 Sep 28 Sep - 11 Oct $8,59012 Oct - 25 OctImportant note:CX – Above prices include airline fuel surcharge of $317(correct as at 22 July 2014 and subject to change).SQ – Darwin passengers – price on page 20 includesairline fuel surcharge of $560 (correct as at 22 July 2014and subject to change).Tour Code: CDJTipping is not part of the culture in Japan and istherefore not required for this tour.Gassho-Zukuri Farmhouses, Shirakawa-gohy not?If you wish to explore more of Japan, why not extendyour stay with our Hiroshima & Miyajima Short Stay?See page 32 for details.Additional fees and taxes may apply.wendywutours.com.au 21

FULLY INCLUSIVE GROUP TOURSMongoliaMongolia is a country blessed with breathtaking scenery, frompristine lakes, rugged mountains and the incredible Gobi Desert.Mongolia is bordered by Siberia in the north and China in the southand was first declared a Mongol Empire by Genghis Khan in 1206.One of the most wonderful events that takes place in July each yearis the fascinating Naadam Festival, with people arriving from all overthe country to participate.Ger Camp, Terelj National ParkNaadam Festival, UlaanbaatarTIMEMongolia is two hours behind Australian EST.CLIMATEMongolia’s climate can be described as‘extreme continental’, with warm summersand long sub-arctic winters. The summerseason begins at the end of May and lastsuntil early October, with an averagetemperature of 16°C. The most popular timeto travel is mid-July, which is also when theworld famous Naadam Festival is held inUlaanbaatar. Winters are long and cold withtemperatures often falling well below -18°C,however, the daytime temperatures aregenerally warmer.Due to the unpredictable climate changesaround the world we strongly recommend youcheck the current weather at your destinationprior to your departure in order to packaccordingly.CURRENCYThe local currency is known as the Tughrik(MNT).1AUD = 1,733MNT (approximately)LANGUAGEThe official national language is Mongolian.Kalmyk, Kazakh, Buryat and Mandarin are alsowidely spoken.NAADAM FESTIVALThe Naadam Festival is held each year from11 to 13 July. Accommodation can beextremely limited in Ulaanbaatar during thethis time, so please book early to avoiddisappointment.ENTRY REQUIREMENTSPassports must be valid for six monthsbeyond the length of stay. Visas are requiredfor Australian travellers, the price of which isalready included in the fully inclusive price ofour group tour for Australian passport holders(providing all applications are received byWendy Wu Tours within the required visaprocessing time frame).QUINTESSENTIALmongolia■■Experience the traditionalMongolian lifestyle by stayingovernight in a Ger camp■■Discover the Gobi National Parkand the stunning desert sceneryby 4WD■■Explore the spectacular ‘SingingSand Dunes’ at Khongoryn Els.Climb to the top if you can for themagnificent views!■■Visit a nomadic family and gain aninsight into their lifestyle andtraditions■■Watch the colourful celebration ofMongolian culture and people atthe Naadam Festival■■See the excavation sites of dinosaureggs and fossils at the Gobidinosaur cemetery■■Marvel at the natural beauty of LakeKhovsgol and explore thesurrounding forests by horseback■■Watch a traditional folkloreperformance and enjoy the uniqueart of Tuvan throat singing■■Relax and unwind in the hot springsat Tsenkher Jiguur■■Hike Khorgo Mountain, an extinctvolcano, to admire the spectacularviews over theGreat White LakeScan code formore information22 Reservations: 1300 727 998

LAKE KHOVSGOLKhovsgol is a scenic area known for its wild mountains and alpinelakes. Lake Khovsgol is the deepest lake in Mongolia, encircled by2,000m-high mountains, and is named after the Turkish wordmeaning ‘lake of the blue waters’.ULAANBAATARUlaanbaatar is the capital of Mongolia and is located on the TuulRiver with a backdrop of the Khairkhan Mountains. This town issteadily developing into a modernised city, while managing tomaintain its old world traditional hospitality.Lake KhovsgolMôronJargal JiguurMt. KhorgoULAANBAATARMt. Khogno KhanGreat White LakeTsenkher Jiguur Hot SpringsKharkhorinBayanzagMONGOLIAKhongoryn ElsOngiiRiverGobi DesertYolyn AmOngiiKHARKHORINKharkhorin is Mongolia’s former capital and attracts many visitorswith its intriguing history dating back to the 13th century. Oncethe imperial capital ruled by Genghis Khan, Kharkhorin is home toone of the most ancient and impressive Buddhist monasteries inMongolia, the Erdene Zuu Monastery.GOBI DESERTThe Gobi Desert is home to many of Mongolia’s renownedlandscapes including the country’s largest sand dunes atKhongoryn Els. Discover the scenery at Yolyn Am, which iscovered in metre-thick ice for the greater part of the year.Maps are not to scale.These are indicative only.wendywutours.com.au 23

FULLY INCLUSIVE GROUP TOURSAccommodationOur Mongolia & the Naadam Festival fully inclusive group tour includesaccommodation in properties that are generally ‘medium range’ andGer camps. Due to the remoteness of some of the areas that arevisited in Mongolia, the accommodation standards are not the levelyou may expect in a major city. Following are some of the propertiesused by Wendy Wu Tours in Mongolia.Please note: your hotel list will be confirmed in your final itinerary andproperties listed here are indicative only and subject to change.Sand Dunes, Khongoryn ElsHotel ratingStar ratings identify the standard ofquality of accommodation. Differencesmay exist between the standard of someoverseas hotels and those in Australia.For example a four-star hotel in thisregion cannot be compared to a fourstarAustralian hotel.Wendy Wu Tours has set high standardsfor the hotels used on our tours. Allhotels are regularly inspected by WendyWu Tours’ staff and operators to ensureacceptable standards of safety,cleanliness and security.Group Members, Guides and Drivers, MongoliaStandard RoomLocal Nomad, Mongolia24 Reservations: 1300 727 998ULAANBAATARThe Palace Hotel is conveniently situatednear a number of tourist attractions includingthe Bogd Khaan Palace Museum, NaadamStadium and Zaisan Hill. Facilities at the hotelinclude restaurants, a bar, coffee shop,business centre and currency exchange.Guest rooms are equipped with modernamenities including internet access.ULAANBAATARThe Chinggis Khaan Hotel is a five-minutedrive from the city centre of Ulaanbaatar.Facilities include restaurants, an indoorswimming pool, fitness centre, nightclub,karaoke rooms and a variety of diningoptions. Free wi-fi is provided. The wellappointedguest rooms are comfortable andoffer modern amenities such as cable TV.

GER CAMPSGers are the traditional homes of nomadsacross Mongolia. They are made from awooden frame and layers of felt and canvaserected on a wooden platform. The interior isfilled with warm fabrics and furs, as well asornate wooden furniture. Each Ger willconsist of up to four single wooden beds,linen, stove for heating purposes, a thickblanket, table and chairs. Communal showerand toilet facilities will be in a separate area.Although they are not luxurious, they do offera comfortable and unique accommodationexperience while you travel through the mostremote regions of the country.Ger camps are the best options foraccommodation when travellingthrough the Mongolian countryside. TheGer camps used by Wendy Wu Tours arewell maintained and comfortable.Khan Bogd Ger Camp is located in themagnificent desert of Yolyn Am region, nearGurvan Saikhan Mountain.Gobi Erdene Ger Camp opened in 2012and is located in the Khongoryn Els area.Gobi Tour Ger Camp is positioned in thefamous dinosaur fossil site called Bayanzag(Flaming Cliffs) in the South Gobi Desert.Bayangobi-Juulchin Ger Camp is located270km west of Ulaanbaatar and is surroundedby sand dunes and forest-covered mountains.Khaan Taij Ger Camp is located inKharkhorin. You can relax in the sauna,partake in archery, ping pong and otherMongolian national games.Shiveet Mankhan Ger Camp is situated inthe Tsenkher Jiguur Hot Springs area. There isa swimming pool created from the hotmineral springs that are located close by.Maikhan Tolgoi Ger Camp is located in oneof the most beautiful scenic areas of the famousGreat White Lake and Khorgo Mountain.Alag Tsar Ger Camp is on the eastern shoreof the Great White Lake. Speed boat andhorse riding tours are available (at ownexpense) and there is a family who breedreindeer that also live nearby.Inside a Ger, Khan Bogd Ger CampGobi Tour Ger Camp, South Gobi Desertwendywutours.com.au 25

FULLY INCLUSIVE GROUP TOURSGobi National ParkMongolia & the Naadam Festival 24 daysFROM $9,880 PER PERSON TWIN SHARE - 24 DAYS - FULLY INCLUSIVE FROM SYDNEY, MELBOURNE*,BRISBANE, ADELAIDE* AND PERTHFrom price includes: tour cost $9,454, airline fuel surcharge $317 and tipping $109 (fuel surcharge and tipping subject to change; tipping is paid on arrival)The great Khans of Mongolia created the largest land empire the world has ever known. The most famous of all was Genghis Khan, therelentless warrior who forever marked his birthplace on the map. Remote and stunning, Mongolia is still relatively unexplored by modernday travellers and its charm lies firmly in that fact. The country is blessed with endless plains, beautiful backdrops, warm-hearted peoplewith simplistic views of the world and a fascinating history.One of the many special features you will encounter on this tour is experiencing first-hand the annual Naadam Festival, a local celebrationof the Mongolian people and culture. The origins of the festival can be traced to the Mongol Army with horseracing, wrestling andarchery competitions favoured by locals and visitors alike.InclusionsInternational airfares, all transportation in Mongolia,accommodation, all meals, entrance fees, guides and daily tours,taxes and charges, departure taxes and visas for Australianpassport holdersPrice guide24 Days, Fully Inclusive Twin ShareFrom $9,880 per person – Departing Sydney, Melbourne*,Brisbane, Adelaide* and Perth with Cathay Pacific Airways* Melbourne and Adelaide passengers may require astopover in Hong Kong at an additional cost.Darwin passengers see ‘Joining Your Tour’ on page 9.Single Hotel Room Option – From $1,230Land Only (Ulaanbaatar to Ulaanbaatar) – From $8,850 perperson (includes tipping)Active Paced Tour (see page 11)Lake Khovsgol (2N)Jargal Jiguur (1N)Great White Lake(1N)Tsenkher JiguurHot Springs (1N)Bayanzag (1N)Khongoryn Els(1N)MôronULAANBAATAR(1N+4N+3N)MONGOLIAKharkhorin(1N)Ongii (1N)Mt.KhognoKhan(1N)Yolyn Am (2N)DalanzadgadTerelj National Park(1N)INBOUND(1N)OUTBOUND(1N)AirRoad4WD Road26 Reservations: 1300 727 998

