Jaaroorsig - University of the Free State

Jaaroorsig - University of the Free State

Jaaroorsig - University of the Free State


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ecoming. As applied to <strong>the</strong> UFS, itmeans, firstly, becoming a truly SouthAfrican university <strong>of</strong> excellence, equityand innovation; and, secondly, becominga high-quality, equitable, non-racial,non-sexist, multicultural, multilingualuniversity and place <strong>of</strong> scholarship —for South Africa and Africa.This definition <strong>of</strong> transformationcovers many dimensions and aspects <strong>of</strong>a university, including academic focusand practice, institutional culture, staffand student affairs, financial matters,community engagement, governanceand management, and more.The UFS has achieved much in terms<strong>of</strong> transformation, and is recognised as aleader in transformation in South Africa.At least three phases can be distinguishedin its transformation history.The first transformation phase tookplace in <strong>the</strong> 1990s with <strong>the</strong> introduction<strong>of</strong> parallel-medium teaching, majorchanges in <strong>the</strong> student demography and<strong>the</strong> first appointments <strong>of</strong> senior blackmanagers.The second phase, starting in <strong>the</strong> late1990s, encompassed academic andresearch revitalisation in tandem with<strong>the</strong> Financial Turnaround Strategy,growth in student numbers, continuedchange in <strong>the</strong> student pr<strong>of</strong>ile and studentleadership structures, appointment<strong>of</strong> staff from <strong>the</strong> designated groups,more inclusive management structures,and changes in <strong>the</strong> institutional culture.The third phase was characterised by<strong>the</strong> incorporation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Qwaqwa andVista Bloemfontein campuses in 2003and 2004, significant changes in staffcomposition in academic and supportservice departments, accompanied by<strong>the</strong> regular appointment <strong>of</strong> senior blackand female managers, fur<strong>the</strong>r changes ininstitutional culture, and a pioneeringapproach to community service learningand research.Said Pr<strong>of</strong>. Fourie: “The UFS has handled<strong>the</strong> first phases <strong>of</strong> transformation withdistinction, commitment and responsibility.It has shown remarkable maturityand robustness. But much more needs tobe done.“My conviction is that, for <strong>the</strong> UFS tocontinue on its chosen path <strong>of</strong> excellence,equity and innovation, <strong>of</strong> becominga great and robust university, it mustcontinue to change, whilst all <strong>the</strong> timeremaining true to its intrinsic nature as auniversity and place <strong>of</strong> scholarship.Continued relevance and excellencerequire continuing adjustment to changingcircumstances.”The need for sustaining changecomes from several fronts. The internationalhigher education environmentand landscape are changing as fast asever, and <strong>the</strong> UFS has to continue toadapt to that. The need for universitiesto adopt entrepreneurial and innovativeapproaches to survive as strong centres<strong>of</strong> scholarship, has not diminished.The new national higher educatonlandscape has changed in many ways,and will continue to change. This presentsnew challenges and opportunities.Financial constraints by government willhamper <strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> universitiesthat have failed to become financiallymore independent. Expectations in political,community and business circles arethat universities should continue tochange and transform — and at a fasterpace. There is increasing impatiencewith <strong>the</strong> pace <strong>of</strong> transformation at universities.“We must <strong>the</strong>refore continue totransform and re-engineer <strong>the</strong> UFS into ahighly proactive form. We must cultivatean ingrained habit <strong>of</strong> change andBold stepsare necessaryto take<strong>the</strong> UFS toa newphase.5

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