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IPfocus - IP UserGroup

IPfocus - IP UserGroup

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<strong>UserGroup</strong>InternationalPhysical Security & Safety Technology Forum<strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> - A Global Phenomenon“Growth in the electronic and physical securityDoing Business in Argentina..sector is often significantly outpacing growth in theAre you getting your share? economy as a whole.”Opportunities in Argentina mirror the demand forsecurity products in these high-growth markets andthe economy, demographics, infrastructure andlegal environment of all these countries.Would now be a good time to exploit the <strong>IP</strong><strong>UserGroup</strong> Latino’s unique position in the regionand join us in Buenos Aires.The <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> LatinAmerica encouragesManufacturers andResellers of PhysicalSecurity Technology tojoin them in Buenos Airesto present their wares toa knowledge andtechnology hungry audience at the coming <strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE Event.The value of the physical security market exceeds$85 million in Argentina the second largest afterMexico in Spanish speaking Latin America. Videosystems seem to be the most sought after securitycomponent, followed by Access Control andIntruder Detection, and they account for the largestspend in the physical security markets in the sixnations (Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Panamaand Venezuela). The combined market size for videosystems is reportedly $263 million (2009) andgrowing.<strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> at MexicoSecurity ExpoThe <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> was present at one of the mostimportant exhibitions of the industry in PhysicalSecurity Technology, EXPO SEGURIDAD MEXICO 2011.During the three days, the delegates, exhibitors andspeakers shared their experiences and knowledgewith friends and colleagues from more than 18countries, including Latin and Central America andthe Caribbean. The visitors also learned about thetrends in the market and what was new from experts,senior executives and leaders in the industry.Pablo Reyes – Manager <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> Latino, mademany new friends and contacts and noted thatthere is a great deal of interest in the work that the<strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> is doing across the world, butespecially in Latin America.Source SIA Latin America Security Market Report<strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE Buenos AiresThursday, May 26, 2011 - Regent Palace HotelBuenos Aires will serve as host city for our nextevent on Security Technology, <strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE ,which will take place on Thursday May 26, 2011.Located in the heart of Buenos Aires, the RegentPalace Hotel is near Liberty Plaza, Teatro Colón,Plaza San Martin and Florida Street. Due to itscentral location, the hotel is within walking distancefrom several restaurants and entertainmentcenters, and only 5 km from Jorge Newbery Airport.Pablo commented, “By providing our help to thosewho operate in enterprise-level security throughour various marketing channels and <strong>IP</strong>-in-ActionLIVE events, we can ensure that those engaged inthe market are highly qualified and keen to learnmore about the latest Security Technology”.He Added “The quality of the work we do as acompany was re-enforced when speaking withrepresentatives of the member companies of thegroup who were extremely happy with the resultsthey had achieved working with the organisation.“With the help of our partners I was able to makecontact with many of the decision makers who werevery interested in participating in the group andsaw it as an ideal route to market growth anddevelopment in the future”.EXPO SEGURIDAD also held a series of meetings tohelp strengthen partnerships and enabled Pablo tospend some time encouraging participants to getinvolved with the <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> Latin America. aswell as learn more about new and innovativetechnology.There was a lot of interest in the need for sharingexperiences and knowledge and this was confirmedwhen speaking with representatives from majorinternational manufacturers, distributors and endusers of security equipment and solutions.<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong>Companies already registered to exhibit in BuenosAires (limited space available):* Arecont Vision* BOLIDE Technology* Digiop Technologies* eConnect Inc* Exacq Technologies* Intelligence Security Systems - ISS* <strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong> Magazine* MOBOTIX AG* Pelco Inc* Quaddrix Technologies* Sony Latin America* VisionHiTechDetails: www.ipusergrouplatino.comMilan, Italy - <strong>IP</strong> Security ForumOnce again <strong>IP</strong> Usergroup International weredelighted to be invited to participate in the <strong>IP</strong>Security Forum 2011 in Milan Italy. The event was agreat success and the EthosMedia team hadattracted to most important companies andspeakers from the Security Technology field in Italyand beyond.Not only did the <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong>be exhibit, representing thecorporate and affiliate Membersof the group, But Paul Henningspresented a piece entitled '<strong>IP</strong>stands for Integration for Profit' in the mainconference session. He considered how SecurityTechnologists can utilise their key competences,skills and a creative mindset to integratealternative technologies and offer additionalapplications to their clients. Emerging technologiessuch as the latest Cloud based Access Control andTime and attendance, POS solutions, RFiD, AssetTracking, Smart Card and the move to smart-phoneapplications within the security sector. How to builda relationship with the new breed of Hi-Tech AlarmMonitoring Centres and also discuss the manner inwhich these alternative yet associated solutionscan be introduced to the client and where "Valuecan be added" and "additional profit" derived.Get involved with the <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> - more details - www.ipusergroup.com

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