DAYS 1-2: AUSTRALIA TOULAANBAATARFly overnight with Cathay Pacific Airwaysand Mongolian Airlines to Ulaanbaatar.DAYS 3-4: ULAANBAATAR TOYOLYN AMFly to Dalanzadgad, located on the edge ofthe Gobi Desert. Begin your 4WD journeyheading to Yolyn Am, a gorge in the GobiNational Park, marvelling at the mountainsand vast sand dunes along the way.DAY 5: YOLYN AM TOKHONGORYN ELSContinue to Khongoryn Els, the location ofMongolia’s largest sand dunes, also known asthe ‘Singing Sand Dunes’.DAY 6: KHONGORYN ELS TOBAYANZAGLeave Khongoryn Els and drive to Bayanzag,also known as ‘Flaming Cliffs’. Visit the Gobidinosaur cemetery and trace the footsteps ofpalaeontologist Roy Chapman Andrews.DAY 7: BAYANZAG TO ONGIITravel to Ongii where you will view the ruinsof the famed monastic complex Ongiin Khiid.DAY 8: ONGII TO MT. KHOGNO KHANContinue to Mt. Khogno Khan. Explore theremains of the Uvgun Khiid Monastery,located at the foot of the mountain.DAY 9: MT. KHOGNO KHAN TOKHARKHORINDrive to the ancient capital of Kharkhorin,situated on the Orkhon River, and visit theErdene Zuu Monastery, the earliest survivingBuddhist monastery in Mongolia.DAY 10: KHARKHORIN TOTSENKHER JIGUUR HOT SPRINGSTravel to Tsenkher Jiguur Hot Springs andenjoy free time to relax in the hot springs andtake in the surrounding scenery.DAY 11: TSENKHER JIGUUR HOTSPRINGS TO GREAT WHITE LAKEContinue to Great White Lake in the KhangaiMountains. Hike to Mt. Khorgo situated 900mabove the lake.DAY 12: GREAT WHITE LAKE TOJARGAL JIGUURThis morning leave Great White Lake andtravel to Jargal Jiguur.DAYS 13-14: JARGAL JIGUUR TOLAKE KhovsgolTravel to Lake Khovsgol, known as the ‘darkblue pearl’. Surrounded by forests andmeadows, your two days here are free toenjoy the amazing scenery.DAY 15: LAKE KHOVSGOL – MÔRONTO ULAANBAATARTravel to Môron and fly back to Ulaanbaatarfor the Naadam Festival on the following day,the biggest annual festival of the people andculture in Mongolia.DAYS 16-18: ULAANBAATAROver the next three days, join the annualfestivities of the Naadam Festival, whichdates back to the Genghis Khan period. Thefestival is awash with colours and traditionalcostumes. Witness events such as wrestling,horse racing and archery.DAY 19: ULAANBAATAR TO TERELJNATIONAL PARKThis morning view the costumes on display inthe Central Square. Drive to Terelj NationalPark. Explore Turtle Rock and enjoy a lighthike to Aryabal Monastery. Visit a nomadicfamily and stay overnight in a Ger camp.DAY 20: TERELJ NATIONAL PARKTO ULAANBAATARDrive back to Ulaanbaatar for a three nightstay, visiting the Genghis Khan StatueComplex en route to the capital.DAY 21: ULAANBAATARVisit the 19th century Gandan Monastery,followed by Sukhbaatar Square where astatue stands of Damdin Sukhbaatar, who ledthe Mongolian Revolution. Next, visit theNational Museum of Mongolian History andthe Museum of Natural History.DAY 22: ULAANBAATAREnjoy a leisurely day visiting Zaisan MemorialHill for views of the city and Buddha’s Park.This evening watch a folklore performance.DAY 23: DEPART ULAANBAATAREarly this morning you will be transferred toUlaanbaatar airport to board your overnightflight to Australia.DAY 24: ARRIVE AUSTRALIAArrive home today.DeparturesAIRFARES★★★ ★★★INCLUDED2015 TWINDATESSHARE PRICE26 Jun - 19 Jul $9,8802016 TWINDATESSHARE PRICE26 Jun - 19 Jul $10,280Important note: Above prices include fuel surchargeof $317 and tipping of $109 (correct as at 22 July 2014and subject to change). Please note that tippingamount of US$100 (AU$109) is payable upon arrival inMongolia.Tour Code: CMAAlag Tsar Ger Camp, Great White Lakehy not?Why not stop in Hong Kong to explore ‘Asia’sWorld City’. See pages 46-47 for Hong Kongpackages and stopover options.Additional fees and taxes may apply.wendywutours.com.au 27

Independent TRAVELIndependent TravelIf you are the type of person who enjoys the comfort andindependence of travelling at your own pace, then our selectionof independent packages (pages 30-43) are ideal for you. Theseshort stays can be combined to design your very own tailor-madeitinerary, or added to the beginning or end of your Wendy WuTours group tour.Bulguksa Temple, South KoreaFestival of National Dress, MongoliaLongshan Temple, TaiwanBuddha Statue, JapanTAILOR-MADE ITINERARIESWe offer many interesting and excitingindependent packages in Japan, Mongolia,Taiwan and South Korea, which can be joinedtogether to create a unique holiday experience.All packages are inclusive of accommodation,touring as specified with local Englishspeakingguides, entrance fees, sometransfers and meals as listed (B=breakfast,L=lunch, D=dinner). International flights andvisas are not included, but these can beadded to your arrangements at an additionalcost by our reservations department.There are several categories ofaccommodation to choose from dependingon your budget and personal preference,ranging from standard three-star, superiorfour-star and deluxe five-star properties.Pricing is based on lead-in rooms. Roomtypes can be upgraded on request at anadditional cost and are subject to availability.Featured itineraries can often be run in thereverse direction on request. Additional costsmay apply.STOPOVER DESTINATIONSWhy not extend your holiday with anindependent stopover en route to yourdestination or on your way home?HONG KONG & MACAU: Cathay PacificAirways fly via Hong Kong en route to ourAsian destinations. Travellers flying withCathay Pacific Airways can stopover in HongKong (see pages 44-47) and Macau (seepages 48-49). Hong Kong is a shoppersdelight and combines a unique colonialhistory with ageless Chinese traditions, whileMacau offers a fusion of Portuguese, Chineseand Macanese cultures.DEFINITIONSTwin Share: Two people travelling togethersharing a room. Double bedding is on arequest basis and cannot be guaranteed.Sole Traveller: One person travelling alone,not sharing a room or travel arrangementswith other people.Local Blessing, Macau28 Reservations: 1300 727 998

“Life is either adaring adventureor nothing.”Helen Kellerwendywutours.com.au 29

Independent TravelJapanFamily Friendly HolidaysVenture into new and interesting cultures by organising a funfilledfamily holiday through Wendy Wu Tours. Introduce yourchildren to a different world by travelling to one of our excitingAsian destinations together.Wendy Wu Tours can provide you with detailed information relating totravelling with children, including inspiring and educational familyfriendly activities, and can tailor-make an experience to suit yourspecific needs and requirements.Your family holiday can be as flexible as you like, featuring the verybest each of our destinations has to offer.Origami Class, KyotoExamples of family friendly experiences in Japan include:• Learn about animation at the Studio Ghibli Museum in Tokyo• Meet your favourite Disney characters and enjoy the excitementof Tokyo Disneyland• Visit Hakone National Park, home to Mt. Fuji• Get into the rhythm of a Taiko drumming experience in Kyoto• Take an origami class in Kyoto• Travel to Osaka and visit Universal Studios Japan and theOsaka Aquarium• Discover the many temples and shrines in Nara and feed rice cakesto the deer that live around the templesAll of these options and more will offer your family a diverse mix ofhistory, culture, scenery and adventurous experiences. Ourknowledgeable and well trained staff are happy to discuss suitableoptions with you.Please contact our reservations department for more informationabout family friendly holidays in Japan or any of our otherdestinations.Japan ImpressionsDAY 1: ARRIVE TOKYOMake your own way to your Tokyo hotel for a three night stay.DAY 2: TOKYOEnjoy a full-day tour with a Local Guide utilising Tokyo’s public transportsystem. Visit Meiji Shrine, Tokyo’s most famous shrine, Harajuku, Tokyo’syouth mecca, Omotesando, referred to as Tokyo’s ‘Champs-Elysées’ andGinza, Tokyo’s famous upmarket district. You will also visit the ImperialPalace East Gardens (the palace itself is not open to the public). Finallyvisit Asakusa, home to Nakamise shopping street and Sensoji Temple,Tokyo’s oldest Buddhist temple. (B)DAY 3: TOKYOEarly this morning you will begin a half-day tour travelling by subway tothe Tsukiji Fish Market. Explore the vegetable and fruit areas and theimpressive seafood section. After buying ingredients, you will learn tomake various forms of sushi. The afternoon is free at your leisure. (B,L)DAY 4: TOKYO TO KYOTOMake your own way to the station and travel by Shinkansen (bullettrain) to Kyoto. Upon arrival, make your own way to your hotel. Thisafternoon visit a traditional tea house in the Gion geisha district. Enjoygreen tea and Japanese cake in the company of a geisha or maiko(apprentice geisha). Watch a traditional dance performance by thegeisha, before returning to your hotel. (B)DAY 5: KYOTOEnjoy a full-day tour exploring Kyoto with a Local Guide utilising thepublic transport system. Visit Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion) and continueto Ryoanji temple with its famous rock garden, and finally Nijo Castle. (B)DAY 6: KYOTO TO OSAKAMake your own way to Kyoto station and travel by JR local train to Osakafor an overnight stay. Upon arrival, make your own way to your hotel.This afternoon explore Osaka with a Local Guide utilising the publictransport system. Visit Osaka Castle and take a cruise along theYodogawa River. (B)DAY 7: DEPART OSAKAYour arrangements end after check-out this morning. (B)7 daysPRICES ARE FROM PER PERSON, BASED ON LOW SEASON #Category Twin Share Sole TravellerStandard $2,360 $3,580Superior $2,990 $4,630Deluxe $3,890 $6,300Includes: 6 nights accommodation, transport pass with JPY2500 value,Ordinary Class Shinkansen ticket from Tokyo to Kyoto, JR local train ticketfrom Kyoto to Osaka, public transport pass in Osaka, private touring asspecified with a local English-speaking guide including entrance fees andmeals as listed.Note: Imperial Palace East Gardens in Tokyo are closed on Mondays andFridays.# Shoulder, high season, weekend and public holiday surcharges apply.30 Reservations: 1300 727 998

Tokyo Short Stay4 daysDAY 1: ARRIVE TOKYOMake your own way to your Tokyo hotel. The rest of the day is free atyour leisure.DAY 2: TOKYOEnjoy a full-day of touring with a Local Guide utilising Tokyo’s superefficientmetro system. Start your day with an early morning visit toMeiji Shrine, Tokyo’s most famous shrine, followed by Harajuku, Tokyo’syouth mecca, and Omotesando, commonly referred to as Tokyo’s‘Champs-Elysées’. Take the metro to Ginza, Tokyo’s most famousupmarket shopping and dining district. Adjoining Ginza is the ImperialPalace, the main residence of the Emperor. While the palace itself isnot open to the public, you can take a stroll through its East Gardens.Your last stop for the day is Asakusa, part of Tokyo’s Old Town andhome to Sensoji Temple, Tokyo’s oldest Buddhist temple, and also thecity’s oldest geisha district. (B)DAY 3: TOKYOEarly this morning you will begin a half-day tour travelling by subwayto the Tsukiji Fish Market. Take a few hours to explore the vegetableand fruit areas plus the impressive seafood section. After buyingvarious ingredients, visit a typical Japanese home where you will learnto make various forms of sushi. The rest of the afternoon is free at yourleisure to explore Tokyo. (B,L)DAY 4: DEPART TOKYOYour arrangements end after check-out this morning. (B)Sensoji Temple, TokyoPRICES ARE FROM PER PERSON, BASED ON LOW SEASON #Category Twin Share Sole TravellerStandard $980 $1,355Superior $1,490 $1,930Deluxe $2,090 $3,340Includes: 3 nights accommodation, private touring as specified with a localEnglish-speaking guide including entrance fees, transport pass with JPY2500value and meals as listed.Note: Imperial Palace East Gardens are closed on Mondays and Fridays.# Shoulder, high season, weekend and public holiday surcharges apply.Mt. Fuji & Hakone Overnight2 daysThis overnight seat-in-coach tour combines a visit to Mt. Fujiwith a stay in a Japanese-style room in a ryokan with hot springsin Hakone.DAY 1: TOKYO TO HAKONEMake your own way to the meeting point in Tokyo for your seat-incoachtour to Mt. Fuji and Hakone. Travel to Mt. Fuji Visitors Centre andthen up to the Mt. Fuji 5th Station (weather permitting) to enjoy theview from 2,300m above sea level. Next, travel to Hakone, a beautifulnational park area located south of Mt. Fuji. Enjoy a cruise across LakeAshi and take the Komagatake Ropeway to the top of Mt. Komagatakefor spectacular views. This afternoon, you will be dropped off at HakoneYumoto Station to make your own way to your ryokan where you willstay overnight and can relax in the natural hot springs. (L,D)DAY 2: HAKONE TO TOKYOThis morning is free at your leisure. You will be transferred from yourryokan to Odawara Station to take the Shinkansen (bullet train) back toTokyo Station where your arrangements end. (B)hy not?Kyoto is a spiritual city with much to be discovered. Why not travel to Kyoto andexplore this incredible city? See page 32 for our Kyoto Short Stay.Additional fees and taxes may apply.Mt. FujiPRICES ARE FROM PER PERSON, BASED ON LOW SEASON #Category Twin Share Sole TravellerStandard $630 $780Superior $890 $1,050Deluxe $1,190 $1,260Includes: 1 night accommodation at a traditional ryokan in a Japanese-styleroom, seat-in-coach touring with a local English-speaking guide on Day 1, taxitransfer from Hakone ryokan to Odawara station, Ordinary Class Shinkansenticket from Odawara to Tokyo and meals as listed.# Shoulder, high season, weekend and public holiday surcharges apply.wendywutours.com.au 31

