Jaaroorsig - University of the Free State

Jaaroorsig - University of the Free State

Jaaroorsig - University of the Free State


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ment Drama- en Teaterkuns van die bestegeriewe in die land met drie volledigtoegeruste, moderne teaters, asook ultramoderneklank- en video-ateljees.Die Navorsingsinstituut vir Onderwysbeplanning(NIOB) het ’n laboratoriumin gebruik geneem met die finansiëlesteun van die maatskappy TRACSA. Die doel van die TRAC-laboratoriumis enersyds om leerders en onderwysersbekend te stel aan die jongstetegnologie wat ingenieurs en anderwetenskaplikes in die praktyk gebruik,en andersyds, om leerders se belangstellingte prikkel sodat meer tot dienatuurwetenskapberoepe sal toetree.Meer as 1 000 leerders en 200 onderwysershet die laboratorium reeds in2005 benut.Strategic clusters, a newstrategy for researchdevelopmentThe UFS operates in an increasingly competitiveenvironment where South Africanuniversities no longer compete with <strong>the</strong>irnational counterparts only, but also internationally.A reputation for excellence hasbecome a crucial factor in attracting qualitystudents and staff, research funding ando<strong>the</strong>r forms <strong>of</strong> sponsorship.It has become imperative for <strong>the</strong> UFSto position itself, in its next phase <strong>of</strong>development, not only as a good (teachingand) research university, but as aninstitution that truly excels in certainstrategic areas or clusters <strong>of</strong> research andknowledge — whilst continuing to providegeneral support for research excellenceacross <strong>the</strong> many disciplines.In 2005 <strong>the</strong> Vice-Chancellor initiateda process to identify priority areas onwhich to focus its research. Broad consensuswas reached that <strong>the</strong> universityTRAC wakker meer belangstelling in die natuurwetenskappe aan.should align key areas <strong>of</strong> its academicand research efforts with national prioritiesthrough <strong>the</strong> introduction <strong>of</strong> fivestrategic clusters:• Enabling technologies (or technologyfor <strong>the</strong> future)• Food production and food securityfor Africa• Development (economics, health, literacyand o<strong>the</strong>r human activities)• Social transformation, and• Water resources and ecosystem management.These strategic clusters are understoodnot only as research areas, but asareas that also encompass strong undergraduateand particularly postgraduateteaching and a potentially solid scientificbasis for service learning and communityservice research.Some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> spin-<strong>of</strong>fs can have animportant impact on industrial development,and may also create a basis forcooperation with provincial, nationaland international partners. This initiativewill be developed fur<strong>the</strong>r in 2006.17

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