IPfocus - IP UserGroup

IPfocus - IP UserGroup

IPfocus - IP UserGroup

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<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong>Alarm & Video MonitoringWinsted Reaches New Heights with the AscendTechnical furniture specialists Winsted, has taken control roomconsole design to new heights with the launch of the new Ascendconsole, being shown for the first time in the UK at IFSEC 2011.The Ascend, the latest addition to Winsted’sPrestige Series of consoles, features electricleg lifts offering three programmable heightsettings enabling operators to quickly andeasily adjust the work surface height with thetouch of a button for ultimate versatility andoptimum comfort.Also on display at the event will be Winsted’s M-View monitor wall, never shown before on UKsoil. The M-View is a completely modularviewing solution suited for any control roomenvironment.Each M-View is designed and manufactured bythe company to support your specific monitorconfiguration and fit in your unique space. Themonitor wall can support any size screen andcan be configured as an in-line, concave, orconvex mounting solution. The M-Viewseamlessly integrates technology and space tooptimise viewing angles to deliver maximumThis new software was specifically developed forintegrated security management of companieshaving critical infrastructures, including forexample industrial complexes, heavy industry,chemicals and pharmaceuticals, power generationand distribution, oil and gas, public transportation,ports and airports.Siveillance ELS Vantage is exceptional because itsupports all processes and procedures of a modernsecurity organization, adapting without difficulty tocustomer-specific requirements and policies. Thesystem reduces risks and the effects of potentialdamage within companies which in turn saves themmoney.The open interfaces enable diverse securitysystems such as access control, video surveillance,intelligent video, fire detection, emergency callstations, telephone and others to be integratedwithout difficulty. Combining the features of anadvanced Command & Control center yieldsefficient and professional security management.The necessary security processes are thereby10_issue 30viewing, operator comfort and productivity.Winsted’s range of consoles and M-Viewmonitor walls combine seamlessly to delivermodular solutions for the workflow demands ofany control room operation.See Winsted at IFSEC; the world's largest globalannual security event from the 16th – 19th May,NEC Birmingham, on stand E40, hall 5.Winsted the CompanySince its inception in 1963, Winsted hasconsistently been a pioneer in console designand development. The companies productconcept and design is driven by industry needsand demands, with many product ideassuggested by customers and developed withtheir input.A dominant factor in the U.S markets for manyyears, Winsted expanded into overseas marketsin 1975, primarily in England. In 1976 thecompany began concentrated efforts toestablish distribution in the Far East.Winsted’s international distribution was firmlyestablished in 1984 with the formation ofWinsted Ltd, UK. Since then Winsted Ltd hasbecome a marketing and manufacturing facilityserving the European, Middle East and Africanmarkets. With an ever expanding globalnetwork of distributors, Winsted is in anexcellent position to satisfy and support itsrapidly growing international client base.Command & Control Siemens StyleSiemens keeps security in focus at modern Command & Controlcenters. With Siveillance ELS Vantage Siemens by introducinganother innovative solution for Command & Control centers.entirely covered. This means it automaticallydisplays alarms and messages relayed fromsubsystems, and emergency calls can be answereddirectly. An integrated user experience viainteractive prompts enables rapid awareness ofsituations even under duress. The system alsorecommends a course of action for handlingparticular events, facilitating subsequent command,control and tracking of measures.Recovery and analysis of incidents can be easilyachieved following an event; thus optimizing asecurity organization and its procedures. A systemuser can arrange the work station to theirindividual needs. The new software from Siemensdisplays all information in an innovative singlescreen view. The familiar “classic” Command &Control center design with three screens is alsoavailable.By making all information relevant to a specificevent available, such as the storage of hazardousgoods in the vicinity, security personnel are able tograsp the current situation quickly. The on-sitesituation is displayed graphically not only viabuilding plans, but also using a GeographicInformation System (GIS), in 2D or even 3D. Displayoptions are complemented through videointegration, including the control of video walls.Companies having complex and widespreadinfrastructures or several locations can therebyoptimize their security processes. For companieshaving critical infrastructures, disturbance-freeoperation is a vital requirement, and predefinedsecurity guidelines are therefore indispensable.Detailed action plans are consequently prepared fora wide range of possible incidents and scenarios.The solution adapts to these individual needs andguidelines, thereby significantly reducing theresponse time in case of an event and minimizingpotential for human error. Siveillance ELS Vantagemakes round-the-clock Command & Control centeroperation possible. High availability and operationalstability of the system are thus safeguarded so thatno alarms are missed.A role-based user structure allows operators toallocate tasks according to spatial, topical or time.A fully web-based architecture enables the systemfor use in both centralized and decentralizedorganizations. Updates and upgrades are carriedout easily without having to interrupt normalsystem operation.

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