Independent TravelKyoto Short StayDAY 1: ARRIVE KYOTOMake your own way to your Kyoto hotel. The rest of the day is free atyour leisure.DAY 2: KYOTOEnjoy a full-day tour exploring Kyoto with your Local Guide utilising thepublic transport system. Visit Nijo Castle built in 1603 and continue toKinkaku-ji, the Golden Pavilion. Originally built as a retirement villa forthe Shogun, at his request it became a Buddhist temple after his death.Next visit the Daitoku-ji Zen Temple complex, which consists of a maintemple and 22 sub-temples. Walk the mile-long Nishiki covered foodmarkets, where you and your Local Guide will purchase ingredients foryour Japanese cooking class located in a traditional woodentownhouse. Cook your own Japanese meal including rolled sushi andmiso soup before making your own way back to your hotel. (B,D)DAY 3: KYOTO – NARAMake the short trip by JR local train to Nara with your Local Guide. Firststop is Todaiji Temple, the world’s largest wooden building and hometo Japan’s largest Buddha, followed by Kasuga Taisha, Nara’s mostcelebrated shrine, which is adorned with thousands of lanterns. Returnto Kyoto and visit Kiyomizu-dera (Pure Water) Temple. (B)DAY 4: DEPART KYOTOYour arrangements end after check-out this morning. (B)Todaiji Temple, Nara4 daysPRICES ARE FROM PER PERSON, BASED ON LOW SEASON #Category Twin Share Sole TravellerStandard $1,250 $2,170Superior $1,490 $2,520Deluxe $1,950 $2,770Includes: 3 nights accommodation, private touring as specified with a localEnglish-speaking guide, three-day Kansai Area Pass for Kyoto, entrance feesand meals as listed.# Shoulder, high season, weekend and public holiday surcharges apply.Hiroshima & Miyajima Short Stay3 daysPerhaps more than any other city in the world, Hiroshima isfamous for one moment in history: on 6 August 1945, it becamethe first target of an atomic bomb. Hiroshima has rebuilt itselfas one of Japan’s most laid-back, vibrant cities full of wideboulevards, great food and friendly, welcoming people.DAY 1: OSAKA TO HIROSHIMAThis morning you will be met at your Osaka hotel and transferred toShin-Osaka Station, where you will board your Shinkansen (bullet train)to Hiroshima. Upon arrival you will be met at the train station by yourLocal Guide to begin your half-day tour exploring Hiroshima by publictransport. Visit the famous Peace Park and Museum and also thebeautiful Shukkeien Gardens. Later, see the reconstructed HiroshimaCastle and for lunch sample the city’s famous savoury pancake,okonomiyaki. (L)DAY 2: HIROSHIMA – MIYAJIMAYour Local Guide will accompany you on a short tram and ferry ride toMiyajima. Here you will begin your full-day tour and see one of themost photographed sites in Japan, the Floating Torii Gate. Explore theisland and visit its many shrines and temples and take the cable car tothe peak to see spectacular views of the surrounding islands. Return toHiroshima by ferry and tram later this afternoon. (B)DAY 3: HIROSHIMA – OSAKA TO KANSAI AIRPORTAfter check-out this morning, make your own way to Hiroshima Stationto board your Shinkansen to Shin-Osaka Station, where you will changeto an express train to Kansai airport where your arrangements end. (B)Hiroshima Castle, HiroshimaPRICES ARE FROM PER PERSON, BASED ON LOW SEASON #Category Twin Share Sole TravellerStandard $1,290 $1,790Superior $1,390 $1,890Deluxe $1,590 $2,190Includes: 2 nights accommodation, return Shinkansen between Osaka andHiroshima, two one-day Hiroshima tram passes and Miyajima ferry pass,Express train ticket from Shin-Osaka Station to Kansai airport, private touringas specified with a local English-speaking guide including entrance fees andmeals as listed.# Shoulder, high season, weekend and public holiday surcharges apply.32 Reservations: 1300 727 998

MongoliaUlaanbaatar City Stay4 daysUlaanbaatar is the capital and the largest city of Mongolia.Situated on the rolling foothills of the Bogd Mountain, Ulaanbaatarpossesses a long and unique history since its establishmentin 1639.DAY 1: ARRIVE ULAANBAATARUpon arrival at Ulaanbaatar airport you will be met and transferred toyour hotel. In the afternoon you will visit Sukhbaatar Square andGovernment House to see the nine state banners and Zaisan Hill WarMemorial for panoramic views of the city. This evening dine on atraditional Mongolian dinner. (L,D)DAY 2: ULAANBAATARVisit the Bogd Khaan Palace Museum and the Winter Palace, whichconsists of a complex of temples and a European-style home. Enjoy theafternoon free at your leisure. (B,L)DAY 3: ULAANBAATARExplore the Museum of Mongolian History and the Museum of NaturalHistory, where many dinosaur fossils from the Gobi Desert are housed.In the afternoon visit the 19th-century-built Gandan Monastery, thelargest and most significant monastery in Mongolia, followed by a visitto the local markets. (B,L)DAY 4: DEPART ULAANBAATARAfter check-out this morning you will be transferred to the airport orrailway station where your arrangements end. (B)Gandan Monastery, UlaanbaatarPRICES ARE FROM PER PERSON, BASED ON LOW SEASON #Category Twin Share Sole TravellerStandard $790 $1,295Superior $1,055 $1,615Deluxe $1,625 $2,590Includes: 3 nights accommodation, private transfers and touring as specifiedwith a local English-speaking guide including entrance fees and meals aslisted.# Shoulder and high season surcharges apply.Naadam Festival Short Stay4 daysThe Naadam Festival is Mongolia’s biggest event of the yearwhere competitions of archery, wrestling and horse racing areheld. The official programme runs from 11-13 July and includes animpressive opening ceremony filled with colour.DAY 1: ARRIVE ULAANBAATARUpon arrival at Ulaanbaatar airport you will be met and transferred toyour hotel. The rest of the day is free at your leisure.DAYs 2-3: THE NAADAM FESTIVALAttend the Naadam Festival, where featured events include archery,wrestling and horse racing. Sometimes there are more than 700 peoplecompeting in the arena, where there are no judges, no age limits orweight divisions! Cheer on the athletes and enjoy the carnival-likeatmosphere. You will also head out of town to see the horse races heldon the grassland plains. (B,L,D)DAY 4: DEPART ULAANBAATARAfter check-out this morning you will be transferred to the airportwhere your arrangements end. (B)hy not?After enjoying the Naadam Festival, why not explore Mongolia’s national parks?See page 34 for our Terelj National Park and Classic Gobi Short Stay packages.Additional fees and taxes may apply.Naadam Festival, UlaanbaatarPRICES ARE FROM PER PERSON, BASED ON LOW SEASON #Category Twin Share Sole TravellerStandard $1,435 $2,090Superior $1,780 $2,570Deluxe $2,675 $3,795Includes: 3 nights accommodation, private transfers and touring as specifiedwith a local English-speaking guide including entrance fees and meals aslisted.Note: Valid for travel from 10-13 July only. Accommodation can be extremelylimited in Ulaanbaatar during the Naadam Festival so please book early toavoid disappointment.# Surcharges may apply.wendywutours.com.au 33

Independent TravelTerelj National ParkTerelj National Park is located approximately 80km fromUlaanbaatar and is the third largest protected area in Mongolia.Its grassy plains and forest-covered mountains are a contrast tothe Gobi’s desert landscape. The park is also home to nomadicMongolians, offering you a chance to interact with, and learnabout, the lifestyle of the local people.2 daysDAY 1: ULAANBAATAR TO TERELJ NATIONAL PARKYou will be met at your Ulaanbaatar hotel and transferred to TereljNational Park. Explore Turtle Rock and enjoy lunch at the Ger campwhere you will stay overnight. Hike to Aryabal Monastery and visit alocal nomadic family. Optional activities such as horse riding, mountainbiking and a Mongolian BBQ class can be organised at your Ger Campat your own expense. (L,D)DAY 2: TERELJ NATIONAL PARK TO ULAANBAATARSpend time with the local family and learn about their lifestyle,including the preparation of dairy products. Later, return to Ulaanbaatarwhere your arrangements end upon arrival at your hotel. (B,L)Turtle Rock, Terelj National ParkPRICES ARE FROM PER PERSON, BASED ON LOW SEASON #Category Twin Share Sole TravellerGer Camp $445 $690Includes: 1 night accommodation in a Ger camp, private transfers andtouring as specified with a local English-speaking guide including entrancefees and meals as listed.Note: Valid for travel from 15 May to 30 Sep only.# Shoulder and high season surcharges apply.Classic Gobi Short StayDAY 1: ULAANBAATAR TO MIDDLE GOBIYou will be met at your Ulaanbaatar hotel and transferred to MiddleGobi. Along the way visit Baga Gazriin Chuluu and the ruins of the 10thcenturySum Khukh Burd Temple. (L,D)DAY 2: MIDDLE GOBI TO BAYANZAGContinue your journey to the South Gobi Desert. Visit the Sangiin DalaiTemple before arriving at the Ger camp in Bayanzag, also known as the‘Flaming Cliffs’. (B,L,D)DAY 3: BAYANZAG TO YOLYN AMVisit the famous Flaming Cliffs in Bayanzag, the site of numerous fossildiscoveries. Continue to the Yolyn Am National Park and hike to thegorge and glacier. (B,L,D)DAY 4: YOLYN AM TO KHONGORYN ELSDrive to Khongoryn Els. Visit the Seruun Bulag Spring and walk on thefamous ‘Singing Sand Dunes’. (B,L,D)DAYs 5-6: KHONGORYN ELS TO KARAKORUMTravel to Ongiin Khiid and visit the ruins of a monastery. (B,L,D) The nextday, travel to the ancient city of Karakorum. (B,L,D)DAY 7: KARAKORUM TO ULAANBAATARVisit Erdene Zuu, which was once one of the largest monasteries inMongolia. Visit the ruins of Karakorum, the 13th-century imperial capitalof the Mongol Empire. Travel back to your Ulaanbaatar hotel whereyour arrangements end upon arrival. (B,L)Singing Sand Dunes, Khongoryn Els7 daysPRICES ARE FROM PER PERSON, BASED ON LOW SEASON #Category Twin Share Sole TravellerGer Camp $2,370 $4,075Includes: 6 nights accommodation in Ger camps, 4WD transportation,private transfers and touring as specified with a local English-speaking guideincluding entrance fees and meals as listed.Note: Valid for travel from 15 May to 30 Sep only.# Shoulder and high season surcharges apply.34 Reservations: 1300 727 998

