Jaaroorsig - University of the Free State

Jaaroorsig - University of the Free State

Jaaroorsig - University of the Free State


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(IKS) in November 2005. The task teamis to start <strong>the</strong> process with a workshop toinvestigate ways in which IKS can be coordinatedand integrated into curricula.A new book on Indigenous Knowledge was published in 2006: Paging through it are,from <strong>the</strong> left: Dr Otsile Ntsoane, acting Director <strong>of</strong> IKS at <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Scienceand Technology, and Pr<strong>of</strong>. Philip Nel, Director <strong>of</strong> Africa Studies and guest editor <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> publication.Teaching excellenceDr Irene Kamara from <strong>the</strong> Department<strong>of</strong> Chemistry became <strong>the</strong> first blackwoman to receive <strong>the</strong> Faculty <strong>of</strong>Natural and Agricultural Sciences’award for teaching excellence. Herskills as a lecturer are underlined by<strong>the</strong> fact that many Afrikaans-speakingstudents prefer to attend her classes,which are presented in English.’n Koshuisherplasingsbeleid, wat in2006 ingestel gaan word en sal vereis datkoshuisinwoners aan sekere kriteria,waaronder akademiese prestasie, moetvoldoen om vir herplasing te kwalifiseer,sal hopelik ook ’n uitwerking opdie deurvloeisyfer hê.Integration <strong>of</strong> IndigenousKnowledge SystemsAs part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> university’s initiative topromote a clear Africa orientation in curricula,<strong>the</strong> Executive Management approved<strong>the</strong> establishment <strong>of</strong> a task teamfor Indigenous Knowledge SystemsAs a precursor to <strong>the</strong> IKS initiative<strong>the</strong> UFS presented a colloquium on IKSin 2004 in cooperation with <strong>the</strong> NationalResearch Foundation. In October 2005<strong>the</strong> Programme for Africa Studieslaunched a comprehensive collection <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>se papers as a special edition <strong>of</strong>Indilinga: African Journal <strong>of</strong> IndigenousKnowledge Systems. Pr<strong>of</strong>. Philip Nel,Director <strong>of</strong> Africa Studies, was <strong>the</strong> guesteditor.The publication displays <strong>the</strong> range<strong>of</strong> burning questions that needs to beresolved in this field, such as mainstreamingIKS in academic debate andpractice, recognition and protection <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> knowledge holders, bio-prospectingand bio-piracy, bio- and ethnic healing,and <strong>the</strong> lack <strong>of</strong> textbooks and field manuals.It contains papers by internationalexperts on IKS such as Pr<strong>of</strong>. FritzWallner from Austria and Pr<strong>of</strong>. GayatriSpivak, foremost <strong>the</strong>orist from India.Vernuwing in onderrigDie Gesondheidsberoeperaad van Suid-Afrika het volle akkreditering aan dieFakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe sevyfjaarprogram vir die graad MB.Ch.B.verleen. Die fakulteit se Skool vir Geneeskundewas die eerste in die land wat, inooreenstemming met internasionale tendense,die verkorte kurrikulum virgeneeskunde-studente ingestel het. Dieeerste groep wat hulle vir dié programingeskryf het, het einde 2004 graad gekry.Van 2006 af word ’n magistergraadin Sportgeneeskunde by die Skool virGeneeskunde aangebied. ’n Borgskapvan R750 000 van die mediesesorggroep26

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