Mongolian Monks & Monasteries12 daysFROM $3,690 PER PERSON TWIN SHARE - 12 DAYS - LAND CONTENT ONLYErdene Zuu Monastery, KharkhorinDAY 1: ARRIVE ULAANBAATARUpon arrival at Ulaanbaatar airport you will be met and transferred toyour hotel. The rest of the day is free at your leisure.DAY 2: ULAANBAATARRise early to witness the morning prayer and ceremony at the GandanMonastery complex and visit the surrounding temples. Later, tour theDashchoilin Monastery, the Bogd Khan Museum and the WinterPalace. This evening enjoy a concert performed by the State Music andDance Academic Ensemble. (B,L,D)DAY 3: ULAANBAATAR TO SAINSHANDTransfer to Ulaanbaatar railway station for your morning train toSainshand (train journey is 10.5 hours). Upon arrival in Sainshand, youwill transfer to your Ger camp for a two night stay. (B,L,D)DAY 4: SAINSHANDThis morning there is an optional meditation and yoga session. VisitDakini’s Breast, a local hill named after its resemblance to a woman’sshape. Continue to Khamar Monastery and see the healing hot sandsnearby. Later, tour Shambhala Land and Danzanravjaa’s TantricMeditation Caves and explore some of the 108 meditation cavesformed among the volcanic site. Enjoy a camel ride before returning toyour Ger camp where the evening is free at your leisure. (B,L,D)DAY 5: SAINSHAND TO ULAANBAATARTravel to Bayanzürkh Mountain where you will enjoy a light hike andobserve a mountain ritual. Travel back to the Ger camp for lunch. Visitthe Danzanravjaa Museum before boarding your overnight softsleeper train to Ulaanbaatar (train journey is 10.5 hours). (B,L,D)DAY 6: ULAANBAATARArrive into Ulaanbaatar early this morning. Visit the Choijin LamaTemple Museum and tour the Museum of Natural History. (B,L)DAY 7: ULAANBAATAR TO LAKE UGIIDepart for Hustai Nuruu National Park and view the many Przewalski’shorses in the area. After lunch, continue to Lake Ugii Ger camp for atwo night stay. (B,L,D)DAY 8: LAKE UGII – TSENKHER JIGUUR HOT SPRINGSTravel to the town of Tsetserleg, which lies on the slopes of theKhangai Mountains and visit the Zayain Khüree Museum. Afterwards,drive to the Tsenkher Jiguur Hot Springs. Here you can enjoy a horseride or relax in the hot springs. Return to Lake Ugii where the eveningis free at your leisure. (B,L,D)DAY 9: LAKE UGII TO OVORKHANGAIThis morning depart for Ovorkhangai and check into your Ger camp.Later, drive to Tuvkhun Monastery, which is located on a rockymountain hill surrounded by forests. (B,L,D)DAY 10: OVORKHANGAI – ERDENE ZUU MONASTERYDrive to Erdene Zuu Monastery, where you may have the chance tospeak to an abbot or a high ranking monk. Return to your Ger campand enjoy the rest of the day free at your leisure. (B,L,D)DAY 11: OVORKHANGAI TO ULAANBAATARAfter breakfast, transfer back to Ulaanbaatar. Stop en route at a localcashmere store and the State Department Store. (B,L,D)DAY 12: DEPART ULAANBAATARAfter check-out this morning you will be transferred to Ulaanbaatarairport where your arrangements end. (B)PRICES ARE FROM PER PERSON, BASED ON LOW SEASON #Category Twin Share Sole TravellerStandard $3,690 $5,840Includes: 4 nights hotel accommodation in Ulaanbaatar, 6 nightsaccommodation in Ger camps, 1 night on board a soft sleeper train in ashared 4 berth compartment, all transportation, private touring and entrancefees as specified with a local English-speaking guide and meals as listed.Note: Valid for travel from 15 June to 15 September only. Hotel upgrades inUlaanbaatar are available on request. It is not possible to upgrade Ger campsas they are all of the same standard.# Shoulder and high season surcharges apply.wendywutours.com.au 35

Independent TravelTaiwanTaiwan is situated approximately 160km from the south-easterncoast of China. Taiwan is regarded as one of the most diversedestinations in Asia and contains a world of contrasts frombeautiful natural landscapes to temples and lively cities. Its historyis one of constant change with the arrival of new cultures bringingchange to traditions, ideas and philosophies.Dragon and Tiger Pagoda, KaohsiungChihkan Tower, TainanTIMETaiwan is two hours behind Australian EST.CLIMATETaiwan enjoys an oceanic, sub-tropicalmonsoon climate. Weather conditionsfluctuate during spring and winter, while insummer and autumn the weather isrelatively stable. The warm and humidsummer lasts from May until Septemberwhen typhoons sometimes approach or hitthe country. The mild winter is fromDecember until February. The best time tovisit Taiwan is September to December andMarch to May when temperatures are cooland rainfall is at its lowest.Due to the unpredictable climate changesaround the world we strongly recommend youcheck the current weather at your destinationprior to your departure in order to packaccordingly.LANGUAGEThe official language of Taiwan is MandarinChinese. There is also a local dialect calledTaiwanese.CURRENCYThe local currency is known as the NewTaiwan Dollar (TWD).1AUD = 28TWD (approximately)ENTRY REQUIREMENTSPassports must be valid for 6 monthsbeyond the length of stay. Australianpassport holders are allowed to enter Taiwanwithout a visa for up to 30 days (noextensions permitted).Sun Moon Lake36 Reservations: 1300 727 998

TAINANTainan is the ancient capital ofTaiwan and the island’s oldestcity. It is also the fifth largest cityin Taiwan and is rich in historicsites and cultural heritage.KAOHSIUNGKaohsiung is thesecond largest city inTaiwan. Known as the‘harbour capital’,sightseeing includesFo Guang ShanMonastery, Spring and Autumn Pavilion and theDragon and Tiger Pagoda.TAIPEITAIWANLukangHualienSun Moon LakeTAIPEITaipei is the capital ofTaiwan and also the largestcity. Sightseeing in thisenergetic city includesTaipei 101, one of theworld’s tallest buildings,some of the greatestcollections of Chinesecultural relics and ChiangKai-Shek Memorial. Strollingalong the small alleywayswill give you an authentictaste of Taipei.TainanTaitungAccommodationKaohsiungHotel ratingStar ratings identify the standard of quality of accommodation.Differences may exist between the standard of some overseas hotelsand those in Australia. For example a four-star hotel in this region cannotbe compared to a four-star Australian hotel.Wendy Wu Tours has set high standards for the hotels used on our tours.All hotels are regularly inspected by Wendy Wu Tours’ staff and operatorsto ensure acceptable standards of safety, cleanliness and security.Maps are not to scale.These are indicative only.Scan code formore informationSuperior RoomtaipeiThe Landis Taipei is a four-star boutiquehotel ideally located close to many majortourist attractions and is a 10 minute walk tothe metro station. All guest rooms are wellequippedand elegantly decorated. The hotelhas three fine dining restaurants, a spa, freewi-fi and a fitness centre.sun moon lakeLeaLea Garden Hotel is a three-star hotelnestled on the shores of Sun Moon Lake. Thespacious guest rooms offer modernamenities and stunning views over the lake orsurrounding mountains. The hotel facilitiesinclude a restaurant, indoor swimming pool,sauna, gym and billiard room.TaitungToyugi Hot Spring Resort & Spa is a threestarhotel surrounded by greenery in a hotsprings area. Hotel facilities include hot andcold springs, a swimming pool and steamroom. All guest rooms are well-equippedwith modern amenities including LANinternet access.wendywutours.com.au 37

Independent TravelTaiwanAmazing Taiwan Seat-in-Coach Tour5 daysIndependent Seat-in-Coach Tour From $740 per person twin share - 5 Days - LAND CONTENT ONLYFo Guang Shan Monastery, KaohsiungThis seat-in-coach tour is operated by our partner in Taiwanand is therefore not a Wendy Wu Tours group tour. This seat-incoachtour departs on Sundays, on a join-in basis, with aminimum group size of two people.DAY 1: TAIPEI TO SUN MOON LAKEThis morning you will be met at your Taipei hotel to commence yourround island tour. You will have a brief photo-stop in Sanyi, awoodcarving village, before continuing on to Puli. Visit a paperworkshop and have a brief photo-stop at Paper Church. Continue toSun Moon Lake, Taiwan’s largest lake; the eastern part of the lake isround like the sun and the western side is shaped like a crescent moon.If time permits, stop at Tehua Village and Tse En Pagoda. The pagodawas built under the orders of Chiang Kai-Shek to honour the memory ofhis mother. It is an octagonal building, with three levels painted inwhite and another nine levels painted in golden red and is located atthe top of Mt. Sabalan.DAY 2: SUN MOON LAKE – TAINAN TO KAOHSIUNGDrive south to Tainan. Visit Chihkan Tower, originally named FortProvintia and built in 1653 by Dutch colonisers. Stop at the ConfuciusTemple to enjoy a walking tour around the surrounding area. Continueto Kaohsiung where you will visit the Spring and Autumn Pavilion andthe Dragon and Tiger Pagoda. (B)DAY 3: KAOHSIUNG TO TAITUNGRise early to visit Fo Guang Shan Monastery, the biggest BuddhistMonastery in Taiwan, where you will see the Buddhist Culture Museum,main shrine and Great Buddha Land, where there are hundreds ofBuddha statues. If time permits, explore the Buddha Memorial Centre tosee the world’s largest bronze statue of Buddha. Drive to Taitung, wherethere are natural hot springs at the hotel for you to relax in. (B)DAY 4: TAITUNG TO HUALIENDrive north along the east coast via Siaoyeliou, Dulan, Tunghe Bridge(where you may see wild monkeys) and Sansientai. Upon arrival intoHualien, the rest of the day is free at your leisure. (B)DAY 5: HUALIEN – TAROKO TO TAIPEIJourney to Taroko National Park. With its marble-walled gorges, lushflora and mountainous landscape, Taroko is one of Taiwan’s moststunning locations. It is a sanctuary for half of Taiwan’s plant and animalspecies. Visit locations such as Swallow Grotto, Eternal Spring Shrineand Taroko Gorge Gateway. Return to Taipei this afternoon via theSu-Hua Highway, stopping at the Chingshui Cliffs en route. Yourarrangements will end upon arrival at your Taipei hotel (atapproximately 1800hrs). (B)PRICES ARE FROM PER PERSON, BASED ON LOW SEASON #Category Twin Share Sole TravellerStandard $740 $1,035Superior $1,120 $1,585Includes: 4 nights accommodation, seat-in-coach touring (join-in-basis) asspecified with a local English-speaking guide including entrance fees andbreakfast daily.Note: This seat-in-coach tour departs on a Sunday. A minimum of twopeople is required for this tour to operate. Where less than six people arebooked, an English-speaking driver-guide may be used. A train may besubstituted between Hualien and Taipei in adverse weather conditions and alocally paid surcharge may apply.# Shoulder and high season, Christmas and Chinese New Year surchargesapply.38 Reservations: 1300 727 998

Taipei Stopover2 daysTaipei is Taiwan’s capital and largest city as well as its economic,political and cultural centre. It is a modern metropolis with a livelyatmosphere. Taipei is a city of interesting contrasts of the modernand traditional. Situated at the northern tip of Taiwan, Taipei wasfounded in the early 18th century under the Qing Dynasty rule.DAY 1: ARRIVE TAIPEIUpon arrival in Taipei airport you will be met and transferred to yourhotel. This afternoon enjoy a half-day seat-in-coach tour (join-in-basis)of Taipei city visiting the National Palace Museum, Martyrs’ Shrine,Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall, a Chinese temple, a local handicraftcentre and pass by the Presidential Office.DAY 2: DEPART TAIPEIAfter check-out this morning you will be transferred to Taipei airportwhere your arrangements end. (B)hy not?After enjoying your Taipei Stopover, why not extend your stay and explore theisland? See page 38 for our Amazing Taiwan seat-in-coach tour.Additional fees and taxes may apply.National Palace Museum, TaipeiPRICES ARE FROM PER PERSON, BASED ON LOW SEASON #Category Twin Share Sole TravellerStandard $190 $260Superior $245 $370Deluxe $340 $555Includes: 1 night accommodation, private transfers with driver only, seat-incoachtouring as specified with a local English-speaking driver-guideincluding entrance fees and meals as listed.Note: The half-day city tour is seat-in-coach and requires a minimum of twopeople to operate.# Shoulder, high season, weekend and public holiday surcharges apply.Taipei City Stay3 daysDAY 1: TAIPEIThis morning you will be met at your Taipei hotel to commence yourfull-day tour. Start with a visit to the Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall, amonument dedicated to the former leader. Inside are various artefactsincluding two of his Cadillacs, documents and items from his daily life.Take the high speed elevator to the observation deck on the 89th floorof the Taipei 101 building for a birds-eye view of Taipei. Later, exploreLungshan Temple and then Dihua Street known for its many Chinesemedicine shops. Finish the day at the National Palace Museum toadmire the Chinese imperial collections before returning to your hotel.The evening is free at your leisure.DAY 2: TAIPEIEnjoy a full-day tour of Taipei city, visiting Yangmingshan National Parkfor a light hike through the distinctive volcanic landscape. Later, have aphotostop at the Flower Clock, visit Zhongshan Hall and explore thelively night market. (B)DAY 3: DEPART TAIPEIYour arrangements end upon check-out of your hotel this morning. (B)hy not?Not ready to fly home yet? Why not travel to Hong Kong after your Taipei CityStay? See pages 46-47 for our Hong Kong packages and stopover options.Additional fees and taxes may apply.Taipei 101, TaipeiPRICES ARE FROM PER PERSON, BASED ON LOW SEASON #Category Twin Share Sole TravellerStandard $525 $935Superior $635 $1,215Deluxe $820 $1,485Includes: 2 nights accommodation, private touring as specified with a localEnglish-speaking driver-guide including entrance fees and meals as listed.# Shoulder, high season, weekend and public holiday surcharges apply.wendywutours.com.au 39

Independent TravelSouth KoreaSouth Korea is a country with distinctive features; the traditional andhistorical, as well as the sleek and cosmopolitan. These days mosttowns consist of a new fashionable area with coffee shops andkaraoke bars, but in these same towns you will also find the Korea ofold; alleyways and street markets in an intriguing maze wherevendors sell everything, just as they have done for hundreds of years.Haedong Yonggungsa Temple, BusanGyeongbokgung Palace, SeoulTIMESouth Korea is one hour behind AustralianEST.CLIMATEKorea has four distinct seasons. Spring fallsbetween late March to May, and autumnfalls between late September to November;these two seasons are the most comfortabletimes to travel. The winter months fromDecember to early March can plummet tobelow freezing, whereas the summermonths from June to early September arevery hot and humid. The rainy season inSouth Korea occurs from late June to earlyJuly and is known as the ‘changma’ season.Due to the unpredictable climate changesaround the world we strongly recommend youcheck the current weather at your destinationprior to your departure in order to packaccordingly.LANGUAGEThe official national language is Korean.CURRENCYThe local currency is known as the KoreanWon (KRW).1AUD = 964KRW (approximately)ENTRY REQUIREMENTSPassports must be valid for six monthsbeyond the length of stay. Visas are notrequired for Australian passport holdersentering Korea for stays of up to 90 days.Entrance to Seokguram Grotto, Gyeongju40 Reservations: 1300 727 998

SEOULSeoul is the capital of South Korea.As well as being one of the oldestcities, Seoul is also the country’sfinancial, political, commercial andcultural centre. The old and newmix in this dynamic city offers thevisitor plenty of sightseeing opportunities such as the famedGyeongbokgung Palace, Seoul Tower and Insadong Antique Alley.JEJU ISLAND (JEJU-SI)Jeju Island is Korea’s largest subtropicalisland located off thesouth coast. It boasts a treasurechest of tourist attractionsincluding many spectaculargeographical features such as theHallasan Volcano, beautiful beaches, impressive waterfalls andfauna. Its culture, traditions and dialect are also remarkablydifferent to those of the mainland.PanmunjeomSEOULGyeongjuSOUTH KOREABusanBusan is the second largestcity after Seoul. A dynamicport city offering a relaxedand laid back atmosphere,it boasts superb beaches,scenic cliffs and mountains.GunsanBusanAccommodationHotel ratingStar ratings identify the standard of quality of accommodation.Differences may exist between the standard of some overseas hotelsand those in Australia. For example a four-star hotel in this region cannotbe compared to a four-star Australian hotel.Wendy Wu Tours has set high standards for the hotels used on our tours.All hotels are regularly inspected by Wendy Wu Tours’ staff and operatorsto ensure acceptable standards of safety, cleanliness and security.Maps are not to scale.These are indicative only.MokpoJeju IslandScan code formore informationDeluxe RoomBEST WESTERN PREMIERINCHEON AIRPORT HOTELThe Best Western Premier Incheon AirportHotel is ideally located just a three-minutedrive from the airport by the free hotelshuttle. Hotel features include a restaurant,fitness centre and internet access. Guestrooms are well-equipped with a TV, in-roomsafe, minibar, tea/coffee making facilities andair conditioning.Standard RoomBEST WESTERN NEW SEOUL HOTELConveniently located in the city centre, theBest Western New Seoul Hotel is withinwalking distance to major attractions, suchas Deoksungung Palace andCheonggyecheon. Guest rooms are wellequippedwith modern décor and offerviews over the city. The hotel facilitiesinclude a restaurant, currency exchange andcomplimentary internet access.Deluxe RoomRAMADA HOTEL AND SUITESSEOUL NAMDAEMUNSituated minutes from the city centre andclose to the HOAM Art Hall, facilities at theRamada Hotel & Suites Seoul Namdaemuninclude free wi-fi internet access, a businesscentre and restaurant. The elegant guestrooms are spacious and include a TV, airconditioning, minibar and tea/coffeemaking facilities.wendywutours.com.au 41

Independent TravelSouth KoreaSeoul Short StaySeoul has been the capital of South Korea since the formationof the Republic of Korea in 1948. Twice occupied by communistforces during the Korean War, the city was extensively damagedand then rebuilt. Today it is Korea’s most populated city and thecentre of business, education and modern culture.4 daysDAY 1: ARRIVE SEOULUpon arrival at Seoul airport you will be met and transferred to yourhotel. The rest of the day is free at your leisure.DAY 2: SEOULEnjoy a full-day seat-in-coach tour of Seoul. Start the day by witnessingthe Royal Guard Changing Ceremony and exploring the many halls andpavilions at Gyeongbokgung Palace. Visit the National Folk Museum ofKorea, Jogyesa Temple, the Korean Folk Village and either a Ginseng orAmethyst Factory. (B,L)DAY 3: SEOULEnjoy the day free at your leisure to explore the many sights andsounds of Seoul. (B)DAY 4: DEPART SEOULAfter check-out this morning you will be transferred to Seoul airportwhere your arrangements end. (B)National Folk Museum of Korea, SeoulPRICES ARE FROM PER PERSON, BASED ON LOW SEASON #Category Twin Share Sole TravellerStandard $740 $1,270Superior $855 $1,550Deluxe $1,350 $2,395Includes: 3 nights accommodation, private transfers with driver only, seat-incoach(join-in-basis) touring as specified with a local English-speaking guideincluding entrance fees and meals as listed.# Shoulder and high season, Japanese holidays, weekend, Christmas andNew Year’s Eve dinner surcharges apply.Jeju Island Short StayJeju Island is a volcanic island located 130km off the south coast ofmainland Korea. The weather on Jeju Island remains significantlywarmer than the mainland even during the cold winter months.DAY 1: ARRIVE JEJU ISLANDUpon arrival at Jeju Island airport you will be met and transferred toyour hotel. The rest of the day is free at your leisure.DAY 2: JEJU ISLANDEnjoy a full-day seat-in-coach tour of Jeju Island. Visit Hallim Park to seeits sub-tropical gardens and mysterious lava caves. Take a light hike upSuweolbong Peak. After lunch visit Spirited Garden, Mt. Sanbangsan,and either Cheonjeyeon Waterfalls or the Teddy Bear Museum. Yourtour will finish in the downtown area and you will make your own wayback to your hotel using the supplied bus ticket. (B,L)DAY 3: JEJU ISLANDThis morning enjoy a full-day seat-in-coach tour to Sunrise Peak, a largevolcanic rock cone. You will also explore Manjanggul Lava Cave, theSeongeup Folk Village and the Sangumburi Crater. Your tour will finishin the downtown area, from where you will make your own way backto your hotel using the supplied bus ticket. (B,L)DAY 4: DEPART JEJU ISLANDAfter check-out this morning you will be transferred to Jeju Islandairport where your arrangements end. (B)Hallim Park, Jeju Island4 daysPRICES ARE FROM PER PERSON, BASED ON LOW SEASON #Category Twin Share Sole TravellerStandard $745 $1,250Superior $925 $1,475Deluxe $1,380 $2,340Includes: 3 nights accommodation, private transfers with driver only, twobus tickets, seat-in-coach (join-in-basis) touring as specified with a localEnglish-speaking guide including entrance fees and meals as listed.Note: Seat-in-coach tours are not available on Sundays.# Shoulder and high season, Japanese holidays, weekend, Christmas andNew Year’s Eve dinner surcharges apply.42 Reservations: 1300 727 998

Busan Short Stay4 daysBusan, the second largest city in Korea, is a dynamic port townfeaturing an abundance of places to explore. This package isdesigned to showcase Busan’s rich history and some of thewell-known sites, including Haedong Yonggungsa Temple,while along the way discovering the bustling Jagalchi FishMarket and Kukje Market.DAY 1: ARRIVE BUSANUpon arrival at Busan airport you will be met and transferred to yourhotel. The rest of the day is free at your leisure.DAY 2: BUSANEnjoy a full-day tour of this lively port city, including a visit to HaedongYonggungsa Temple, Nurimaru APEC House, Busan Tower, BIFF Square,Jagalchi Fish Market and Kukje Market. (B,L)DAY 3: BUSANEnjoy the day free at your leisure to further explore Busan. (B)DAY 4: DEPART BUSANAfter check-out this morning you will be transferred to Busan airportwhere your arrangements end. (B)Haedong Yonggungsa Temple, BusanPRICES ARE FROM PER PERSON, BASED ON LOW SEASON #Category Twin Share Sole TravellerStandard $850 $1,650Superior $990 $1,920Deluxe $1,195 $2,200Includes: 3 nights accommodation, private transfers with driver only,private touring as specified with a local English-speaking driver-guideincluding entrance fees and meals as specified.# Shoulder and high season, Japanese holidays, weekend, Christmas andNew Year’s Eve dinner surcharges apply.Busan & Gyeongju Short Stay4 daysGyeongju is well-known as the historical centre and capital of theformer Silla Kingdom, the most important period in South Koreanhistory. Located in the southeast of the peninsula, the town isnow almost an open-air museum where you will see two of theUNESCO World Heritage listed temples; the magnificent BulguksaTemple and the Seokguram Grotto.DAY 1: ARRIVE BUSANUpon arrival at Busan airport you will be met and transferred to yourhotel. The rest of the day is free at your leisure.DAY 2: BUSAN TO GYEONGJUEnjoy a half-day tour of the dynamic port city of Busan, including a visitto Haedong Yonggungsa Temple, Nurimaru APEC House, Busan Tower,BIFF Square, Jagalchi Fish Market and Kukje Market. Continue yourjourney to Gyeongju, the historical centre and capital of the former SillaKingdom. The remainder of the day is free at your leisure. (B,L)DAY 3: GYEONGJUBegin a full-day tour around Gyeongju visiting the magnificent BulguksaTemple and the Seokguram Grotto. You will also visit the NationalMuseum, home of the renowned Emille Bell and many priceless relics,Tumuli Park, Anapji Pond and Cheongseongdae, the world’s oldestastronomical observatory. (B,L)DAY 4: GYEONGJU – DEPART BUSANAfter check-out this morning you will be transferred to Busan airportwhere your arrangements end. (B)Bulguksa Temple, GyeongjuPRICES ARE FROM PER PERSON, BASED ON LOW SEASON #Category Twin Share Sole TravellerStandard $1,320 $2,615Superior $1,540 $2,940Includes: 3 nights accommodation, private transfers with driver only, privatetouring as specified with a local English-speaking driver-guide includingentrance fees and meals as specified.# Shoulder and high season, Japanese holidays, weekend, Christmas andNew Year’s Eve dinner surcharges apply.wendywutours.com.au 43

Stopover DestinationsHong KongHong Kong has transformed from a small fishing village to one of theworld’s most exciting cities. The bustling sidewalks, skyscrapers andneon signs can seem chaotic at first, but Hong Kong is known forbeing safe and easy to navigate. It offers visitors a dynamic mix of theeast and west, with over 150 years of colonial history and agelessChinese traditions, teamed with numerous attractions, unrivalledshopping and a vast array of food choices.Skyline, Hong KongPo Lin Monastery, Hong KongHONG KONG ISLANDHong Kong, meaning ‘fragrant harbour’, ishome to some of the regions most iconicattractions. Take the Peak Tram, a 120-yearoldfunicular railway, to the top of VictoriaPeak for a panoramic view of the city. VisitRepulse Bay with its crescent-shaped beach,popular with locals and tourists. Relax whileenjoying a sampan ride around Aberdeen fora glimpse of traditional life on the fishingboats. Stroll through Stanley Market andbrowse through its many small shops sellingsouvenirs and knick-knacks, or visit CausewayBay’s shopping malls and department stores.On the southern side of the island, OceanPark provides fun for the whole family,featuring thrill rides, animal exhibits andshows. Hong Kong Island is a metropoliswith something for everyone.KOWLOON PENINSULAKowloon is the peninsula to the north ofHong Kong. Its name, meaning ‘NineDragons’, comes from its eight tallestmountains with the ‘ninth dragon’ being theSong Dynasty’s Emperor Bing who named it.Kowloon is jam-packed with shopping44 Reservations: 1300 727 998districts to explore and eateries to samplelocal dishes. Shop for a bargain at TempleStreet Night Markets and the Ladies Marketsor enjoy world-class shopping along NathanRoad, Tsim Sha Tsui. Take an evening strollalong the Avenue of Stars and watch VictoriaHarbour light up at night with thespectacular laser light show, Symphony ofLights. Kowloon is constantly buzzing withactivity and will leave a memorableimpression on all who visit.THE NEW TERRITORIESAlso known as the ‘Land Between’, the NewTerritories stretches from the north ofKowloon up to the border of mainlandChina. With a mix of rural areas, mountains,country parks, temples and monasteries, theNew Territories offers visitors an escape fromthe energy of Hong Kong Island andKowloon and a chance to experiencetraditional rural life in Hong Kong.LANTAU ISLANDLantau Island is the largest of Hong Kong’soutlying islands and offers beautiful sceneryalong with famous historical sites andthemed attractions. Take a scenic cable carride to the culturally themed Ngong PingVillage. Visit the majestic Tian Tan Buddha,which sits 34m tall and draws pilgrims fromall over Asia. Experience a world of magicaladventures at Hong Kong Disneyland whereyou can meet your favourite characters andenjoy the fun-filled shows and rides. HongKong International Airport is linked to LantauIsland, offering visitors easy access to HongKong Island and Kowloon.AIRPORT TRANSFERSHong Kong Island and Kowloon are locatedapproximately 30 minutes from Hong KongInternational Airport. Seat-in-coach transfersare available for arrival transfers every 30minutes between 0630 and 2330hrs and fordeparture transfers every 60 minutesbetween 0530 and 2100hrs. Passengerstravelling to or from the airport outside thesehours may require a private car transfer.AIRPORT EXPRESS TRAINAirport Express trains run daily every 10-12minutes from 0550 to 0115hrs. It isapproximately 21 minutes from the airportto Kowloon Mass Transit Railway (MTR)Station and approximately 24 minutes toHong Kong MTR Station. A free shuttle busservice takes passengers from Kowloon orHong Kong stations to most major hotelsand transport interchanges. Passengerstravelling back to the airport on the AirportExpress train can check-in their luggage atKowloon or Hong Kong stations between90 minutes and one full-day ahead of theirscheduled flight departure time.Scan code formore information

ACCOMMODATIONA booking fee applies to bookings of threenights or less. Contact our reservationsdepartment for a more extensive range ofhotels. Availability is on a request basis. Hotelcheck-in time in Hong Kong is generally1400hrs and check-out is 1200hrs.Meals in our Hong Kong packages onpages 46-47 are indicated as follows:(B)=breakfast (L)=lunch.Kowloon HotelsMETROPARK HOTEL KOWLOON HHHHMetropark Hotel Kowloon is situated at theheart of Kowloon and offers a free shuttle busservice to and from Mong Kok and Tsim ShaTsui. The hotel has two restaurants, a bar,rooftop swimming pool and free broadbandinternet access in all guest rooms.EATON, HONG KONGHHHHEaton, Hong Kong is located in the heart ofNathan Road in downtown Kowloon, only afew minutes stroll from Jordan Mass TransitRailway (MTR) Station. The hotel offers 465well-appointed and custom designed guestrooms and suites and features restaurants, abar and a café.THE Kowloon Hotel HHHHThe Kowloon Hotel is conveniently located atthe heart of Nathan Road’s Golden Mileshopping district. The MTR and Star Ferry arewithin walking distance of the hotel. Thehotel has several restaurants and bars tochoose from and all guest rooms have modernamenities for business and leisure travellers.Harbour Plaza 8 Degrees HHHHThe award winning Harbour Plaza 8 Degreesis devoted to providing the ultimate uniqueHong Kong hotel experience. The hotel offersspacious and modern guest rooms withimpressive views of the city and includesmodern amenities. Located within walkingdistance of the Kowloon City Ferry Pier, thefacilities at the hotel include a fitness centre,swimming pool and two restaurants.KOWLOON SHANGRI-LA,HONG KONGHHHHHPoised along the waterfront, the awardwinningKowloon Shangri-La, Hong Kongoffers 688 spacious guest rooms with luxuriouscomfort. Its breathtaking views of VictoriaHarbour are rivalled only by its legendaryhospitality. Featuring seven renownedrestaurants, a bar and lounge, this deluxe hotelis the first choice for discerning travellers.Langham Place Mongkok HHHHHThe Langham Place Mongkok offers luxuryaccommodation in a vibrant location in theheart of Kowloon within walking distance tonight markets and the MTR. With innovativerestaurants and bars, including the MichelinStar Ming Court, there are several diningoptions. Other hotel facilities include theChuan Spa, rooftop swimming pool andfitness studio. Guest rooms have floor-toceilingwindows and equipped withstate-of-the-art amenities.HARBOUR GRAND KOWLOON HHHHHHarbour Grand Kowloon is just momentsfrom the city’s busiest areas. The hotel is wellappointedwith 554 spacious guest roomsand suites, six outstanding restaurants, aswimming pool, fitness centre, spa andbeauty services.Hong Kong Island HotelsMIRA MoonHHHHMira Moon is a boutique hotel located in theheart of Causeway Bay within walkingdistance to the Wan Chai Star Ferry Pier andMTR. This unique hotel presents acontemporary interpretation of Chinesetradition. Guest rooms are stylishly designedand have modern and tech-friendly amenitiesincluding wi-fi and iPod docks. Facilities at thehotel include a fitness centre, open-air terraceand currency exchange.REGAL HONG KONG HOTEL HHHHSituated in the heart of Causeway Bay, theRegal Hong Kong Hotel offers 482 guestrooms in an elegant style, together with fourexquisite dining establishmentsserving Cantonese, Western and Italiancuisine, a rooftop swimming pool and afitness centre.Harbour Grand Hong Kong HHHHHLocated steps away from Victoria Harbour, theHarbour Grand Hong Kong is ideally locatedin the heart of Hong Kong Island, nearCauseway Bay, Wanchai and Central, andwithin walking distance of MTR stations.Facilities at the hotel include an outdoorswimming pool, fitness centre and day spaand several restaurants. Guest rooms have awarm modern-classic décor, modernamenities and views of the harbour.Souvenirs, Hong Kongwendywutours.com.au 45

Stopover DestinationsHong KongHong Kong GlimpsesDAY 1: ARRIVE HONG KONGUpon arrival at Hong Kong airport you will be met and transferred toyour hotel. The rest of the day is free at your leisure.DAY 2: HONG KONGEnjoy a half-day seat-in-coach tour around Hong Kong Island visitingStanley Market, Victoria Peak and Aberdeen Fishing Village, where youmay wish to take an optional sampan ride (at your own expense) to geta closer look at the fishing boats. (B)3 daysDAY 3: DEPART HONG KONGAfter check-out this morning you will be transferred to Hong Kongairport where your arrangements end. (B)Victoria Harbour, Hong KongPRICES ARE FROM PER PERSON, BASED ON LOW SEASON #Hong Kong Hotel Twin Share Sole TravellerHarbour Plaza 8 Degrees $350 $510Eaton, Hong Kong $392 $590The Kowloon Hotel $406 $626Includes: 2 nights accommodation, seat-in-coach transfers and touring asspecified with a local English-speaking guide including entrance fees andmeals as listed.Note: Seat-in-coach transfer after hours surcharges apply. Half-day seat-incoachHong Kong Island tour requires a minimum group size of twopassengers to operate. Pick-up is available from most city hotels.# Shoulder and high season, Christmas and New Year’s Eve dinner surchargesapply.Hong Kong in Focus4 daysDAY 1: ARRIVE HONG KONGUpon arrival at Hong Kong airport you will be met and transferred toyour hotel. The rest of the day is free at your leisure.DAY 2: HONG KONGEnjoy a half-day seat-in-coach tour around Hong Kong Island visitingStanley Market, Victoria Peak and Aberdeen Fishing Village, where youmay wish to take an optional sampan ride (at your own expense). (B)DAY 3: HONG KONGDiscover Lantau Island during a full-day seat-in-coach tour. Visit CheungSha Beach, Tai O Fishing Village, Po Lin Monastery and the Big Buddha.Enjoy a vegetarian lunch and ride the Ngong Ping Cable Car. (B,L)DAY 4: DEPART HONG KONGAfter check-out this morning you will be transferred to Hong Kongairport where your arrangements end. (B)hy not?Looking for more cities to discover? Why not travel across to Macau and discoverits history and unique fusion of cultures? See pages 48-49 for our Macaupackages and hotel options.Additional fees and taxes may apply.Boats, Aberdeen Fishing VillagePRICES ARE FROM PER PERSON, BASED ON LOW SEASON #Hong Kong Hotel Twin Share Sole TravellerEaton, Hong Kong $654 $954Harbour Grand Kowloon $807 $1,212Kowloon Shangri-La, Hong Kong $1,158 $1,869Includes: 3 nights accommodation, seat-in-coach transfers and touring asspecified with a local English-speaking guide including entrance fees andmeals as listed.Note: Seat-in-coach transfer after hours surcharges apply. Seat-in-coach toursrequires a minimum group size of two passengers to operate. Pick-up isavailable from most city hotels.# Shoulder and high season, Christmas and New Year’s Eve dinner surchargesapply.46 Reservations: 1300 727 998

Hong Kong DisneylandDAY 1: ARRIVE HONG KONGUpon arrival at Hong Kong airport you will be met and transferred toyour hotel. The rest of the day is free at your leisure.4 days©DisneyDAY 2: HONG KONG DISNEYLANDMake your own way to Hong Kong Disneyland over the next two days.Step into seven themed lands, enjoy the thrill and excitement of highquality rides, meet your favourite Disney characters and watch amazingBroadway-style shows. (B)DAY 3: HONG KONG DISNEYLANDMake your own way to Hong Kong Disneyland and spend another dayenjoying its many attractions at your leisure. (B)DAY 4: DEPART HONG KONGAfter check-out this morning you will be transferred to Hong Kongairport where your arrangements end. (B)Hong Kong DisneylandUse of Disney licensed materials is permitted by Hong Kong Disneyland under itsagreement with Associated Tours. As to Disney artwork, logos and properties:©DisneyPRICES ARE FROM PER PERSON, BASED ON LOW SEASON #Hong Kong Hotel Twin Share Sole Traveller Child*Disney’s Hollywood Hotel $912 $1,499 $262Eaton, Hong Kong $838 $1,405 $217Regal Hong Kong Hotel $736 $1,184 $257Includes: 3 nights accommodation, seat-in-coach transfers as specified,2-Day General Admission Ticket to Hong Kong Disneyland and meals as listed.* Child prices are based on one child aged 3-11 years, sharing a room with two adultsand using existing bedding.Note: Seat-in-coach transfer after hours surcharges apply. 2-Day GeneralAdmission Ticket is not valid for Disney’s Designated Days.# Shoulder and high season, Christmas and New Year’s Eve dinner surchargesapply.Flavours of Hong Kong4 daysDine at one of the world’s largest floating restaurants and samplea variety of local specialties in Hong Kong Island’s Central andSheung Wan neighbourhoods.DAY 1: ARRIVE HONG KONGUpon arrival at Hong Kong airport you will be met and transferred toyour hotel. The rest of the day is free at your leisure.DAY 2: HONG KONGEnjoy a half-day seat-in-coach tour around Hong Kong Island visitingStanley Market, Victoria Peak and Aberdeen Fishing Village. Take asampan shuttle to the Jumbo Floating Restaurant and enjoy asumptuous dim sum lunch. The afternoon is free to enjoy at yourleisure. (B,L)DAY 3: HONG KONG – CENTRAL AND SHEUNG WANThis morning is free to enjoy at your leisure. Later this afternoon, makeyour own way to the starting point for your half-day (join-in-basis)walking tour, exploring the Central and Sheung Wan areas as yousample a variety of specialties and learn how the locals prepare foodsand drinks. Be sure to wear comfortable walking shoes, as you will needto climb steps and slopes during this tour. After your tour, make yourown way back to your hotel. (B,L)DAY 4: DEPART HONG KONGAfter check-out this morning you will be transferred to Hong Kongairport where your arrangements end. (B)Dim Sum, Hong KongPRICES ARE FROM PER PERSON, BASED ON LOW SEASON #Hong Kong Hotel Twin Share Sole TravellerRegal Hong Kong Hotel $735 $1,047Harbour Grand Hong Kong $798 $1,173Mira Moon, Hong Kong* $1,026 $1,626Includes: 3 nights accommodation, seat-in-coach transfers, seat-in-coachtouring on Day 2 and join-in-basis touring on Day 3 as specified with a localEnglish-speaking guide including entrance fees and meals as listed.Note: Seat-in-coach transfer after hours surcharges apply. Half-day seat-incoachHong Kong Island tour and join-in basis walking tour both require aminimum group size of two passengers to operate. Pick-up is available frommost city hotels for the Hong Kong Island tour.* Only double bedding is available at this property.# Shoulder and high season, Christmas and New Year’s Eve dinner surchargesapply.wendywutours.com.au 47

Stopover DestinationsMacauScan code formore informationMacau is located 60km south-west of Hong Kong and consists of theMacau Peninsula and the islands of Taipa and Coloane. The name‘Macau’ honours the Goddess of Seafarers, as it has long been a placeof shipping and trade. With baroque-style churches, traditionalChinese buildings, gardens and temples, there is much more toMacau than just glitzy casinos.Portuguese Architecture, MacauA-Ma Temple, MacauMACAU PENINSULAThe Macau Peninsula is home to Macau’smost iconic attractions such as the UNESCOWorld Heritage listed European-stylebuildings in the Historic Centre of Macau,Senado Square with its patternedcobblestone pavement, the A-Ma Temple,Guia Fortress and Lighthouse, and the Ruinsof St. Paul’s.TAIPATaipa Island provides a mix of Chinese charm,Portuguese architecture and modern casinos.Taipa Village has a number of shop-housestypical of southern China and the 100m-longRua da Cunha (‘Food Street’) is lined withgourmet restaurants. The Cotai Strip offerstop-class entertainment, dining and retailoptions as well as a number of luxury hotelsand resorts.COLOANEMacau’s countryside, Coloane, was once asmall fishing village frequented by pirates. Astroll through the narrow streets of Coloanewill reveal old-world charms, including St.Francis Xavier Chapel. It is here you will findLord Stow’s Bakery, serving up deliciousPortuguese egg tarts.48 Reservations: 1300 727 998Getting to and around MacauMacau is easily accessible by jetfoil fromHong Kong Macau Ferry Terminal in HongKong or from China Ferry Terminal inKowloon. All visitors to Macau must hold avalid passport. Australian passport holdersdo not require a visa for Macau. Upon arrivalin Macau you will find that many of thehotels have shuttle buses waiting at theMacau Ferry Terminal, which run betweenthe hotel, ferry terminal and the Cotai Strip.SkyPier at Hong Kong International Airportprovides an efficient ferry service fortransferring passengers to/from Macau,making it a convenient stopover option fortravellers to China.ACCOMMODATIONA booking fee applies to bookings of threenights or less. Contact our reservationsdepartment for a more extensive range ofhotels. Availability is based on request. Hotelcheck-in time in Macau is generally 1400hrsand check-out is 1200hrs.Meals in our Macau packages on page 49are indicated as follows: (B)=breakfast,(L)=lunch.Cotai HotelHOLIDAY INN MACAO HHHHHoliday Inn Macao is located at the heart ofSands® Cotai Central. Facilities include ahealth club, casino, restaurant and outdoorswimming pool. All guest rooms areequipped with floor-to-ceiling windowsand modern amenities.TAIPA HOTELREGENCY HOTEL MACAU HHHThe Regency Hotel Macau is just ten minutesaway from the city centre, nestled in threeacres of greenery, and offers total comfortand convenience for all travellers. The guestrooms are comfortable and well-equipped.The hotel offers an outdoor swimming pool,tennis court, fitness centre and restaurant.MACAU PENINSULA HOTELSGRAND EMPEROR HOTEL HHHGrand Emperor is only 10 minutes from theMacau Ferry Terminal by complimentaryshuttle. Each guest room conveys a cosy andstylish atmosphere, allowing guests to enjoythe lively atmosphere of the city.METROPARK HOTELHHHHMetropark Hotel Macau is located in theheart of Macau, five minutes by car fromMacau Ferry Terminal and close to majorshopping and entertainment districts. Thehotel features include a revolving restaurant,swimming pool and a fitness centre.GRAND LAPA HOTEL HHHHHSituated steps from the Macau FerryTerminal, the Grand Lapa Hotel is in afantastic location in central Macau. The guestrooms are elegantly designed with orientaltouches. Features include a spa, swimmingpools, a rock climbing wall, childrens’ centreand a selection of renowned restaurants.

Taste of MacauDAY 1: ARRIVE MACAUFrom the Macau Ferry Terminal, board your hotel shuttle bus to transferto your Macau hotel. The rest of the day is free at your leisure.DAY 2: MACAUThis morning you will be picked up from your Macau hotel or MacauFerry Terminal for your full-day seat-in-coach city tour of Macau. VisitPenha Hill, A-Ma Temple and Macau Tower (outside visit only). After aPortuguese-style lunch, see the Kun Iam Statue, Fisherman’s Wharf andthe UNESCO World Heritage listed Ruins of St. Paul’s. Finish the day atthe Venetian Resort and make your own way back to your hotel. Enjoythe evening free at your leisure. (B,L)DAY 3: DEPART MACAUAfter check-out this morning take the hotel shuttle bus to the MacauFerry Terminal where your arrangements end. (B)Kun Iam Statue, Macau3 daysPRICES ARE FROM PER PERSON, BASED ON LOW SEASON #Macau Hotel Twin Share Sole TravellerRegency Hotel Macau $245 $410Grand Emperor Hotel $315 $540Metropark Hotel $330 $570Grand Lapa Hotel $350 $585Includes: 2 nights accommodation, hotel shuttle bus transfers in Macau,seat-in-coach touring as specified with a local English-speaking guideincluding entrance fees and meals as listed.Note: Ferry tickets between Hong Kong city/airport and Macau are notincluded, but can be added at an additional cost. This itinerary can also bebooked as a private tour. Please contact our reservations department forpricing and information.# Thursday, Friday and Saturday night, shoulder and high season, Christmasand New Year’s Eve dinner surcharges apply.Macau in FocusDAY 1: ARRIVE MACAUFrom the Macau Ferry Terminal board your hotel shuttle bus to transferto your Macau hotel. The rest of the day is free at your leisure.DAY 2: MACAUThis morning you will be picked up from your Macau hotel or MacauFerry Terminal for your full-day seat-in-coach city tour of Macau. VisitPenha Hill, A-Ma Temple and Macau Tower (outside visit only). After aPortuguese-style lunch, see the Kun Iam Statue, Fisherman’s Wharf andthe UNESCO World Heritage listed Ruins of St. Paul’s. Finish the day atthe Venetian Resort and make your own way back to your hotel. Enjoythe evening free at your leisure. (B,L)DAY 3: MACAUEnjoy the day free at your leisure to further explore Macau. Try one ofthe self-guided walking tours in the Old Quarter of Macau or exploreCotai’s impressive resort complexes, their attractions and shows (at yourown expense). (B)DAY 4: DEPART HONG KONGAfter check-out this morning take the hotel shuttle bus to the MacauFerry Terminal where your arrangements end. (B)Skyline, Macau4 daysPRICES ARE FROM PER PERSON, BASED ON LOW SEASON #Macau Hotel Twin Share Sole TravellerRegency Hotel Macau $330 $585Grand Emperor Hotel $440 $770Metropark Hotel $455 $815Grand Lapa Hotel $475 $840Includes: 3 nights accommodation, hotel shuttle bus transfers in Macau,seat-in-coach touring as specified with a local English-speaking guideincluding entrance fees and meals as listed.Note: Ferry tickets between Hong Kong city/airport and Macau are notincluded, but can be added at an additional cost. This itinerary can also bebooked as a private tour. Please contact our reservations department forpricing and information.# Thursday, Friday and Saturday night, shoulder and high season, Christmasand New Year’s Eve dinner surcharges apply.wendywutours.com.au 49

Booking ConditionsIt is important that you read and understand thefollowing conditions before making your booking.RESERVATION AND DEPOSIT Prices are subject to airlineavailability at the time of booking. Please complete and forward theBooking Form accompanied by a deposit of $300 per person toWendy Wu Tours or your travel agent to arrive within three days ofreceiving confirmation that the company is holding space for you.Wendy Wu Tours reserves the right to correct any errors in ratesquoted or calculated, or any omissions made at any time duringyour booking. Any verbal quote given is an indication only of thefinal price and is subject to confirmation in writing.RECEIPT OF DEPOSIT By sending a deposit the client agrees tobe bound by the terms and conditions set forth in this <strong>brochure</strong>.BALANCE OF PAYMENT The final balance of the travelarrangements is due at Wendy Wu Tours no later than 60 days priorto the confirmed tour departure date as confirmed by acceptanceof the booking. Failure to pay in full by the due date may result inan additional cost which will be passed on as a late payment fee ofno less than $30 per booking or cancellation at the discretion of thecompany. Wendy Wu Tours reserves the right to request a partialpayment of the final balance more than 60 days prior to departure(e.g. airfare portion) in the event that airline tickets need to beissued by our office or by our operators overseas due to airlineticketing time limits. Payments by credit cards will incur a fee.LATE BOOKINGS Bookings made less than 60 days prior todeparture will incur a late booking fee of no less than $30 perbooking which is payable along with the final payment. Paymentmust be made in full within three days after the company confirmsthat it is holding space. If payment is not so made, Wendy Wu Toursshall have the right to cancel the booking at its discretion. Thebookings may also incur additional fees including any applicableurgent visa processing fees. Bookings made less than 30 days prior todeparture will incur a late booking fee of $50 per booking and mustbe paid along with the final payment at the time of booking. Thesebookings may also incur additional fees. Wendy Wu Tours does notprocess visa applications for bookings made less than 30 days prior todeparture but customers are entitled to apply for their own visas.FEES AND CHARGES All fully inclusive group tours indicated inthe <strong>brochure</strong> are based on group travel and any deviation from theset itinerary may incur additional airline ticket costs plus aBreakaway Fee of $100 per person. Arrangements such as transfers,accommodation etc. outside the set group arrangements/dates areat an additional cost and are not covered by the Breakaway Fee.AIRLINE FUEL LEVY SURCHARGE Since 2004 all airlines servicingflights to Asia have been charging a fuel levy surcharge, on top of thenormal airline ticket price, in order to cover the increased cost ofaviation fuel. As fuel prices have fluctuated, so too has the amountthe airlines charge for this levy. This amount is detailed against everytour featured in this <strong>brochure</strong> and will also be advised to you at thetime of your booking and is subject to change until your airline ticketis issued.AMENDMENT & BOOKING FEES The following fees will apply:Amendments to confirmed and deposited itineraries outside of 30days prior to departure where the value of the booking isdecreased - $25 per change (a change to the booking thatincreases the value will incur no fee).Amendments within 30 days of departure - $50 per change.Transferring between tours (outside 60 days) - $100 per person.Transfer fees must be paid at the time of change.Transferring between tours (within 60 days) - See ‘Cancellation byCustomer’ for applicable fees and details.Reissue of airline tickets - From $100 per person (other fees mayapply).Bookings of only 3 nights accommodation or less - $30 perbooking.Rail tickets and passes only - $50 per booking.Once a booking is confirmed name transfers are not permitted asthis will be regarded as a cancellation.CANCELLATION BY CUSTOMER All cancellations must be madein writing to Wendy Wu Tours and will be subject to the followingcancellation charges from the date the written cancellation isreceived:1. More than 60 days prior to departure; loss of deposit plus anyadministration fees2. Between 59-50 days prior to departure; 25% of total tour cost3. Between 49-46 days prior to departure; 50% of total tour cost4. 45 days or less prior to departure; 100% of total tour cost5. Any ‘no show’; 100% of total tour costIn the event of a cancellation any refunds will be less administrationfees including visa, transfer fees, fuel surcharge and any other airlinecancellation fees and any applicable amendment fees. Regrettably,cancellation charges and fees cannot be waived. There can be noexceptions. No refund will be made for any unused portions of theholiday after the departure date. Please note that employees of anyoverseas company or staff of Wendy Wu Tours outside Australia arenot authorised to give any guarantees or agreements to customersin respect of refunds or any other matters.CANCELLATION BY WENDY WU TOURS Wendy Wu Toursreserves the right to cancel or vary a tour prior to departure due toinsufficient numbers. In such an event alternative guaranteed traveldates will be offered. Should these options not be acceptableWendy Wu Tours will refund the full price paid, less visa cost. If a touris cancelled or varied prior to departure due to unforeseeablecircumstances such as, but not restricted to, severe weatherconditions or force majeure, Wendy Wu Tours will refund all moniesprior to departure less visa cost, fuel surcharge and any cancellation50 Reservations: 1300 727 998fees levied by airlines and other third parties. Unforeseeablecircumstances such as force majeure, adverse weather, flightrescheduling, hotel overbooking and faults with transportation orroad conditions may also have an effect on the tour itinerary afterthe commencement date. Any decision made in respect of tourservices by independent operators to re-route or amend theitinerary due to any of the above or similar circumstances is at thediscretion of the tour service provider and Wendy Wu Tours shallnot be liable for any claim whatsoever arising from such events.REFUSAL OF CARRIAGE Wendy Wu Tours retains the right toremove customers from our group tours for reasons that impact onthe enjoyment or safety of other tour members, such as, but notlimited to, the physical, medical or mental inability of customers toundertake the arrangements of the tour, unsocial or unrulybehaviour, or the carriage of prohibited substances and materials.HOTEL DESCRIPTIONS, MAPS & PICTURES Hotel descriptionsfeatured in this <strong>brochure</strong> are based on current hotel guidesprovided by suppliers and contractual agreements. Any facilitiesdescribed are subject to change at any time. Maps and photographsare included for general information only and may not necessarilyreflect actual routings, location or services. Wendy Wu Tours hasmade reasonable enquiries to verify that the descriptions and detailsare accurate but does not warrant that they are.TRAVEL INSURANCE It is strongly recommended that allcustomers travelling with Wendy Wu Tours are adequately coveredby insurance for the duration of their travel arrangements. WendyWu Tours cannot in any way be made liable for any cost incurredby the customer on any tour.HEALTH REQUIREMENTS All customers are required tofamiliarise themselves with any health requirements specific to thecountries being visited. All customers are given a link to downloada copy of the Medical Information Form and Tour Dossier with theirquote or deposit documents. Customers who fit the criteria set outon the Medical Information Form, including those who have anymedical/dietary requirements, must complete and return thisdocument with their Booking Form. All customers should visit theirdoctor for these aforementioned purposes and/or to confirm thatthey are physically able to undertake the day-to-day requirementsof the tour. Should any ailments either exist at the time of booking,or arise before their departure from Australia, the customer mustinform Wendy Wu Tours of these by completing a MedicalInformation Form.TRAVEL DOCUMENTS A passport with a minimum of six monthsvalidity is required for customers travelling to all countries in ourprogramme. Visa fees are included for Australian passport holdersin our Mongolia & the Naadam Festival fully inclusive group tour.Non-Australian passport holders will incur additional fees. Ifpassports are not received by Wendy Wu Tours 60 days prior todeparture, the customer will be required to pay an urgent visaprocessing fee. Unless otherwise requested your passport will bereturned with final documentation approximately two weeks priorto your departure date. If the customer requests the passports to bereturned prior to this, an additional fee will be incurred.Responsibility for documentation accuracy, passport validity anddispatch of documents rests with the customer. Wendy Wu Toursaccepts no responsibility for any failure in this respect. If you chooseto process your own visa, you are responsible for the accuracy andtimely processing of the visa. Wendy Wu Tours accepts noresponsibility for errors or delays in this respect. Wendy Wu Toursdoes not issue foreign visas. We only submit passports andapplication forms for visas to be issued by the relevant authorities.Wendy Wu Tours cannot guarantee that any visa will be issued bythe relevant authority and accepts no responsibility if a visaapplication is refused. Any cancellation fees or other expensesincurred by the customer due to the refusal of a visa will be entirelythe customer’s liability.CONSULAR ADVICE We recommend that you reviewinformation provided by the Australian Department of ForeignAffairs and Trade prior to making your booking by calling 1300 555135 or by visiting their website www.dfat.gov.au for the latestinformation. We strongly recommend that you familiarise yourselfwith the latest Government Consular advice and information.SINGLE TRAVELLERS Single travellers on fully inclusive grouptours may avoid paying the Single Hotel Room Option by opting totravel on a ‘willing to share’ basis. Wendy Wu Tours will endeavourto match a single traveller with another suitable single traveller ofthe same gender. In the event that we are unable to confirm ashare partner, Wendy Wu Tours will confirm a single room at allhotel accommodation and waive the Single Hotel Room Option.TIPPING Tipping is a firm and expected element in the tourismindustry today and Mongolia is no exception. The nominatedtipping amount is to be given to your National Escort at thebeginning of your group tour upon arrival at your destination andthey will do all necessary tipping on your behalf throughout yourtour. Participation in the tipping scheme is a necessary componentof travelling on our fully inclusive programmes. The amountpayable for Mongolia & the Naadam Festival is shown in the tourprice and Wendy Wu Tours will advise the exact amount requiredon your final documentation. Tipping amounts will range fromUS$100 to US$120 per person based on the tour itinerary andlength and are subject to change at any time. Tipping is not part ofthe culture in Japan and therefore is not required during our fullyinclusive group tours in Japan. Tipping for independent travel is notcompulsory and is at the customers’ own discretion. However,independent guides and drivers do expect a tip where goodservice has been provided and as such we will provide you withappropriate estimates based on the duration of your arrangements.SHOPPING Shopping can be fun and entertaining, especially inlocal markets, where many copies of international brand names canbe purchased for next to nothing. However, Wendy Wu Tours, itsstaff and employees are not qualified nor permitted to ensure orguarantee the quality or value of any goods purchased or thesuitability of any retail outlets visited and the security of using acredit card to purchase such goods. In all cases the purchasing ofgoods and the use of a credit card for those transactions is entirelyat the customer’s own risk and at all times the customer must usetheir own discretion.RESPONSIBILITY Wendy Wu Tours (herewith called theCompany) acts as a co-ordinator for all persons taking these tours inthe making of all arrangements for transportation, sightseeing andhotel accommodation. The Company does not own, manage,control or operate any transportation vehicle, any hotel orrestaurant or any other supplier of services. All receipts and ticketsare issued subject to the terms and conditions specified by thesupplier and all services are subject to the laws of the countrywhere the services are provided. The Company acts only as anagent for the owners, contractors and suppliers of transportationand/or other related travel services provided and assumes noresponsibility for the loss, theft or damage to baggage or propertyor for any injury, illness or death or for any damages or claimswhatsoever caused arising directly or indirectly from accidents, loss,theft or damage to person or property, delays, transport failure,strikes, wars and uprisings or acts of God etc. over which theCompany has no control. We strongly urge all customers toundertake a high level of personal responsibility in order to ensurethat possessions, equipment and personal documents are closelymonitored and protected at all times.SEATBELTS Seatbelts are compulsory by law in Japan and mustbe worn at all times while in any vehicle. In other destinationsfeatured in this <strong>brochure</strong>, seatbelts are not compulsory by law,therefore the local people largely choose not to wear them. For thisreason local operators may or may not have seatbelts in vehicles orthey may be hidden underneath protective seat covers. It isrecommended that where seatbelts are available customers mustuse them and remain seated at all times while the vehicle ismoving. As such, customers acknowledge that seatbelts may notbe available and therefore travel at their own risk. Customerswarrant that they shall not make any claim howsoever arising forinjury or damage in respect of, arising from or contributed to by theabsence of seatbelts and hereby release Wendy Wu Tours from allsuch claims.PROCEDURES FOR LODGING COMPLAINTS OR CLAIMS AtWendy Wu Tours we are committed to ensuring that we deal withcomplaints effectively and efficiently. Should the customer not besatisfied with any aspect of their arrangements they mustimmediately inform the National Escort or Local Guide who willendeavour to resolve the issue at the time. If this is not possible andyou wish to lodge a complaint or claim this must be done inwriting to Wendy Wu Tours in Sydney (or by email tocustomerrelations@wendywutours.com.au) within 30 days of thedate of the completion of your Wendy Wu Tours arrangements.Relevant receipts and substantiating evidence must be attached tothe letter of claim. Our complaints handling policy is available onour website wendywutours.com.au or upon request.AIRLINES Airlines featured in this <strong>brochure</strong> do not by virtue of theirendorsement represent themselves either as contracting with anypurchaser of a holiday from Wendy Wu Tours, or as having any legalrelationship with such a purchaser. Frequent flyer miles are notaccrued on packaged fares. For details, contact our office.PRIVACY We are collecting your personal information so that wecan process your booking. We will also keep you up to date withother Wendy Wu Tours’ offers and product information which maybe of interest to you if you have consented to this. You can opt outof receiving information at any time if you chose to do so. Anypersonal information you provide will be managed in accordancewith Wendy Wu Tours’ privacy policy which can be viewed atwendywutours.com.au.BROCHURE VALIDITY Tour itineraries and prices in this <strong>brochure</strong>are accurate at the time of printing and prices are based onexchange rates as at 22 July 2014. Once a customer has paid thedeposit, the standard regular price of the tour is guaranteed,subject to any increase in fuel surcharge, tipping, tax changes orlevies imposed by any government or their agencies or any airline.The prices for tours after 01 January 2016 are subject to changewithout notice. The departure dates of tours after 31 March 2016are subject to change due to future airline schedules. Wendy WuTours reserves the right to make alterations to itineraries, departuredates and prices due to circumstances beyond their control.PRICE GUARANTEE The Price Guarantee excludes current airlinefuel surcharge and tipping. The Price Guarantee applies to thestandard regular price of a deposited group tour departure only.Any costs incurred due to a change of tour or departure is theresponsibility of the customer.AGENT RESPONSIBILITIES It is the travel agents’ responsibilityto ensure that all invoice and itinerary details and documentationissued by Wendy Wu Tours are correct and that the customer isaware of amendment and cancellation conditions and otherclauses in these Booking Conditions.LAW OF CONTRACT This contract is governed by the laws of thestate of New South Wales and any legal action arising therefromshall be litigated only in the appropriate court in that state havingjurisdiction in that claim.Please note: Changes in operator land costs, airfares, taxes, fuel surcharges and currency exchange rates may affect the price of particular group tours. For these reasons, it is essential that the agent/customerreconfirms all arrangements at the time of booking and prior to paying the final payment.

Ask about our other best value China, Vietnam and India tours.ChinaTibet, Mongolia, Central Asia, Hong Kong,Macau and Singapore2015-16VietnamCambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar,Borneo and Singapore2015-16IndiaNepal, Bhutan, Sri Lankaand Singapore2015-16China 2015-16Your travel agentLevel 9, 275 George StreetSydney NSW 2000Telephone: (02) 9224 8888Reservations: 1300 727 998Documentation & Ticketing: (02) 9224 8899General Fax: (02) 9993 0444Booking and Medical FormsFax: (02) 9993 0443Email: info@wendywutours.com.auwww.wendywutours.com.auWe would like to thank all our friends, operators and staff whogenerously donated photographs for this <strong>brochure</strong>.aqua.3562© Wendy Wu Tours Pty Ltd 2014. ATAS: A10517. ABN 87 082 688 202. Member of IATA, AFTA & CATO

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